To Love a Stray Ch. 02


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I give a slight nod and he makes a sound of approval in his throat before looking the way he had come from. Micah appears from the same area closely followed by Mitchell and I watch them both with worry.

"You're in the front," Micah orders Sam tightly. I cower against the side of the vehicle as Sam gets out of the vehicle and Mitchell climbs in to sit beside me while Micah gets in the seat Sam vacated.

"Try not to murder my brother. He's the only one I've got," Sam tells Micah before slamming the door and climbing into the front of the vehicle. I sit tensely in my corner but my shoulder hurts and my head is aching and after half an hour or so of travelling I find myself leaning against Mitchell and using him as a pillow.

"She's burning up," Mitchell remarks and I open my eyes to find Micah leaning towards me to put a hand on my forehead. I stare fearfully and turn my head away only to force back a groan as I bump my injured shoulder.

"Rosy I want you to take some Panadol I'm going to give you. It's not going to do much but it might help you be a little more comfortable until we can get you something that will help," Micah orders firmly. I swallow the tablets Micah hands me and I take the bottle of water eager to try to quench my thirst. I don't object when Micah takes my feet into his lap and begins massaging them. I sigh and lean back with closed eyes as the gentleness of his touch helps to soothe the ache that seems to fill my entire body.

I drift in and out of sleep but it seems like every bump in the road jostles my shoulder and I keep waking with a whimper. Mitchell is stroking my head, his voice soft and soothing as he settles me on the seat with my head in his lap. Some time during the night I wake as the vehicle slows and I try to sit up.

"Where are we? What's happening?" I ask groggily.

"We'll be stopping in a few minutes and then you can lie down in a bed that's not moving," Mitchell soothes softly.

"Hmmm," I murmur my approval and drift back off to sleep. I stir briefly as I am carried in someone's arms and then I am on a comfortable bed where I sprawl out on my stomach. I feel the sting of a needle in my arm but mercifully sleep follows on its heels.

* * * * *

I wake to faint sounds of others moving around and I go to sit up pulling my left arm towards me. Resistance stops me and I look around to find I am restrained wrist and ankle to a bed. Hazy fever clouded memories return and I remember waking in a strange place, panicking and ending up collapsed on the floor in my weakened state.

Terrified by my restraints I tug against them and look around scared, "Mitchell! Sam!" I scream out and turn my head towards the door as I hear hurried movement somewhere. Footsteps seem to approach the room I am in and I tense as I watch the doorway alertly. Dwayne stops in the doorway and looks in, seeing me awake he smiles at me.

"Someone has gone to wake Mitchell and Sam up. They'll be here shortly," Dwayne tells me gently.

"Where am I?" I demand fearfully.

"You're at my parents' home. Mum would like to meet you but you've been scared of nearly everyone while you been sick," Dwayne explains.

"My shoulder ..." I guess.

"Yeah there was a real bad infection. You've been real sick for five days." Dwayne says softly.

"More time," I groan with frustration. Dwayne is watching me closely and I move my head to a more comfortable position. "You can come in if you want but ... just don't ..." I'm scared to give him ideas.

"No touching. That was one thing you kept telling everyone while you were sick. No touching. I'm fine with that," Dwayne tells me and comes into the room. He pulls a chair from against the wall nearer the bed and sits down with a friendly smile as he glances at the glass of water on the nightstand beside the bed. "Thirsty?"

"Yes," I say realising how thirsty I am.

I don't even have to ask because Dwayne is already picking up the glass and putting a drinking straw in it. He holds the straw to my lips and I drink eagerly.

"Just take it easy. I don't know how much your allowed to have," Dwayne tells me as he eases the straw away too soon for my liking.

"It's alright Rosy!" Mitchell yells as a door slams somewhere.

I look at Dwayne as he stands up, "Don't go," I say.

Dwayne grins widely with pleasure as he sits back down before turning his head towards the door. Running steps approach the door and Mitchell rushes into the room. He glances at Dwayne dismissively before approaching my bed slowly.

"It's alright Rosy, I'm here now." Mitchell reassures me.

"We're both here," Sam adds as he walks into view.

"Why am I tied down?" I demand anger and fear mingling in my tone.

"You were delirious and kept freaking out at the smell of anyone you haven't met yet. It was decided to do that," Mitchell gestures at my restraints as he sits on the side of my bed and touches my fingers. I close my fingers around his and he smiles encouragingly at me. Strange footsteps approach the doorway and I glance that way before turning my scared eyes on Mitchell, restrained as I am I have no choice but to rely on the three toms in the room to protect me.

"It's okay Rosy," Mitchell murmurs to me as a strange tom walks into the room. I struggle briefly against my bonds before stopping. " ... And he's the closest thing we got to a doctor."

