Transformations - Were-Bimbo Ch. 06-07


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Bull surveyed the damage to the hotel. All the breakage was on the first floor. A little drywall would be all that was required.

As soon as he had regained consciousness, Clay had followed his boss out the door along with the rest of Randall's gang.

"Wasn't smart letting all of them go like that," Sindy said as she followed him into Randall's wrecked office.

"What were we going to do with them? Couldn't turn them over to the cops. We couldn't kill them."

Sindy shrugged. "We could have sent them down to the farm or that adult store out at the edge of town and turned them into fuck bunnies."

Bull rolled his eyes. "Ugly ass fuck bunnies."

She laughed. "True. You do know they might regroup and come back here with guns, right?"

Bull nodded. "There is that possibility."

"Lucky thing you have me then," Sindy said.

Bull wrapped an arm around her skinny waist. "What? You bullet proof?"

"Don't have to be. I reprogrammed Clay and the rest of those assholes while they were unconscious - if Randall tries to come back? They'll kill him."

Bull looked at her in disbelief. "You can do that?"

"Mmm, hmm... you'd be amazed at what I can do, old man."

He smiled. "Can you crack a safe?" He pointed to a big standing safe behind Randall's desk.

She wrinkled her nose. "Uhh, no."

"Well, lucky you have me around then." He grabbed the handle and pulled. Metal creaked and the door popped open.

"Ooo, I love a man with muscles."

Bull laughed. "Whoa."

The safe was filled with money and bags of cocaine.

"Party time?" Sindy giggled.

"No, Ma'am. We're flushing the coke down the toilet."

"What about the money?"


Bull stood in the lobby flanked by Delia and Sindy. "We found a little over $750,000 in the safe."

A dozen hookers stood in front of them.

"Holy shit," someone murmured.

"Here's the deal. That money belongs to you girls," Bull said.

Gasps and cheers broke out.

"Hang on a second," Bull said. "Here's what's going to happen: any of you who want to leave? We'll divide that money up between you. It'll be a fresh start."

Sindy spoke up. "Or, you can stay. You remember me. Remember what I looked like before? If you stay, you'll get the same modifications I got. The Church is going to pay for everything you want for the rest of your life. You just work the way you always have."

"Only, without Randall and the rest of those bastards leeching off you," Bull said.

"It's your choice," Sindy said.


Sindy looked at the stacks of money. They were slowly dwindling. So far, five girls had decided to take the cash and leave.

It was hard to get used to: she no longer needed money.

Before they had left the farm, Gwen gave them each a black credit card and told them to buy anything they needed whenever they needed it.

Still, some little part of her mind wanted her to pocket some of the cash. Just in case. But, she fought the urge.

Besides, she could get anything she wanted anyway. All she had to do was ask and use her White Witch powers.

When the two young girls walked into what was now her and Bull's office, she figured they wanted some cash before they split.

"We're not whores," the black girl said. Her eyes looked hollow and she had needle tracks on her arms.

"Well, actually we are, I guess," the brunette corrected. She looked strung out as well. "We owed Randall money. Drugs, you know?"

Bull sat behind the desk and nodded. "There are no drugs here any more."

The black girl nodded. "Yeah, we know." She was shaking. "That's... not why we're here."

"It's our friend," the brunette said. "Leslie? She's a blonde. She... they took her somewhere."

Bull and Sindy looked at each other. "We can't help you with that. I'm sorry," Bull said.

"You don't know where they took her?" The black girl asked.

Sindy shook her head. "I think the people Randall worked for were in Philly. They probably took her there." She looked away.

"God, this is a nightmare," the brunette said.

The black girl started shivering hard, and the brunette hugged her.

Sindy smiled. She walked around the desk and took both girls by the hand. "I can't help with the shakes. You feel like you're going to die, but you won't. You just need a little time."

"We need a fix," the brunette whispered.

"No, you don't," Sindy said. "You are never going to use drugs again."

The girls' eyes drooped slightly.

Sindy's closed completely. "College kids, huh? Good. Go back to college. Have fun and work hard. You're never going to use drugs again. You know what? No booze either. You don't need that shit." She frowned a little. "When I let go of your hands? You're going to turn around and leave the hotel. Go back to your dorm. You don't really remember much about this weekend. You remember getting sick and spending the weekend recuperating. Your friend Leslie went out of town. You're going to miss her, but she decided to leave school."

Sindy opened her eyes and let go of their hands.

The girls looked at each other.

Then they turned around and left.

Sindy turned and looked at Bull. "Two good deeds."

