Transformation and Implantation


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In the next instant, Julie's world exploded. The seed slipped through suddenly, like a watermelon seed squeezed between finger and thumb, and Julie knew pure joy. Chris lay his delicate hand flat against her bulging tummy, and he could feel the seed settle into place on the right hand side. The next seed had arrived at Julie's entrance, and it had a slightly easier time with the entry as Julie's body had stretched somewhat in accommodating the first seed. As the second seed settled into its place on the left side of her uterus, Julie's body collapsed with exhaustion. The vine retracted slowly after the delivery, and Julie's body simultaneously tightened behind it, trapping the plant's fluid and the two seedlings safely inside her body. Chris held her, wiped her forehead, and rocked her gently. As Julie faded to sleep, she smiled: she would be a mommy soon.

Julie's head was resting comfortably in the space between Chris's soft breasts. She had been resting for about an hour, and Chris had held her all that time. Despite his incredible transformation, Chris still remembered the feeling of protectiveness he had always felt towards Julie; he wouldn't let anything happen to her – or her young.

The hour had not been uneventful for Chris. After the plant retracted from Julie's womb, it had gently wound its way up Chris's smooth leg, inching ever closer to his vaginal lips. Chris watched it, mindlessly mesmerized, instinctively knowing what would happen next. The plant found his slit, the pressed inward and entered him. Chris felt the pressure grow as the vine slowly expanded inside him. Still holding Julie as she slept, Chris watched a single small bulge work its way down the vine's length. It was nowhere near the size of the two seedlings that had entered Julie – this was scarcely three inches in diameter – but it would still take some doing for it to pass into his tight body. Chris felt the increasing pressure as the bulge reached his lips, then a rapid release as it slipped inside with surprisingly little effort. The small part of Chris that was still masculine recoiled – both the elasticity of his lips and the violation of his new body repulsed this male remnant. The feminized part of him shuddered briefly with the erotic touch, then became calm. The bulb settled into position near his cervix, blocking any entry into his womb, and the vine retracted.

Julie awoke to a gentle caress from Chris. Seeing that she was awake, he brushed her cheek gently before moving his hand to his left breast, which he guided towards Julie's mouth. With his transformation complete, his breasts had begun producing the same sweet nectar that Julie's had, which had triggered Chris's original transformation. Now he would return the favor, feeding her with his full breasts as she bore her young. The breast-nectar would produce just the right balance of nutrients to feed Julie during her pseudo-pregnancy – indeed it had evolved for just that purpose.

Julie willingly took the breast and began suckling, gazing up as she did so into her husband's feminine face. As their eyes met, Chris smiled knowingly: this was right. As she sucked gently, her tongue expertly working the nectar from his full breast, a sense of euphoria filled Chris's mind. The small part of him that was still male faded away, momentarily leaving Chris feeling as though his life's purpose were being fulfilled as he gazed into his pregnant wife's bright eyes.

The flood of hormones had a secondary effect on Chris's body; or, more appropriately, on the bulb that had begun to incorporate itself into Chris's cervical membrane. From its hidden place deep in Chris's vagina, thin pale tentacles like those of a jellyfish began to grow out of its hard black surface. Each extended about three or four inches, forming a thin network that lined the walls of his vagina. The tips began to branch out into ever finer threads, eventually becoming microscopically thin. Invisibly, the threads integrated themselves with the many capillaries that lay just beyond Chris's smooth vaginal walls. With these new connections, the hormones Chris was producing in response to Julie's nursing began to flow into Chris's cervical bulb. This triggered a second outgrowth, this time a single long taproot that grew down, down, down and finally out through Chris's vaginal opening. The soft white protuberance did not surprise Chris's altered mind, but it did send a warm shudder through his body as it passed through his slit. The taproot began sliding across the cool earth, seeking a suitable spot to take root.

