To Her Taste Pt. 01


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I tried to look down, focusing on the Cyrillic letters in my notebook.

"Marcus, look at me."

I glanced back up at her, just as uncomfortable as before. I couldn't do this for long.

"You have such pretty eyes. Zey remind me of ze sky."

I wasn't used to compliments, especially ones made while I was being sexually harassed. I looked down again, just in time to see her raise her legs and sweep them over the desk. She pushed over my notebook and now sat on the desk right in front of me, her navel just above eye level.

"I have so much to teach you..." she said, low. She started to open her legs.

I scooted my chair back, trying to make some distance between us.

"I'm not eating you out!"

"Don't you like pussy?"

"I just met you!"


"And even most straight people don't want to fuck people they just met!"

"Dat's funny, because I'm straight, and I just met you and I already want to see your face between my tighs."

Now I was just plain offended by the crude comments.

"I-I don't have to take this!" I started to stand but moved off the desk the short distance required to straddle my lap, facing me on the chair. Fuck, now she was actually on me, which created the conflicting emotion of some sort of cornered animal and arousal, as my cock grew in its cage, just a layer of pants and panties away from her ass. She scooted up even more on my lap, to the point where my only options were to have my face in her titties or look up at her, and I went with the latter option, my chin still pressing against her betittied blouse.

"Marcus, do you remember what Madame Kavalski said about corporal punishment?"

Oh god, what the fuck was my life.

"Y-yes..." I whimpered.

My hands were at my side, as I was actively trying not to touch her. I was sure any real physical resistance would be met with a baton beating later, at best, and I didn't really want to touch her. She grabbed me easily by my bearded chin, and led my face to see that hanging board, it's three paddles, cane, and rope.

"Do you want to know what my favorite toy is?" she whispered into one of my ears, sending a shiver down my spine and elevating my heart rate by yet another 10 beats per minute. I was feeling quite a lot of conflicting, confusing emotions at that moment. But I did take in the sight of that board and given that she felt the need for three paddles and only one cane, I was guessing it was the cane, which looked the most horrifying to me.


She gave a low chuckle, which caused some of my hairs to stand up.

"Smart answer." she kept whispering into my ear, "It's introduction day, and I let my students choose. I will introduce you to my favorite punishment, or I will introduce you to the taste of my vagina."

It was rare enough I had women imply they'd like to go on a date with me. I really couldn't come up with suitable words, or even emotions at this point. I just sort of looked back up at her with a mercy-seeking look. She stroked her cheek with my thumb; I cringed and tried to pull back but didn't have any real room to do so.

We made eye contact again, but despite her threat her eyes seemed to have actually softened and I thought I saw a glimmer of... affection? This bitch was crazy; however I was too busy trembling to express myself.

"I tink we boat know what your answer iz, da?" She got off me and back onto the desk and spread her legs wide enough for me to see the black panties underneath her skirt.

I was nervous, but I couldn't help but feel tempted by the sight of an attractive woman spreading her legs. I knew a lot of guys had problems with cunnilingus, but I had the opposite of that; under more normal circumstances I would have loved to eat this woman out. I glanced back at the hanging implements, and at my hot, lusty Russian teacher. I decided to try to make the best of the situation, and slowly leaned in towards her thighs as she watched excitedly. I tried not to look at her face, and mine descending below a skirt helped with that.

My heart thudded as my face lowered into the shadows of her skirt. Was I really going to do this? I considered backing out, but resigned myself to my fate, reassuring myself it would be over soon. I pulled down her black panties, revealing a pussy with pubic hair shaped into a trim triangle. I could smell her musk, as I moved myself closer, centimeter by centimeter, I began to feel the heat radiate from her thighs.

I closed my eyes, and tried to remember what I did before. I began with some tentative licks, hoping to get her nice and wet before starting, but to my surprise she was already quite wet and sticky. Had she really gotten this wet before foreplay even started? I tried to imagine what it could have been to have turned her on already, and my mind rested on the unsettling idea that it was my cornered, nervous bashfulness and pseudo-innocence that she enjoyed disturbing.

I gave a few more licks to her outer lips before moving in for a gentle sucking.

"Dobryi malchik," she cooed.

I ignored the comment for the sake of my pride, and continued on. Though Madame Agafonov liked me quite quickly, I normally had a lot more difficulty with woman and I was still a virgin, so I tried to at least take solace in the soothing idea that a woman desired me. In fact, the more I thought about it and the more I licked and sucked, and felt her twitchings, and heard her moans as her stoic, stern voice melted to high and low exhails, the more I remembered why I liked eating pussy.

When I was with my last (kind of) girlfriend it was my idea, and I wasn't disappointed by it: I loved the way it was me giving them something, and I loved the way they breathed and twitched as they neared the orgasm they deserved. I also remembered the feeling of power I discovered doing it, the ability to tease, to slow down when she's close, and bring her back to a climax when she was cooling down. I also remembered how many times I fantasized about eating a woman out on those many lonely nights, sometimes in fantasies just like this situation. My ears were smothered by her thighs and clogged by her moans, and my nose and mouth smothered in the scent and taste of her sex. I forgot that I was a prisoner; I forgot that this was supposed to be me under duress. Madame Agafonov emitted this wonderful, high-pitched, moany exhale as my tongue found her engorging clit, and from there instinct took over and I just felt like a man who really liked eating pussy.

