Tied Up in Knotts Ch. 01


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Lee suddenly perked up.

"Oh hey, are you free tomorrow?" he asked, full of hope. "We're having a lunch interview with two potential lawyers and I doubt Chambers will hire anyone until you've met them."

I smiled at his sarcasm and his lip curled in the most irresistible way, making me laugh. For one, he was just too much to handle some times, but also, the law firm needing me to vet out the hiring process always made me laugh.

It all started seven years ago or so. Over the course of a year, they'd had a string of terrible hires. I happened to be at the office a few times and met a few of the hopefuls. I told Lee my initial impressions; two I thought were no good and one I really liked. As it turned out, they'd hired the two fools and dismissed the one I liked. Lee had mentioned something in passing so Chambers, as a joke, invited me to be on the next panel.

I don't know if it was from working or if I had a natural knack, but I always got a feeling when I met people. I just knew when they were genuine, fake, sleazy, liars, or manipulators.

It didn't take Chambers long to see my knack. He stopped doing official hiring panels and started doing lunches so I could interact with applicants without them feeling so much pressure. Since I didn't work for the firm, they weren't nearly as intimidated by me as they were of them. That meant I had a better chance to feel them out.

The benefit for me was two-fold. One, Lee didn't work with so many dipshits and was usually in a better mood. Two, I loved food and lunch was always at a really nice restaurant.

"It's Monday," I groaned.

Monday was club day. One of the busiest days of the week for me. I spent the day prepping for an evening filled with fifty to one hundred kids.

"I know," he looked apologetic. "I told them that much but it was the only day that works for everyone. Is there no way you can make it work? It will be weeks before everyone can align their schedules again," Lee laid his chin on my chest and pouted.

"What restaurant?"

"Becks," he smiled mischievously. He knew he had me.

I groaned and rolled off the bed. I pulled on my boxers and a pair of athletic shorts then looked at him, again.


He nodded.

"One condition."

"Anything!" he exclaimed.

"Come play basketball at the Community Center with me."

"Oh c'mon," he whined, flopping back on the bed like a pouty child. You'd think I asked him to sell his mom.

"Monday's don't come cheap."

He got out of bed with a frown but slowly got dressed. We didn't live far so we jogged there. There were three mini basketball courts outside and they were all taken. Luckily, they were all high schoolers and we were quickly invited to join a game. Lee lasted thirty minutes before he surrendered and joined a few of the kids who were sitting on the bench.

I played for two more hours until everyone was tired. I was drenched in sweat but felt great. There was something about exerting myself that left me feeling awesome, endorphins or something. Lee wasn't as passionate about being active, but he did it for me and I loved him for it.

We spent the rest of the day at home doing boring things that are required by the laws of adulthood; grocery shopping, laundry, budgeting, cleaning, etc. That evening we both worked on our computers; Lee working on a case and me prepping for club.

It wasn't exciting but I loved the routine we had. It was real. There wasn't anything I loved more in life than that. I didn't need shiny things or illusions of happiness. What Lee and I had was a happy, authentic life.


I woke up earlier than normal since lunch was going to cut several hours from my day. I ran six miles. I had always run, but this time I was training. I was trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I wasn't worried. I was confident I'd make a qualifying time. That didn't mean I wasn't nervous. The Seattle Marathon was fast approaching and I hadn't progressed as far into my training as I would've liked. Work was busy. If I didn't qualify, I wasn't sure when or where the next race would be that could determine my eligibility for Boston.

When I got back from my run, Lee was leaving for work. I kissed him goodbye and went straight to work. I contacted all of my volunteer leaders and went over the game plan for club. I prepped games and confirmed the dinner menu, which was so graciously cooked by our 'kitchen fairies'. God bless the old ladies that find joy in cooking for a hundred kids.

By the time lunch rolled around I had accomplished a lot.

I pulled into the parking lot at the same time as Lee and his gang of suit-wearing sharks. I stuck out like a sore thumb in my commoner clothes.

"You could have tried a little," Lee said softly as he leaned into me. He was referring to my lack of formal wear.

"I haven't dressed up for these lunches in years," I laughed. "It's why they feel comfortable around me. I'm not threatening at all."

He dropped it. He knew I was right.

The lobby was what you'd expect from a restaurant of Becks caliper. It was modern yet elegant without being pretentious. I watched the two women who were vying for the job. Both were classically good looking. One was more outgoing than the other. After observing for a few minutes, I introduced myself.