In moments, it had pressed its way deep into the soil and spread a vast root system that would provide nutrients for the Chris's cervical bulb. Chris was now pinned to the ground by the smooth thick root that grew from his vagina. His job, Chris instinctively understood, was to process the nutrients collected by his root system into the sweet nectar that Julie would use to nourish her incubating young. In time, Julie would give birth, and Chris's taproot would sever its connection to the soil. Driven by the instinctive need to reproduce for these strange plants, Chris and Julie would linger in the area, the complex reproductive process would repeat itself for generations.

For now, Chris would remain pinned to the ground, and Julie would remain at his side, her submissiveness and her deep instinctual love acting to keep her there. She didn't consider that the limited mobility due to her swollen abdomen and her need for constant nourishment would never have allowed her to leave anyways. Yes, she would remain at his side, nursing, sleeping, and cuddling, until her young were ready to emerge and take root.

Time passed slowly for Chris and Julie, but their innocent minds were carefree. The incubation period had lasted just over two weeks, and they waited patiently for their freedom. During the gestation period, Julie's hunger had grown, and as her nutrition requirements grew, so had Chris's breasts. They ballooned now to enormous proportions while Julie slept, and Chris had to occasionally wake Julie from her rest so she could relieve the pressure by feeding on the sweet nectar. The smooth root that emerged from Chris's vagina had grown thicker too, to allow for more efficient nutrient extraction from the ground. His vaginal lips were now stretched tightly around the root, which had expanded to nearly four inches in diameter. Chris reached down occasionally to feel his connection to the earth, and now his delicate hands barely reached halfway around it. Somehow the root had integrated itself into his nervous system, because he was able to feel the warm touch of his hands on the root whenever his slender fingers wrapped around it. The slightest stroke would send tingles through his vagina, and whenever he shifted positions, he felt the pressure on his lips as well as from within the root itself. The pressure on his lips was growing slightly uncomfortable, and at the edge of his consciousness he knew that the birth would come soon.

The next morning, Chris woke up to find his breasts had diminished greatly in size overnight, while Julie's had grown substantially larger. When Julie tried to nurse on Chris's breasts, only a thin trickle of fluid emerged. Unable to curb her hunger, Julie felt her womb begin to churn. The seedlings growing inside her had rarely moved during her pregnancy, but now their writhing was clearly visible through her distended belly. Julie and Chris both watched and waited – indeed there was little else they could do. Julie began to feel a strange pressure in her abdomen. Struck by an instinctive urge to move, she shifted her body.

Following her urges, Julie pulled herself up into a crawling position. Her engorged tits dangled from her chest, and her distended belly pulled her back into a graceful arch. With a whimper, Julie's eyes closed and she spread her knees wide. It was time! Suddenly a great gush of clear fluid rushed out of Julie's slit, muddying the grassy ground below. Julie let out a long moan, as the pressure on her internal organs was relieved for the first time in over two weeks. Chris sat helplessly by, still pinned by his vaginal root to the soil, and he watched as his wife's elegant body prepared to introduce its young to the world. In a moment, a thin spring-green vine tentatively emerged from Julie's slit. It extended slowly, curving in a graceful arc towards the ground below. When it reached the muddy earth, it burrowed into the soft soil. Julie's hips began to instinctively buck in a thrusting motion, and she crawled slowly forward. The tentacle that emerged from Julie's slit grew taut, and Julie moaned gently as the bulging seedling was slowly pulled from her body. Her cervix had expanded rapidly when her water broke, and the 5 inch seedling slipped easily past. Now Chris could see a bulge slowly working down Julie's lower abdomen, and with a final thrust of her hips and a wet "plop!", the newborn plant burst forth into the world.

Julie collapse to her elbows, exhausted, but a single vine still connected the seedling to Julie's vagina. It was the umbilical connection to its sibling, and its gentle tugging as her body heaved served as a reminder to Julie that her work was only half complete. With a grunt, she pushed herself back up onto her hands and pulled forward again. The second birth went more smoothly, and in moments Julie's final thrust had extracted the second seedling from her womb. Filled now with a sudden, hormone-induced euphoria, Julie turned back towards her young. The seedlings had both taken root, but they were weak, their roots shallow, their leaves underdeveloped. They would need nutrients until they were able to spread their root system, and Julie's knew her full breasts would be the ideal source of that nutrition.

