Touch of the Wolf Ch. 04


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She smiled.

He quickly dialed and placed their order, he opted for pizza as well. He also ordered ribs and garlic bread as well as a couple of light beer six packs. "Thirty minutes."

He settled back and got the channel right so they wouldn't miss the beginning of their movie. He got comfortable in his corner of the couch. She pillowed her head against his chest as they watched a news broadcast, he gently stroked her hair.

The door bell went off and she jumped up. "I'll get it." she went to race to the door.

"Tip?" He asked and she stopped just before reaching the door.

She tapped her pockets but she had no cash. She raced back and patted his pockets. She found his wallet and dug it out of his pocket. Then she opened it and frowned. She glanced at him, wondering what an appropriate tip would be.

He caught her expression and answered, "Twenty."

She nodded and pulled out the note as the bell rung again. She tossed him back his wallet and went to the door. She pulled the door open and smiled at the woman with the trolley. The majority of the wait staff were female, they were less of a threat to possessive males with their mates, the few men in the staff would cater only to the gay females. The hotel wanted to keep their often volatile clients as calm as possible.

She wheeled in the trolley making sure not to make eye contact with Cass. She wheeled the trolley to the lounge room and set the food down as well as two beers, she put the rest in the fridge and wheeled her trolley out. Cass slid the note into her hand before she left. She closed the door and raced to the food as the movie started. She opened the boxes as her eyes glued to the screen.

She found her pizza and grabbed a slice. She ate and drank as she watched the movie. When she finished she snuggled up to him to watch the rest of the movie.

He knew the moment she had fallen asleep in his arms. He gently slid out from under her and went to turn down the covers. He then picked her up and carefully moved her to the bed. He got her boots and jeans off with a struggle, watching to see if his actions would wake her but she was sleeping deeply. He wondered how she had managed to get into them. He took a deep breath as his fingers brushed the silky firmness of her thighs. His wolf panted in his mind, urging him to take her, his body responded and started to harden. He walked away from her and grabbed one of his shirts. He knew that women didn't sleep in their bras and the shirt she was wearing should be made illegal.

He took a deep breath and quickly stripped her and slid her into his shirt. He then tucked her in and went to have a very cold shower.


Grey-hawk punched his pillow and tried to get comfortable on the leather couch. He couldn't seem to get to sleep. All he wanted to do was go over to Cass and wake her, make love to her and hold her as she slept. He heard her roll over then tossed back. She made a little noise, a protest. He got to his feet the moment he heard her cry out 'stop' and start to fight the tight sheets.

"CASS." He pulled the sheets free and grabbed her shoulders giving her a gentle shake. She woke and glanced around. She then put a hand to her face and cried. It had happened, everything had happened. He pulled her into his arms and held her.

He didn't have to ask her what she had been dreaming about. She had dreamt of that day, the day they met, the day she was raped. "How often do you dream of that day?" He asked gently when she calmed.

It felt like it took forever for her to answer. "Everyday." She said with a sniffle.

He held her to him, gently stroking her hair, letting her calm. "Have you talked to anyone?"

She pulled away. "With who?… do you even talk about that day?" She crawled off the bed and went to the bathroom. She came out a few minutes later rolling up the left sleeve as she had already done the right. "How can I explain that day? Can you, can Wolfgang, can Amy?" She demanded continuing their conversation.

"No… I can't… some nights I dream and I feel like I'm drowning in blood. I feel remorse for killing those people. My wolf says law of the wild, kill or be killed. I get it but…" He paused and shook his head. "It was still wrong."

She sighed and crawled back into the bed. "My grandda tried to get me to see a counselor, more so when he learnt I was raped. But I couldn't… she wanted to know everything that happened that day, she… she seemed hungry for it. I didn't go back. Amy's been helping though." She offered.