Lunch was perfect. I sat near both Lydia and Kathy but mostly watched as others led the time. Occasionally, I'd chit chat with them. The food came and I almost forgot why I was there. It was out of this world delicious. Like always.

"So?" Chambers asked after everyone had left.

"What do you think?" I asked, turning the tables on him.

This was a game with us. Chambers desperately wanted to get it right. He wanted to pick the right person.

His eyes darted nervously.

"Kathy?" It was more of a question than an answer.


Chambers rolled his eyes. "Because I just know you're going to pick her."

"That's a terrible answer," I laughed. "It means nothing if you don't know why I'd pick her. Or why you should pick her."

"Whatever. Don't waste my billable hours. Tell me who I'm hiring," his voice was firm but he was smiling.

"They'd both make great additions," I told him. "There's nothing wrong with either one."


"But," I mocked with a smile. Knowing I had to name one as the winner. "Kathy."

Chambers' eyes lit up. He started flailing his arms in the air and dancing like a lunatic.

"I knew it!" He shouted, pointing at me like I had doubted him or something. "I was right!"

"You were right," I confirmed, then laughed when he smiled even brighter.

Eric Chambers owned the law firm. He was in his late fifties and thrice divorced. He was handsome for a silver fox and funny as all hell. He had this terrifying persona but he was always relaxed with me and I enjoyed being around him. Lee hated it although he never said anything. I also think Lee was kind of terrified of Chambers. He may have been jealous, who knows? Chambers was also a big supporter of YEVO. As a non-profit, a big portion of my job was raising support. Chambers was a big supporter.

"Why Kathy?" he asked as he calmed down from his childish behavior.

"She's sharp. She listens and pays attention. While Lydia was gaining attention, Kathy was gaining knowledge. She'll keep you on your toes. Plus, I get a really good vibe from her. She's good people," I explained. "But Lydia was great, too. If you had room for two, they'd be a great duo," I added.

"I'll think about it," he said, reaching out for a handshake. "Thanks for coming, you know how much I appreciate it. Now go, I know it's Monday."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I walked over to where Lee was talking to a couple of associates and kissed him goodbye before rushing back to the truck and taking off.


Mondays were always crazy. Dinner is ready by six-thirty and club starts at seven-twenty-nine. There were a lot of kids who had parents who didn't pay much attention to them. That meant I was a part-time chauffeur. I arrived at the clubhouse with a full load. We ate, listened to music, and had a good time. Then club started and we played games, breaking the social walls down. It was a highlight of my life to see kids...be kids. To see them having fun. There was something about our time together that brought out a certain innocence. They didn't feel so much pressure to impress and they got to be themselves. At the end of the night, I'd give the club talk. I'd share a story from my life and give them encouragement, let them know they weren't alone. Some of the kids got picked up after, the rest we took home. Club finished around eight-thirty but I never got home before ten.

Tonight was no exception, I came rolling in at ten-thirty with nothing left to give. Lee was already lying in bed typing away on his laptop but he paused and closed the laptop when I arrived.

"How was club?" he asked.

"Long," I sighed, "but so good. Almost one-hundred-twenty kids."

"No shit." He was impressed.

I stripped my clothes and crawled into bed.

"I'm meeting with Paul tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it, he's been such an ass lately."

Paul was the Yevo Committee Chair. His dad pretty much founded the Lincoln chapter back in the eighties and almost single-handedly financed it through the good times and the bad. When I first came on as Director, Paul and I got along great. Lately, not so much. He'd been riding my ass about everything. Every time I try to come up with ideas or solutions, he'd shoot them down. I felt like I was banging my head into a wall.

"What's going on?" Lee frowned.

"I don't know, honestly. He seems irritated with me lately. I've confronted him a few times. He denies any issue. He's driving me mad. The worst part is, he's not even in charge! I'm on staff. I work for Yevo. He's on the committee, his job is to support me, not work against me."

I could feel the frustration build. I disliked how things had changed between him and I. Lee reached over and caressed my arm.

"Don't let him get to you. You're doing amazing things. Maybe he's jealous, I don't know." he shrugged.

"It's just frustrating," I groaned as I snuggled deeper into bed.

Lee put his computer on the floor, turned off the lamp, and snuggled against me.

"I know. I'm sure it's just a phase", he soothed. "You guys will be back to normal soon.