I really started to get into it. I was still pretty new to it, so I had little more but effort and the ye-olde ABC-method, but the Madame seemed to like it. After I don't know how long, on my cycling through the letter "T" she pulled her skirt up, giving me a little more fresh air and allowing her to see my face and me hers. Gone was any of her stoicism, and now she bit her lip and at me with need, then let slip a pleasure groan.

Thanks to her lesson today I could tell she said "Look at me. I love your eyes."

I did, and I saw her cold eyes had melted into base lust and need. I once again felt the rush of power. I went into it. I lashed by tongue faster and sucked more ravenously. She raised her legs so the tip of her heel might rest comfortably on my shoulder, but I leaned in and scooped up her legs by her thighs and pushed her more onto her back onto the desk. I saw the surprise in her face as I took the initiative and she shrieked, much to my satisfaction. At this point my nose was practically on her clit, my arms were scooped under her thighs and wrapped around for a good grip, and the rest of her legs comfortably rested on my shoulders and back as she laid on her back.

I heard her moan as she was coming closer to orgasm, and I decided to push on despite my tiring tongue. Soon she had her head turned back, her thighs and abdomen quaking, and her chest heaving as I brought her to climax.

I slowed down afterward, and then slowed down very quickly as she sat up and looked down at me with a satisfied, blushing smile, still catching her breath. I stopped and sat back down, and I started to feel the arrogance of her glare. Where just seconds ago I felt some power, controlling her nerves, I now remembered that I gave her exactly what she wanted, and I had gone from being an indignant victim of sexual harassment to an enthusiastic giver. As my cock shrank in my cage, a sense of shame started to grow. Finally, she broke the silence.

"You've done zat more dan two times." she said in English.

"What do you mean?"

"Dat was... otlichno."

"Uh... you're welcome?"

She leaned in close to me, and I felt small before her once again.

"You lied. You've eaten lots of pussy." she said with a lusty, threatening tone. The accusation immediately frightened me, and she was getting into my personal space.

"No! No, really I-I've only done it twice before." I was telling the truth.

"Hmmm? Iz zat so?" She leaned back and read my panicked expression. She pursed her lips as though to say something, but instead just pulled out her pocket watch and checked the time.

"Ah, just in time." She swept her legs back off of my desk and straightened her skirt and fixed her hair. As if on cue, there was a knock in the door. It startled me, I straightened and at that moment I was very aware of the scent of pussy on my face and the texture of her lips on my tongue.

"Come in!" she said in Russian. In walked Ramina. The two greeted each other and exchanged some pleasantries, while I was packing my new small backpack and my few supplies and got up, ready to leave and find a bathroom with mouthwash as soon as possible.

"How was he?" Ramina asked, shooting me a look.

"Oh, he was wonderful! I look forward to having him as a student." she beamed.

"Oh... really?" Ramina looked at me.

"Yes, he was surprisingly... entusiastic." She walked closer and put a hand on my shoulder. What, really? I mean, I did pay attention in her Russian class, and I did get into eating her out, just trying to make the best of the situation, but the idea that I came off as enthusiastic instead of as a fucking human trafficking victim confused me, in an angry, shameful sort of way.

"That's great." She smiled, and they spoke some parting words in Russian and ended with"Marcus, come."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Madame Agafonov said. This was supposed to be daily? Oh, fuck.

We departed for another room in the strange skyscraper, though this one was on the same floor.

"Where are we going?"


That sounded pretty good to me. My stomach rumbled.

We entered a room that gave off the vibe as part-lounge part-dining room, with a variety of tables and sofas, colored in dark, cold colors and adorned with many heavy, long curtains. She led us to a table in one corner. We were alone in the room, at least until a woman quickly entered and left, leaving us each a bowl of chicken salad, a water, and a coffee. Sweet; I began to eat unceremoniously. Ramina, on the other hand, took small, polite bites. She shot me a judging look.

"Did you eat her pussy?" she asked, point blank. I nearly choked.

"Wh-what, no." I was hoping my face would have more time to cool down, but that got me blushing again. I felt something like a hole in my stomach, something of shame and embarrassment.

"Are you lying to me?"


"So if I ask Madame Agafonov if you went down on her, she'll tell me 'no?'"

"Uh-" Would she really tell? Did Ramina even care? "Well, she threatened me...."

"Oh, really?" she sounded dismissive.


"Did you like it?"

What the fuck was that supposed to imply? That just made me angry and indignant. "She coerced me! No, I didn't like it!"

"Oh, really? You didn't like it?" She leaned in. I didn't like her tone, it sounded very accusatory, very "I'm calling your bluff"-y, and I didn't understand why. I really didn't want to talk about this, it had just happened, and I barely had time to process how I felt about it.

"Yes, really! The only reason I did is she threatened me with corporal punishment!"

"She does that with lots of boys. Most actually choose spanking over eating her out."

