Trade up goes wrong


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''Ok, Sarah you wanted this talk so talk.''

''I just wanted to explain.........'' I stopped her short.

''Sarah there's nothing to explain you told me you were no longer interested in sex and that I was a pervert and not to touch you. I respected your wishes and moved into the guest room. Three months later you jumped into bed with another man completely disrespecting me and your family. Ok if you had come to me and said you no longer loved me and wanted a divorce. I would have been devastated but would have understood. Instead, you deceived me for almost a year and connived to take as much of the money I earned as possible. I don't see us talking will make any of that go away or be less painful for me. I loved you unconditionally for over twenty years and you shit on our whole life together for what a lying cheating bigamist murderer. You have three days to take whatever you want, and what you leave goes to the charity shop including the furniture. I can't stand to be in the house so full of happy memories you destroyed. Do you know that when I first found out about your affair I thought about putting a gun in my mouth to stop the pain? The only thing that stopped me was I couldn't hurt the children that way. Talking of the children they know everything and are not happy so good luck with them.

Sarah was now sobbing I threw a house key on the table and left. I went straight to Wendy's apartment where she was waiting for me with a bag packed.

''How did it go?''

''About as well as I expected.'' I then told her the whole story from when the judge called our case to me leaving Sarah in the deli.

We drove the two hours to the cabin; it was nearly dark when we arrived, so I pulled up as close to the front porch as possible. I opened up and let some fresh air in as it didn't look as if it had been used for some time. I collected the bags from the car and Wendy made some coffee and sandwiches with the food we brought with us. I went to see which was the biggest bedroom so as to put Wendy's bags in when I realise there was only one bedroom. I looked at Wendy like a guilty child.

''Oh god, Wendy I'm so sorry I didn't realise when I booked that it only had one bedroom I promise it wasn't planned. I'll sleep on the couch tonight and take you home in the morning.''

''Remind me, Bill you were divorced this morning right?''

''Yes of course you know I was.''

''So, what's the problem or don't you want to make love to me?''

''You know I do but I hadn't planned it I thought I would wait until you were ready.''

''Bill, I've been ready for weeks I've been waiting for your divorce to come through, and now that it has, get naked and on the bed.''

I was in total shock but did as I was told Wendy wasted no time and was shedding clothes as she came into the room. She lay next to me and kissed me with a passion I had never known. Working her way down to my ready erection which she took into her mouth and sucked like a professional. I didn't last long; well, it had been over a year. I tried to pull her off, but she pushed my hands away. When I shot my load she swallowed the lot and kept sucking this kept me hard. When she realised I was staying hard she climbed on cowgirl style and started to ride me. After about ten minutes she shuddered in her first orgasm and lent forward to give me a sloppy kiss which I returned with interest. She slid off of me and laid by my side I got between her legs and started to kiss my way down her legs and back up again. She was recovering from her first orgasm as I started to lick and nibble at the back of her knee. She started to respond so I kissed and licked my way along the inside of her thighs this started her moaning. When I reached her glistening slit I blew air along her lips and then opened he lips wide her clitoris was standing up like a miniature cock. I blew along her open slit, and she started to squirm I could see she was so wet she was leaking down her ass crack. I leaned forward and licked up the moisture flicking her clit with my tongue as I did. She cried out and had another orgasm but smaller than the last. I continued to work on her clit until she had a massive orgasm in the middle of which I mounted her missionary style. As she came down from her orgasm I started to stroke in and out five short strokes and then two long strokes where I bottomed out. After a few minutes of this, she had another massive orgasm as I bottomed out and I shot my load. She had passed out and didn't look to be coming back any time soon, so I went and made some coffee. When I returned she was sitting up and in bed, I gave her a mug of coffee and joined her. We sat sipping our coffee and she looked at me and spoke.

''Why the hell did your wife ever give up, I have never been so satisfied even with my husband whom I loved dearly. What a stupid bitch she must have been hit by the Martian slut Ray. My God that was fantastic promise me that wasn't a one-off.''

''I promise, not only was that not a one-off it gets better, but it was our first time, so it was a bit rushed I usually like to take my time on foreplay.''

''Oh, fuck you're going to kill me if it gets any better than that, but I'll die happy with a grin on my face.''



