Trailer Park Tryst

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His neighbor is offered to him...for a price.
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Even on a quiet Saturday afternoon, things can turn sideways in a very short time when you live in a low-income part of town. You can try to mind your own business as much as you want, but there will be times when things don't always go as planned.

Today would end up being a day just like that. I was tending to my deck, what little of it that there was when I heard the words that started everything in motion.

"Hey, Jimbo. You'd fuck Sara if I let ya, right." My neighbor yelled over to me from underneath the hood of his aging, rusted out, pick-up truck.

He was such an asshole. I'd thought about doing exactly that, many, many times. To be honest, his wife was a very cute woman and I would have sex with her if "she" let me, and I wouldn't give a goddamn what he had to say about it, the dumb fuckin redneck piece of shit. That's what I wanted to say to him, but I didn't. I couldn't risk it. Todd had been drinking all day. Todd always drank "all day", and whenever he was in this kind of mood things seemed to escalate between us.

"She's you're wife Todd. You shouldn't be asking me hypothetical questions like that."

"I didn't ask you anythin hyper-cycle, Jimbo. It's a clear and proper "wanna fuckin know" type question."

It was moments like this that I longed for the day that Todd would come home drunker than normal and mistake my trailer for his. When he came through the door and I plugged him in the forehead, I would say that it was a break and entry situation and tell the authorities that I shot him in self-defense.

What rubbed me the wrong way mostly, was when he called me "Jimbo". It was just to piss me off. He knew that I preferred James, and at the very least Jim. But never Jimmy or Jimbo.

My neighbor was the epitome of the phrase, "piece-of-shit". It amazed me at times how in his twenty plus years, that someone hadn't shot the useless bastard. He was a big mouth, and a drunken weakling. He was so low that he preyed on his vulnerable wife. He tended to be heavy handed when he drank, and the next day he would cry and apologize all day. The words "baby, it'll never happen again. I swear" were heard often coming from their trailer. I had broken up several of their fights, and occasionally I tried to slip in a slap or two that left a mark, but it didn't help. He would wake up the next morning not knowing wear the bruises came from and just start drinking all over again, heavier. And that only made things worse for Sara.

Todd was truly a redneck. Skinny, full of bad tattoos, dirty and dressed in filthy jeans and sleeveless t-shirts. He looked like a grease monkey 24 hours a day. He wasn't tough by any means, but he ran with a bad crowd, and as the old saying goes, "strength in numbers". That alone made him feel way tougher than he actually was. I wondered, sometimes aloud, how his pretty wife ever got mixed up with him.


I knew that he'd never let it go. Like a junkyard dog with a bone, he was all over it.

"Well what Jethro."

"You best stop callin me that Jimbo."

"I'll stop when you stop Jethro." Todd Witton hated Jethro more than I hated Jimbo. It was like we were 2 school kids, feuding in the playground.

"Would ya fuck her er not?"

Like I said, Sara was a pretty girl and could easily be the Queen of the Trailer Park, and on the days that Todd wasn't around, we would have a cold drink together, and I would tell her so. Prettiest girl here no doubt. She had shoulder length brown hair that she kept pulled back to show off her natural beauty. Luckily, she didn't need or use much make-up because I'm sure that Todd would never provide her the funds to purchase any beauty aids. And the only times that anyone seen her with lots on, is when she was trying to cover something up.

My pretty neighbor spent lots of time covering things up, much like her cloths. Many times, I've noticed Sara going onto or coming out of the local thrift stores, but it didn't matter because whatever she purchased, she made it look good.

Standing around 5'3", she was petite. In her mid-twenties, she still had a very girlish figure, womanly, but petite. The only problem was that at only twentysomething years old, she looked tired past her years. Maybe she was just tired of the life that had imprisoned her.

"I ain't got all fuckin day Jimbo. Would ya er not."

I looked up from staining my deck, and for the first time that day paid full attention to him. He was covered head to toe in dirt and grease. His grass was dead and brown from the places that he pissed when he thought no one was looking. Beer cans had been tossed in all directions, hitting the dark spots like lawn darts. Sarah sat on the tailgate, snapping beans, blushing from embarrassment, trying not to pay attention to the drunken diatribe coming from her husband.

"Look Jethro, why don't you show a little class. For once in your pitiful life show that poor girl some much-deserved respect.