I hoped so.

I asked Lee about his day. He always told me more than he legally should. He might've been bound by confidentiality but I was his husband. We always joked that he'd sworn an oath to me, first.

"Well," he started, I could tell he was excited about his day in the office. "The Knott's came in today. Joyce Hallerman—"

"They did work for Joyce?!"

We all knew Joyce Hallerman, she was a lunatic. A sue happy lunatic. No one ever did work for her, or anything for that matter, because she'd find a reason to sue you over it.

I turned on my side and stared at Lee, dumbfounded. The Knott's were smart. Doing work for Joyce was not.

"What happened?" I asked, hanging on every word.

"They were at her place a few months back doing a pretty extensive renovation. Logan did most of the renovation but Ryan did all the foundation work and poured a new patio and, of course, Penn did all the septic."

"Since when did Penn start doing septic? I thought he did underwater welding or something crazy like that?"

Lee laughed and I smiled. He was beautiful.

"He did or...does?" He sounded unsure but quickly shrugged it off. "I think he still does it a bit, but a few years back he bought T&W Septic," he looked at me in confusion, "I thought we talked about this?"

"No," I rolled my eyes, "I would've remembered."

"The fact T&W changed to PK Septic didn't tip you off?"

Now that I thought about it, I did remember the name change, though I had no idea that PK was Penn Knott.

"Sure, I guess you could put two and two together," I joked.

"Anyway, Joyce is claiming they destroyed everything. Her house, her yard—everything."

"Isn't that the nature of the business? You have to tear it down to build it up."

Lee nodded and laughed at the irony of it.

"When they decided to take her on, we wrote up a pretty tight contract, specifically with her in mind. Judging by the look on her face during mediation today, she hadn't read the contract. She wants to push forward. If she does, it won't be in her favor."

I leaned in and kissed his lips. I loved his hardcore lawyer side. It was such a stark difference from his gentle home side.

"So, I'm guessing Logan was there?" I wiggled my brows, teasingly.

Where Ryan was my straight fantasy, Logan was Lee's and he was terrible at hiding his crush. He practically drooled from the mouth whenever he saw him, hung on the guys every word, and followed him around hopelessly when they were in the same room.

The best part of it all was the fact that Logan had no clue. Maybe he'd just acclimated to that kind of attention. Lee wasn't the only one who lusted after the guy.

"Boy was he. You should've seen him," Lee's eyes got all dreamy. "He must've come in straight from a job. All dirty, grimy, and sexy as all hell—"

"Down boy," I teased, kissing him and covering him with my slightly larger frame. I could only assume it wasn't me that had made him so hard. "Should I be worried?" I asked, feigning worry. Which I wasn't, not in the slightest.

"If Logan came up to me and was like, 'Hey Lee, wanna fuck?' my pants would be off before he could even blink."

"You're such a slut," I laughed.

Lee was smiling at me. I couldn't help but think about how much I loved him. He was timid, yet playful. Overly serious and anal about so many things, yet I found it endearing. His best attribute was his ability to balance me out. Our best attribute was that we balanced each other.

"Just for Logan—and you," he added after a brief pause, making me growl for being runner up.

Except I wasn't. We might joke about Ryan and Logan, but that's all it was, a joke. When it came to Lee and me, it was only the two of us. Logan might make Lee a tongue-tied idiot, but that's all it'd ever be.


The next day I woke up and put on my running attire. I looked at myself in the mirror as I pulled the black, long-sleeved running shirt onto my body. I couldn't help but smile. I always wore the same thing; black. The kids dubbed me the ninja runner and often playfully made fun of the fact that I basically wore a spandex suit. A glorified superhero. I draped headphones around my neck then grabbed a headband from the bowl—pulling it over my head and then pushing it back in an effort to control my hair. I'd been so busy that I hadn't had a hair cut in a while. My platinum blonde hair was more shaggy than usual. It was also super straight and bounced in my face when I ran, which is why I always wore a headband. I know I looked like a fool with my straight hair sticking out in every direction.

I pulled the door closed behind me as I stepped out into the cool, crisp morning. We lived in a quiet subdivision on the north side of town. The houses were new, not giant but respectable in size and appearance. In a county that had a high level of low poverty kids, our neighborhood was considered upscale and was highly sought after.

