Together Forever Ch. 01


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Accepting her fate, the cowed blonde closed her teeth around the despoiled undergarment as completely as she could. Despite every screaming instinct in her body, though, Axel's grip on her hair prevented her from hanging her head in shame. Instead she was forced to stare at the stall wall, the misogynistic graffitti scrawled across it reinforcing her shame as it engraved itself permanently in her memory. Small tears began to trickle from the corners of her eyes, drawn forth by the toxic mixture of indignity, arousal, and physical pain she felt.

"Aww, Jake... you made her cry... She was having... so much fun... a minute ago." Axel's voice came in fits and spurts, clearly struggling to maintain control as he neared the brink.

"I'm tired of playing nice." Was all Jake had to say about the event which had so shaken his victim.

Lydia fought to suppress the tears which threatened to overcome her, compressing the misery she felt and burying it somewhere deep inside her. All she wanted was to get back in Jocelyn's arms and run somewhere far away. The encounter she had so desperately yearned for was rapidly spiraling out of control. It wasn't flirty, it wasn't exciting, and it certainly wasn't fun. It had become a nightmare. And the beauty knew it was about to get worse.

Lydia bit her lower lip hard as she felt Axel bury himself to the hilt inside her and hold there. Her mouth tasted of blood as she braced herself, whether drawn by her own teeth or Jake's hand moments before she couldn't say. No amount of warning, though, could prepare the girl for what happened next. She mewled pitifully when she felt the familiar, telltale sensation of liquid warmth filling her most sacred space as the latest in a long line of males staked his claim upon her. Unlike nearly all the rest, however, her latest conqueror had the enviable opportunity of assaulting an unprotected womb. An opportunity made all the more dangerous by how the tip of his long, sturdy cock was nestled firmly against his prey's cervix allowing every throb to discharge a shot directly into its target.

In her current state, Lydia was in no condition to recall when last she had bled. All she knew was that there was every chance one of her eggs was waiting for any of the countless sperm which had just been injected into her womb to hunt it down and conquer it the same way these boys had conquered her. If that was the case, it would be a nightmare. On the road together, there was no way she would be able to purchase a morning after pill without Jocelyn's knowledge, and there was no good scenario that involved her girlfriend knowing about such a purchase.

While a horde of fears danced through the potential young mother's mind in competition for her attention, the boy who had crafted them luxuriated in the warm tightness of her snatch for several seconds before he casually withdrew. As he stepped back, Axel wiped his tool on the inner thighs of the girl he had just finished with. The callous act evoked no reaction from Lydia.

"Have fun, buddy, she's not bad," the boy chuckled as he made way for Jake, softening cock bobbing contentedly between his legs. For a few seconds, Lydia felt cool air against her raw, rapidly closing cunt. A modest amount of pearly white cum mingled with the copious female fluids leaking out of her gash and down her thighs, but most of it had found a home much too deep inside her for a quick escape.

When Axel released his grip upon her hair, it was all the blonde could do to hold herself up and prevent a collapse onto the grimy floor beneat. That success was short lived, though. A strong push against the college girl's back sent her sprawling to the ground, her head knocking hard against the stall as she fell leaving her vision swimming.

"On your knees, cunt," Jake's snarl cut through the haze. When Lydia wasn't swift enough in scrambling upright, the boy reached forward to grip her long blonde locks and yank his victim up. Yelping in pain she did her best to assume the position he wanted. Once her vision stabilized, she found herself staring at Jake's muscular thighs and an angry, throbbing cock that bobbed an inch from her face. She slowly swept her teary eyes up his body until they locked upon his icy orbs.

"Since Axel left a mess inside your cunt, I'll have to find another way to enjoy you, slut." Jake's right hand held Lydia's hair firmly above her head, though the force of his pulling had ceased once she was level with his crotch. With his left he cupped her chin, slowly tracing his thumb back and forth along her soft lips. After a moment he removed that hand, holding it palm up in front of her face. "Spit it out."

Knowing what came next and predicting the natural progression beyond, Lydia obediently opened her mouth and pushed the soiled thong out with her tongue so it would drop in the waiting hand. She didn't bother waiting for her next order, as soon as the hand drew away she leaned forward to envelop Jake's cock in her mouth. It was smaller than his friend's, an average size a touch over half a dozen inches. That would make what was coming soon easier, the blonde noted with relief.