He rested beside her, his arms wrapped around her stomach and pulled her back to his chest. She tingled and tried to keep the shiver of delight from her body. She felt everywhere their bodies touched, her back against his chest, the curve of her backside fitted firmly against his groin, the slight bulge of his arousal rested between the firm globes of her arse. He smirked when he heard her sudden intake of breath.

He leant in and nuzzled the back of her neck. She squirmed for a moment but quickly stopped as she had felt him harden more. He chuckled and sucked on her ear lobe, he stopped and blew across the wet lobe causing her to shiver and goose bumps to break out across her skin.

"Are you cold?" he asked knowingly before he moved to her neck, repeating the same things he had done to her ear.

"N-n-n-no." She stuttered.

"Good." His arms tightened around her hips, pulling her closer. His lips found an extra sensitive spot near the place where neck and shoulder joined. He exploited it with bites, kisses, licks, even a gentle graze of his stubble. She moaned and whimpered at his attention.

He had to fight to keep control; her little whines were driving him nuts. He growled gently as he bit her firmly enough to mark but not to break skin. She gasped and tried to stop the answering surge of want in her.

He released his bite and captured her lips, kissing her demandingly, his tongue forced its way into her mouth and tasted her thoroughly. She met his kiss and added to it, fuelled it with her own desire. He tore his lips from her and panted.

"Cass I want you, I want to have you as my mate, be the mother of our children, share my bed and my life." he waited with baited breath, waiting to hear her answer.

She closed her eyes and felt a painful tug in her heart. She wanted to say yes, to give into the desire to see what he would do. He made her happy, made her want things she thought she would never want again.

"Why me?" She asked instead.

"Because…" he frowned, what had drawn her to him. Was it the strength she had shown after he saved her or her resolute desire to fight? "Because you are you. You are… you're under my skin, when you're around I loose all focus. My wolf thinks of you as his, he wants to teach you to hunt and to run free, to watch you give birth… he wants you because you make him feel at ease." he admitted as truthfully as he could.

She was moved but he hadn't said what she needed to hear the most.

"It's because…" he continued knowing that he had forgotten to say the most important thing of all. "From the moment I saw you I loved you." He turned and his lips brushed her ear as he whispered. "I love you more than the wolf loves the moon."

That did it. The developing love she felt for him spilt out, it was such a relief not to have to hold back any longer. His revelation about loving her more then the wolf loved the moon had for a moment startled her. A werewolf thought of the moon as their lover, it was why the change was called the 'kiss of the moon'. In some ways the moon held more sway than the desire for a mate or even the desire to mate. A tear slipped from her eye. He turned and kissed the tear away, he hoped it was a tear of happiness and not one of sadness.

"Was that a happy tear or a sad one?" He asked gently.

She smiled and leant forward to kiss him tenderly, to show him it was a happy tear.

The kiss broke and he smiled. "Happy tear," he surmised.

She shifted so that she was on her back and smiled at him, "Yes."

He smiled and ran his nose against her throat. "Mine?" he asked before he sucked on her jaw.

She groaned, she arched her head back baring her throat to him. He growled and skimmed his lips down her throat. He braced his body and moved so he pinned her to the bed beneath her, his lips never leaving her skin. He lifted his head and waited.

She glared at him, wondering why he had stopped.

"Mine?" he said again, demandingly this time as his hand cupped the round mound of her breast.

She smirked and leant forward, "mine," she whispered before her tongue circled his flat nipple.

He growled and jerked away. His hands fisted in the shirt that she was wearing, he tore it open not caring that the shirt was an expensive designer. Buttons flew and in several places the cloth tore. He gave the flimsy barrier another firm tug and the last few places that the cloth was still connected gave, exposing her completely to his eyes. His eyes roamed over the firm perfect twin mounds of her breasts. He slid his hands under her, bringing his lips to her proud nipples. He bunched the cloth in his hands and tugged, tearing his shirt in half, right down the middle. He nuzzled against a nipple for a moment before he sucked the piece of flesh into his mouth.

