Tranford Tales - Madoka


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And my warrior outfit was wonderful in another way.

Chloe said I should go back to Liz by myself.

I really felt brave like a warrior, out alone in a short skirt and heels with lovely long black hair, and decided to call in on the Patels.

Mrs Patel was there, and called for her husband.

"Mr Patel! We are being visited by Supergirl! Come and see!"

He hurried in.

"This is not Supergirl," he said. "She wears blue! But I am very pleased to meet you, whatever superheroine you are!"

"He loves Supergirl," said his wife. "I knew that would bring him running. He'd like to dress like her, if he could!"

"I would not!" he said, pretending to be offended. "It would be disrespectful! Now tell me, young lady, what is your name and superpowers?"

I told him about the video character, and they both smiled, obviously having no idea, but being encouraging.

I walked around a bit more of the estate. There were some more houses being built, and a couple of them had people working on them, though it was Saturday afternoon. When I got back to Liz she told me they were couples building their own houses, which I thought was very impressive.

I was back to the schoolgirl for dinner at the pub, where I asked Derek if his business had been successful. He said he thought so and asked if my day had been successful. I was glad to say how good it had been.

We stayed on in the pub after our meal. Derek said he thought there were some people from outside Tranford who came, so they were not entirely dependent on the community. The waitress, Ginger, complimented me on the outfit and I admired her red hair.

Eventually we parted, and I got an early night.

Then there was a lazy Sunday morning for me. I had been a girl for a full day! We had lunch in the pub and drove home afterwards.


On the way back, I asked Derek what seemed to be an obvious question.

"So, are you going to ask me and Mama to move in with you? It's a three-bedroom house."

"That would be nice," he said. "But there's a few complications."

"For a start I'm not sure your mother would be ready to give up her own bed, so that would leave no place for you."

"Secondly it's Robyn's home. It's where she's always lived and she feels safe and secure. That's why she and I stayed after the divorce. I know she likes you as an internet friend and occasional visitor, but I'm not sure she could cope with two extra people in the house. She has some issues, you know."

I said I knew a bit about them, and he continued.

"The house is half owned by my ex-wife. If you move in, I'd have to give her half the current market value, and I can't do that without selling it, and us all finding somewhere else."

We drove for a while in silence.

"Don't get the wrong idea about Robyn's mother. She's not a bad woman and I'm not an angel. Robyn needed some emergency surgery soon after she was born, and nearly died. It was all fixed, but you can see how precious she is."

It took a while for him to come to the next bit.

"The truth is, she was a difficult child. She didn't understand other people in general, so got frustrated, and we didn't understand that she took what we said literally. The school treated her as mentally subnormal, whereas she was above average intelligence, which didn't help. She even got sent to a school for the backward and mentally disturbed. Her mother took the brunt of it while I was away at work. I just came along to be sympathetic to Daddy's girl in the evening while my poor wife was frazzled."

"Things came to a head with puberty and periods, which her Mum had to deal with."

"Thankfully, a doctor finally recognised the problem and we got a diagnosis. Most people thought autism only affected boys, or them might have got it earlier. With proper treatment, care and a sympathetic girls' school she was able to catch up on education and finish A levels. The school cost us, but it was a regular predictable environment without the complication of boys, and she got very high marks in the end."

"She went to the local university to do computing, which wasn't so bad because many of the nerds were fairly autistic, and the staff were pretty used to that mindset."

"She just dressed as you see, not showing off in any way, but it was a nearly all male environment, and eventually some of the boys started trying it on with her. I don't mean actual rape, just clumsy young men trying for a date, but it terrified her, and she had to drop out."

He was upset, so we pulled off the road into a layby for a while, and he continued with the story.

"One of the lecturers recognised her talent, and told us about the Open University, so she got a very good computing degree, mainly online. He also recommended her to a company which did projects with his students, and they were impressed. So now she actually makes a reasonable amount as what they call a consultant. Apparently her coding is very efficient and error-free, and she has an unusually good grasp of systems, so it can be quite creative."

"Now about her mother. We were young and foolish and thought we knew better than our parents, so she got pregnant and we got married with the self-confidence of the young and inexperienced. We found that marriage wasn't all about cute babies and lots of sex."

"We were unlucky, I suppose, but focussed all our love on our daughter. Any romance was lost."

"Without going into details, my wife brought some money into the marriage, and I was able to go into business for myself, with her as a partner. She's actually very good, so we are still happy together running the company. She owns half of it, like she owns half the house. And it all goes to Robyn when we die. She's got a new husband, and they have no children, but I'm glad for them."

"Let's go and get a coffee," he said, and started the car.

We found a place and had a coffee and a cake. I would never have imagined that I could be out in the world like this. As a girl! So I was happy, but also sad about Robyn. And Mama.

"I can as well tell you now," he said. "I was going to speak to you and your mum together, and I expect I will, but since we've started. I'll tell you what my business was here."