Bull smiled and shook his head. "Think it will balance out in the end?"

Sindy shook her head. "I don't think so."


"Hold still," Lorraine said as she bandaged Eddie's ribs. They were downstairs in the basement.

"Jesus, that hurts," Eddie said. He was sitting on an operating table. "Why do they want Amy so bad?"

"I gave you a shot of Insta-Heal. In a few hours, the ribs should be good as new." Lorraine pulled the bandage tighter. "As to your question: because Amy was transitioning to transformed. They want to study us and find out what makes us tick - grabbing one before we've been completely transformed will give their doctors another piece of the puzzle."

"But, Amy has transitioned."

"You know that, but they don't. Her appearance hasn't changed." Lorraine thrust out her chest. "She isn't carrying around these jugs in her 'Amy' body, and they haven't put two and two together and figured out bombshell Amy Lynn is the same girl." Lorraine smiled. "So, you actually bit that guy?"

"For fuck's sake. Yeah, I bit him. Jesus, he was a trained fucking killer."

"Your first instinct was to bite him?"

Eddie frowned. "I guess. Why? Is something wrong with that?"

"Oh, no, Eddie. In Psychology we don't judge things as right or wrong or... strange."

"Goddamn it! He was trying to kill me!"

"So, you bit him. Makes perfect sense to me," Lorraine said. "Have you always had this oral fixation?"

'Fuck you, Lorraine."

She burst out laughing.

Eddie glared at her for a moment, and then he laughed too. "Shit. You know, that was fucking pathetic. I mean Amy tossed that other guy like a rag doll and Chad went all Mike Tyson. What do I do? I bit a guy like a damned Shih Tzu."

She leaned down and smiled at him. "Eddie Delacroix, you charged up a hillside, unarmed, and took on seven trained killers. You know what that makes you?"


"No, Eddie. It makes you a hero," Lorraine said with a smile.


Lorraine led Eddie up the stairs to the living room.

Chad was sitting on the couch with his right hand in a bowl of ice.

Amy was standing near the window beside Gwen and smiled at Eddie as he leaned against the doorframe.

Lorraine sat down on the couch beside Chad.

"You okay, Eddie?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, no, I'm good. I just don't want to breathe too hard."

Amy held out her hand. "Chad?"

Chad stood up and took her hand. "What is it?"

"It's time."

Eddie went pale.

"You said I had to choose. So, I have." Amy took a deep breath. "I love you, Chad. Ever since we were kids. I can't remember ever not loving you."

Chad smiled. "I love you too."

"You never left my side, not once. You gave up Golden Gloves because I was afraid you'd get hurt."

Eddie looked astonished. "Golden Gloves? Boxing? You're a fucking boxer? No wonder you keep kicking my ass!"

"Eddie, honey? Shut up," Amy said.


Amy smiled up at Chad. "Because I love you, when this all happened? I was going to let you go. What kind of wife could I be? I can't control myself, I can't stop." She shook her head. "I don't want to stop. Amy Lynn is part of me."

"I know that. I don't care," Chad said.

"Let me finish. I love you so much, I was willing to let you go, for your sake. But, I can't, Chad. I know it's selfish, I know it's cruel, but I can't live without you. I choose you."

Chad smiled and pulled her close. "We'll figure this out."

"I know."

Eddie turned around and walked away down the hall.

"Eddie Delacroix, where are you going?" Amy said.

He turned around. "It's okay. I told you. Whatever you decided, I'd accept it. Boy Scout... Chad... he's a good man. A lucky man. I just want you to be happy."

Amy shook her head. "I never liked bad boys. It's a cliche: the good girl falling for the bad boy. Then you come along. You're brash and smug and perverted, vulgar..."

"Don't leave out ugly," Eddie said with a laugh.

"No. You're handsome."

He stopped laughing.

"And, exciting and lovable and brave... stupid, but brave."


"Shut up, Eddie," she said. "And passionate... nasty, but I've discovered I like that."

"I'm confused," Chad said.

"I made my decision," Amy said. She smiled. "And, I choose both of you."

"What?" Eddie said.

"What?!" Chad said.

Amy shook her head and looked up at Chad. She touched her chest. "The Amy you love, Chad? Still right here. Still in love with you. Still can't live without you. Still thinks you hung the moon and the stars." A tear leaked down her face. "But, I love Eddie too. And, I won't settle, Chad. I want both of you."

Chad stared at her with his mouth open.

Amy looked from Chad to Eddie. "So, I either have both of you, or neither. I won't settle for just one of you. It's both or nothing."

