Todd Manson - Atomic Surfer


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And he did.


In two years, it was time for the kids she had promised Vince. As much as Anna wanted to, there was no postponing it. Something both Heda and Todd reminded her.

"You have to, Anna," Heda had counseled her.

"If I do, I will be trapped forever. No chance of divorce. Vince and I are not doing well."

"No, you stupid girl. It is not you that will be trapped. It's your husband. Once he and you have kids, you are in total control."

"Kids. I don't know Heda."

"I wish I had kids Anna. Then Liam would not have so much control over me. I would have his child."

"Why didn't you?"

"Liam is snipped. He had a vasectomy. IF I get pregnant, it is not his, and I am on the street. Now you see how children can be good for you?"

"I guess."

"And if you look at the fine print of your contract, if you divorce your husband, the company reverts to us."

Anna was stunned.

"What! Why?"

"It is at the insistence of your benefactor: Todd."

"Next time you visit him, dear. Why don't you ask him?"


Two years after that, Anna bore Vincent their second child. Hana had the children's DNA tested and reported the news to Todd, who smiled as his plan had come together.

In eight weeks, Anna was due to visit.


Todd Fucken Manson

"Yes, that is me. Todd Manson.

"Or Todd Fucken Manson, as the husbands whose wives have left them, call me. But these men's anger is misplaced and uncalled for. You have to understand; it is never my intention to steal these lovely wives from their husbands. Far from it, as I always encourage them to remain married and devoted to their families. Their appeal to me is that they ARE married.

"You see, I only provide... a service.

"There are unsatisfied and frankly bored wives out there that need a little excitement in their lives. You know, a bit of "something" to give them pep to their step, a smile on their face, sexual satisfaction. Something that, regrettably, their husbands of multiple reasons do not provide.

"There are multiple reasons for that. I understand.

"Some men are too busy working many hours to provide for their families. Married to the job and all, they never seem to have the energy or drive to give their loving wives that good fucking they need.

"Some men are just not around to take care of their lady's needs. I get it. I've been a military man and know how duty calls and all that. There are other jobs, not as exciting, but requiring separation from their families and wives. But no matter the reason, these ladies need some attention between the sheets to help them get through the day. After all, they are raising the children of their missing husband. And they still have needs.

"Yet other men are just not "equipped" to give their women that sense of satisfaction they crave. You know... a good fuck and orgasms. Look, it's not these husbands' fault they were not born with a cock that satisfies their woman. It's all part of the genetic lottery of life. One that I thankfully have benefited from. I only want to share it with wives that were not lucky enough to marry a man who can rock their world. Is that so wrong?

"Look, I care.

"And so should you. Wives need satisfaction and loving. But I leave the loving to you husbands. The satisfying, that good fuck your wive's need and are not receiving? That's where I come in.

"So when you get home from a long deployment, a long trip on business, or you got out of jail, maybe? I was there to keep the Missus happy for you.

"All I ask is that you appreciate my effort and understand. Your wife only has appeal to me so long as she is still your wife and goes back home after I am finished with her. Trust me; she will be in a better mood when she does.

"Now, take Anna here. She can't talk with her mouth full. And it's... very full. Wink! She comes to me for the occasional tune-up and then goes back to running her business, visiting her family, or whatever she does these days. But when she does, she goes back happy.

"Well, it was nice chatting with you. But Anna needs my attention. After all, it's her time, and when she is with me, I give her that attention she needs and deserves. It's why she keeps coming back.

"See you next time. Well, not you... I'll see your wife. Bye now."


Indeed that is the attitude of Todd Manson. Smug, arrogant, and self-absorbed. Now, many such types are rude and annoying most of their lives -- never to receive what is due to them. Todd was not that lucky.

Two years later, Todd was in Texas. There he seduced and drugged the wife of a local policeman. When the cop found out, he kicked Todd's nuts in with his Texas boots.

Karma is a bitch.

Read my story "You want to do what?" for that tale.

Then a year later, he was shot in a shootout in the streets of Cincinnati. He was chained to a bed in the hospital when somehow someone helped him escape. The guard was drugged, it would appear. Some statuesque nurse was seen going into his room - a woman in her late forties or so.