She turned and crawled towards them, her full breasts swinging from her torso, until her nipples were situated above her young seedlings. Dropping to her elbows, she lowered her body until her full breasts brushed against the velvety smooth seedlings. The stimulation caused the young plants to instinctively lift a series of short tentacles to her cup her breasts. The tentacles wrapped gently around Julie's back, supporting them like a delicate bra. Their support took the pressure off of Julie's neck, shoulders, and spine, and she felt much more comfortable. The connection also served to lock Julie into place, for she now had no way of pulling away without damaging the seedlings, which her motherly instinct would never allow to happen.

There was an opening at the center of each bra-cup-like arrangement of tentacles, and two vertical stalks rapidly sprouted up through the holes. Two tiny suction cups, one from plant, eagerly latched onto Julie's breasts and began milking her. She moaned in ecstasy as the sweet nectar was drained from her engorged tits. A rhythmic pulsing flowed down the stalks into the seedlings, and they visibly grew in size as Julie's breasts were emptied. They would need to feed like this for only a day or so before their root systems were developed enough to gather their own nutrients. It didn't matter – Julie knew she would stay forever to protect her precious young.

Lost in the ecstasy of her milking, Julie didn't notice that Chris's smooth taproot had severed its connection to the soil, freeing Chris for the first time in over two weeks. The taproot was still connected at the other end to the hard lump at his cervix, and the other end emerged limply from his vaginal slit. With weeks of pent up lust for his lesbian lover, Chris quickly crawled towards Julie. His penis had dissolved long ago with his initial transformation, but the smooth taproot that had integrated itself into his circulatory and nervous systems suddenly sprung to life in an 8 inch phallus, several inches thick, with an ominous bulb where it had previously been attached to the ground. Chris could feel the vine pulse with life, and he longed to press it into his lover's slit.

When he reached Julie, he touched her hip with one hand. Startled, she looked back, then smiled. Somewhere deep inside his mind, Chris knew that look. A playful "what are you waiting for" look that he knew from long ago. Needing no more encouragement, Chris pulled his female form so he straddled Julie doggy-style, his diminished but still sizeable chest pressed against Julie's back, his left hand supporting them while his right wrapped tightly around Julie's rapidly restored flat tummy. He pressed the bulb of his phallus against her slit, and her moan revealed her approval. She reached back and guided him in, her pussy easily accommodating his girth. The sensitive taproot translated the sensations back to Chris: the feelings of the warm, moist, pressure filled his mind. With each thrust, the taproot pressed against both his vaginal lips and his cervix, and his breasts lubricated by their secretions, slid erotically along Julie's back. He was filled with sensations that he had never experienced, and it was incredible! He pumped her hard, moaning in his new feminine voice with each thrust.

He could feel a growing warmth inside him, a glowing furnace aflame with passion, and the taproot phallus let him feel that Julie was feeling the same fire. They were both bucking their hips now, Julie's breasts still being milked by the offspring's suction tubes, her weight fully supported on their strengthening tendrils. She reached back with her slender hands and felt where Chris's phallus entered her stretched pussy. Rubbing her clit in a tight circular motion released her building orgasm. The explosion sent spasms up and down her vagina, and Chris's phallus transferred those sensations deep into his own vagina, instantly driving him to a powerful climax of his own. His thrusts were sporadic now, not rhythmic, coinciding with the spasms of his first female orgasm. His whole body was filled with warmth, and he lay there for a time breathing hard, recovering.