"No, I cannot do this," Chad whispered.

"Yeah, me neither," Eddie said. "I mean, shit, Amy, he hates my guts."

"I do. I really do."

"Get over it," Amy said. "You want to be with me? It's a package deal."

"How can you..." Chad began.

Amy shook her head. "You say you can live with what I am now. You can live with me having sex outside our marriage. Well, here's the test: Eddie."

Chad sighed and closed his eyes.

"Umm, just so we're clear? Are me and Boy Scout supposed to be like sister wives? Brother husbands? I mean he gets you Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and I get Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday? We flip for Sunday?"

"No. All three of us. One bed," Amy said with a smile.

"Fuck no," Chad hissed.

"Yeah, that's a hard no for me too, Amy," Eddie said.

"The other night, when we were all in that hotel room? That was the best sex of my life. Because I had the two men I loved most inside me. Amy Lynn knew that, Amy just needed time to process it. Well, I processed the fuck out of it, and I can't stop thinking about it."

"I am not sleeping with him," Chad growled.

"Jesus, I don't want you guys to fuck for God's sake. Just make love. To me. Together." She smiled. "You don't even have to look at each other."

"Good, because when I look at him I just want to beat the shit out of him," Chad said.

Amy pointed at Chad. "No more hitting. You should be ashamed of yourself, Chad Bellachik. He's not even in your league. And, you're a headhunter - you always punch to the face, and I like his face. So, from now on? If you have to hit him? Body blows only."

Eddie smiled. "Hear that, Boy Scout? She likes my face."

Chad clenched his fists and moved toward Eddie.

Amy put her hand against his chest. "Stop it." She turned and shook her finger at Eddie. "And, you. Are you fucking stupid? Do you have a death wish? He could fucking kill you, but you still have to keep digging at him. Jesus, Eddie, sometimes you're an idiot."


Absolute power corrupts absolutely, Sindy thought as she walked up the steps to the second floor of the hotel. She hadn't killed anyone when they took over the hotel - there was that.

But, she was far from the hero Randall's girls now believed she was.

Neither was Bull, neither was Delia.

They would never let anyone hurt the girls again, that was true. And, that was a good thing, they were protectors of the weak.

They let some leave and gave them more money than most of them had ever seen. And, that was a good thing, they were generous.

But, they weren't heroes.

She opened the door to room 204.

The room was warm and cleaner than most. Soon, the entire hotel would be warm and clean and new.

The Church would see to that. They would pour millions of dollars into their new brothel.

She heard soft voices coming from the bathroom.

The room smelled of scented bath salts and the only light within came from candles.

The blonde coed, Leslie, sat naked in the tub, the water just reaching her waist.

The girl was shivering, though the room was steamy from the hot bath.

She stared glassy-eyed, straight ahead.

Delia sat on the edge of the tub in her black latex dominatrix outfit. Her blue eyes glowed in the dim room. She smiled as Sindy walked in.

A few days ago, she held Delia's hair away from her face while she threw up in a nearby room, a mishap involving deep throat training.

Neither of them were the same person.

She had always cared for Delia, but now? She was in love with Delia. They were married.

And, the girl in the tub? What was she?

She was human. Not like her and Delia. It wasn't that Leslie was inferior, she was simply - unfinished.

That's what all humans were in Sindy's eyes now: caterpillars in need of a cocoon.

How easily she had lied to Leslie's friends, it didn't matter. They were humans and humans didn't understand. They still believed in free will.

She and Delia were about to remove Leslie's will.

Leslie was going into her cocoon.

Sindy knelt by the tub. She touched the beautiful blonde's shivering shoulders. "You'll be warm soon, I promise."

"I want to go home," Leslie whispered. Her voice was emotionless and dreamlike.

"Soon, honey. Just relax. Delia's run you such a nice bath. Doesn't it feel good?"

Leslie nodded slowly.

"She got a little upset when she woke up," Delia said. "But, we talked and she feels much better now, don't you, Leslie?"

"Yes, Delia."

Delia smiled and winked at Sindy.

Brothels need prostitutes, and they had a few. None of them were great beauties, but that would change to an extent when they were transformed.

But, Leslie? She was a natural beauty. She had potential.

And, because of that, she was doomed.

"You're a student at Ithaca College?" Sindy asked.

The hypnotized girl nodded.

"What do you study?"

"Art History," she whispered.

"Oh, that sounds like fun," Sindy said softly. Liberal Arts, she was destined to be well-educated, but not a professional. If she had been pursuing a profession? She would most likely be off limits - the Church wanted 'useful' people: doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers for Professional Caste.