"I was here to meet my ex-wife, and we were thinking of transferring our business here in one of the industrial units. We've discussed the finances with the Tranford people, and they make sense. Now if we sold the house, Robyn and I could move here, and I was rather hoping you and your mum might do as well. I get the impression it is a place which would be safe for Robyn, and maybe she would be out and about as well if you were friends."

"I believe your mum and I could be more than friends. So since Robyn likes you, have a think about it, and tell me if you think she would be OK here. There are some nice two-bedroom flats, and I was thinking Robyn and I could have one, and you and your mum could be next door. I'm sure we can fix you up with jobs."

"Don't say anything yet, until I'm sure we can manage the business side. If we can't then we won't say anything. If it is possible, then I'll want you to help with Robyn and your mum. If either says no, then we'll stay as we are."

It sounded wonderful. Actually living in Tranford! And Mama could have sex all the time! But I wasn't sure if Robyn would like it.


Robyn commented on what was wrong with my new outfits. Just small ways in which they didn't match the cartoon, but I knew it wasn't malicious, just observation. The shoes were not the right red, for example. And she said I looked good, which I knew was honest. We had looked through my anime DVDs and she had borrowed some. She changed avatars on some games, both male and female characters from the videos.

A week later she shyly presented me with a box. It contained shoes of the right size and the right colour!

"I got it online," she said. "Sorry if the heels are a bit high. I think it's normal. That's what Mum wore."

"Thank you," I said and kissed her on the cheek. She blushed, then kissed me on the lips. Just for a moment. Then turned away, flustered.

I guess we were both a bit stunned. I took her hand and we just sat there for a while.

"Let's visit some islands," she said, so we did.

Two weeks later, Derek invited us for dinner. I told Mama what the plan was. She said it sounded lovely, but I could tell she was a bit disappointed. She had been hoping to move into the house. Although she didn't say it, I'm sure she wanted to be married. She had never been a bride.

As usual I went with Robyn up to her room.

"What's wrong?" she said, straight away. "I can tell by the way you're playing that you're upset. Is it me? Have I done something?"

She looked so worried.

"No," I said. "You haven't done anything wrong," and she brightened up.

"It's just your Dad has something to ask you, and I'm not supposed to tell."

She scowled, then shook her head. I could tell she was angry by the way she played. The monsters stood no chance.

We were called down to dinner.

Derek served it, and the moment he sat down, she said "What's the secret?"

"Can't it wait till after dinner?" he said, looking apologetically to Mama.

"No," she said, simply.

"All right," he said in a resigned way, and explained the plan. Robyn looked unhappy and Mama wasn't delighted, but said it sounded nice.

Robin asked her dad directly.

"So you and me would leave here, and be in a flat in Tranford? And Madoka and her Mum would be next door?"

"Yes, darling," he said. "Wouldn't that be nice."

She was starting to cry.

"I don't understand people!" she said, sobbing. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Well," he began. "I know this is your home, but we'll still be together and Madoka will be next door!"

"But why would you do that? Why would you go next door for sex? I thought you loved her! Why don't you want to live with her, and Madoka could live with me?"

"Would you like that, darling?"

She looked surprised.

"Of course. You've found your special person and I've found mine. Isn't it obvious? I thought I was the one who couldn't recognise emotions!"

"And you wouldn't have to sneak off or try and be quiet when you want sex," she added.

"But this house," he said. "You were born here. Would you be all right moving?"

She looked puzzled again.

"No, I was born in the hospital. I've lived here since, but what makes you think I couldn't live somewhere else?"

"Er, nothing," he said.

"Anyway," she continued, "if you got married, I could be a bridesmaid, and Madoka could too. We could have the same dresses made by that Liz person."

Derek turned to Mama and said "Greta, darling. Will you marry me?"

"Yes," she said, and they got up and kissed, so I got up and kissed Robyn. Just a peck, but she was pleased.

The dinner had to be warmed up in the microwave, and wasn't brilliant, but nobody minded.

As Robyn said, we "let the grownups do their business" and got on with our friendship. I sometimes stayed in the spare bedroom at Robyn's and Derek stayed at our house with Mama. There didn't seem to be a problem, though I learned more of what made Robyn comfortable and what she didn't like. She did eight hours work a day on coding. No more, no less and not counting lunch break. She slept for six hours from one to seven a.m. And I don't mean went to bed. She went to bed just before and was asleep very quickly. Her alarm was set at 7:05 but she always woke up just before it. She had the same breakfast and lunch every day, which she made herself. Except when we visited, they had a set pattern of evening meals. Washing, toilet and clothes were regular times.

But at games time she could be anyone, and we sometimes dressed up together.

She got a maid outfit and learned the words of some Japanese songs so that we could sing together.

We served each other tea as maids and also Derek and Mama.

She dressed as a complementary character in anime, so we could play together. She understood the whole basis of the games, possibly better than me, which most people don't get.

She was interested to hear my explanations of the references to Japanese myths and children's stories.

What we did was a mixture of childish and nerdy. It was wonderful!