As for Vince and Anna. One day she came home to find it dark and empty. Vince and the kids were gone. On the kitchen table were Vince's wedding ring and a brief note.

"My lawyers will be in touch. You will get your wish and be single to enjoy the business you built. And I will look elsewhere for a life without you. If you want to talk, meet me at the chess tables by the park we used to go walking at before you changed and our marriage became a lie.


Anna had not been surprised, disappointed maybe, but she had expected it to happen. With half of Vince's family being cops, they had to have talked and started snooping around. She called Heda and let her know.

"I thought you covered your tracks," Heda said.

"So did I. But apparently, he knows enough to end it."

Vince was "he" again, the man with no name.

"Go find out what he knows. Where is the meeting?"

Anna told her the location at the park.

"I'll get our security to bug all the tables. Let him talk. Don't interrupt until he lets it all out. We need to know what he knows."

"Does it matter?"

"Let's say we want this divorce of yours to be smooth and discreet. Knowledge is power in this case, Anna."

Anna had expected the possibility of discovery, but after five years of her affair with Todd, she had begun to think it would not happen. She had settled into a duplicitous life of family and work with Todd on the side. And as time had passed, her Todd time had diminished. Not only was he disappearing for weeks at a time, but he also called on her less and less.

While the sex with Todd was still exciting and highly satisfying, she saw a change in him. In the past, he would always ask about her life and how the business was going. But the last three times, their meetings had been purely sexual and lacking of much personal interaction. Anna accepted it. Todd was bored with her.

She had even begun thinking about life without Todd with just her husband and kids. But at the same time, Vincent had changed. He as well had become remote in the last few months. Their sex by this point had been obligatory and near forced. Once a week at best.

As Anna parked near the stone chess tables at the park, she saw her husband's SUV already parked. She started walking toward the stone tables, but Vince intercepted her.

"I need your phone, he replied. "Leave your purse in your car."


"I don't want this conversation recorder. If you don't want to talk, we can leave and have our lawyers handle it."

"Vince, do we have to do this?" she asked as she tossed her purse in her glove compartment and locked her car. Before she did, Vincent threw her phone in the car as well. "I may need that."

"You won't. Now let me search you."

"For what?"

"A bug," he replied as his hands began touching her body. "In case your mistress Heda is listening."

Anna ignored the quip but found the interaction strangely intimate.

"There was a time you used to like doing this to me, Vince."

"There was a time I was the only one," he replied as his hands reached into her bra and under her breasts. His touch was mechanical -- not an ounce of sensuality in the action. "Let's get this over with. Spread your legs."

"For you anything, Vince."

"Shut up Anna. I'm only doing this to make sure you're clean."

"Where did you learn this James Bond stuff? TV?"

He did not reply as his hands felt over her crotch and ass before moving down to pat down her legs covered by black tights.

"Take your shoes off and put them in the car," he said, handing her two slippers. "And leave the bracelet and broach in there as well."

"OK, Vince. I'll play your game."

"I've played yours for some time. It evens out. Get in the SUV."

"How do I know that you won't' kill me?"

"Cameras. They can identify me. We go talk someplace else, and I drop you back."

She went along with his charade because she wanted to talk to him and did not believe her soon-to-be ex-husband would hurt her. Still, she stayed vigilant, keeping an eye on him at all times.

Vince drove off to the nearby mall and parked. She followed him to a bench area under a tree and sat on the other side of the seat. They looked at each other for a few seconds, and Vince scoffed at her intent to act cool.

"I have proof that you had sex with Liam's son for the money his family loaned you for the business. You have been fucking him for years now. The only good thing is that the kids are mine, not his. But as far as us is concerned, we are through."

Anna closed her eyes to get herself under control.

"Please let me explain," she replied, ignoring Heda's advice just to listen. "I don't want us to divorce and break up the family."

"It's too late Anna. I've met someone else and want us to end our charade. I'll stay locally so we can share custody. But I will not stay married to a woman who betrayed me to go fuck some rich guy then lied to me for years. You should have just told me from the start. Before the kids."

"I promised you kids, and we had them," she replied.

