Together Ssn 03 Ch. 12 - Give It All Away

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The day and night of the wedding.
10.2k words

Part 25 of the 88 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 02/15/2022
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***All characters depicted herein are of age, 18 years old at least, and all sexual activities portrayed are consensual. Enjoy!***

In the earliest hours of the morning, at the Cummings' castle in the silent stillness of night, Pleasant, 24, lays in her bed in her childhood bedroom with a visitation from her father. A hand clasped over her mouth, and another clasped to her crotch, the young woman is taken on an emotional journey through her innermost desires, awakened by the return to stone walls, which hold within them the history of forgotten days.

Pleasant whimpers and moans in the presence of the night's visitor, with the easing of the hand to her mouth allowing the whispers to ring clear, "Father... Yes, father... Mmm, yes, father... Yes... Yes... Mmm, ahhh... Oh, mmm, yes, father..."

Domhnall's face hangs dreamily above her; a visage of wants, of feuding needs, and of long-awaited desire from a time of innocence perverted by time's flow and the absence of contact, physically nor emotionally, creating an inner turmoil tearing inside Pleasant's most private of places.

Pleasant quietly calls into the night, confiding in it, "Father, I... uh... have always... ah-hah... needed... mmm... you... oh, mmm... I have... ah-huh... always... ugh... wanted... you... Father, please..."

Deep into the recesses of Pleasant's private and personal sanctum, flesh dances to touch in communion between the finger and the place from which pools a swell of positivity, radiating like ripples through a body of water. The touch promises a connection between the expectation of want and the need of reality, to conjure from a place of longing a lasting connection that will fill the heart and nourish the soul.

Pleasant confesses her deepest feelings to the ether, "Take me, father... take me, oh... take me, mmm... ta... ta... take me, mmm, ah... father, mmm, aaagh..."

This sacred rite is performed with the offering of a flesh not tainted by the touch of man, in the honour of a man who means most in the life of she whom offers herself. Pleasant bares her entire being to the promised agent as the flesh entwines to usher forth a divine sensation resonating from the soul.

Pleasant's fingers press, and they curl, and they frantically dance, inviting inhale, and inhale, and inhale, filling the lungs in sympathy with the feelings from below, holding her breath with an agonising tension drawn to the point of breaking, and...

Snap! Pleasant catches her breath, and the image of her father's presence fades into the recesses of her mind, and the feeling of the orgasm touches every nerve of her figure with a humming tingle. The young woman whispers into the night once more, "Father..."

Sunlight warms the skin of the sleeping beauty, stirring from her slumber the groom on the morn of her wedding. Into the room comes the Head of Household Operations, Carmichael Blake, unfazed by the stark appearance of Pleasant as she lays on her bed with the sheets strewn in heaps and folds from a night of restlessness, and Carmichael informs her, "Young Mistress Pleasant? You should rise, shower and dress promptly. It would be a shame for you to be tardy on the day of your wedding... Not that I care in the slightest."

Pleasant picks up her head from her pillow to look at Carmichael, unfazed by the intrusion into her bedroom, and she says, "I am up, and I'm not going to miss my own wedding. I'm punctual. As a matter of fact, I was already awake when you walked in.

"By the way, Carmichael, I know you used to do this all the time when I was a child, but you really shouldn't be walking into a woman's room unannounced. You never know what you may find a woman doing, or how she will respond to such an invasion of her privacy."

Carmichael shrugs his shoulders, and responds uncaringly, "Privacy, you say? I can't imagine finding you doing anything worse in here than anything I have seen from you before. Hmm, short of murder? Don't expect me to help you hide the body if you ever do though. What would it be? A case of Mistress Cummings in the bedroom with the rope?"

Pleasant swings her legs around to sit on the side of the bed, and she drearily replies, "Droll, Carmichael. Very droll."

Carmichael advises Pleasant, "Tick tock, young Mistress Pleasant," and he leaves, calling behind him, "Tick tock..."

Pleasant readies herself this morning, with a thorough clean, and dressing in her groomsman outfit: an exquisitely tailored suit commissioned to her friends at Taylor and Bond's by special appointment, as a special favour to her for her wedding day, being able to wear something personal to her. A very dapper light grey suit jacket and trousers, embroidered with an intricate pattern in silver thread which catches the light, and a waistcoat for underneath in a darker grey, velvety soft to the touch. The look completed by a pink shirt, and a dark grey bowtie with more silver embroidery.