I've missed his name in my fear so I don't respond as he talks to me.

"Hi there Rosy. You're looking much better this morning. I bet you're real thirsty, you want a drink?"

"I already gave Rosy some water, only a couple of mouthfuls," Dwayne sounds both proud and cautious as he informs the new comer.

"Rosy can have more to drink if she wants. Would you like a can of soda or something?" He asks.

"Coke?" I ask hopefully.

"I'll get it," Dwayne volunteers eagerly. I smile at him and he hurries to go and get my drink.

"How does your shoulder feel?" The stranger asks. I move my shoulder experimentally. It's tender but no way near as painful as it had been.

"A bit tender but its not aching and throbbing," I say softly.

"That is a good sign. Now how about we undo these restraints and let you sit up so I can have a look at your shoulder, then you can sit up or lay back down afterwards. Whatever suits you and no restraints while you're lucid," he offers.

"Yes! Yes please!" I respond eagerly bringing smiles to the faces of the others.

Mitchell and Sam move to release my wrists while the newcomer attends to my ankles. I smile as both arms are freed and reach for Mitchell. His hug is warm and comforting and I sigh softly with relief. When he releases me I glance at Sam who is watching us and offer him a smile. I hesitate a moment before reaching a hand towards him. He takes my hand and I turn towards him reaching out. His hug is warm and strong and I take a deep breath of his scent before pushing away from him gently. He is grinning widely as he releases me and I settle back against the pillow carefully.

"Now let's have a look at this shoulder," Doc tells me softly.

I roll onto my left side and hold still as my clothing is moved to expose my gauze covered injury. The adhesive tape prickles slightly as it is eased from my skin.

"Looks like the infection is all but gone and the punctures are healing nicely. There was fabric embedded deep in a puncture, whoever bit you must have had a broken tooth." He announces. "You have to stay in bed today and I'll check it again in the morning. If it keeps improving you can get up and shape- shift when you feel up to it."

"Why can't I get out of bed today?" I demand.

"You need to rest and get plenty to eat and drink to restore your strength," he orders firmly then adds gently, "You got more than just yourself to look after."

I give him a disgruntled look as I settle back onto my back and look away from him.

"Yeah we'll look after you from now on you don't need to be on your own anymore," Mitchell's tone is soothing and I'm not sure if he understood the comment.

"What date is it?" I ask sulkily.

"It's June the third," Mitchell supplies. I close my eyes and turn my head away as I mentally count back the days I have known Mitchell. Five, six, seven maybe eight days at the most and that would leave ... I swallow hard as I realise I had been held captive by the stray tomcats for roughly a month, certainly long enough for the inevitable to be detectible by someone with medical knowledge. I am pregnant.

"You feel alright?" Sam asks with concern.

I open my eyes and smile faintly at him, "Hungry and thirsty,"

"That's good cause Mum insisted I bring this in to you," Dwayne announces from the doorway behind Sam. I look at him surprised. I hadn't heard him come in. He is holding a tray with folding legs containing a bowl and plate as well as a large glass of fruit juice. I grimace as I try to push myself up into a sitting position but Mitchell is quick to help me and Sam places several pillows behind me helping me sit up.

"Comfy?" Sam asks and I nod and smile as I inspect the tray of food even before Dwayne has a chance to put it across my lap.

"Thanks," I tell Dwayne and smile at him before reaching for a fork and the plate of scrambled eggs and bacon with toast. I immediately crunch a piece of crispy bacon between my teeth and sigh with pleasure.

"Out and let Rosy eat her food," the newcomer orders and stands watching the others leave the room reluctantly. He shuts the door behind them and moves over to turn the radio on the nightstand on low. I stop eating and turn suspicious eyes on him as he sits in the chair Dwayne had used.

"Do you understand what I meant when I said you have more than just yourself to think of?" He asks me softly. I don't reply as I watch him closely and bite into a forkful of eggs. He takes my silent regard for affirmation and he gives a slight nod.

"It showed up in the blood work I did to get a good idea of your general health," He warned.

"I don't want it. Surely you'd know someway for me to get rid of it," I say bitterly.

He sighs sadly and shakes his head, "Give yourself sometime to get used to the idea. You might feel differently when you get over the shock."

"What am I supposed to call you?" I ask guardedly deciding not to argue with him.

"Doc," he says with a soft laugh obviously relieved at the change of subject. "Everyone calls me Doc."

"A werecat doctor," I muse to myself.

"Sort of," he gives a faint laugh. "I'll go now and let you finish your breakfast in peace. Don't be surprised if the others pop in and out visiting you when they know you're awake."