They groaned in unison. Her hands ran up his back, her fingers traced scars and muscles. She wanted to touch him everywhere, to taste him, to feel him opening her, joining their bodies in a rhythm and act as old as time. He growled, released that nipple and turned his attention to the other. She panted and squirmed beneath him, she wanted more.

He chuckled and released her. He took several deep calming breaths. "Cass, you have to know… I don't think I should be doing this, I want you too much."

"You mean you would shift and bite me." She corrected. Shannon had told her how Roberto had seduced her into being his mate. He had gotten her to a point where she needed him as much as he needed her. She was glad however that he was trying to give her a chance to back away and take things slowly.


She rubbed her nose against his collarbone; she took a deep breath smelling the slight scent of his cologne that only just covered the raw scent of male that was his unique scent.

"I am not like those men." He went to pull away. His wolf growled at him, she was right there and willing, take HER!!! She let him go, there was a sudden ache in her chest, she wanted him back in her arms. She watched as he returned to his couch. She quickly slid back under the covers he had unwrapped her from.

She looked at the couch longingly wanting to have his arms around her, his breath against her skin. She wondered if she shouldn't have let him go, told him that he wasn't like those men, that he had given her a choice, just as it was his choice to back away. It took a while but eventually she heard his breathing deepen, he was asleep. She carefully got up and tiptoed silently to the couch, finally deciding to follow her her heart. She wanted to be close to him, to hold him, to have him hold her and if it went further... she would gladly take it if it meant forever. When she reached the couch she glanced down and saw him asleep on his side, his head pillowed on his arm.

She quickly opened his blankets and slid in with him. His eyes snapped open as she snuggled up to him. He wondered for a moment if he was dreaming, but he knew he wasn't. He had been trying to do the right thing, to take this slowly but he couldn't resist the feel of her body next to his.

"Cass..." he growled gently and his lips attacked hers.

She moaned and wrapped her left leg around his hip. They kissed fiercely, expressing their deep fears in their kiss and touch. He maneuvered them both until she was beneath him. She managed to get her other leg around his body, keeping him from getting away from her. He rubbed the proof of his desire against her.

She raked her nails across his back, he growled gently as his tongue plundered her mouth, their tongues fought and twisted in each other's mouths.

He slid a hand down her body and into her panties and found the beginning to the folds of her sex. He gently stroked her, she parted for his finger and it was met with warm moistness that made his arousal jump. He broke the kiss and nuzzled her throat and neck. His finger never stopped moving in her fold, building her excitement.

He licked the whorl of her ear and nibbled it, causing her to shiver in delight. Her arms slid from his back to rest limply at her sides, letting him have complete access to her body. He smirked when he heard little noises of pleasure escape her lips, they quickly got louder as his roughened fingers alternated between hard grinding and soft almost feather light movements. She felt her climax building as she shook her head trying to hold back, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth as she moved beneath him, trying to increase his light touches.

His panting breath brushed against her ear as he fought the desire singing through his veins knowing that this was for her, her pleasure is more important then his own. The scent of her arousal had him hard and quivering, wanting to sink within her but he kept his finger moving along her fold. She gripped his biceps feeling the need to hold onto something, digging her nails into the flesh. She gasped releasing her bottom lip as she felt herself getting pushed further to that point of bliss, her tongue darted out to moisten her lips.

She arched her head back as her body tightened, her legs closing to increase the delicious friction he created. He couldn't help himself, his lips fastened on her throat giving her a fierce love bite. FUCK... her mind screamed as knot of pleasure he had been stroking tightened further, her nails dug deep into his biceps drawing blood. She cried out as the knot unraveled and bliss shuddered through her entire body, shuddering again as he kept on stroking, prolonging her bliss. When he finally stopped moving his finger, she went limp and panted as she waited for her heart to stop beating the fast tattoo.

His teeth sunk into her neck painfully, but again not enough to draw blood or break skin, wishing his body was within hers when she had come apart. He snorted and panted through his nose. He slid his finger from her and tore her underwear from her, he couldn't take it anymore, he needed to be within her. He shoved his boxers down, freeing his proud member. He grabbed it and rubbed it against her fold, coating it in her juices.