At weekends we started to go out together. I don't mean dates: I mean just out in the real world. I was a Japanese girl and she was what she called her "nondescript self -- pronouns he, she or it, it doesn't matter". We went on buses, we looked around shops. Both of these would have been unnerving for each of us, but somehow we managed them together.

I had done shopping, but never as a girl. She had tried when she was younger, but had given up because her behaviour was odd, and the way people reacted stressed her. She found choosing difficult, especially when things were the same or not much different. From the left, or the right or the middle? The top or the bottom? Why take one bag of carrots instead of another? How could people tell? Eventually we talked together and she effectively wrote a little algorithm for herself which usually made the decision.

We were so proud of each other with those first purchases, and eventually a whole basket!

We both discovered that the less self-conscious we were, the less people noticed we were odd.

Mama made a suggestion and we all four went to a teashop. Robyn put on her schoolgirl outfit and went in with Derek, while I went in with Mama, and we pretended to meet each other. Then we were served tea and cakes by a waitress. She wasn't quite a French maid, but she did have a nice frilly apron over her black outfit.

When she asked how the meal was, I said in Japanese that it was delicious, and Robyn said she was cute. She smiled uncertainly, but a bit more when she saw the tip that Derek was leaving on the table.


For a wedding present, I agreed to stop calling my mother Mama or Kaasan.

Mum had a dress made by Liz while Robyn and me were both bridesmaids. Liz cleverly made the dresses so that Mum was clearly the star of the show, and ours had removable frills and lace so that when the bits were removed, they could be used as smart regular clothes, which I could wear to work, for example.

There were Mum's and Derek's friends and family, who were all very nice to me and Robyn. Robyn's Mum was there with her husband and thanked me. She said I had done so much good for her daughter -- it was good to see her so confident and looking so nice. When she kissed Derek, I could see that they were still fond of each other, though obviously happy with their new partners.

Robyn was pleased when I told her this.

"I wish people would have little signs above them, or do special actions like they do in some games," she said, a bit sadly. "Then you'd know what they felt."

Liz and Hannah were invited so they could see their dresses. They were accompanied by Bernie who was quite a handsome man for his age, in a very smart suit. He looked a proper gentleman.

The honeymoon was really moving house and businesses. They said we might all have a holiday in Japan sometime in the future.

Mum got a job a short bus ride away in an office in Tranbrook. I got one in one of the other business premises. In good weather, I walk there, because I like walking in a skirt and heels. Sometimes Robyn walks with me, as either a man or a girl (never nondescript these days except at home). She quite likes it when we both wear the work versions of the wedding outfits. I have grown my hair long enough so that I don't need the wig, but I wear it when really long hair is required.

After a while Robyn asked to marry me, and I said yes. We're not exactly transgender like many people in Tranford, so in a sense it was a normal wedding. Except Robyn was in a smart mauve suit exactly like one of the male characters in the anime video, with her own hair grown quite long and bleached blonde. I (of course) was in the magical pink dress and wig, a proper bride!

We held it in the community centre in Tranford.

There were over a thousand guests!

(Mostly online, of course.)

Derek offered to pay for a honeymoon in Japan, but we declined. We're not that confident. In any case I think I might be disappointed that the Japan in my head is different from the real one, so we're sticking to our fantasies.

The flats are in what is called a maisonette. It looks like a normal two storey semi-detached house, but is actually four flats, two up, two down, each of two bedrooms. The downstairs ones are occupied by couples where one is a wheelchair user. Mum and Derek have one of the upstairs ones and me and Robyn have the other. We all usually have dinner together at least a couple of times a week.

Robyn and me sleep (and in fact live a lot) in our separate bedrooms. We play and chat together online while being in adjacent rooms! Sometimes we dress up as characters we are playing. Then we can take a break from our avatars to have snack together in real life!

It's really just cosplay, I suppose, but I am a girl 24/7. On the other hand, Robyn is "nondescript" (maybe 'it') while working or doing household tasks. But when taking on roles Robyn is either he or she and quite convincing in both. Sometimes he goes with me into town, a man and a woman together, to go shopping. We give each other confidence outside Tranford. Sometimes we are two girls together. But we are also superheroes (and occasionally villains). We may be an odd couple, but we like it.

I don't know if Mum and Derek sleep in different rooms, but I know they have sex in the bedroom on the other side of the wall to me. I hear the bed banging and occasionally Mum is quite loud. Robyn of course does not hear anything, and I don't tell her.

I love my Mum, and I love the fact that she's getting plenty of sex.

I love Robyn. We don't have sex, but we're very happy together.

I love being an innocent Japanese girl.

And I love being in Tranford.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was a really sweet story and I love how it shows that anyone can be misunderstood. It was is so nice how Robyn was she/he/it depending on the day, the feelings or the situation. It might look like an unusual marriage from the outside looking in but other marriages looked unusual from the inside looking out. Another excellent story that shows to each their own as long as nobody gets hurt (who doesn’t want to be hurt that is).


SlightlyRudeSlightlyRudealmost 3 years agoAuthor

I was glad to give Bernie a cameo part. I'm very fond of him. [author]

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