Tongue Tied


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I kind of liked how normal it felt to be tied up on the couch after a while. Like it was a big deal when I was the focus of attention, but when I wasn't it faded into the background, both for my siblings and even myself. It was all too easy to get lulled into complacency, and startle myself back to the reality of the situation when I tried to move.

It was a cozy situation. Just me and my sibs hanging out and talking. Me being bound at the same time was at times thrilling or embarrassing, but more than anything it still just felt secure and safe. The physical comfort of the ropes--which I still recognized as being a bit weird to feel--combined with the psychological snugness of being looked after by my brother and sister. It was just really nice.


I must have been more comfortable than I thought. The next thing I knew I was waking up in the dark. I panicked for a second or two and nearly started thrashing around as a response to being confused and uncertain, and of course unable to move properly. I calmed down pretty quickly though as my brain began to function again.

I was in Ahri's bed. It was dark in the room, but not the pitch-black I'd initially assumed. There was enough ambient light to recognize where I was. What's more, I wasn't alone. That made sense, since Ahri would be sleeping in her own bed. There was breathing on both sides of me, however, indicating that once again we were all together for the night.

The thought of it pleased me for some reason, and I smiled to myself as I settled back down and tried to get back into a sleeping position.

"Stop squirming," Shen whispered.

He hadn't moved other than to speak. I couldn't be sure if he'd been awake the whole time, or had actually been disturbed by my--in my opinion--very small movements.

"I'm not," I whispered back.

"You were."


"Still though."

I shifted again, just to be a bit of an ass. "How'd I get here?"

"You fell asleep," Shen said. "I don't know how you can do that all tied up."

"I don't know," I said. "It's easy. Kind of like being held, sort of. It feels safe."

He snorted gently. "I don't get that either."

"That's fine, neither do I. Didn't even know I'd like it 'til yesterday."

"Well you're making Ahri happy, I guess."

"Not my primary motivator," I said. I shifted again. "Could you get a little closer?" I asked, feeling my heart speed up just a little as I asked the question. I really didn't want to get myself excited when it was the middle of the night and I mostly just wanted to get back to sleep.

"Closer?" Shen asked, disbelievingly. "We're already three to a bed only made for two."

"I'm a bit cold," I said.

"Ha. Liar."

He scooted closer anyway, wrapping an arm around me, as I'd hoped for. I happily snuggled against my brother and let my thoughts drift free again. There was a sound from Ahri as I got settled that was either a soft chuckle, or just a simple random sleeping noise. I really couldn't tell which.


I woke up again to Ahri slipping out of bed. It was properly morning this time, and I was taken aback at how good she looked in the soft morning glow, even disheveled from last night's sleep. Perhaps especially because of that, actually.

She caught me watching as she put on a robe and gave me a little smile.

"Morning," Ahri said. "Someone's cozy."

I grinned sheepishly, but I was indeed quite cozy with Shen spooned up against me. The way I was tied didn't let him get quite as molded to me as I might have liked, but it was still so very good. He incidentally had an erection pressed against my butt, which I had no intention of pointing out to my sister at the moment.

"It's pretty nice," was all I said.

"Do you need to be untied?" Ahri asked.

I shook my head quickly, not ready to leave my snuggly morning yet. I desperately wanted to stretch after so long, but even more than that I wanted to enjoy the experience a while longer first.

Ahri just nodded and padded out of the room. I embarrassed myself at the longing little sigh I gave as she vanished from my sight. It was the sigh of someone in the early days of being smitten, and whatever the hell was happening it wasn't like I was crushing on either of my sibs. Hopefully I wasn't.

For a time it was just me awake in the room, listening to Shen softly snore, and feeling the warm rise and fall of his chest. When he started to wake up, it was over the course of a few minutes while he slowly mumbled and squirmed, and even involuntarily rubbed his cock on my butt. Probably not on purpose, at any rate. I couldn't be totally sure.

"Morning, sleepy," I said.

"Morning," he said.

"You're hard again," I said.

Shen shrugged. "It happens."

I bit my lip, rather happily noting that he made no attempt to actually move his cock away from my butt. I recognized that I was getting excited about the wrong things lately, but the knowledge alone didn't seem to stop me from carrying on anyway.