He held himself still for a moment, savouring the feeling, teasing her, teasing himself then surged forward with a powerful thrust of his hips. She gasped loudly in surprise even though she had been expecting his penetration, wanting it, needing it, she had expected it so quickly.

He groaned, this was so right, he thought to himself, it felt as if they had been made only for each other. He thrust again wanting to completely bury himself within her, to feel her depths, to claim her, make her his in the most primal of ways. He kept thrusting, not releasing her neck from his bite until he was fully encased within her warm, wet tunnel. He sighed and held still and gently released his bite, his eyes focused on her neck, his teeth marks were visible. He kissed the mark to ease the pain he had inflicted upon her, guilt making him remember just how important she was to him.

Cass groaned gently, she loved the feel of his chest pressed against hers, his smell in her nose, the slight tickling of his fine chest hair as it rubbed against her nipples, his body within hers. It was right, Oh so right, for him to be within her as if his body made hers feel complete.

"I might not be able to stop a shift." He warned her as he shivered, desperately fighting to keep still, to keep in control so he wouldn't hurt her.

"It's okay…" her hands reached up to cup his jaw, "I love you, I always have, it's like I've been waiting my entire life for this." She tried to pour as much sincerity into her voice as she could, feeling that he shouldn't be doubting himself like this.

"Forgive me if I hurt you." He rested his cheek and body against hers, wanting her to know that if he hurts her it wasn't his intention. His wolf was snarling at him in frustration, he felt like he was being attacked from all sides, his mind, body and wolf all fighting for control at the same time.

"You could never hurt me…" she stated truthfully, her eyes large with the trust she had in him.

Both he and the wolf felt his heart tighten at her words and the confidence in her eyes, at the trust she placed in them. He turned to his wolf knowing that they had to come to a compromise or she would get hurt. The wolf wouldn't intentionally hurt her, he just couldn't help himself sometimes and finally getting his way after so long, he was bound to get careless.

His skin started to tingle, the wolf wanting to shift but his human wouldn't let him, his wolf quickly agreed to share, to allow both minds to come together and even allowed his human side to be in control, he didn't care as long as he turned her. His human side let him go, allowing his shift to begin as they had finally come to a compromise. He was claiming his mate and no one was going to stop him.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
FiveWolvesFiveWolvesover 6 years ago

Please stop switching tenses - especially in the middle of sentences. The first part of the one below (just one example of many) is past tense, then the last part is present tense. It's so confusing. "His panting breath brushed against her ear as he fought the desire singing through his veins knowing that this was for her, her pleasure is more important then his own." Either "his panting breath brushes..." or "His pleasure WAS more important than his own."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
A Question

I love your stories but have one question. What happened to Rose?

scaperdeagescaperdeageover 15 years ago
Can't wait for more!

Another great chapter! Well Done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Love It!!

I absolutely love this series; please continue for more than two chapters. Please....

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Very Hot!!

I love these two together; you have created so much chemistry between them. I would love to see you continue with these characters for a little longer.

Keep up the great work and update soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
fab x

love your storys so much but plz dont make us wait to long for part 5 x

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
You're a good writer

Good plot, good story. And only 2 more chapters?!?!?!?!?!?!? You've created a whole extended family here and I'm interested on who is your next subject.

Keep up the good work.

GlosUKGlosUKover 15 years ago

They are a fab couple. PJ xx

mekakymekakyover 15 years ago
love it

love it, can't wait for more!

jennaheartjennaheartover 15 years ago

These Alphas are soo dreamy!

Too bad it ended where it did, you got me all riled up!

Hope the next 2 chapters are not too far away.

Smeeker082Smeeker082over 15 years ago

exciting scene at the end, wish it didnt stop there! I loved GreyHawks words to her, so movie stud romantic hehe

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