Touch of the Wolf Ch. 05


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She nodded then whistled three sharp notes. There was an answering neigh and the beat of hooves. A few minutes later a steel gray stallion with black mane and socks cantered to a stop near Cass. He was hesitant at first as her scent had changed but this was the woman who had raised him. He nipped at her hair as she reached up to stroke his neck.

"Goddess, he's huge." He exclaimed.

She nodded. "Grandda said he has Shire blood in him. He is a very placid stallion. When I was fifteen we won the state fair for show jumping. From then onwards grandda put him to stud; he's sired three champion show jumpers with four new ones on the way."

He offered his hands to the horse to sniff then stroked his nose. "What's his name?"

"He has two, his show name is Sky Shadow, but his real name is Bandit. When he was little, he had this band of black across his eyes. He was so cute." She reminisced wistfully.

He smiled, seeing her faraway expression. "Do you think your grandfather will let you move the operation to Canada? I have this beautiful filly that I would love to have mounted by him."

She sighed, she knew that to move the operation would mean to move him. "This place has been in the family for four generations, he takes a lot of pride in that, I don't know what he will do but we can ask, he always said that the land is in our blood."

"It's okay, I don't want to take him away from what he loves," he hugged her.

She sighed and took a deep breath. She stumbled as the world around her became heightened. Scent and sound assaulted her. His arms tightened around her as he supported her, noticing her sudden contraction of her body.

"Stay calm, just push it back," he told her gently as he sat them down in the grass. He had been waiting for this, he just hadn't expected it to happen so soon.

She didn't know how, so she envisioned a dial and started to dial down her hearing, a second dial appeared and she dialed that one down as well, turning down her sense of smell. She slowly relaxed in his arms. "What the hell was that?" She asked, bemused.

He chuckled. "A warning. It would seem that you're going to shift soon."


"I'm guessing tomorrow night, when the moon will be full."

She rubbed her head. "It feels like someone just jammed a hot poker into my brain."

"Come on, we better get you back to rest. Tomorrow I'll help your grandda stable the horses so we don't startle them." He surged to his feet and carried her back to the house.

Ray jumped to his feet. "What happened?"

"Nothing, she's just a little shaky after the first stage of the shift. She just needs to rest. She'll shift for the first time tomorrow night so tomorrow we have to make sure all the horses are stabled." Grey-hawk explained.

Ray nodded calming down, knowing that this was a natural event for her, and he had nothing to be alarmed about.


They ate dinner early the next day. Grey-hawk had explained that although Cass wouldn't be violent, she would be confused and might attack in that confusion. Ray had told him of a place on the farm far enough away that would safe for her to have her change.

He scooped up blankets and took her hand to walk to the pre-determined spot. She was nervous, she knew the change would mean a huge shift in her life. She would no longer be human or even in transition, she would start calling herself Were and cease her old life.

"No regrets?" He asked worryingly. They might not be bound to each other yet but she was his life, he understood her and could read her.

"No, just nervous. Weren't you nervous the first time you shifted?" She asked.

"No," he shook his head and continued, "but I was born in wolf form. For the first three years of my life I was a Wolf, then da forced the shift. I was so young that I can't remember."

An hour later they were where Ray had shown him. He laid out the blanket and sat on it, leaning back until he was prone. She joined him and rested her head on his chest as she cuddled close to him.

"When will it happen?" She asked gently.

"You'll know. It's not predictable because it varies between people, some just shift, other's experience tingles or warmth, some even feel their bones ache just before the shift. But the important this is Don't fight it, just let it happen."

"But how will I know?" She pressed for more information.

He sighed. "You'll feel the first touch of the wolf within you. It'll be silent, because that's what wolves are, silent hunters in the night. You'll just feel it." He couldn't explain any better then he had because like he said, everything varies between people.

She rested against his chest as he stroked her hair. She sighed and slowly drifted off. He smiled and just held her, he had an idea as to when she would shift but he didn't want to tell her because she might get tense again and that wouldn't help her. The moon would rise in an hour, the wolf would come forward as soon as the moon's light touched her body. He was glad now that he had made the suggestion to come her because shifting for the first time on her family's land instead of in a hotel room would mean she would get a chance for her first run immediately.