"No Anna. Don't bullshit me. You wanted out, but the Mansons included a clause that the deal was off if you and I got divorced. The whole option to get out was a sham, wasn't it? I found the contracts you had hidden in that safe in your study behind the closet wall. It cost me a pretty penny to get someone to crack it, but my sister knows some criminals on parole that always want to be on her good side.

"She also has investigator friends. And I have some influential friends myself that helped me out. Greg Hansen has an excellent investigator. She tracked your dealings, and with the discovered contract, we figured it out.

"Todd Manson, who has left a trail of women like you all over, wanted you married or else no affair. And you went along with it. You made a fool out of me day after day. Vincent the sucker, right?"

"Vince I...."

"Don't you Vince me! I am moving on. But our kids one day may look back on your and mine association and ask questions. I want to look at them in the eye and not lie or have something to be ashamed of. So, I will not do anything but ask for a 50-50 split. We sell the house, and since the business was created after we were married, that too will be split evenly.

"Vincent, please stop. I know you have had this rehearsed as some grand revenge confrontation. But I... just stop and listen."

He was still visibly angry, but as his nostrils flared, he nodded for her to continue reluctantly.

"After years of saving, you and I had a bit more than ten grand saved up. I needed close to 220 grand to start the business. And in less than four years, Vince, I paid... we paid it back."

"No. You paid it back. On your back for him."

Him. Now Todd was the "him" in question. The unmentionable other man.

"OK, Vince, you want to get this out. Let's. I wish I were the one with millions or the 220 grand, but I was not. I wish you were the one with the millions, but you are not. The fact is that Manson had it and offered it. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at my dream, Vince.

"I know it was not your dream and that I dragged you in it. But we are so much better off financially. The kids will go to the best colleges, and you and I will have a better life. Have good vacations and homes. Please don't end us, Vince. I beg you. I'll do anything."

"Can you unfuck Todd Manson?" he stared at her with anger and sadness. "A fucken Delta Force jock with a reputation of ruining marriages and fucking married women. You did that without thinking of me. I was just the sap husband who was babysitting your kids."

"Our kids Vince."

"Fuck you Anna. Fuck you, fuck Manson, all the Mansons, your business, and our marriage. If it weren't for the kids, I would have...." He stopped as he realized he was losing control.

"Do you know what I did last week? I didn't go hunting with Greg. I flew to North Carolina to find your boyfriend. I was going to shoot his ass and turn myself in. But I ran into one of his ex associates. It turns out that this guy's wife used to be Manson's girlfriend before they got married. Ever since, Manson has been circling the wife wanting to tap it again just to get the rush that he did.

"This guy talked me down from the crazy tree Anna. Manson is missing because he fucked up his army career and his career as a private contractor. Now he is wanted by the Feds who IDed you."

Anna covered her mouth in shock.

"Oh yes, your boy Todd the stud is wanted for possible treason. You sure know how to pick them. The Feds investigated his connections with women, and you came up in the mix. Then they saw that my sister is a cop on the city anti-terror squad, and they brought her in for questioning. Then they brought me in."

"Oh, God!" Anna said, trembling.

"Greg's investigator and the Feds have all your story, Anna. So don't bother trying to talk your way out of this. I know what you did and why."

"What are you going to do?" Anna asked.

"I'm going to take care of our kids. As for you, you need to talk to the feds. They have been following us."

Anna looked around and noticed two sets of fit men and women in sunglasses and earpieces. She already knew who they were from the way they were watching her and Vince.

"I haven't done anything other than cheat on you, Vince. Are they going to arrest me?"

"As far I know, they will question you. The Feds gave me the chance to have it out with you since my sister and I were cooperative."

"Vince, please. Don't file for divorce. This thing with Manson was ending. He had tired of me."

"But you had not tired of him, Anna. And that's where you and I are. Go with the agents."

Vince stood, and the agents came closer.

"Anna Renzetti, I am agent Daniel Cruz of the Federal Bureau of Investigation," the man flashed his credentials. "These agents and I will escort you to the Federal Building for questioning."

"Vince," she said, pleading to him. "Please."

"Is she under arrest?"

"Not at this time."

"She will need council Agent Cruz," Vince said to him in a challenge. "She is a citizen and still has rights unless you are invoking the Patriot act. Are you?"