I give a faint shrug and ignore him as he gets up from the chair and heads for the door. He leaves the door open on his way out and shortly Mitchell is back in the room. He has his own plate of food in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other.

"Got enough to eat?" He asks eagerly.

"Yeah," I mutter between mouthfuls as I finish the bacon and eggs hurriedly. The bowl contains homemade fruit salad and I eat it eagerly liking the freshness of it. When I am finished I put the bowl aside with a satisfied sigh and reach for my juice eager to drink it before Mitchell decides he wants it.

"So do you want to sleep or do you want me to find you a book or some card game or chest game or something?" Mitchell asks with a wide grin. "Or we got some wicked games for the playstation."

I pretend to groan as I roll my eyes, "Let me guess. Violent, blood sports and games,"

"Of course! Only the best!" Mitchell exclaims.

"What's the best?" Sam asks as he appears in my doorway. I had heard him approaching and smelt him just before he spoke.

"Our playstation games," Mitchell tells him without taking his eyes off my face. I glance towards the door and Dwayne grins as he spots me as he looks around the corner. I lift my chin and sniff glancing past him.

"She knows you're there Alex," Dwayne warns.

"She in a good mood?" Alex asks in a whisper.

"She is in a good mood and as long as you don't make any smart remarks and keep out of her personal space she will stay that way," I warn with a trace of anger.

Alex looks around the side of the doorway cautiously and eyes me with a nervous grin, "Good morning Rosy,"

"Hmmm, morning," I answer before turning my attention back to Mitchell, "Playstation game?"

"Here or our place? You can stretch out on the lounge. Doc won't complain about that," Mitchell tells me confidently.

"You know someone else will," Sam warns quietly.

"Who?" I ask with a glance at Sam. I catch the look he darts at Mitchell and I glance between them. "Well if you prefer me to stay here and sleep all day with no-one bothering me ..." I say in a silky tone.

"Micah," Mitchell says from between clenched teeth.

I frown as I remember hazy snatches from at the hotel and glance around the four toms, "What is going on?" I demand when they either avoid my eyes or look away. "If Micah thinks he can pick on me and tell me whom I am allowed to be friends with, then he is going to piss me off and I don't play nice when I'm pissed off!" I snap angrily when no one answers me.

Alex mutters something behind his hand and I glance his way. He has the grace to blush and look away.

"What if I get out of bed and find your place and go for a visit?" I ask with a glance between Sam and Mitchell.

"Doc gets mad at you. But worse Mum will be mad and make us miserable," Dwayne says with a grimace.

"Tell Doc I'm talking about getting out of bed and if I'm with you then all of you can make sure I rest," I say with a grin.

"And you'd probably end up sedated to make you do as you're told. I could talk to Doc, he might understand," Sam says with a frown and a worried look at his brother. I give an annoyed grimace and push the tray away from me a little bit.

"Give me a few minutes," Sam says picking up the tray and heading out the door.

"What games you lot got?" I ask to fill the silence.

"Practically every action game there is," Dwayne replies with a grin. I can't help noticing they all seem to want my company and be around me but only Alex had come the closest to flirting or anything sexual. I sigh and move myself slightly to get more comfortable. The sound of footsteps catches my attention and I look towards the doorway.

Sam walks in followed by Doc. "Sam tells me you want to go play playstation games," Doc announces. I give a slight nod and wait expectantly.

"Ok, you are allowed to be taken to the quarters and play games until lunch time. You have to eat your lunch and rest or sleep after lunch for at least three hours. I will come and see how you're doing and if you haven't done exactly as I have said you will be confined to bed tomorrow as well," Doc tells me sternly.

I give a slight shrug and then nod, "Sounds fair," I agree.

"I'll go and let Marissa and Wade know what's going on and clear it with them," Doc says with a smile before leaving the room.

"We don't have any sissy games," Alex says his voice trailing off as his smile weakens. He's trying to be nice I realise. He's just different to the others.

"Alex," Dwayne growls in warning.

"What no Barbie or My Little Pony?" I ask with pretend horror and relieved chuckles come from all four toms. "How will I ever cope?" I say dramatically and pretend to cover my eyes in horror.

"I could go buy some for you," Alex offers with a hopeful and relieved smile.

"Oh you'd better not," I sigh with sadness despite my huge grin. "It would be just too exciting for me being so sick and all." We all laugh and I can't help noticing all the toms are looking much more relaxed. I realise I need to empty my bladder and I glance around the room but there is no sign of a connecting bathroom.

"Something wrong?" Sam asks noticing my discomfort.

"Down the hallway second door on the left," Alex chimes in at my uncomfortable expression.