Bill left me crying on my own I picked up the key and went out to my car, I sat in the car sobbing. I thought why am I crying it's all my fault I thought I could trade up and ended up with nothing. I went to the house which now seemed empty and cold, I started looking around at the familiar surroundings that I had loved so much. Bill said I could take whatever I wanted but first I had to find somewhere to live. I looked in the local papers for somewhere to rent and found an advert for rented condos not far from the hospital. I called the agent and arranged a meeting for the next morning. I looked at the furniture and wondered how big the condo would be and what should I take. I decided to leave that for after I had seen the condo. I went upstairs to the bedroom that I had not shared with Bill for over a year. It looked so sad and empty I pulled down a suitcase and started loading my clothes into it. I soon realised I would need more than one suitcase I had hardly made a dent in my wardrobe and the case was full. I went into the garage and found the boxes we had moved Anne's stuff into her dorm and took them upstairs. As I was clearing out the bottom of my wardrobe I found a box marked keep. I knew what was in there, it was all the little keepsakes we had accumulated over the years. I opened the box and there were over twenty years of memories staring back at me. I started to pick through them. There was a photo of us as a couple before we were married, we looked so happy. There were little mementoes of our time together and holidays we had taken with the children. At the bottom, I found the top of our wedding cake decoration, a bride and groom holding each other. I sat there looking at our happy past for I don't know how long then realised the decoration I was holding was getting wet. I then realised tears were dripping off of my nose and soaking the bed. I think I now realised the hurt I had caused my husband the best man I had ever known. I know that if I had known the combination of Bill's gun safe I would have ended it all right there and then.

I suddenly realised I was hungry so ordered some pizza to be delivered and poured myself some wine. There was a knock on the door and when I looked through the peephole it was the pizza being delivered. I put the TV on just for some background noise while I ate the pizza and drank my wine. As I sat there I realised how quiet and empty the house felt without Bill there. Even though we were not sleeping in the same room I was comforted by the knowledge that he was there. I went up to bed but couldn't sleep even though I was dog-tired I walked down the corridor to Bill's room and just stood there looking at his bed. I know it was stupid of me to think this way, but I missed him so badly, I got into his bed and could smell his manliness on his pillow I eventually cried myself to sleep.

In the morning I showered dressed and resumed my packing I was putting my life in cardboard boxes ready to leave my home of over twenty years. To say I was sad was an understatement. I kept my appointment with the real estate agent and looked over the condo. It only had one bedroom but that was all I could afford on my salary. I didn't think I would see much of my family they had made it quite clear they wanted nothing to do with me and I was not to phone them. The condo was completely empty of furniture, and I guessed I could fit about half of the furniture from the house in it. I decided that as Bill didn't want anything from the house I would put the rest into storage. I paid three month's rent on the condo and signed the lease I would move in on Friday. I contacted a removal company straight away and made the arrangements I now had two days to pack everything up. I stopped on the way home for something to eat as I had missed breakfast. When I got back to the house, it was no longer home, I resumed packing. When I got to the bedrooms I decided to take all the bedlinen and deliberately put the pillow I had cuddled up to last night in a plastic bag. I wanted to smell Bill for as long as the odour lasted.

Friday came all too quickly but I was ready, the moving truck arrived on time and by late afternoon I was unpacking in my new home. I tried to contact Bill on several occasions with no success. Monday I had to report to the courthouse to start the thirty-day sentence I had packed a bag with just some underwear and toiletries. When I arrived and reported in I was put in a room with three other women all en route to the county lock-up for similar offences. We were put in a caged bus and off we went, it was a three-hour drive and we all needed to pee when we got there. It wasn't what I had expected there were no watch towers and armed guards just some tough-looking female guards. We were shown into a small hall and told it was the mess hall we were then given the welcome speech. Basically, we would be split into three working groups (there were other prisoners there from other districts) one for the kitchen one for cleaning the prison and one for doing community work outside. We shared a room with one other inmate. The room wasn't a cell and even had a small TV it wasn't locked at night but there was a curfew and lights out at ten pm. I was assigned community service and as I was a nurse I was put to work in the local community clinic run by volunteers. I quite liked my job and looked forward to going to the clinic every day but Sunday. We were allowed visitors on Sunday and they could stay for lunch and we were allowed to wear normal clothing instead of our overalls. This was so that any children visiting would not be alarmed at the state of the woman they were visiting. We even had picnic tables in the grassed-over exercise yard so that families could connect. All in all, not a bad place to spend for pissing off a judge. When my roommate asked why I didn't get any visitors I told her everything through tear-filled eyes. She told everyone else, and my nickname was dipshit. They called me that for what I had thrown away. Most of the inmates were of lower financial standing and would have given anything to have had my life.

