Time Never Waits Pt. 09


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They looked at me, making sure I was serious. Then each loiked the over before choosing their favorites. The safety checked them. Then set about admiring their chosen models.

They went to put them back, but I stopped them.

"Y'all can have those if you want them."

They simply stared at me in confusion.

I nodded toward some cases against the wall,

"Go get cases and take them with you."

One had chosen an early Winchester High Grade Model 70 in 300 H&H Magnum. The other a Ruger No. 1 chambered in 30/06. It had been lightly engraved. Both beautiful rifles. They selected cases, cased the guns, set them aside, and went to finish bringing in the luggage.

After they finished, I gave them each $1000 of a stack sitting on the shelf by the door.

"Thank you sir, this is just too much."

"Don't mention it."

They headed back to the courtyard and resumed their post, leaning the rifles against the wall in the shadows. It felt good to do for them. I'd been blessed with more luck than I ever imagined possible.

I resumed my seat, looking for Lupe. It was past shift change. She wasn't around. I knew she'd be out soon. I imagine she was seeing to the women inside. Making her rounds. I got up and headed to the bar. I looked at the dealer, he was checking out the pool.

"Hey, you want a drink?"

"Sure, whatever your having."

"I'm doing a double of piss from the virgin pussy of a nun."

He shrugged and laughed,

"Works for me."

I made us a couple of double Beam and Cokes. In the plastic glasses, remembering Consuela's orders.

I was headed back when Lupe came out. She had Juanita with her. I saw her look at the younger guard and smile, making him look away, blushing.

I handed the dealer his.

"Jump in if you want. There's suits in the cabana."

"Hell, why not."

He headed over and went in, changing. I heard the helicopter approaching.

Sitting down, I hollered at Juanita,

"Bring me a suitcase, satchel, or something from in the house, please."

She left and came back with a suitcase. I stacked the cash in it ahd set it on the ground next to me.

I saw Lupe cleaning up around the bar.

"Lupe, music please! Then come over here."

She lit everything up, put on some traditional coastal Mexican music, then fixed herself a Coke and came over.

"Sit down." I looked at the guard."Is that Jimmy?"

"Thaaaat's him."

I looked over at him,

"Jimmy! Front and center!"

I could tell he wanted to hide. But, he came over."

"Have a seat."

He sat.

"OK, it seems as if you've had something of an impact on this young lady here. Is this intentional or perhaps accidental?"

"It's, uh, well..."

"Right, none of my business."

"No, that's not what I was gonna say. I just meant that I wasn't sure how you felt about employees fraternizing."

"Oh, well, if that's all that's holding you back, then I don't have a problem with it, so long as it doesn't effect your job performance."

He lit up on that one.

"OK, y'all get the fuck away from my table."

I've had a notion that's been disturbing me all day. I decided to settle it. I focused on the dealer and sent him a simple set of directions. They began with him coming to my table. Which he immediately did. I looked him in the eyes,

"You know, I can deal with a lot of things. The things I won't tolerate are disrespect, arrogance, thieving and lying. Which of those have you been doing to me?"

He stared at me with absolute fear in his eyes. He wanted to deflect the question. To lie.

"Right, you stoled from me and lied about it, didn't you?"

"But, how did you know?"

"Well, it's a simple matter of volume. Those suitcases. Only one of them was full. The rest were missing cash. We initially agreed on your commission coming in at $91,680,000. Right?"

"Yes, but..."

I held up a hand.

The amount missing from them is determined by the number of stacks of bills missing as compared to the full one. Heighth and width times the number per bundle. I'm a physicist by education and training, with an emphasis on advanced theoretical quantum physics. Of course, that level of education doesn't exist during this era. But in the 21st century, it's a common discipline among men such as myself. Now that I don't expect you to understand. So, I'll say this with all the honest sincerity I'm able to muster. I don't like being played. So, is there any particular reason why you lied to me about the agreed upon sum being fair and sufficient? Enough so that you told me agreed up price was $250,000,000? Then you took the additional $50,000,000, bringing the total deduction to $140,680,000?"

"I just thought that... Well, I figured that what you got was more than enough and..."

"So, you insulted my intelligence and lied to me. You know, you're absolutely right, it was enough. It's just not enough to brook you lying to me. Stealing from me. So, where's it at?"

