Time Travel Machine Ch. 01

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Spec Ops veteran gets handed a unique bit of technology.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/30/2021
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Here it is:

My name is Jonathon Bauer. I'm a veteran soldier assigned to a unit called the Combat Applications group. I'm a bit unusual in the unit; I'm kind of quiet, thanks largely to my parents' abuse of me.

Our unit does special operations in places most people have never heard of. We also get to try out exotic technologies. I was minding my own business when a fellow operator showed me a strange device. It looked like an oversized iPhone. The visible buttons resembled the iPhone. It had what looked like a camera on the backside of it. I looked at it curiously. What was this thing?

Sam- my colleague and a good friend- informed me what it was.

"It is a time travel device with the ability to impose mind control. This is one of the five that the science people have built. Three official ones, two off the books." I looked at him. He saw the look on my face and elaborated a bit. "One of the science guys is a friend of mine, he built these two for me. I figured you could be trusted with it. just don't go changing the important parts of history." That made perfect sense.

"Got it, don't kill Karl Marx or Adolf Hitler."

I carefully pressed what looked like the unlock button, and the screen lit up. It displayed a photo of a book and the text 'Time Travel system 1.0'. So I pressed the button a second time, and it opened up. It revealed a unique screen. Date, time, and location could be selected at the top of the screen. There was a large camera screen with a targeting crosshair.

A screen button for 'stealth mode'. Another for 'medical ', and another for 'mind control'. Yet Another button with a '?' for manual and help. There was a pause button, like on a DVR or DVD player. An additional button had a bullseye design, labeled 'Select individual'. The last button was a silhouette with an arrow and an 'x' placed on it.

So I pressed the manual button and started reading. It seemed that this device was a time machine. It could transport you to any time and place in the past. The stealth setting made you unseen, untouchable, and unheard. It allowed you not to contaminate anything in the place you were in under that mode. You could pass through secure doors like a ghost. You could also set the lighting to anywhere you were. Only you could see them.

There was a camera mode, capable of both full video and still pictures.

The target button was to select a subject. And many of the other functions worked after selecting a target.

The pause was to freeze all for up to two minutes. Seemed like a good thing to have available.

Mind control would let you influence and change a subject's opinions, attitudes, desires, and actions.

Medical let you see just about anything you wanted to in a person. Including reproductive parts and fertility. And there was the ability to change and correct things, including cancer, genetic conditions, infertility, pregnancy complications, and induce or restart fertility. Checking on a growing baby in the womb was all at the user's fingertips. And how labor has been going too.

This device basically could make someone biologically young indefinitely, regardless of chronological age.

The odd button with a silhouette and 'x' was to enter and control that person for a time set by the user, up to a maximum of 7 days. Using that would let you be that person, using their body and place this machine into a holding mode. At the end of it, you would exit that person and resume using the machine. There were different levels, from 1 to 10. At 10, you are in complete control of that person. Level 5, you merge consciousness with that person and, you can hear each other's thoughts, feel each other's emotions...except it's all in that person's voice so they are never aware it is you...they just have a funny feeling of being watched and not feeling like themselves. At level 1, you are shadowing that person and subtly influencing their thoughts by patching your own thoughts into their mind (in their own voice, of course).

So I decided to test this thing out. I selected a date from a few years back- on June 11, 2014, 7:30am and my parents' home. I selected stealth mode. Next, I knew I was in my parents' house. I moved from the garage to upstairs. I called out loudly. No response. I moved towards my parents' bedroom. And passed through the closed door. Hmm. Looks like stealth mode worked. Mom and dad were lying in bed, just starting to wake up.

I placed the crosshairs on mom, which showed me the info about her. Age 59, medical showed no gallbladder. She'd had that removed in 2008. Reproductive/fertility showed her as post-menopause. It had an option for restarting fertility. Interesting, I could set my mom up to get pregnant at 59- or any age, it seemed. I decided to see what mind control would do. I went to that and set her libido too high for the moment. And then I selected dad. I set him to high for the moment. The scan showed both of them getting aroused.

Mom was wet, dad had a hard-on. They both started to awaken. Dad put his arm around mom and snuggled up to her, giving her a kiss and pushing his hard-on against her. She looked at him with a smile on her face and softly remarked, "Looks like you read my mind." She reached for his big dick. I moved closer as he slid his hand down to her pussy.

She was in a nightgown, and he was in only a t-shirt. She spread her legs as he began to play with her clitoris. She moaned a bit, and the sheet they were under came off, revealing her bush. Hers was still nice, dark, and bushy. I'd seen it before, years earlier by accident.

Dad had his finger on her clit, rubbing it in a circular motion. She was pulling up her nightgown, revealing her somewhat plump belly - she looked pregnant but wasn't. There was a faint scar running from her navel down - from a surgery she had before she married and had children. Her skin was fair, with pink areolas on her large, pendulous breasts. She was a DD, maybe an E in that category.

He placed his mouth on her right nipple as he slipped his finger into her vagina and began to slide it in and out of her. She moaned as he did so. Her wetness was very evident. He kept that up for a few minutes, sucking hard on her nipple while alternating between sliding his finger into mom and rubbing her clit.