"Mr. Renzetti, I can tell your sister has schooled you well. No, we are not going to Patriot Act, your wife. Just question her. You are welcome to come with us and call a lawyer for her."

"I have to pick up the kids," Vince replied. "I'll call our lawyer."

"Do not call the Mansons," Cruz told him. "They are still suspect as possible accomplishes or for aiding him to run. If you do, I can have you arrested for impeding a federal investigation. Got that?"

"I'll go with them, Vince," Anna said and leaned in to kiss him.

Vince backed away as the female agent smirked under those mirrored shades.


Vince did not see Anna for two weeks. She asked him to reconsider, but Vince was no longer interested. They divorced.

I will not bore you with their life after that - typical divorced adult stuff. But their children were the ones that suffered. Their son was constantly getting in fights in school. Their daughter was withdrawn. When the kids became teenagers, their personalities reversed.

Their son withdrew into himself as his grades tumbled. No matter what Anna or Vince tried, their son cut them off. And his sister was worse. She was turning into the school slut.

Wrapped up in their new lives with new spouses, Vince and Anna had little time to deal with their children's issues. By 19, their son was arrested for assault and theft. By then, their daughter was pregnant with her second child.

Anna and Vince hardly spoke to each other by that point. Their children's problems they blamed on the other and did nothing. When their son was stabbed in prison, they argued the funeral. Their daughter abandoned her kids and left in the back of a Harley with a wild boy biker.

Sorry boys and girls. But betrayal and divorce rarely have a good ending.


As for Manson? The woman who helped him escape was not a friend. She and her team smuggled him out of the country into theirs. He is still there in the same cell with only his memories to keep him sane.

He dreamt of escaping and revenge for some time. Until one day, when he was on his daily exercise in the prison yard. A noise distracted him from above. A noise he was familiar with from his military days - jet in the sky.

Todd Manson spotted something dark falling in an ark. The jet had flown up before releasing its cargo, before banking away. Two fighter jets were chasing it, firing anti-air missiles in a chase when the world flashed. That was the last thing Todd saw as the heat enveloped him along with everyone in a five-mile radius.

From the International Space Station, US Astronaut Maj Lucinda Washington had been in the observation bubble looking at our beautiful planet when a flash below obliterated Peshawar, Pakistan. As she frantically contacted Houston to report it, another flash, then another, and another lit the earth below.

In the sly over the first explosion, the ashes and subatomic particles of one Todd Fucken Manson rose to the sky.

Anna and Vince were taking care of their grandchildren that Saturday. Both, by then, were divorced. Her second hubby was a cheater who ran off with Anna's maid. Vince's second wife fell in love with a beach bum in Florida before he dumped her for a younger model, and she came back to help raise her daughter's abandoned kids.

"What a mess the world is," she said as the news of the war in Asia escalated. China and India were trading nukes by this point.

"That's for sure," Vince replied. "That's for damned sure."

Nato_Nato_over 1 year ago

Just droned on. But I stayed to the end so that's worth 4/5

green117green117over 2 years ago
I sort of liked it -

I certainly haven't followed the author to the extent that I recognize recycled characters... though it is kinda obvious that something of the sort is going on.

A picky point (which means I am posting it mostly for my own amusement, and for the people like me) - such a situation is unlikely to create subatomic particles of the target... even if the victim is sitting on the bomb, the spallation probability would be small. Unless you are talking electrons - in which case, this computer screen is exposing you to subatomic particles! Oh No!


tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 2 years ago

Well written and probably closer to real life than those romantics of us would like. Life is messy and then you deal with your regrets and we all have them. Some minor compared to others. Great read.

saddletramp1956saddletramp1956over 2 years ago

Good to see Todd finally getting what he deserves. Thanks.

demanderdemanderover 2 years ago

Damn, this is too much. I enjoyed it until the consequences section. It didn't seem as if the dire result for the family necessarily followed from a divorce, or even from a loveless marriage. How was it different from when she was just busy all the time? You got into her head well, though. 5/5.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

As always.... Kalimaxos delivers with a BANG! Literally, in this case! At least we're finally rid of Todd Fucken Manson.... or, are we?



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