Julie's breasts were nearly milked dry. The young plants released their hold on her nipples but continued to hold her close with the bra-forming tentacles. She felt Chris's warm body pressing down on her, but the plants were strong enough now to support them both. As her breathing calmed from the orgasm, she felt a growing pressure in her belly. She took little notice other than to reach down and feel Chris's smooth phallus that still pressed deep into her vagina. When her fingers touched it, she felt a tingle deep inside. Chris, resting heavily on her back and buttocks, did not stir. Experimenting, Julie ran her fingernails gently along the smooth skin of the phallus. Her body shuddered with pleasure! Inside, the bulb that had been positioned at Chris's cervix had dissolved and re-emerged at the other end of the phallus – the end that was inside of Julie! Apparently, their fortunes were about to be reversed.

In time, Chris and Julie came to relish their new cycle of life. After Julie gave birth to her first generation of twin seedlings, the vine sought out Chris's virgin uterus for the second impregnation. Julie's taproot-phallus once again rooted itself deep into the ground, locking Julie in a seated position while her body processed the unique nectar that would nourish Chris during the incubation period. Alternating between feeding off her growing breasts and laying his head in the valley between them, Chris's body nourished his two seedlings until they were ready to emerge. One morning, Julie's breasts would no longer produce nectar, and they both knew it was time. Chris's delivery didn't go as smoothly as Julie's had – it seemed Julie had a few added instincts that Chris's transformed body did not – but all was well in the end. It became their ritual to have sex during the first nursing after the seedlings were born, and it became a game to predict whether the phallus would stay with its current host or switch to the other member.

Now, nearly a year later, Chris and Julie sat naked together. Julie was locked to the ground by the smooth taproot that emerged from her vagina; Chris was suckling gently on Julie's breast. Julie looked over the 50 pairs of strong healthy plants they had helped create. Fifty plants, 25 generations, in just under a year. A remarkable accomplishment, she nodded proudly. In a moment, after Julie's breast had been sucked dry, Chris sat up and looked around. A remarkable accomplishment, indeed.

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guts4gart3rsguts4gart3rsalmost 2 years ago

Poison Ivy would be so proud :')

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really hot more plant stories please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story & plot. Julie would have loved her transformation & her hubby 😍 would like how he became a her. Love it.

Archangel_MArchangel_Malmost 3 years ago

Holy shit, this is an amazingly creative, perverse, and above all HOT story. Please write more; a mind as delightfully fucked up as yours simply cannot go to waste! <3 <3 <3

brick_stonebrick_stoneover 4 years ago


please continue writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

i think you need to find another word for diminutive, no need to be overly verbose but the over repetition of an awkward often unused word can distract form the story.

NellaBarely2NellaBarely2almost 12 years ago
Touches many cultures

This isn't totally leaning into a lez FF arrangement since both gain a sharing of the reversal. Nice touch to permit both sexes to experience the "pleasures and pains"'of reproduction. I agree that there's room for more story episodes as these two learn of other partners falling into the spell of the expanding plant population ... To make a move into new fertile areas of society. Other cultures may produce variants with different foliage and scents to attract new "lovers". This could become a whole new theme park!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

This story is amazing! As I read this, I could imagine a Hentai animation in my head, feeling the situation in this!

You should definetly send this story to japan, in order for them to make an OVA or 2 hentai episodes about it! I'd watch it, cause i love your story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
My very favorite

honestly i have never read anything this good i hope to see more of your amazing work. I was looking for one specific fetish of mine but you found a way to combine all of my favorite ones you are an amazing artist

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

On the whole, an enjoyable read, but one thing struck me as a bit odd (as a bit of a weird biology enthusiast). Specifically, what benefit the plant is gaining if they can't range a bit to spread the seedlings out more. Plants do usually rely on other animals to spread seeds, fruit generally being a good example of this. But if they can't really leave the clearing where the original plant was, and all the plants keep building up in one place, like it sounds like they are, then that would ultimately lead to over-competition, particularly of note is that soil nutrients would get used up pretty quickly.

Otherwise, very fun, and perhaps more biologically plausible than you may have thought. There are some species of parasitic barnacle that live on crabs and use the females for breeding. And, if they end up on a male, will actually change it into a female for that purpose.

Sorry if this ends up a bit wall-of-textey, seems to be eating my formatting.

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