A perfect fit, with just enough wriggle room to be comfortable and not restricting, Pleasant looks like royalty dressed in her suit. An entirely personal and appropriate look for the day's proceedings as she awaits the ceremony.

The ceremony itself is to take place in the inner courtyard of the castle, which has been arranged and furnished for this occasion with flourishes of white and gold, with roses and the glittering of diamonds glistening like stars in the radiance of the summer sun as it's height of prominence approaches.

In single-file, the guests enter the courtyard, and filter into the seats. On the groom's side: Domhnall, 64, Archibald, 85, Elise, 82, some of her male sex worker friends, some of the girls from boarding school, and a visit from dear friend of the family, Rajesh, 39. On the bride's side: her paternal grandparents, Albert and Hilda, her maternal grandparents, Graham and Ingrid, some old friends from college and also some from school. When the guests are all seated, Craig, 20, meets Pleasant at the courtyard entrance, asking the groom, "You good?"

Pleasant smiles, and confides in Craig, "You know, performing sexually for thousands of people is second nature compared to this. It is not often in my life I feel the need to take pause, but, yes, I am good," and she asks the best man, "Everything in place?"

Craig informs Pleasant, "Everyone who should be in the know, knows exactly what to expect, and, everything is ready for the big moment."

Pleasant asks her best man, "Nervous?"

Craig exhales and smiles, telling the groom in response, "Not as nervous as you should be. Thereabout?"

The groom and the best man enter the courtyard, and walk down the aisle between the convened guests up to before a table near the rear wall which has a register upon it. The groom and the best man stand in wait beside the table, as an usher announces to all, "The bride and the bridesmaids have arrived. The ceremony shall commence shortly."

The registrar makes his way down the aisle, clutching in his arms to his chest a computer tablet bound in an appropriate-looking cream-coloured leather case, and he makes his way to stand before the table with the register upon it and turns to face the guests, asking if everyone is ready and prepared, and with assurances that all is as it should be, he signals the usher to send in the bridesmaids.

In pairs, the bridesmaids come down the aisle. Firstly, the pair of Gloria, 37, and Gabby, 19, followed by the pair of Gracie, 55, and Lucy, 43. Next comes the maid of honour, Tiffany, 21, walking on her own down the aisle, clutching a beauteous bouquet of flowers to her chest. All the bridesmaids stand at either side of the table, with the maid of honour standing opposite the best man, which leaves only two more people to proceed down the aisle.

The registrar asks for all in attendance to be upstanding, and, the father of the bride, George, 47, begins to walk down the aisle with the bride, Frankie, 21, arm-in-arm, side-by-side, step-by-step. George presents his daughter to the groom, and takes a seat on the end of the aisle on the bride's side.

Taking each other's hands, Pleasant looks upon the full majesty of Frankie's bridal outfit for the very first time: also commissioned to Taylor and Bond's, they have captured the elegance of Frankie's figure, and the exquisiteness of her spirit, with a bodice holding snug to her, and the dress falling to floor-length, all seemingly simply and seamlessly sculpted from a single piece of fabric to mould to her dimensions in the cleanest of white with some elegantly formed flourishes incorporated around the hips, and the look is completed with a pair of flat-heeled silk slippers to compliment a truly angelic look.

With all in attendance, the registrar begins, "Family and friends have gathered here today to witness the devotion of these two people in marriage. The groom and the bride have prepared vows to make to each other, which they will declare to each other via a reading. Following this shall be the exchange of rings, and an acknowledgement from myself to bind them together, then officiating the marriage by signing the registry, which will be done on tablet, with a symbolic pen signing also for tradition's sake in the book.

"If anyone knows any legal reason this ceremony should not continue, please, let it be known now." The registrar awaits a response for a moment, to the receipt of silence, prompting him to ask, "If the groom is ready to make their vows," the registrar looking to Pleasant to confirm, receiving from her a nod, he asks her, "then please, make your vows known now."