Careful never to break eye contact, Lydia began to service the cock in her mouth with all her well-honed skills. The girl had had a great deal of practice preforming blowjobs over the years. They were usually a quicker and easier method to satisfy a boy than true sex, especially when privacy was limited. Sometimes she even enjoyed the act, though never half so much as the boys whose cocks she was worshiping had. Now she turned all her technique upon her current subject, hoping against hope that if she proved skillful enough he would be satisfied with her mouth alone.

The athlete's dainty pink tongue delicately bathed the underside of Jake's cock, dancing in unpredictable patterns as she teased all his most sensitive spots. Her lips, meanwhile, massaged the rod's base while she applied just the right amount of suction, a measure that could only be learned by practice. As she bobbed her head, the girl took great care to ensure her teeth never touched the cock in her mouth. Some boys may enjoy the sensation of a slight graze from the teeth here and there, but it seemed an unwise experiment with two cruel boys in complete control of her. For his part, Jake was content to let her work unaccosted.

Lydia couldn't be sure how long her oral ministrations lasted, only knowing it was enough time for her jaw to start aching. Eventually, though, Jake was satisfied and decided to move on to the next item on the agenda. He couldn't be bothered with telling the blonde to stop, instead simply using his grip on her long golden hair to tug her forcefully back off his cock. His other hand, which still held her ruined thong, slowly rose to hover in front of her face. At first, Lydia made no move for them, hesitating until she saw Jake raise one eyebrow and felt him tighten his grip on her hair. Wordlessly her abuser dared her to defy him, to give him an excuse, but her spirit was already broken. Submissively, the girl leaned forward, taking her own befouled undergarment into her mouth once more.

"Good girl," Jake grinned savagely as he released Lydia's hair and rubbed her head as one would a pet. "Now, get that pretty little ass up here."

Reluctantly, the blonde pushed herself to her feet. She put up no resistance as Jake manhandled her into the same position she had occupied when Axel had his way with her. Nor did she resist as he brought his hands down hard on each of her taut asscheeks only to grab hold and spread them apart. The dark, puckered entrance to her asshole winked at him as he took the time to play with her firm, statuesque rear.

The finest feature on a body full of fine features, Lydia was used to her athletic ass drawing attention, both lust from the opposite sex and jealousy from her own. It seemed like nearly every boy who had ever taken a turn on her had tried to weasel his way into that forbidden passage, and given how meek she became with her pants down few had ever been turned away. Some, like the high school guidance counselor who had claimed her final virginity, didn't even bother asking permission. After all, he who doesn't ask can't be told no, or so they all seemed to think. Fortunately for them, when it came to Lydia they were right. The athletic beauty had always hated taking anything up her ass, though. Every single time. Quite simply, anal hurt, and she considered it disgusting to boot. For her lovers, though, her precious butt provided an intoxicating blend of pleasure and achievement at completing their conquest of her body. The worst part always came after when it seemed every one of them wanted her to clean them up with her mouth, as if it were somehow her fault they got dirty. She had little doubt Jake would be the same.

At first Lydia's latest conqueror was slow and deliberate, making gradual progress into her ass lubed only with sweat and spit. The whimpering moans this treatment drew from her lips steadily increased in volume and frequency as Jake intensified his plundering of her charms. Before long his beautiful victim had descended into pitiful sobbing interspersed by girlish yelps every time the boy gave her a particularly vigorous thrust. In another setting her cries would certainly have attracted attention but the dance music out on the club floor was simply too loud. Even if any guests did hear her, well, girls get pounded in club bathrooms all the time and who was going to leave a thriving party just to go find out how keen this one was about her situation? Unless of course they fancied a turn on her.

Lydia's expressiveness didn't last long, though, before Axel drew her and Jake's attention to where he had settled onto the nearby toilet. "Spin her around, would you?" He asked. His partner complied with barely any break in his rhythm, repositioning Lydia to face her original abuser. Before she could react, the blonde found her thong pulled from between her teeth and her head bobbing on Axel's reinvigorated cock, his hand resting possessively on the back of her head and pulling her towards his groin. The college girl's taste buds were overwhelmed with the combined flavour of the boy's seed and her own juices, a blend she was intimately familiar with having sampled it hundreds of times over the course of her life.