Spanking? All I remembered of her threat was glancing at that awful cane on the wall. Had she just been bluffing? I felt the embarrassment multiply, and now I felt like an idiot as well as a bitch.

"Lots of boys? So have you had others before me?" I tried to change the subject.

"No, but Madame Agafonov used to be a very popular professor in the Far East."

We were about done eating. She brought a small binder out from her bag and flipped to one of the pages.

"I wasn't joking when I said I have your Internet history." She gave me a challenging look.

"H-ow did you find out so much?"

"I'm quite picky. When I saw you at auction, I knew I liked you, but I wanted to make sure. I paid them to put you on hold for the first few rounds, enough time for me to contact a very good investigator in Bratislava with very few scruples and who knows a lot about technology. Once I got back his report and liked what I saw, I put in a good bid for you.... You're welcome."

"Your English is quite good. Where'd you learn it?"

"Don't try to change the subject, pussylicker."

What the fuck did she just call me? I wasn't sure how to respond to that, but I was sure it it involved anger. As I tried to string together a rebuttal in my mind, she started to read from a page in her binder.

"'Femdom facesitting.' 'Queening.' 'Pussy eating.' 'Femdom face grinding.' 'Pussy worship.' Do any of these sound familiar?"

I blushed really, really hard this time. Oh, fuck. I tried to remember the last time I cleared my browser history. It was a while ago. I dreaded the idea of all the other things she must have also seen. I always lived a very private life, and didn't often discuss my sexuality with other people, and yet here this bitch was knowing all about me down to my porn preferences. I couldn't think of anything to say, just averted my gaze.

"It- that - it - it's was just fantasy! That doesn't mean I actually want to be molested!" I shot back, frustrated and humiliated.

"You know, I've read that the male brain has a hard time differentiating between reality and fantasy."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

She just looked at me, smiled, and cocked her head. I didn't like that, it felt... threatening. Then, she looked back at the papers.

"Shall I read your history from another night? Maybe one of the ones where you craved, oh, what was it? 'Emo twinks kissing?'" Her voice had taken an unmistakably mocking tone.

Oh, shit. I hadn't told anyone about my bicuriosity, and now she knew. That was definitely one of my deeper secrets, and at that point the weight of the humiliation overcame the pressure of anger, and I just shrank a little in my seat. I felt bullied in a way I hadn't felt in a very long time.

"What the actual fuck do you want with me?! This is super creepy."

She leaned back, and calmly took a sip of her coffee. In contrast, I was shaking, and my cold glass of water made me very aware of my sweaty palms. This was so fucked up. I had never been known for my meekness before, in fact I was obnoxiously cocky and loudmouthed, with little regard for the feelings of others, at least that's what some of my former classmates told me. Now I was being torn down by some blonde bitch with thot eyebrows.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, Marcus. I have very similar tastes." She smiled.

"I- wait, what?" It took me a few more seconds to process that as all my blood rushed to my caged cock. I felt my heart thudding. Did she actually just say that? I imagined her having me on my knees, eating her out, and my heart thudded faster. She giggled. Was I that obvious?

"It's amazing Marcus. You're smart, you're educated, you're cute, and you love to eat pussy. Yet, you've never had a real girlfriend. Why is that?"

I sighed, resigning myself to the fact that this bitch seemed to know almost everything about me. I gathered my wits.

"Is that what this is about? You want me to be your boyfriend?"

She looked at me. I could tell the answer was 'yes.' I felt very conflicting emotions.

"You will be many things for me. You will be my servant, my companion, my... accessory. And my pussylicker. But also, you're a business investment."

"Your... what?" I had so many questions I didn't even know where to start. Business investment?

"I will explain everything to you on our date on Friday."

"Our date?"

"Yes, Marcus. Our date. Which you will go on, and you will like."

"You're goddamn crazy!"

"Marcus, you should know I don't forget insults. Every time you disrespect me, I will make you pay for it, one way or another.... Now, why don't we get you back to your room? I'm sure you have a lot to think about. Then, I will collect you in the morning, you have more to learn than Russian and cunnilingus."

I gulped.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Best story I've read on here

Paul4playPaul4playover 2 years ago

A good read.

Kinky and sexy.

Perhaps a quirky type of romance.

Yes, and arousing.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great Start. Very interested in the direction you are going to take. Can't wait till next chapter

R41NB0YR41NB0Yover 2 years agoAuthor

next chapter will be out around new years

R41NB0YR41NB0Yover 2 years agoAuthor

Yeah, I noticed it too lol. I was just sort of anxious about the quality and decided to post it, the next chapter will have fewer mistakes now that I know people actually like the story lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very entertaining. Wish I was Marcus 🤣 constructive criticism here, proofreading is your friend and will make your writing better. There were a few grammar mishaps. They didn't subtract from the quality of the story, but they're worth fixing. Good work for your first post.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm jealous of him. Would love this life....keep on writing..please

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thats pretty good i can't wait for next episode.

Roz87Roz87over 2 years ago

I really enjoyed this story! Can't wait for more

The fact that he's hesitant makes it all the more hotter too

R41NB0YR41NB0Yover 2 years agoAuthor

Teenage? Fuck off

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Lovely teenage perspective on relationships 9/10

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