We cuddled together longer. I assumed Shen would give in first, he was the one with an erection pressed against me that he couldn't even grind on my booty to get some satisfaction. It would have made sense for that to be an issue in his world. Instead he seemed perfectly alright with a very slow burn, and I ended up needing to pee pretty badly.

"Hey," I said.


"I need to pee."

Shen groaned. "Right now?"

"Well I've been lying here a while actually," I said.

"You could have told me you wanted to get up."

"I don't want to," I said. "But I kind of need to now."

That set Shen to a bemused place in his head, but he got up and dragged me out of bed--quite literally, given my inability to do anything for myself. He was, if anything, even more rumpled looking than Ahri had been. I was finding that look super hot this morning, for some reason. It didn't usually do anything in particular for me. Maybe it was the extra emphasis it put on how we'd just been in bed together.

Even hotter, and not leaving any doubt in my mind as to why, was Shen casually slinging me over his shoulder and carrying me to the bathroom. It turned out I really enjoyed that sort of thing, with the right person of course. Obviously being tied up and moved around without my permission would have been scary under different circumstances. Shen, though, could do it as much as he liked, as far as I was concerned.

The untying went less smoothly. Shen didn't have the expertise that Ahri did, and he wasn't fully awake yet. He grumbled as he picked at the initial knot, then tried to unwind the rope through its intricate set of bindings.

"I really need to go," I warned, dancing a bit despite my best efforts, since it would still be easy enough to lose my balance.

"I know, I know," Shen said. "Blame your sister. She could have made this easier to undo."

"Well it's gonna be our problem pretty soon," I said.

Shen sighed and kept doing his best.

My wiggling about wasn't helping, I knew that but couldn't stop myself. I also began to whimper pathetically, again knowing that it wasn't actually helpful.

He got my legs free, and that was just going to have to be enough. I couldn't wait for my upper body at this rate.

"Ok, that'll do," I said.

Shen frowned. "Well--"

"Pull my bottoms down, would you?" I said.

"... what?"

"Please?" I added, in case that was the issue. It wasn't, of course.

"I'm not... that seems like...."

I groaned. "Shennn, I don't have time for moral quandaries right nooowww. Pull my bottoms down."

"I don't think I--"

"Pull my bottoms down!"

Shen yanked my pyjama pants down, and I sat down so fast I near fell off again on the far side. My bladder let go not a moment too soon, and an intense wave of relief washed through me that I had managed not to piss myself. It was the small victories sometimes.

I entirely forgot my brother was still there, if only for a few seconds. As my stream turned to dribble, I brought him back into focus, and the way he was still just kneeling where I'd left him, where he'd been untying me.

"You don't actually have to watch," I said quietly.

"Yeah, no, I don't," he agreed. "Just... it's too early for this."

I snorted. "Is that the issue?"

"It's what I'm going with." Shen slowly pushed himself back to his feet. "I know we've been messing around, but there are times I truly don't know how to feel about it."

"You're more conflicted about watching me pee than about rubbing your dick on my butt?" I asked.

"Sort of," he said. "I meant more so how I got a face full of your pussy just now."

"Pff, yeah right. When you get a face full of my pussy, you'll know it."

We were both silent a moment.

"Ok, I admit that came out stronger than I meant," I said.

"You don't say," Shen said.

"I just meant, like, don't worry about it," I said, looking away and fidgeting in my seat. "Nothing else."

"You've got to work on your phrasing then," Shen said.

"I'm aware."

"Would you really want my face in your--"

"Oh god, no, stop," I said. "It was a slip of the tongue. That's all. And stop grinning because I said 'slip of the tongue'!"

Shen didn't look like he was about to stop grinning about it any time soon. "You're cute when you're flustered," he said instead.

"I could say the same to you," I countered.

"You could, but I'm not the one flustered at the moment," he said.

"Yeah, well... could you just help me back up here?" I asked, trying to ignore the heat in my face. "I might need your help standing. And wiping. And putting my pants back on. All of the things basically."

Shen nodded slowly. "Probably a bad idea, but sure. I gotta pee too though."

"That's fine. I'd happily get out of your way, except that I can't."

He stepped closer, a strange, dangerous glint in his eye. "That's fine. Just scoot back."