Time passed quickly as he watched the sky, the first few watery rays of silver light starting to rise above the hills that surrounded them. He watched as the beams of light crept towards them, feeling his wolf begin to stir. He wanted to run into that light and howl in joy but he would wait for her, wanting to share that moment with her.

Her eyes snapped open as she felt something within her stir. She closed her eyes and relaxed as the silent predator made its way out of the primal darkness within her mind, answering the call of the moon. She rolled out of his arms and quickly kicked of her shoes and slid off her belt. He quickly got her out of her clothes then stepped back and stripped as well.

She felt the wolf in her urge her forward, into the watery beams as that is where she wanted to be when she shifted, wanting her human to bathe in the light of the moon before the transition. She took those steps and let the silver light bathe her body, goose bumps rose on her flesh. She dropped to her hands and knees and let the tingling feeling consume her.

Her body crunched then started to grow, her arms and legs adjusted as her body changed. Her neck widened to allow for the heavier weight as her head shifted. Muscles grew and dislocated, forming new patterns under her skin as her hands and feet shifted into paws. A tail grew from her spine and finally her fur sprouted from her skin. She panted for a moment before she shook her body; her coat seemed to glow in the moon light. She thought for a moment, she had been expecting pain, but she had felt nothing.

He studied her for a few moments, thinking that she was perfect. He approached and knelt before running his fingers through her glowing coat. It looked like liquid silver in the watery light of the moon. He knew in the light of day when the light was white and not silver, he would learn what made her coat glow like that but for now all he wanted to do was shift and run and howl with her.

He stepped back, satisfied that all is well with her and let the shift consume him, he then approached her, tail erect and ears up the moment his shift was over. She was bigger than him but he didn't care although he was curious as to why because as far as he could tell she was pure human. He sniffed at her while wagging his tail furiously through the air in greeting and joy.

She nibbled at his neck. He jumped back and took a playful pose, his front half dropped down, his behind in the air, he yapped and wiggled his backside. She ignored his antics and stretched pleasantly before sniffing the ground for any scents. She started to run and as he joined her, she forgot about hunting and started to play and run.

She collapsed onto the blanket a few hours before dawn and turned back to her human form. Cool air brushed across warm skin, raising goose bumps all over her body. He too, shifted back to his human form and crawled over her, instead of lying down beside heron the blanket. He leant down and licked a slightly hardened nipple. He pulled away and blew across the moist nipple, forcing it to tighten further.

She moaned and squirmed as he repeated the process to her other nipple. She arched her head back, exposing the creamy white colum of her throat, upon seeing that he couldn't resist and had to pull away from her nipple to attack her throat with kisses and bites instead. He groaned as he tasted the salty sweat on her skin, her scent filled his nose where he could only just make out the scent of her arousal. It caused an answering surge to his manhood and an overwhelming need to claim her as his again.

He nibbled at her shoulder as his hand slid up her thigh, feeling the scars that he had given her. Even though he regretted causing her harm, he was also kind of chuffed because those scars helped to brand her as his. She moaned and rubbed her thighs together, betraying her arousal. He gently used his finger tips to rubbed the raised scar tissue, tracing his claw marks with feather light brushes that for some reason she found erotic.

She moaned as his nails gently raked against the sensitive flesh. She quivered and slid her hands up his arms and raked her nails back down, drawing red welts on his flesh. He growled and bit her gently in retaliation.

"Please…" She gasped as his nails bit just that little bit deeper.

He chuckled and released his bite, he licked the bite mark. "Please what?" he whispered into her ear before he took her ear lobe between his teeth.

She squirmed at the onslaught. At times she thought it was unfair that he knew her so well, knew what would turn her on and how to string it out until she could think of nothing but his body slamming into hers with unrestrained abandonment, of his kiss, his touch and his bite. She waited longingly to hear him groan her name as he let go in their moment of bliss, as she gasped his name and her pleasure.