Lydia couldn't say how long she spent being buffeted between Axel and Jake as the two boys spitroasted her. Swept up in the tumult of her rape, any thought of her girlfriend's impending return had been driven from the blonde beauty's mind. As such, she was stunned by the sudden creaking sound of the bathroom's heavy door being pushed open and the impossibly swift reaction of her abusers who stilled, their cocks throbbing inside Lydia as they instinctively turned in the direction of the room's entrance.

"What? Lydia? Are you in here?" Jocelyn's soft voice called out, its tone betraying a hint of both surprise and concern. Mere feet away, Lydia's heart raced as she heard her beloved's footsteps draw nearer.

To Be Continued.

Thank you, audience, for reading, especially those kind souls who take the 2 extra seconds to leave a rating or a touch longer for a comment. You are the fuel for we writers.

I hope this story was enjoyed. This chapter was actually the beginning of a story I intended as a one-shot but stalled out on so I cut it in half in order to post most of the finished portion. I do expect to return and complete it, but the second half featuring Jocelyn will have to wait while I work on some other projects for awhile. In good news, I have two more pieces that are at least 2/3 done and hopefully will be ready to go up before long. One is a short little consensual piece I got distracted with, the other is more my norm and comparable to Last Hope in length except as a single chapter because it doesn't have a natural break. The latter is a personal favourite that I hope you all enjoy as much as I do.

Until next time, dear readers. Be good, just not too good.

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unholyintentionsunholyintentionsover 1 year ago

I never knew I would fantasize about being a domme on a submissive girlfriend just to get topped (and roughed up, and bred, really) by two dude bros in a nightclub stall… but here we are. Beautifully written.

doorknob22doorknob22about 2 years ago

Very good. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

ONCE, having had to many "free" drinks in a bar called "the BLACK SNAKE" I entered the Ladies restroom and every quickly slid into the first stall, dropped my sheer panties down and relived my very full bladder..

Only after the stall door opened did I realize I hadn't latched it. A tall Black woman was standing there with a pretty smile on her face. She had a sheer white dress with both sides slit up high on each side and sheer white deep V blouse on and you could clearly tell she didn't have on panties or a bra.

I started to get up but she pushed me back down and whipped her dress to one side and told me to get busy eating her shaved Black pussy.

She grabbed my head and shoved my face between her legs. "Eat bitch!" Suddenly I heard a male voice say loudly "Suck my clock botch!" The black woman pulled me down to the floor on my knees and shoved me to the Big Black cock poking thru the wall and reached over me and guided that clock to my exposed pushy aiming it at my pussy. Then she pushed me back on it until it was deep within me and my ads was pressed firmly against the wall. I was full of that Black thick cock!

It started fucking me and my face was being thrust firmly against her now soaked dripping black pussy.

After they both got off she said "Not only did you get someone's Black snake but also got some good Black pushy too."


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Usually wouldn't comment but this was a great story so I wanted to show my support. I can't wait to see the next part and how Lydia reacts to their treatment of Joc

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Loved it! Please continue can’t wait!

AnonTheMouseKingAnonTheMouseKingabout 2 years agoAuthor

I've gotta say, I'm (pleasantly) stunned by how well this one has gone over. It's thrashing my first pair even though I didn't personally think it was among my best work before I released it. I can definitely say that part 2 is getting bumped up the queue in response. 'All Grown Up' is in the final stages and 'Fallen Angel, Rising Star' (Which should appeal to fans of this one) will get priority after since it's also mostly done, but I imagine the continuation of this will get first crack once they are released.

And to commenters, thanks for the feedback.

1. That's gonna be a common theme for me, smart money says you'll be satisfied.

2. Uh... see above. Forgiven? I hope?

3. Always glad to provide good first impressions.

Priscilla_JunePriscilla_Juneabout 2 years ago

Great story! This is one of the first stories I’ve read here so it certainly sets a high bar.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

5 starts but you are a terrible terrible person. I was waiting the whole time for Jocelyn to show up and now I get a cliffhanger and I have to... Wait???


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Awesome story, can't wait for more. I hope the boys get them both pregnant.

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