"You gotta big ole mouth on you there Jimbo. I done told you for the last time. Now I'm a callin Big Ray. I'ma gunna love seeing how this all plays out." Big Ray was Todd's cousin. A felon biker type that was far to dumb to think for himself. But he was a big burly boy, and that made him dangerous.

"Why don't you stop hiding behind your cousin and come on over here for yourself, shit burger?"

"No, no. You done done it now. Big Ray's a coming." I smiled and that pissed Todd off more than anything.

"Good, I've dying to try out my new Desert Eagle. If I recall, didn't big old Ray soil his pants when I showed him my .44 last time he came around?"

Truth be told. Ray had come over at Todd's request, apparently to teach me a lesson and he caught me off guard. I had one of my guns holstered up and when he snuck up on me I pulled it out and fired a round into the ground as a warning, his momentum carried him closer than I liked, so I put the barrel to his forehead and issued a warning. Soon the sounds of dripping water and the acidy stench of him urinating in his pants filled the air and a puddle filled the dirt.

Sara stifled her laugh, but not quick enough so as not to be noticed.

"You shut it bitch." Todd was holding his beer can so tightly that it was crushed, and he probably didn't notice it.

"You shut it Jethro. You're the bitch. Leave her out of this. You're the one acting like a fucking tool and now you want to blame Sara?'

Like a true redneck Todd reached into his beaten-up old Coleman cooler and pulled out another can of beer. The thing that made it funny and ironic to me was that he never put any ice in the "cooler". The freakin thing just acted as a box without any ice in it. Equipped with a fresh can, he stared at me as if thinking about his next move. There would be no answer. Todd couldn't compete in a game of checkers for the mentally challenged.

"You think yer smart cuz ya got lotsa money don't ya?"

"Money? If I had money, do you think I'd live in this fucking trailer park?" I have an army pension, a night shift security job and a small but livable savings. Rich? No, but to some people in the park, I guess I was loaded.

"Do ya got $250 bucks?"

"Yes, but not on me." There was no intelligent reason to continue this conversation, but I was fully drawn into it at this point.

"See, now we's a gettin somewhere. I'm not trying to be a dick there Jimbo. Things are a little tight around the shop and I need a few things. There's a race up in New Mexico next weekend, and I need a new tire for my bike. Entrance fee money for the race, and a little cash for beer. That's why I'm askin 'bout Sara. Ain't no harm intended."

No harm intended? Fucking worthless piece of garbage. Willing to sell off his wife so that he can race a shitty bike in a shitty MotoCross race.

Sara was looking directly at me. She swatted mindlessly at the flies hovering over her bowl of the nicely snapped yellow and green beans. The poor girl must have felt like a prized calf up for auction.

The sticky air blew softly in the dusty hot sweat bowl that is Texas. We stood like gunfighters, waiting for a telltale twitch in the other. Defying the other to flinch. Make a move. Three sets of eyes bounced back and forth between trailers. Jethro / Todd flinched first.

"Okay, then. Once I get this here alternator in, I'm a loadin up that thar cooler and headin over to Cowtown for the stockcar races. You think about my offer Jimbo. Ole Sara there will be happy to play-house with you for a couple hours. Hell, you throw in an extra $50 and she'll even clean your trailer and do your laundry. Wash those shit stains right out your drawers." He laughed at his own stupid humor and spit on the ground. I called him a fuckin hillbilly under my breath and went inside.

I heard the slamming of the trucks hood. The old engine fired with a bang. It still sounded like shit, but it ran. Todd let out a loud rebel yell. Proud of his accomplishments. 20 minutes later, he reappeared wearing his favorite purple Hoosier Racing Tires shirt. It was required attire for Saturday night short trackin. A trail of dust floated up off of his tires as he made his way toward the park exit.

Sara sat on a broken lawn chair on the crumbling deck that had long ago fallen away from her dilapidated trailer. It was strong enough to hold her up, but for how much longer was debatable. She always looked cute and relaxed when her asshole husband wasn't around.

Wearing jean shorts and a white t-shift that did little to hide the fact that she had on a black brasserie beneath it. That along with the low-cut Converse were her Saturday evening stay at home, sittin all alone, best. She looked sad and lonely, but she always looked sad and lonely.