Pleasant looks into Frankie's eyes, and recites from memory her vows to her, "I, Angelina Cummings, take you, Francine Reid, to be my lawfully wedded wife. As thus I have had you and held you, I promise to do as such, now and forever, always. As thus I have honoured you and treasured you, I promise to do as such, now and forever, always. As thus I have loved you and cherished you, I promise to do as such, now and forever, always. As thus I have been at your side, in sorrow and joy, in good times and not, in sickness and health, I promise to do as such, now and forever, always. I make a promise to you, in front of all who love us, I will do anything for you, to invite to you goodness, and to shield you from evil, with all I am afforded in life and beyond, now and forever, and always."

The registrar recognises the end of Pleasant's vows, and prompts Frankie, "If the bride is ready to make their vows, then please, make your vows known now."

Frankie looks into Pleasant's eyes, and declares her vows to her as follows, "I, Francine Reid, take you, Angelina Cummings, to be my lawfully wedded husband. As you give your everything to me, I, in return, give my everything to you. Where our words cross, let them be sown into a stronger fabric, telling our tale for the ages. Where our actions touch the lives of others, let our love be known to echo without fade nor falter until the very ends of the world. Where we stand, fall, and be laid to rest, let the foundations of who we were be built on, now and forever, always. You would do anything for me, and I, make a promise to you, in front of all who love us, I will do anything for you, wherever we may go, and whatever we may do, and in the presence of anyone, now and forever, and always."

The registrar recognises the conclusion of Frankie's vows, and announces, "With the exchange of vows being given, now is the time for the exchanging of rings," turning to the best man, asking him, "Come forward," and Craig steps beside Pleasant as instructed, as the registrar commands Pleasant, "Take the ring, and place it on the bride's finger."

Pleasant picks up the ring she picked for Frankie: platinum, inlaid with diamonds, and placing it on Frankie's finger, the wedding ring combines with the engagement ring sat next to it, with a prominent diamond stone on each surrounded by a ring of silver creating an infinity symbol, and from that, smaller diamonds inset forming the wings of an angel, each glistening with a bright lustre from the shining of the summer sun above, and casting a white luminance on Frankie's face from below.

The registrar commands Frankie, "Take the ring, and place it on the groom's finger."

Frankie reaches across, and picks up the ring she picked for Pleasant: a dark grey, almost black, with an unassuming amount of weight to it, placing it on Pleasant's finger. The ring is made out of meteorite; it is one that is as tough as diamond, and is carved out smooth, with no perceptible roughness or imperfections. The ring is truly immaculate, and sent from heaven; a fitting and unique ring for Pleasant.

The registrar declares, "With the exchanging of vows, and the giving and receiving of rings, I hereby declare you, husband and wife. You may now kiss." Pleasant and Frankie touch lips in a noticeably restrained and dignified manner compared to how they are normally viewed as doing, but appropriately so for an occasion such as this. All in attendance applaud the kissing, creating a symphonic resonance as the sound bounces around the walls of the courtyard, filtering up into the cloudless sky, with the summer sun watching from on high.

The registrar presents the couple with the tablet for them to give a digital signature for the registry office to make it official, and has the couple sign the register book; unnecessary, but a nice traditional touch as a tangible memory for all gathered to witness and treasure, including the bride and groom.

After the signing is concluded, the registrar announces, "Now, there is just one more order of business to conduct. Will the maid of honour please stand front and centre, and face the guests," he instructs.

Confused, but obeying the instruction, Tiffany steps forward and faces the guests. Craig comes across to her side, and kneels beside her. She turns to notice, and looks around to see everyone's faces, with no-one seeming to be surprised by this gesture other than herself, but all of them watching with intent as Tiffany focuses her attention to her boyfriend.

Craig holds a ring box in his hand, not unusual for a wedding, but the manner in which he holds it whilst being down on one knee is unusual for a wedding, as he tells Tiffany, "Since we were the smallest of children, we have been around in each other's lives, gradually getting closer, and closer, and closer. We found love for each other, and we brave many hardships with each other, and, whatever the future may hold, we will always be there for each other. This has always been coming for us, and nothing will break us apart. Tiffany Bright," opening the box to reveal a gold engagement ring with inset topaz stones shining like the sun itself, "Will you marry me?"

Taken completely off guard, Tiffany stands there, unresponsive, and still like a statue. Everyone watches, with the summer sun at it's highest point above the courtyard almost casting a spotlight down on Tiffany. She stares down at Craig, her mind a wreck from the stresses of her life crumbling away at her inside, but, something inside her feels belonging, and warmth, and acceptance, breathing, "Yes..."