"In the trunk of my car."

"Go get it and bring it here."

His face paled as he realized he'd fucked himself in his attempt to fuck me.

He turned and went out the gate. Returning shortly with two large suitcases then set them down.

"Open them up."

After he did, I sized up the number. It appeared to be about right.

Looking at him, I considered my next move. I didn't give two shits about the money laying at my feet. So, my decision was based on the concept that if I let him walk away unscathed, soon enough he'd be doing two things. Flashing that money around and bragging about how smart he figured himself to be by getting away with it.

Then everybody and their brother would think it was okay to fuck me over. Nope. He gets nothing.

I pulled my wallet out and took out a dollar bill and handed it to him.

"That, coupled with the gold I gave you on credit will be your cut."

"But, that's gone already. I had loans to pay, and, I..."

"You've sold that gold already?"

Realizing what he just said, he almost panicked.

"Yes, but..."

"So, why haven't you paid me for it yet?"

"Well, it's like I said, I had bills and..."

"Gambling debts no doubt. No, you don't get to fuck me like that."

I motioned to the guards, the immediately came over. I hated to interrupt Jimmy and Lupe, but, I needed their assistance.

"Escort him out the gate, please."

That was the last I ever saw him. I did hear later that his wife left him and took up with one of his creditors.

Alice, Dave and a stranger came out. The stranger under tight guard bringing up the rear. I turned to Lupe and held my glass up. Then motioned for the guards to come over. They'd just handed off the dealer to other guards for removal.

I had them carry the heavy suitcases to the office. Lupe brought my drink. Dave and Alice ordered theirs. I motioned for the guards to bring the stranger up and get his seated. Dave introduced him.

"Boss, this is my replacement at the bank, Joeseph Grollier."

I held my hand out.

"Pleased to meet you, sir. Travis Miller."

He ignored my hand, glaring around.

"Is this how all your guwsts are treated? As if they're common criminals?"

I pulled my hand back,

"No sir, only the ones that are an unknown quantity. I offer my apologies for any embarrassment caused you." I nodded to the guards. They left quietly. "Might I interest you in refreshment? We have most anything."

He paused a few moments, focusing on his breathing, calming himself. The began again.

"My sincere apologies, Mr Miller. This was all just quite unexpected."

"Absolutely, Mr Grollier. No need to apologize."

"Well, if I may, I'd like to start over here."

He held his hand out. I accepted it.

"Now, yes, I'd love to have a Mojito, if I may."

I looked at Lupe, she smiled warmly at our guest and hurried off.

I looked around.

"Anybody need the bathroom? Are you hungry?"

Alice spoke up,

"I'm starving."

I hit the intercom,

"I need someone from the kitchen, please."

I looked over at her,

"Allow me to complete my business here, and we'll get caught up."

She nodded and moved to another table. I heard the door open. Angel came out. I pointed to Alice. Behind her, Angela, mom, Grams and Ruth filed out. Followed a moment later by Marilyn and Victoria. They was wearing bikinis.

I turned back to the men. Readhing down, I picked up the case holding the twelve million. I opened it ip, extracted the two million, and slid it over to the new bank manager.

"My payment, sir.'

He stared at the money as if it were something he couldn't understand.

"Your payment?"

"Yes, I sat down with Sabrina today. This was the amout she said I owed the bank. Dave didn't explain the arrangement I have with the bank?"

"Oh, indeed he did. That's something we need to discuss. I'm afraid the nature of that arrangement will have to, ummm, well, we can no longer accommodate you in that capacity."

I just nodded and looked at Dave. He just shrugged. Well, OK then, Mr Grollier, have it your way.

I spent the next minute rearranging his thoughts on our arrangement. Afterward, he was one hundred percent on board.

"You were saying, Mr Grollier?"

"Please, call me Joe. Of course the bank looks forward to a long and fruitful relationship."

I nodded, satisfied, then spent the next two drinks bringing him up to date on my program. When I finished, he stared at me in amazement.

"I must say, that is indeed a solid business plan. Please, know the bank remains at your service any time."

I nodded in satisfaction again.

"That brings me to the conclusion of our business tonight."

I slid each of them a stack each of the million.

"This is just a bonus. My way of thanking y'all for your hard work."

That brought on smiles all around.