"Hey." I waved over. "I'm putting some chops on the grill. You care to join me?" She nodded and went into her trailer. When she came out, she was carrying a lidded pot and carefully navigated the broken stairs of her deck.

"Beans. I picked them this morning."

"Perfect. You want something to drink? Something cold."

"I love something cold. What do you have?" Although she didn't visit very often, it was the same game every time.

"A couple different kinds of beer. Some coolers. And pop."

"Do you have Dr Pepper?" I smiled at her knowingly. Every time that she did come visit my trailer, she asked about Dr Pepper. I only had to say that I didn't have it the first time that we met. After that, I picked up some just in case she dropped by.

"You know that I do. Let me guess, lots of ice."

"Please." I filled a 24oz ounce glass with ice and set the can of already cold Dr Pepper beside it. "Thank you, kind sir." Sara once told me that the cola and ice helped to wash down all the Texas dust.

We ate outdoors. The bugs weren't that bad for this time of the year. Most of them were more interested in the light on the pole above my driveway. The rest were contained by the bug zapper and the spray that I had put down earlier. Off in the distance, I swore that I could hear the thunder of racing engines.

"You enjoy toying with Todd, don't ya?"

"I'd be lying if I said that I didn't. I just worried that one morning I'll come home and find my trailer burned to the ground."

"He'd never. He's scared to death of you. Ever since you told him the place was booby trapped and that you had video cameras, he won't go near your place. Heck, he won't even smack..." She stopped cold mid-sentence.

Reaching over the table, I gently rubbed my thumb over the fading bruise had was resting on her cheek bone, just under her left eye. When I did so, Sara lowered her head.

"Why do you let him do that to you?"

"I don't "let" him, plus I have nowhere else to go."

"Not true. You have lots of options. There are programs available. Hell call the cops on him."

"You know what would happen if I called the cops."

I did. We sat for another two hours just sitting, rarely talking. The heat and dry air had my stock of soda and ice steadily dwindling in size. When I got Sara another refill, she once again thanked me and I replied, "anything for the lady". There was an uneasy silence that followed those words.

"James, would you ever consider it?"

"Calling the cops, absolutely. They'll protect you. You know that you don't deserve that kind of treatment from "any" man, don't you?"

"No, I mean the other thing."

"What other thing."

"Please don't make me say it."

A horrible pang of guilt and anger surged through my body. The poor girl must have had all her hopes and dreams ripped out of her so many times that she felt beaten and deflated.

It was none of my business, but the door had been opened for me and I had to ask. "Has he ever made you do that kind of thing before?"

"Only once, we were living in Tulsa. He owed his friend a bunch of money." She must have noticed the look of disgust on my face. "It wasn't so bad. At least he had a shower first." That was a statement that had me twisted in turmoil. I wasn't sure weather to laugh or cry.

"I'm sure that with you, you'd be a gentleman."

"You could do so much better than him. Find someone that would love and care for you."

"Where? Do you think that we live in a world with some Prince Charming that's going to come riding up on some big old white horse and save me, like in a fairytale? Life doesn't happen like that around these parts James. You play the hand you're dealt, like it or not."

"Bullshit. That's bullshit and you know it. If you keep telling yourself that over and over, you finally start to believe it."

"Well, what's not to believe? Look around. The proofs always close by." She looked over to the beaten-up rental trailer that she called home. "Besides, if it's not you, it'll be someone else."

"Leave him. Move back home and be with your family."

"What family? I got no one."

I hated Todd more than any other person that I could remember. The look on her face was pain and sorrow, and it hurt me to see her like this. No one should ever have to live with someone like him. No one should have to do what he wanted her to do.

"I'll tell you what. I'll talk to him. We'll make the arrangements, I'll give him the $250, he'll be happy, and you won't have to do a thing."

Sara sipped her soda, then took an ice cube into her mouth. She wasn't sure how to take what I was offering. For her, it seemed to be too simple of a solution.

"Is it because you think that I'm dirty?"

"What? No."

"Then what is it? Why won't you just do it?"

"It's just that I've never. I just...well I. Shit. I don't know, Sara." Fuck, maybe it was me. Maybe it was that I thought that she was dirty. How could she not be living with a filthy lowlife life like her husband.