Craig, looking concerned, asks for confirmation, "Is that a yes?"

Tiffany begins to well up tears in front of everyone, and she nods, saying louder and clearer, resonating around the courtyard, "Yes!"

Craig takes the ring from the box, and he slides the ring onto Tiffany's finger. Then, he stands up, and takes Tiffany in his arms, hugging her as she stands on the verge of tears. Craig shows his now fiancee his commitment to her in his life, and promises to always be there for her.

For Tiffany, going through Craig's proposal, she doesn't feel worthy of his devotion, but, she understands his reasons for doing so, and is impressed at picking such a moment to do it. The moment was not spontaneous, but prepared for in advance, with care and precision, and was perfectly kept from her so she could be surprised in the moment. In her mind, this shows not only Craig's love, but everyone else's too, and, for that, she is truly grateful.

Everyone in the courtyard gets to their feet, clapping and cheering for the newly engaged couple as Craig kisses Tiffany. Tears trickle down her cheeks and settle where Craig's skin meets hers, and she feels a sensation overcome her of love that she has longed for during her entire life, never once believing that she herself would ever have a moment like this. Now it is here, she is elated with such joy to have Craig be the one to be by her side.

The bride and groom approach the newly engaged couple, and Frankie hugs Tiffany, whilst Tiffany asks, "You all knew about this?"

Frankie says into her best friend's ear, "Craig wanted everything to be perfect for you, and wanted everyone important in your life to share in this moment, to show how loved you are. This was the perfect proposal, and we all love you."

Pleasant tells Tiffany, "Congratulations! We really do love you. We are your family, who you can always count on: for support, for guidance, for anything you want or need. We are here for you."

Tiffany sobs, asking, "Even on your wedding day?"

Pleasant smiles at the concern from Tiffany, and assures her, "This day is all about our families coming together to celebrate our love for each other; for all of us. This wedding is not just about Frankie and I. We asked for everyone to be gathered here to share in each other's lives, to become as a single family, and you are a part of that. We wanted Craig to propose to you here. It was all our idea."

Tiffany cries, and sobs, "Thank you. I love all of you."

Pleasant tells Tiffany, "I love you too."

Frankie also tells Tiffany, "I have always, and always will, love you," continuing to hold her friend in a tight embrace, allowing her best friend to cry on her shoulder.

The courtyard is cleared of the furniture by the house staff, and refreshments of sparkling wine and canapes are distributed to the attendees, as the guests cycle around the courtyard to offer congratulatory sentiments, to the newly wed couple on a beautifully conducted service, and to the newly engaged couple on Craig's heartfelt proposal.

One guest in particular is very excited to greet the happy couple. Rajesh approaches eager to say, "Hello, Mistress Cummings! Oh, that will be Reid-Cummings now, yes?"

Pleasant greets Rajesh with a hug and a kiss, replying, "Yes, we are Reid-Cummings now," asking the excitable man, "How are you, Rajesh?"

The businessman answers, "I am doing so well. Veritably overjoyed to be able to be here on this most wonderful of occasions. The ceremony was beautiful. I almost cried hearing your vows."

Pleasant laughs, and says to Rajesh, "You are so sweet. I always love seeing you, my friend," and mentions to him, "We actually have a chance to see a lot more of each other soon."

Rajesh is delightedly surprised, fizzing, fit to burst like a firework as he awaits further details, enquiring, "How is this possible?"

Pleasant replies, "We will be honeymooning out in the desert. It will be nearly a decade since I was last out there. Has much changed?"

Rajesh smiles even more broadly, if that was even possible, upon hearing this news, and he paints a picture with his words as he responds to Pleasant's question, saying, "Oh, there has been much development, especially out on the coast. Resorts built with photo-perfect beaches and the cleanest sea water you will ever see. Actually, a friend of mine owns the company that cleans the pollution out of the water to make it an attractive tourist spot.

"Of course, the real attraction is the city. Just as hectic and bustling as it was when you stayed with me; perhaps even more so than it was. The resorts are where you will find the perfect space to enjoy an idyllic paradise, with hotels providing luxury, and spas bringing sublime comfort, but, if you bore of the quiet, come into the city, and I will show you around," asking Pleasant, "Do you remember how we danced?"