"Scoot back," he repeated.

I gasped as his cock came out and got aimed at the toilet. I pressed myself backward with my feet as hard as I could, but still his stream splashed against me on the way down. Mostly around my pussy, or just about it where it ran down my skin briefly before falling to the water below.

"Shen!" I hissed.

"Had to go," he said.

"Not that badly," I protested.

"Maybe," he said.

He couldn't possibly know how turned on I was right now. There was no way. If I'd been observing as an outsider, I wouldn't have guessed either, for that matter.

It was such a dumb thing to get horny over. That was the story of my life lately, though, so maybe it wasn't totally out of nowhere. All I knew was my brother very mildly peeing on me was doing it for me, and I found myself trying to contort my body just a little bit more to get more and better contact with my pussy.

He was done by the time I'd come anywhere near to reconciling any of my various thoughts and emotions. I was disappointed. I wanted more. Or, as I looked back up at Shen, maybe I wanted something else.

"What did you do that for?" I asked, my voice husky and aroused.

Shen shrugged. "Wanted to see what it would be like?"


"I guess. I didn't plan on it," he said. "Just seemed like a good idea."

"Did it really?" I asked.

"No. It seemed like a horny idea," he admitted.

"It was," I agreed breathily. He was still just holding his cock in front of me. "Have any other horny ideas?"

"One or two, perhaps."

"Any that don't involve untying me any further?" I hazarded.

His crooked smirk made me melt. "Never actually crossed my mind to finish untying you."

I didn't need to ask him what did cross his mind, he was ready to show me. He pulled me forward and helped me down to my knees, keeping me balanced mostly. I was more than ready to kneel in front of him.

I was already horny, we both were, but leaning into the situation was driving me even crazier. Just about everything this morning was adding to the thrill for me. I couldn't explain why the fantasy of my brother doing what he wanted with me--even though it was very much consensual--was so hot to me. Why being tied up allowed me to pretend I wasn't making a very emotionally dangerous decision. I'd very deliberately asked not to be untied. It was my choice. And yet, because I was bound, I could pretend like it wasn't.

My thoughts weren't processing correctly. I could follow ideas for a moment, but not to any conclusion. Maybe I was surrendering to the moment, or maybe this was just what happened when I got too horny. Either way it was something that never happened to me, not to this extent.

Shen had a gentle hand on my head as he slowly moved his cock toward me. I opened my mouth without prompting, needing it inside me. Arguably taking it in my pussy would have made more sense, since I would have received some physical satisfaction too that way.

On the other hand, not only would that have been a step or two too far, but I craved the psychological impact of what we were doing more than the physical. This was stupid and horny in all the best ways, and I'd never before felt myself riding that particular emotional wave with nearly so much excitement. I had an almost overwhelming need for more. It was similar to, but separate from, the need for an orgasm when I was highly aroused in a more usual fashion.

It seemed likely that Shen wasn't quite as deep into everything I was. Sticking his cock in my mouth felt like a more typical version of being horny, even if the fact that it was his sister's mouth made it more complicated.

He moaned softly as I took his cock between my lips, letting my tongue run along it and trying to make a soft and wet experience for him. I was, if only briefly, a pleasure vampire. What made him feel good would in turn make me feel good. It was just that kind of reciprocal energy happening, which was brand new and exciting for me.

It was so easy-going at first, just me gently sucking on my brother, unable to use my hands or even move my mouth too fast without risking unbalancing myself. Shen supported me a little with that hand of his on my head, but I found myself trying to nuzzle against his palm more than anything.

It was weird to think that this might have been the most tender and emotion-laden blowjob I'd ever given. By all rights it shouldn't have been anything more than the kinkiest and worst-advised blowjob, not the hottest and safest.

Shen made it even better when his other hand took a gentle hold of my head as well, gripping me lightly from both sides. He thrust his hips, still trying not to be too aggressive about it, but technically face-fucking me. I wouldn't have been sure about something like that most of the time, especially without my hands free. With Shen it wasn't close to the most questionable part of the whole activity. And in fact I didn't mind if he wanted to be a bit more active; the better he felt, the more I got out of it.

"No fair looking at me like that," Shen said huskily.