"You've never what? Had sex or paid for it? Don't lie. I can see it in your eyes. I see the same look from everyone when they see Todd and me together. Oh, that poor dirty girl. Has to wear rags, can't afford new clothes. Surprised that trailer trash like her doesn't have a dozen kids. Well let me tell you something, as stupid as Todd is, he knows that he can't afford kids. So, the times that he isn't so drunk that he can't get it up, he wears a goddamned condom. And don't even think about the other kinds of sex, because he thinks all that stuff is against gods will."

I was at a crossroads. The poor girl was staring at me, looking for something deeper than I could offer. I had hurt her with my lack of acceptance.

"I don't think that you're dirty. Stop saying that. You're a beautiful, smart girl. I like when we sit over here and talk. We have great conversations. Any guy should be very happy to have you near him." I started to stammer, I was at a loss for words again. I wanted to say so much more, but I couldn't come up with anything that would be helpful or insightful. So, I said the next best thing. "I would honestly sleep with you right now just to show that I'm not lying."

"Prove it!"

"Prove what?"

"Make love with me and prove that you're not lying. Be my Prince Charming, even if it is only for one night. Ride up on your white horse and take me away from here, even if it is only for a few minutes." She got up from her chair and put her hand out to me. When I took it into my own, I realized that tonight was the first time since we met over 6 months ago, that I had touched her skin. Her words "make love" echoed through my head. Having sex for money, like Todd had suggested, and making love, were two completely different things.

The cheap weathered aluminum door slammed closed behind us with a tinny clang. Putting her toes to her heel, Sara peeled off the Converse's one at a time. My eyes were locked on hers. I was already full of excitement. As bad as I knew this could go, I was willing to risk it.

For the first time, my neighbor kissed me. Standing up on her tippytoes, she pressed her lips against mine. The assorted smells of Dr Pepper, Herbal Essence and Dove soap filled my mouth and nose. Her soft lips moved against mine until the pointed tip of her tongue darted between my teeth. Minutes passed, before I got up enough nerve to lift her t-shirt.

Sara's arms shot upward as I pulled the thin cotton over her head. Left standing in only her bra and shorts, she looked very sexy. Way sexier than any of my other girlfriends, and in my opinion I had dated some good looking girls. My hand slid over the yellowish bruises on her ribcage when it slid back to head toward the snap of her plain black brasserie. In a single flick it popped open releasing a pair of perky "B" cup wonders.

Bending to greet the new guests, I cupped and gently suckled at Sara's perky titties. Her cooing let me know that she found my facial advances acceptable.

When every single inch of her breasts, had been licked, sucked and nibbled, Sara lifted my head. There was no chance that her nipples could get any harder than they were at that point. Putting her hand on my chest she pushed back until there was an arm's length distance between us. Using her free hand Sara unsnapped the button of her shorts, pulled the brass zipper down and let the cutoffs fall to the floor.

With no panties in sight, Sara stood naked before. I had never even seen her in a bathing suit, never mind naked, yet here she stood in all her glory. Pretty, yet bruised face. Perky boobs. Soft round hips. Short toned legs, with a small tuff of brown curly hair placed perfectly at the top between them.

"Oh my god Sara, you are so beautiful."

If the light were any better, her blushing face would have shone brightly in the room. Tugging at my belt, she loosened the leather strap dropping my pants to a position very near her own. I pulled up my shirt at the same time she pulled down my briefs.

"Very nice." Was all she said, and it was enough.

At least I had a soft duvet covering the hard mattress that lay beneath. Sara's body looked dark and tanned against the white backdrop of the fluffy comforter. Her nipples poked at the chilled air coming from the window's A/C unit. It was a comfort that she was not accustomed to.

Standing at the end of the bed, I climbed up and over her, dropping my face to hers. The sweet taste of her soda washed across my taste buds with every swipe of my tongue. Her hand caught the hardness of my shaft and guided it to the furry entrance of her love. The warmth and wetness coated the tip as she placed the lubed head directly where it needed to be. I could feel her hips lifting up off the bed, She, was trying her best to engulf me and pull me in.

My move down surprised her. Her arms pulled at my head, trying to keep me in place but my mouth had other plans. Licking my way over her body, I softly kissed each of the many bruises that filled my path. Heading lower, my journey continued until my chin came to rest on a carpet of curly brown hair.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

Sara looked shocked by the possibility of my going down on her, but she also looked intrigued.