I walked by the nice homes with large, manicured yards and nice cars parked outside. We had great neighbors including two local police officers, Sheriff Carlson, the youth pastor from our church, and Paul, my YEVO Committee Chairman. When I neared the end of the street I put in my earbuds and started running west.

Highway 101 ran along the Oregon coastline, right through the heart of Lincoln. It was the only way in or out. Lincoln wasn't a cute, quaint coastal town like you see in the movies, but it wasn't trash either. Downtown was a tourist trap that was decorated with small businesses that catered to the guests; eateries, ice cream parlors, and candy shops. It was an area that not a lot of locals visit because parking sucked and they sold mostly souvenirs and overpriced merchandise.

I barely heard a car horn over the playlist that was beating in my ears. I looked up to see my friend Steve drive by. We didn't hang in the same circles but we went to school together and that was good enough for both of us. He smiled and waved before passing by.

Running on the highway is like trying to grocery shop, there were always people passing by. I'd already waved at a dozen people when two of Ryan's work trucks passed by. I didn't recognize the occupants of the first truck but the second truck were two dads of kids in YEVO. I saw a couple of Logan's trucks pass by followed by one of Penn's. For some reason that made me laugh. Until that moment, I hadn't seen any of Penn's trucks. I had a feeling I'd be seeing them all over now that I was aware of them.

I picked up my pace. My heart was racing and my legs were aching from the exertion but I felt great. Plus, I was smiling. It wasn't even eight in the morning and I'd already seen all three Knott brothers. I was casually thinking about their family and how close they were. I loved my own family but we weren't overly close, for a lot of reasons. I wasn't a jealous person but I craved the community that the Knotts shared. I knew a lot of people and had a lot of friends, but no one came to cheer when I ran marathons. No one came to my speaking engagements or any of the countless things I did for the kids or the community. There were a lot of people who supported what I did, but not a lot of people who supported me.

I was lost in my thoughts when I saw a truck veering off the road and right toward me. Instinctively, I leaped for safety, rolling once or twice before landing on my feet. My chest was heaving from adrenaline as I glanced back at the truck only to see Ryan laughing back.

He'd done it on purpose and I had overreacted. He wasn't nearly as close as I thought. In my defense, I reacted out of fear for my life.

Before I could flip him off, he was driving past. I turned as he drove by until he was nothing but tail lights. He must've seen me watching him in the rearview mirror because his arm shot out the window and he raised his fingers in a casual wave. I conceded to his charm and waved in return.

I was too big, both in age and size, to feel that giddy about a fantasy crush trying to run me over.

The rest of the run was uneventful, not that anything could top almost dying. But whatever high I had while running vanished when I got ready for my meeting with Paul.

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justanotherspectatorjustanotherspectatorover 2 years ago

I am intrigued, looking forward to finishing another series of yours. I think this kind of start is unique among the stories i have read on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I literally sqealed when i saw you hsd a new story, i read your other stories and they were amazing,!!!! I have some speculations about where this is going, why do i feel like lee is cheating with paul and that's why paul is being shitty to nash. I hope I'm wrong cuz i love their relationship right now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I definitely want to see where this story goes- I have a feeling it won’t be as perfect as implied. I do want to offer some feedback: as with your other stories, we’ve been introduced to at least a dozen characters so far- many of whom I assume aren’t integral to the plot. Perhaps less is more? It gets a bit confusing when there’s so many players. Nash is so well written, so don’t feel like every single side character needs the same write-up treatment.

MrsgnomieMrsgnomiealmost 4 years agoAuthor
Name mistake

Yes; I Messed up on Logan’s name. I thought I changed it but clearly I missed it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Great start to this story......love Nash, and hopefully his life will go on happily.....I am sure the build of their lives will be interesting.............

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I loved your other stories and am super excited for this one! Nash seems like a great and genuine guy. Hope his story will have a happy ending although I have a feeling it won't be with Lee 🤔

I was a bit confused about the Knott brothers at first but I guess you renamed Nathan/Logan..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great start

I for one am looking forward to more. You’re other two stories have been amazing and you bring deeply to this site. Also, it’s a chapter. The chapter was boring (and I didn’t think so) not a story.

MrsgnomieMrsgnomiealmost 4 years agoAuthor

Yes, it is a slower burn. It’s not for everyone here on LitE.

lonelyheartVAlonelyheartVAalmost 4 years ago
I think I missed something.

Sorry but that story was boring.

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