"Please what?" he taunted as he rubbed his arousal through her pubic hair.

"Goddess of the moon, take me." she breathed.

He chuckled and kissed along her jaw line. "Not yet, my sweet."

He slid down a little to pay attention to one of his most favourite parts of his mate's body. He licked the underside of her breast as the hand that had been stroking her scars moved to her left breast to pluck and play with. He gently bit where he had just licked.

She jerked and gasped, her finger burrowed into his hair and she pulled at it as her back arched. She managed to get her legs out and around him, trying to maneuver herself so that his manhood would sink into the place they both wanted it to rest. Her heels dug into his backside, demanding him to thrust forward.

He chuckled and moved his lips to her nipple.

"Please." She cried, she needed him within her NOW. It felt as if she was burning up and the only remedy was having him deep within her.

"Calm." He said shakily as he too, was reaching his own limits. Her moans and pleadings was sending his desire through the roof. He needed to make love to her and he would… very soon.

"Now, please now, Grey, I need you." She begged, almost crying with desperation.

He suddenly stopped what he was doing. "Magic words?"

"Fuck me." She demanded.

He watched her for several long moments, the hand that had been torturing her breast moved to hold her hip. He shifted it slightly and slid home in one powerful thrust. She cried out in elation as he groaned, as her warmth enveloped him. He would never get tired of teasing her to the point of madness then slamming into her, listening to her cries of pleasure and want.

He held still for a moment as she quivered around him. His lips fastened onto hers as he began to roll his hips back then forward. He moaned as he picked up his pace, her hips rising to meet each thrust. She tore her lips from his and panted as her hands moved from his head to his back. Her nails dug in as she felt her climax build.

She didn't think about anything but the thrust of his body into hers. She gasped as he stopped thrusting and just rested his weight against her keeping her pinned and keeping her from thrusting up.

He chuckled as she moaned in frustration but it was his turn to moan as she started to flex her internal muscles. He might be able to drive her to madness but she too knew his desires as well. He couldn't help himself and started to thrust again only harder and faster, he wanted to speed them both to orgasm.

He grunted as her teeth sunk into his shoulder.

No more teasing or I will hurt you, she warned her teeth shifting slightly to ram home her point.

He chuckled and changed the way he was thrusting, ensuring he struck her g-spot on each thrust. He felt her tighten as he felt his own end drawing near. His balls tightened as her body spasms and she cried out as her orgasm washed over her. He slammed forward as far as his body would go, his seed surged up and spilled into her.

She cried out again as she felt his seed surge into her. Her hips and legs tightened, trying to keep him buried deep within her. He pulled back for a split second before slamming back into her, his cries mingled with hers as his body melded with hers.

He rolled them onto their sides and panted with her quivering in his arms as his lips found hers, both basking in the glow of their love making.

"You have to learn patience, Cass." He reprimanded gently after he broke the kiss.

"Yeah and one day you'll let me be in control of our love making." She panted back at him, still a little out of breath.

He chuckled. "What would you like to do to me?"

She nibbled on her lip, thinking carefully. "I would like to… to touch you and taste you."

He felt himself start to stir again. "Okay." He released her, intrigued by the idea, rolled onto his back and to make sure he behaved himself, he put his hands securely behind his head. "Do what ever you want." He invited with a leer.

She got onto her knees and looked at the fine sample of manhood before her. She rubbed her finger tips for a moment wondering where she wanted to start. She thought about teasing him as he had teased her but she didn't think she had the experience or the will power to do so. Now that she had her wish, she had no idea what to do with it.

She slid her hand down from his chest towards his groin, feeling muscles contract beneath her fingertips. The proof of his desire stood erect and waiting for whatever she wanted to do. Her hand slid back up, feeling every ridge in his tightly packed abdomen again. He quivered, as her fingers gently traced circles around his flat nipples.

She smirked and kept circling until they became erect then slid her hand back down causing him to groan, her other hand she used to balance herself as the wondering hand went wherever it wanted. She smirked and felt a surge of feminine pride. Her fingers gently touched his pubic hair. He started to pant hoping she would touch him. She decided to be mean and moved her hands down his thighs instead of touching his straining manhood, which was obviously calling out for her touch, any touch. She slid her hands back up, dragging her nails against his flesh as she went.