She suddenly arched her back and shuddered while letting out a low, "aahhh." It looked like mom had just hit an orgasm. Dad then rolled towards her and began to climb on top of her, his cock very large and hard. He, like me, was circumcised. Once he was on top of her, he swabbed it up and down in her very wet pussy and pushed inside her.

She cried out as he entered her. I moved closer, getting a view from very close, as close as any porn movie I'd ever seen. His dick was deep inside her as he thrust into her, his balls hitting her butt.

They were both enjoying it. Mom's breasts jiggled enthusiastically with each thrust. Mom arched her back and shuddered twice. Apparently, dad knew how to use that cock just right. Suddenly he went deep inside her, and grunted "Oh God! I'm cumming!" I had visions of his cock spurting his semen deep inside her. He leaned over and held her and then gently kissed her. "Thanks, hun," he told her and then rolled off of her. As his cock slid out of her vagina, a glob of milky-white semen oozed out of her.

I pressed the home button, and suddenly I was no longer in my parents' house.

So the machine worked. I reviewed the pics and video I'd taken. Now, for how to use this device to get some payback.

I had long wanted revenge on my parents for how they had treated me, narcissistic abuse from both with a mom with a Jocasta complex. I thought long and hard about it and reflected and reviewed what this device could do. I came to a conclusion:

I decided to replace my dad in my parents' bed and get my mom pregnant. She was a strict Roman Catholic, so it normally wouldn't have been easy. This machine seemed exactly the way to accomplish that desire. No, I wouldn't restart her fertility, not at 59. I'd have to go back in time, to years before. How long to go back?

I was thinking of when I was 18, and she was 37. Mom had married dad at 18 and given birth to me at 19. She'd had periods well into her mid 50's - 57 was when she had her very last. Maybe I'd extend her fertility. And how to get dad to either go along with this or get him out of the way? I was going to have to go far back to sow the seeds of this plan. Dad would end up paying for the children I fathered with mom with this plan, thanks to this device and a Michigan state law stating that any children born to a married woman were legally her husband's. And there were going to be many.

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, especially my mom. But how they tried to control me, even sabotaging relationships I had with women, is my motivation. Now I'm going to take control and use my mom for sex and indulging in my pregnancy fetish. I planned on taking lots of pictures and videos of her pregnant. Wanda Ostrowski Bauer was going to be a porn star. Juggs magazine and the Ready to Drop series pregnancy fetish porn videos would gladly pay to put her in their pages and on-screen. She'd be one of the oldest pregnant women either outfit had ever had in their publications or films. She was pretty voluptuous, to begin with.

I've always had a thing for pregnancy. It's partly a love for the beauty of pregnancy. As the soft curves of a pregnant woman's belly, breasts, and hips spread and flare. The glow on her skin. The happiness of a woman carrying a child in her womb. Partly an admiration of the power of a pregnant woman. A woman conceiving, carrying, and birthing a child is an amazing feat of nature and science.

It's also amazing that all that could result from an act of love. It's even sexier if the mother is mature- over 30. Mom would be 37 when I initiated my naughty plans.

How to get the ball rolling and achieve my desires?

Hmm. Maybe back to High School literature class. I did a little homework and figured out when she had studied the Greek tragedy, Oedipus Rex.

Bingo, January 23, 1973, when her class had studied it. So stealth mode, and here we come. There she was, Wanda Ostrowski in class, listening to the story of Oedipus and Jocasta. Select her as target and press mind control. Add idea and value desire of the greatest way for a mother to love her son is to have sex with him, be impregnated by him, and bear his children.

"I want to have babies with my oldest son when he's old enough." Keep this to herself for now. Done. Now select medical. Hmm, she's a tad aroused. Good. While we're here, make sure that cyst never happens- keeping her belly pristine for bikini wear, posing nude, and pornographic movie modeling.

I figured seeing how mom's new desire and hope stayed with her was a good idea. She had married my dad, James in late 1973 and had me in 1974, So I selected the date of September 11, 1974, 3pm, location, labor, and delivery department at St. Vincent's Hospital And I selected stealth mode, and then pressed the start button. Next thing I know, I was in a hospital.

I have no idea if mom is here yet, or what room she's in. So I move to a status board and look for her name. Or part of her name. Bingo, Wanda Bauer. Room 4. So I head there. She's in a gown, not ready to push yet. Dad is with her. She's quite a bit smaller than I remember her, except for a very prominent belly. Quite sexy when pregnant - I'd have to see what she looked like before she got pregnant. She was 5'6'' and about 145 pounds with a large-ish 34B cup bra size before she got pregnant.

Select medical on her. In labor, water not broken, 37 weeks 2 days pregnant. She's doing well; dad is with her. I've got the camera going. Suddenly, there is a gush of fluid from her pussy. Her water has broken. The doctor comes in, checks her, and announces, "you did it, you're fully dilated."