"Now gentleman, please enjoy my every hospitality."

Dave took the hint. He gathered up the cash and took Joe away. I motioned for Alice to come over.

"OK, so, how did it go?"

"Well, better, and worse at the same time, as I expected. They threw a fit because I'm leaving in the middle of some high profile cases. I turned over everything, did a quick exit interview, and said as little as possible. I did shred all my case work I'd done on you before announcing my resignation. It's been totally deleted. Anyhow, they weren't happy, but, oh well."

"Any regrets yet?"

"God no. I actually feel free again. I've been under their thumb for so long I forgot what it felt like to feel normal. I look forward to being a part of what you're building here."


Angel appeared with her breakfast. Two eggs over easy, bacon, sourdough toast.

"Well, enjoy your breakfast. We'll get you integrated into the team after you're finished."

I headed into the office, seeing Dave and Joe at the bar. They had changed into shorts. Good, enjoy it. Getting to the office, Sharon was engaged in full combat with someone on the phone. Alicia was on the floor next to the nanny who was sitting against the wall.

I walked over to her. Alicia jumped up and down until I picked her up. She cupped my face in her tiny hands, looked at me briefly, then did what the women did to her.

She kissed me. Problem is, she closed her eyes and missed her target, winding up depositing baby slobber on my right eye.

Great, just wonderful.

I kissed her forehead. She squeaked in her excited voice,

"I missed you!"

Ok, that tore it. Melt to goo, exit stage left. God, she was precious. She actually helped me maintain a certain modicum amount of hope for the human race.

I put her down and she hugged my leg. I went and got a tissue from Sharon's desk to clean the calf slobber from my eye. Satisfied that I'd not suffer any long term medical conditions from the attack, I turned my attention to Sharon. She looked up at me, cradled the phone with her shoulder, dug in her purse and extracted a bottle of eye drops and handed them to me.

I applied them, handed it back and gestured questioningly at the phone.

"I'm on hold. This guy at the company building some of your equipment called.He's bitching about something about a reverse Moses filter thing. Say's he underbid the material and wants more money. Apparent'y he misjudged the size of the thing when he took the job."

I reached for the phone and she handed it to me. I waited and a male voice came back on. I interrupted him.

"Sir, this is Travis Miller. What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, when I first bid the job, I was under the mistaken impression we could make existing membrane filters work. So we built everything else, but the filters just can't keep up with the flow of the thing. I'm not sure how we missed it. But after I started rasing hell, it turns out one of my engineers recognized the problem and toik it to the department head. He buried it to keep from fucking up the deadline and tried to pass the buck to someone else. Anyway, I just canned his ass and promoted the one who caught it to his desk. Long story short, the filters you need simply don't exist in that size. I have to build them. I know we fucked up and I can eat some of the cost, but not all of it. I'm truly sorry about this."

"Ok, so how much are we talking about here, total, retooling and everything?"

"Close to 500k with the new equipment upgrades required."

"How much time we talking about?"

"Well, you originally authorized the 24/7 with overtime. But that was for my production employees. I've kept engineering and the like on regular hours to eliminate a lot of cost overrun on labor. But they can do the engineering at regular hours. The problem here is none of my people are qualified to accomplish the upgrades without extensive training. We're talking months here. That leaves the OEM techs and those motherfuckers are quoting me a giggle amount of cash to do it. They can get it done in a week, maybe five days. Forgive my language."

I laughed,

"No problem. So, do you have faith in their ability to get it done?"

"To sum it up, yes, yes I do."

"How much longer to complete the job including their time, and yours, that includes installing it on site, testing and commissioning it into production phase?"

"Say a week for them, then seven to maybe ten days on the outside on my end."

"OK, so, a couple weeks, give or take?"

"Yeah, roughly speaking."

"OK then, get it done. I'll authorize the extra money. But, I hope we don't have to experience a repeat of this conversation."

"Thanks. So how much I gotta eat on it?"

"Nothing. Just remember me when it comes time to change out those filters."

"You got it sir, I'll back burner everybody else when you need anything."

"Outstanding. I'll treat your whole crew to a company barbecue here at the ranch. I appreciate y'alls hard work."

He was silent for a moment.

"God, I wish all my clients were like you."

"Keep in touch."

Then I handed the phone back to Sharon.