I hadn't been aware I was looking at him like anything in particular, other than just trying to look up at him at all while my mouth was full. That was probably what he meant, actually. I must have been quite a sight, especially from his perspective.

Counter-intuitively, the way he looked into my eyes suggested a more tender affection that I would expect from a boy getting sucked off, or from my brother. Like he wasn't seeing me as either his sister or a temporary sexual partner. Or was it rather that it was both at once, and that's what I couldn't quite reconcile?

I got lost in his eyes in return, at any rate. There was something hypnotic about such an intimate gaze during such a naughty time. And once again, I was feeding off of Shen's emotions as much as anything. The eye contact only helped with that.

"You're gonna make me cum," Shen whispered.

My eyes flared and I put a little more enthusiasm on my cock-sucking.

"Unf, well especially if you do that," he said. "You sure you want it?"

I rolled my eyes. It was a bit late for that, wasn't it?

"Yeah yeah, I know," he said. "But just...."

His eyes rolled back, breaking the delicious contact we'd held. His cum hit the back of my throat only a second later, and it was my turn to lose focus as I suddenly had a mouth increasingly full of my brother's cum.

Always before, cum had just been something that happened, not something I desired. This time I craved it. It meant something far deeper than usual to me. It turned me on like crazy that I was letting Shen cum in my mouth, and also just the whole slutty vibe of everything I was doing.

I pulled back to let some of Shen's cum hit my face, adding to the erotic ecstasy. I didn't care that it made a mess. If anything, I wanted the mess. I wanted to be marked, to be dirty. It didn't make any rational sense, but I was long past that mattering.

Shen sighed contentedly, stroking my cheek and looking at me with a blissful smile. "Oh Gwen."

I gave him a curious look without speaking. I still had his cum on my tongue, just kind of collected there, and I hadn't decided what to do with it yet.

"That was such a bad idea," he said, "but I really don't feel bad about any of it. Especially when you keep looking at me like that."

I swallowed his cum, knowing full well he could see me doing it, and that it was super obvious I'd delayed the action deliberately.

"I really don't know what you think I'm looking at you like," I said.

"You should see yourself then," came another voice.

I turned toward Ahri, feeling paradoxically both calm and nervous at realizing she was present. I decided that I wasn't surprised at being caught, Shen and I hadn't been overly sneaky or subtle, hence my calm acceptance of it. I was, however, anxious about what our sister was thinking, and perhaps more importantly what she might do. It wasn't necessarily a bad anticipation, and the small shivers I felt weren't so much dread as ever-accruing horniness making itself known.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a small voice.

Ahri, leaning up against the doorway with a cup of coffee, looking all casual and in control, gave me a crooked smile. "Gwen, darling, I've never seen anyone look quite so horny, slutty, and adoring all at once."

I gasped. "No! I am maybe one of those things, tops."

"You've got Shen's cum on your face," Ahri said.

Shen nodded. "That's true. And you swallowed the rest."

My cheeks burned. Fuck. "Ok, maybe two of those things," I admitted. "I'm not adoring though. Whatever that means in this context."

"If you say so," Shen said in that particular sort of way that made it hard to keep arguing, but you knew you weren't being believed even a little bit.

Ahri padded in and tapped Shen's shoulder. "Alright, out," she said gently. "Girl time."

Shen nodded, putting his cock away finally. I supposed now that he'd cummed in me there wasn't much reason to fight about who got to play with me.

I shivered again at the thought of it. Was I only a plaything now? Was that what I wanted? Not usually, no. Not with anyone. But right here, right now, horny as I was....

Shen patted my head affectionately just before leaving. I was sufficiently lost in thought that I happily accepted the headpats and would have leaned in for more if he wasn't already gone. I caught the way Ahri was looking at me and blushed again.

"Adoring," was all she said.

"Oh fuck off, I am not. Not for either of you," I said. "I have some standards."

Ahri set her coffee by the sink and turned the shower on. I wasn't sure if it was for her or me, though I supposed I could probably use a wash at this point.

"I'm not judging, you know," Ahri said. "Not like I'd have any room to judge. Though I didn't expect to find you with our brother's cock in your mouth. That was a surprise."

"It just kind of happened," I said. "Can't explain it."

"No, I get it."

"You do?"