Now she's fully dilated, and it's time to push. The doctor and nurse place her legs in the stirrups. No drapes. Her belly is perfect and uncovered. Still amazing. I so look forward to planting a baby in her womb. She starts pushing. I'm recording and photographing. She's doing well, groaning a bit. Dad is holding her hand. She pushed for quite a while, about 2 hours. And finally, the head crowned. There I was, not quite in the world yet. The doctor helped ease me out of mom and then held me up between her legs, announcing, "It's a boy!" It's 7:03pm.

So sweet and beautiful, Mom is on the table, legs in the stirrups, the umbilical cord still attached to both of us, holding me, with dad next to her. She speaks gently to the baby, a minutes old younger me, "Hello Jonathan."

Now, how to get dad out of the way of my plans. An idea: mind control, and have mom tell him what she wants and has planned. Pause, use mind control to change his position, and proceed. Perfect.

First, select mom, and choose mind control. Add spoken thought, "Someday, when you're old enough, you'll give mommy her first grandchild, and mommy will give you your first child in the same womb you came from."

Now it's reinforced. Dad being ok with it. Hit pause, select dad and Mind control, spoken thought, "I look forward to that. Going to have your own grandchild someday when he's old enough?" Good, now dad is on board with it. Dad kisses mom. Mom replies, "Yes."

Enjoy your fun while you can Jimbo, you cuck because Wanda Ostrowski-Bauer's pussy and womb will belong to Jonathan in a few years. You deserve to be a cuck, which you will be once Jonathan matures, for how you let Wanda treat him and how you let her push you around and rule the house.

A further thought: start things between my brother Liam and sister Martha. And do the same with Jill and Dad. Make them into baby machines. Jill and dad had both been pains in my ass for most of my life. Let dad knock up Jill a few times.

Mom had got pregnant again in early October of 1974 and had my brother Liam on July 28, 1975. She got pregnant shortly thereafter in September of 1975 and delivered my sister Jill on June 15, 1976. Dad knocked her up for the fourth time in August 1976, and she had Martha on May 8, 1977, on Mother's Day. Mom and dad had been baby machines for the first four years of their marriage.

So I Fast forward to 1977. Mom has her fourth kid by my dad, my younger sister.

It's Sunday, May 8, 1977. Mom has put on weight and is massively pregnant, and then her water breaks while visiting my aunt. She's gravely pregnant at 22 years old, 5'6" 40D bra, and about 175 pounds at 40 weeks pregnant. Fast forward a few hours, and she's in the stirrups again, pushing out little Martha. Suddenly, my sister is out of mom with a gush of fluid, and Dr. Skandanos is holding her up between mom's legs announcing, "It is a girl!" The doctor hands mom the baby, and dad cut the cord.

Mom looks at dad and then the baby and back at Dad and says quietly to dad, "The next one will be Jonathan's." Dad nods quietly. Mind control is so perfect. How do you like that, you worthless cuck? Wanda's womb belongs to your son now.

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trmbnlvrtrmbnlvrover 1 year agoAuthor


He will change his mind and in the next few chapters.

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 1 year ago

I agree with Wash2015 comments to a degree. If he hated his sister so much WHY the didn’t he pump babies into her instead of his father Who abused him but he still loved him . Quite contradicting and confusing. I can’t see your logic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

... all you zombies ...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

so he want to cuck his father, now he want his father to knock up his sister jill? it is better to have him and liam to be a cuck and he got all the women instead of letting the old man have it.

Frankie1952Frankie1952almost 3 years ago

This story could be lots of fun while being sexy too. I hope Jonathon gets to knock his sisters up too. Well done and a good start for your first story. Please keep writing.

Wash2015Wash2015almost 3 years ago

I am hesitant to rate. The premise is different, however the writing is a bit choppy so it doesn't flow and keeps me out of the story.

He loves his parents but they were shit abusive parents? Then on top of that he is going to get mom pregnant again and have those abusive parents raise his son?

It also seemed as if he planned to keep getting her pregnant, which is expensive, so going to be poor and make them have a tough life?

Obviously the time travel is a scifi stretch, but add to it mind control of different levels, healing to be immortal, the ghost level. Just gave this person essentially godlike powers. Why not also be able to change your body, tall /short, male /female, different colors, donkey dick?

That aside, me personally, I would be tempted to use that to have a bunch of consequence free sex. No kids, famous people, the stuck up popular girls etc etc. Why waste it on bad parents you mind controlled that they don't even know they are being punished, or maybe make them to be better parents.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

There is always an unresolved paradox somewhere in every time travel story. It's unavoidable, but as long as you can get past that in your suspension of disbelief...

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbumalmost 3 years ago

Very good first story. Big potential for future chapters dealing with other topics for revenge.

trmbnlvrtrmbnlvralmost 3 years agoAuthor

There is more cumming.

tallman441tallman441almost 3 years ago

Different storyline. Not sure how I feel about it yet.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Interesting...I've never read a slant like this, but too short, needs more content...I hope you do that. How about fucking Cleopatra and cucking Julius Caesar? 4stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Love this story, and hope that there is a second part to it.

s0rethr0ats0rethr0atalmost 3 years ago

God, I love this story so much and I recommend it to everyone. The sexiest story ever read.

TwincapolotTwincapolotalmost 3 years ago

So uh it was good but yk you coulda made it longer

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