While I was in there I did have two visitors one from the FBI and the other from the DA's office. I was asked by the FBI agent if I was willing to testify against Carl and of course, I agreed. The DA was there to tell me I was to be charged with conspiracy to defraud but if I agreed to testify against Carl it would help my case again I agreed. By now I had opened my eyes to what Carl really was and despised both him and me for what I had done.

The thirty days were done, and I returned to my condo and my life such as it was. When I reported for work that week I was told that no doctor in the OR would work with me. The Hospital couldn't fire me as Bill had agreed not to sue the hospital for their part in ruining my marriage. In exchange they would keep me on at the same rate but as a full-time nurse. I was to be transferred to general nursing on a three-shift system. I wondered why Bill would do this for me and thanked my lucky stars I had married such a wonderful man.



Our three-day stay at the cabin had to eventually end and yes we did actually get some fishing done. I had rented a small furnished apartment as I didn't want Wendy to think I expected to stay with her. She quickly shot that down insisting I move in with her, so I did. I wondered how Sarah was getting on in the county jail. I had been thinking about her and our children and how I would look if I burned her to the ground, so I decided to help her out. I must admit this stuck in my throat, but I wanted a good relationship with my kids and for them to accept Wendy. I spoke to Jane about my concerns, and we devised a plan, I would sue the hospital for failing to enforce the morality clause in my wife's and shithead's contract. If they agreed to my proposal I would withdraw my claim and sign a non-disclosure agreement. My demand was that she be retained as a full-time nurse on her full salary without sanctions. This way she would be able to support herself and live a normal life thus keeping my children happy.

For the next few months, I was busy selling the house and land to a developer on the condition he demolished my old house and built me a new house on the banks of the river. I would retain five acres of riverfront acreage and the water rights would remain mine. Sarah and I spent hours looking over designs for our new house before we decided we wanted a large house so that we could have all the children stay for Thanksgiving and Christmas we were also hoping for grandchildren in the future.

Three months went by before Dr shitheads trial, my wife gave evidence as did his other victims. He got seven years for fraudulently obtaining money from five women and conspiracy to defraud me and my wife. My wife was charged with conspiracy to defraud and sentenced to two years suspended with two hundred hours of community service. Shithead was then handed over to the feds and tried for murder. The trial lasted less than a week and he was sentenced to thirty years in the state penitentiary.



Bill and Wendy moved into their new house and Bill's children were regular visitors. Ann never spoke about her mother and didn't keep in touch with her, but Mark and Sarah were mending fences. Mark told Bill his mother lived alone and never dated and often asked about Bill, he said she was truly sorry about the whole episode. Although Bill and Wendy were happy but something was missing, the house was too quiet for just two people. After some discussion, they decided to adopt the wanted to adopt two teenagers. At their age, small children would be too much to handle long term. So, they contacted various agencies to find what they wanted. They eventually adopted a brother and sister orphaned when their parents were killed in an auto accident. Kevin was fourteen and Tracy was coming up to her thirteenth birthday. At first, it was hard for them to adjust to new parents. To help them settle in Bill and Wendy insisted that a photo of their parents be displayed prominently in the family room. They told the children they didn't expect to be called mom and dad but Wendy and Bill, this seemed to calm the children and settle them down. They soon settled into their new routine and got on well with their new siblings. One Christmas two years later Kevin and Tracy asked if they could call Bill and Wendy, Mom and Dad from now on. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.



Sarah continued to work in the hospital eventually being promoted to head nurse. She never married again and rarely dated, she kept Bills pillow on her bed although his smell had long faded. She kept in touch with Mark and through him followed Bill's life. She often cried herself to sleep for what she had thrown away so selfishly. She still keeps a picture of Bill with the kids and now grandchildren on her bedside table and kisses it each night before going to sleep.



Carl was put into a cell with Bubba for four years before he was found dead in the showers for biting another inmate's cock whilst being gang raped.


Now in the spirit of another author. Lighten the fuck up.

A man who is a devout Christian saves a child from being run over but gets killed in doing so. When he meets saint peter at the gates to Heaven he is escorted to meet god. Who looks at his record of church appearances and then speaks to him.