The nanny came over with a paper listing shots for Alicia. Sharon looked them over.

"How much is all this crap," Sharon asked.

I just interrupted.

"Get them done. You might want to add in rabies vaccination to that. Little heathen."

I just walked away chuckling. God, I needed to get into some pussy right now. I headed back out to the courtyard. The women were all in the pool with the exception of Angela and Alice. They were sitting and talking. It appeared to be a cordial engagement, so I left it alone.

I went to the bar and got a drink. Dave and Joe appeared to be well on the way to Happyville. I took my drink, stripped off my shirt and waded into the pool.

Mom came over to me.

"Son, you've outdone yourself on this renovation."

I smiled at her appreciation.

"So, what about all that crap in the tents out front? I was under the impression that an auction was iminent?"

"Well, I put it off. Apparently there's a bunch of estate sales slated and I don't want to compete for buyers. We were discussing next Saturday and Sunday. Evidently the schedule is clear. Speaking of sales, the antique lady dropped of a check yesterday. $10,000. I almost pissed my panties. I guess the antique business is rather lucrative if that's your cut. Apparently she still has a lot more to move."

"Well, y'all figure out what to do with it."

She nodded, and caught me looking at Grams.

"Oh shit. I've seen that look before, right before you shoved that big fucking gut wrench of yours up my twat. I'm guessing my mother is about to serve as your cum receptacle."

"You are most perceptive, my dear mother. If you'll excuse me..."

I went and sat my drink down and waded over to my grandmother. She was wearing a blue flowery one piece that left most of he big tits exposed, and accentuated her plump little belly and pubic mound. Her long gray hair was piled up in a thick bun and held in place by a hair clip.

I could see her thick nipples straining at the thin material. Her age lines looking prominent in the bright sunlight. My cock began to respond to her body and the memories of how it felt to be inside her.

I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, cuppihg her pendulous tits in my hands. She leaned her head back, allowing me access to her body.

"I take it you have an itch to pump your old grandma's twat full of cum, unless I miss my guess."

"Nope, you're dead on, Grams."

As I ground my swollen cock against her shapely old ass.

"Well, let's head in before you change your mind."

I slapped her ass as we waded out. Earning a little squeal of delight. "Nope. Grams, I'll take your pussy over might near any of them around, that's prime stuff between your legs."

We headed to her bedroom. Watching her large elderly tits swaying within the confines of her thin swimsuit had my cock dripping copious amounts of precum with every heartbeat induced throb.

It had been a while since I'd savored her matronly pussy and the anticipation of sinking into her tight confines had my breath tight and rapid.

We went in and I closed the door as she stripped off her swimsuit. Her sagging breasts now free to roam in their pendulous splendor.

Wasting no time, she laid on the bed and spread her legs, inviting me to breed her. I dropped my shorts and allowed my cock to adjust to its new found freedom. Its thick eleven plus inches coated and glistening in my pheromone rich addictive precum.

I mounted her, crawling between her widely spread legs.

She reached down and grasped my cock, gently massaging it as she nestled the angrily swollen head amongst her soft, for lined pussy lips, she pressed on my hips with her heels, eagerly wanting penetration.

She raised her hand to her lips and began licking my precum off deposited there from guiding me into her body. She closed her eyes and moaned at the sweet, sticky flavor as the fluid coated her mouth.

I pressed into her as she instinctively used her cunt muscles to tighly clamp down on my invading hardness. Her hips gently moving to enhance the friction on my cock.

When I was fully embedded within her, I started a gentle stroking, wanting to prolong the experience. She was nibbling and kissing my neck and face before kissing me with her thinning lips. She found my tongue and started sucking on it, lashing her own tongue against. She knew this drove me wild when she did this.

My cock swelled and surged at the pleasure she gave me. Her hands slid down and grasped my flexing ass cheeks as she wrapped her legs tightly around me, milking my pulsating length, her mouth working my tongue.

I lost it then. My balls surrendered the heavy sperm laden cum and began pumping it inside her elderly pussy, filling her to overflowing with every jerking gush. She clamped down tight and milked my balls dry, leaving me spent.

She pushed me off of her, roloing me over onto my back. Then she slid down my body, dragging her heave, tear drop shaped tits over me. She began lapping and sucking my spent cock clean of my cum and her pussy spend.