"Oh right!" Sam immediately catches on and moves to the bedside to pull one side of the covers back. I am relieved to find I have respectable pyjama pants on as well as the top and when I attempt to swing my legs off the edge of the bed Sam makes a negative sound in his throat before lifting me into his arms with ease. I am slightly tense with the contact but manage to tolerate it until we reach the toilet doorway where Sam places me carefully onto my feet.

"You'll have to manage it from here," Sam announces and I hear him move away as I shut the door. I grit my teeth to stop the sigh of relief as I empty my bladder. I wipe, rearrange my pyjamas and flush the toilet before opening the door. Sam is walking towards me and when I go to take a step he shakes his head at me. I force myself to wait for him to take me to the bathroom to wash and dry my hands before heading back to the bedroom.

I settle comfortably on the bed and allow Sam to put the covers back over me. He is tucking them in when Doc walks in the door. A large tomcat follows Doc closely and the authority and power radiating off him immediately has me hissing and spitting in fear.

"It's okay," his voice is low and soothing as he stops where he is. "I am no threat to you," I freeze instinctively but watch him wide-eyed, he takes a step towards me and I clutch at the bedcovers spasmodically.

"You are welcome to stay here on my property under my protection as long as you need," Wade murmurs in his deep low voice. He slowly backs from the room and the moment he is out of sight I dive beneath the covers trembling with reaction.

"I'm sorry, I should have realised how being confronted by an Alpha would affect her. Micah insists she's been a stray for longer than she admits to," I hear Doc out in the hallway talking to Wade.

"It's alright Rosy, it's alright," Mitchell is stroking my back through the covers, I know his touch and even with the barrier of the blankets I recognise it. I feel him ease the blankets back from my face but I burrow deeper not wanting him see the tears running down my cheeks.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

your like the next maggie shane AAAAAAASOME stuff cant wait for more!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I absolutely LOVED, ADORED and LOVED... this story has taken up residence in my heart! its such a well written story. The emotion I felt whilst reading chapter 1 was incredible, and to find that you posted again soooo quickly was amazing. Keep up the awesome work. You have a rare talent here. Can't wait for more. You're now officially another fave author of mine here on Lit.

bearmad1963bearmad1963almost 13 years ago
More please

It's a good story and I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Sunamoon37Sunamoon37almost 13 years ago

best chapter yet! Cant wait to hear Pete's reaction.. and Micah is ready to explode... hope we dont have to wait long! well Done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I hope she gets rid of the baby and has one with someone she loves.

Its sounds horrible buy you don't want her to look at the baby and have it remind her for the rest of her life.

desyer5492desyer5492almost 13 years ago
Keep going!

The story is great. I love it and can't wait to find out what happens. So, like I said, please, please keep going!!

ZanysDellZanysDellalmost 13 years ago
Please Keep Going

Excellent story! You have me hook, line and sinker. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
love it love it love it

This is a great chapter. I love the slow character development, like the opening of a flower. Can not wait for the next chapter.

DoctorWolfDoctorWolfalmost 13 years ago
Anxiously awaiting...

your next chapter. This is very detailed and intricate. I love it and hope you continue to write. I just wanna know why they haven't brought her friend, Pete, over to see her. Questions, questions, questions...please continue!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
More more!


I love the way you weave a story! I must disagree with the previous comment and say Rosy is not a different person in this chapter, she is at the mercy of other werecats when before she kept a distance from them except for Pete. One thing that came across clearly in the first part was her fear of werecats. Hope she learns to trust the good guys!

Can't wait for the next installment!

canndcanndalmost 13 years ago

Still rough material b/c of the issue of rape for me but the story is wonderful. I love the guys, even Alex. I assume Micah is thinking he's her mate maybe and that is why he's staying away? I felt like in this chapter she is not acting like the same person. She was this confident vet nurse and now she acts like she barely knows about the werecat facts. She isn't different in her fear of people and she went through hell from the strays so it makes sense. Why hasn't Pete come to see her? He was so close to her so why would he not come hearing she's there?

All around great story.

lili82lili82almost 13 years ago
poor kitty

Rosy reminds me of my Gizzie Moo-Moo when she first came to live with me. she was just as scared and no one could touch her. hopefully Mr. Micah will help her out, but does she have to have a baby made from a rape? i don't really like that but the rest is one of the best I've read!

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 13 years ago
I like it!

Can't wait to see how you're going to untangle all these story threads.

I especially like how close together your postings are.'ll spoil us!

rissa200204rissa200204almost 13 years ago
im liking this story :)

keep it up the storyline is good and i keep looking for more :>

lilwolfspiritlilwolfspiritalmost 13 years ago
Great chapter

i love this chapter, it gives more depth to Rosey, now we know her real name and hopefully she'll realize that they are not like the strays that been hunting her, since she had become a werecat, can't wait to read more, keep up the excellent work.


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