''I see you are a man of the faith and have never done anything bad in your life and you made the ultimate sacrifice giving your life for a child you didn't even know. Just for this, I'm going to send you back with a one-time wish to make your life better. Tell me what is it you wish for?''

''Thank you, God I'm so grateful I do have a wish. I'm afraid of flying and get terribly seasick. And all my relations now live in America so could you please build me a highway from England to the US so that I can drive there?''

God sits there for a little while and looking sad replies.

''I'm sorry my son but that feat of engineering isn't possible owing to the depth of water and the stresses involved please ask for another wish.''

The man thinks for a little bit then says.

''There is one other thing I would like.''

''Go ahead my son make your wish and I'll make it come true.''

''Well, I've never got on with women I don't know how to talk to them. Could you please make me understand how women think so that I can find a wife and have children?''

God sits there for what seems like forever and then answers.

''How many lanes would you like on the highway?''


I hope you enjoyed my scribblings.

Wishing you all well.

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oldtwitoldtwit4 months ago

Not bad, but like a lot of stuff on here, having money makes it so easy to get into a BTB type of thing that is so unrealistic, I do the same so……

OGHMNWOGHMNW5 months ago

This is an excellent story of a husband scorned and cheated on by his wife. It’s not your typical “BTB” story and was full of twists at the end. There weren’t any typos that I saw but the one reference to “Sarah” when it should have been “Mary” on building a new large house. Thank You and hopefully I get a chance to read some of your other stories.

RanDog025RanDog0256 months ago

Yeah, I thought it was a good story, even felt sorry for Sarah, damn she was a dumb shit, Blonde right? 5 BIG ASS FLAMING STARS! Norseman, you need Text Aloud to write your stories!

EinzelkampferEinzelkampfer6 months ago

It cracks me up to read an introduction like this where the writer insults anyone with feedback regarding spelling, word use, grammar, etc. Then, he proceeds to write things like 'amicable' which describes relations, instead of 'amiable' which describes a person's nature. Then, there's a sentence where he puts the dialogue tag inside the quotes: ''I replied that's nice, I've got work to do so goodnight.'' For someone who purports not to care about what anyone thinks and tells any critics, whatever their motivation, to eff-off, he sure seems disturbed by any critique. Also, Grammarly is a powerful tool, and I think he doesn't know how to use it, because it will fix many of the awkwardly worded sentences, run-on sentences, dangling modifiers, incorrect articles and various structural issues this writer produces in abundance. Maybe he's using the free version. I won't even rate this thing, because that's... piling on.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman7 months ago

good joke. just another fantasy story

Redaer99Redaer997 months ago

Another brilliant story. I also enjoyed the joke at the end.

ttt59ttt597 months ago

Great story, thank you! I know folks bitch and moan at you about punctuation and grammar and while I agree it would read easier if it were a bit better organized, the quality of the BTB made the read worthwhile! Thanks for the effort and the joke at the end!

CtwistedpairCtwistedpair8 months ago

The story was very interesting, but your run on sentences and lack of punctuation made it very difficult to read. Get grammarly free version, it corrects most grammatical mistakes.

WisquejacWisquejac8 months ago

One of the best jokes I’ve ever seen. Thanks.

AllNigherAllNigher9 months ago

What was the point of the prenup if she could still get half of everything? Did it only cover the inheritance before he inherited it? That makes no sense...

Also, they would be able to show him transfer money out of the country... I don't buy moving all that money over seas so quickly without a trace.

The wife made no sense. I don't see finding the guy was a conman suddenly triggering her to love her husband again. Either she was that cold bitch and she'd be pissed at her lover but still hate her husband and be pissed she didn't get all his money, or her character was written to cold at the beginning.

I guess it's a great bit of fantasy if you aren't interested in consistency though. Like he took her rings then the judge to them from her again for some reason...

goodshoes2goodshoes29 months ago

Great story. Ignore the lousy comments. I like your writings. Keep going.

NitpicNitpic10 months ago

Why didn't they live in Wendy's mansion.?

DazzyDDazzyD10 months ago

I enjoyed this writing! D

someoneothersomeoneother10 months ago

Sarah is a very undeveloped character, and simply does not make sense as a character.

Author also does not understand divorce law or discovery in legal proceeding, and also does not know the reality or law of adoption. Again case of writers not knowing their subjects.

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