"Cass…" He said warningly and went to grab her to direct her to where he wanted her but he stopped and gripped the blanket instead. She was in control of this, not him. She watched his reaction and smiled.

"What do you want?" She asked as one of her hands rewarded him by cupping his sac and gave it a gentle squeeze. His manhood jerked in response.

"Cass…" He groaned. "Please…" slightly pleading this time.

"No." She crossed her arms and left him hanging, taking revenge for all the times he had done the same thing to her.


"Now you know how it feels."

"But I only torture you to heighten your pleasure."

She had to admit that, even though she had always climaxed beneath him, they were far more intense when he teased her body to excruciating degrees. She relented and wrapped a hand around him, her fingers didn't meet around his girth and she wondered how her body had ever learnt to accommodate him. His breath left him for a moment. She shuffled closer, her fingers starting to trace the bulging veins making his hips buck. She came to the head of his penis, she had learnt that all Were were circumcised but unlike most humans who are circumcise when young, it was done as a rite of passage into adulthood on their twenty first birthday, when they are finally classed as men and have shed the chains of being a child.

She used her thumbs to spread the liquid that seeped from the helmet. He groan and jumped as she found a super sensitive spot just behind the head of his manhood. She lent down and licked him.

His heart felt like it had stopped when he felt her tongue lick across his tip. He started to pant, excitement at what she was doing made it almost impossible for him not to move. He wanted to feel her lips around him as his seed exploded into her mouth. He groaned and his hands fisted into her hair as her mouth wrapped around him and sucked him in deeper.

"Cass I…" he started to say as he felt his orgasm threaten to explode. "SHIT!!!" He exploded and she groaned as she continued to suck him, gathering his seed in her mouth before swallowing it all.

She pulled away and smiled as she licked her lips.

"Goddess of the moon, you nearly killed me." He breathed heavily.

She chuckled and crawled up to hold him. "Maybe next time." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
ausvirgoausvirgoabout 8 years ago
Loved it!

Love the story!

Yes I noticed errors like Curtsy Brush, and whilst they were a bit offputting, I also found them a bit amusing, so I focused on the amusing. I'm coming in late, so I'm hoping the editing issues have been resolved in the later stories.

People who get too hung up on spelling errors are robbing themselves of the pleasure of your great stories.

One possible error I noticed this chapter - after their run they made love then he rolled off her - what happened to the knot that should have kept them together?

I'm great at finding mistakes, and have been called "the proofreader from hell", but there's no way I could write a story anywhere near this good! Keep writing, and let lesser mortals feel useful by doing the clean-up for you.

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4ualmost 9 years ago

Beautiful story! Full of Love in any form, human or wolf

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4ualmost 9 years ago

Beautiful story - full of love in any form, human or wolf.

dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
I really loved this chapter

This story seems to flow a bit better than Kiss of the Moon

ezsliderezslideralmost 13 years ago
curtsy brush?

stopped me cold mid-story. Some things just don't get fixed by spell check, and your 'editor' should have caught that.

Love these stories, hate the errors.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Can't wait for you to write more.-Dani

a_fabulous_1mana_fabulous_1manover 15 years ago
Perfect ending...

... of this chapter. Loved your story from the beginning. The ending, however, left me breathless. (and horny;)

phat_wetfantasy08phat_wetfantasy08over 15 years ago
Love the series!!!

I love both stories about the were world. Hate that it takes so long for a chapter to come out but hey quality over quantity. I was wondering do Becky and Terri have a story??

GlosUKGlosUKover 15 years ago

Cass's Grandda sounds a lovely person. It will be sad to see the story end but i am excited to know Alanna's story is coming. PJ xx

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Great storytelling full of passion and heat. I especially enjoy their fetish for biting!!!!

scaperdeagescaperdeageover 15 years ago
Well Done

Yet another great chapter! Can't wait for the next one and following story!

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