Leslie with that face and that body? She was destined for Whore Caste.

She was prey.

"The gentler we are, the more of her that will be left," Sindy said.

Delia nodded.

"Do you do well in school, Leslie?" Sindy asked.

"Hmm? Yesss, I have a... 3.8 GPA."

"That's wonderful. A 2.8 GPA..."

"N... No... 3.8..."

"1.8? Is that good?"

"No, 1.8 isn't good," Leslie said. Her brow furrowed. "But, I have a..."

"0.8," Sindy whispered and stroked the girl's right temple.

Leslie's eyes rolled up slightly. Then she sobbed. "0.8? Oh, I'm in so much trouble."

"Shh, there, there, it's okay, Leslie," Sindy said.

"No! They'll kick me out!"

"Oh, that's terrible," Sindy said.

"What are my parents going to say?" Leslie whispered.

"Hmm... well, you don't have to tell them..."

"But, if the school kicks me out..."

"You'll just stay here with me and Delia," Sindy said. "And, your parents don't have to know."

"Really? I could stay?"

"Of course, Leslie. We love you, don't we Delia?"

"Very much," Delia said with a nod.

Leslie shivered more, and Sindy hugged her. Fucking drugs. The girl was going through heroin withdrawal, and it was going to get worse before it got better. She had an urge to chase down Clay and Randall and shoot them up with enough H to kill a fucking horse.

This is what she was now: a compassionate human trafficker. Transformation had turned her into a sweet, friendly monster.

"Of course," Leslie whispered. "If you're going to stay? You'll have to earn your keep."

The girl looked at her with big watery eyes. "I will?"

Sindy stroked her long blonde hair. "Yes, but you like sex don't you?" Her fingers caressed the girl's temples.

"Yesss," Leslie moaned.

"I mean, who doesn't love sex, right? Nothing feels better than giving pleasure."

Leslie nodded slowly.

"Especially a pretty, bisexual girl like you, Leslie."

"I... No... I'm not bi."

Leslie smiled. "Don't be ashamed. It's beautiful." Her fingers made circles around Leslie's right temple. "Delia loves the way you've been looking at her, don't you, Delia?"

"Such a turn on," Delia agreed. "You are so gorgeous. It really makes me happy that you want to make love to me."

"It... does?" Leslie said. The desire was kindled inside her.

Leslie nodded. "If you ask Delia, I'll bet she'll kiss you. Would you like that?"

"I... think so." She was staring at Delia's full red lips.

Sindy whispered in her ear. "You have to ask her."

"Delia, will you... will you kiss me?" Leslie asked shyly.

"I'd like that," Delia said. She leaned over the tub and then gently touched her lips to Leslie's.

This was a world of new pleasures for Sindy. Watching her beautiful, dominatrix wife kiss the timid coed was going to be a favorite memory.

The kiss was hungry, but sweet, almost innocent.

Leslie's eyes were closed as Delia gently kissed her.

The whole time, Sindy was inside her head, listening patiently. When Delia's tongue slid into Leslie's mouth, all the coed's inhibitions were cast aside, and Sindy made sure they would never return with a slight mental push.

One kiss, and the beautiful blonde was bisexual.

"Would you like to kiss me, too?" Sindy asked.

Delia broke the kiss gently and smiled.

Leslie looked questioningly at Delia.

"It's okay, Leslie," Delia said. "We share. You can kiss Sindy too. I won't get jealous. I want you to."

A slight smile crossed Leslie's lips.

Then she turned and kissed Sindy with abandon, pushing her tongue deep into Sindy's mouth.

Sindy held the back of the coed's head and let her explore. Her breath was sweet.

Sindy broke the kiss. "I love kissing girls. It's so much more fun than kissing boys, isn't it?"

Leslie laughed. "No stubble."

Delia laughed. "I know. No sandpaper on our cheeks, huh?"

Leslie giggled and leaned back in the tub. "I didn't even know I was bi."

Sindy ran her index finger down the girl's supple neck. "Does it make you happy to know you are?"

"Mmm, yeah." Her eyes drifted shut.

"You think she's ready?" Delia asked.

"I don't know. She's come so far already. I don't think she could handle it," Sindy said.

Leslie's eyes fluttered open. "What? Ready for what?"

"Shh, don't worry about it," Sindy said and stroked the girl's hair. "Delia is just wondering how beautiful you want to be, but you're perfect just as you are."

"Oh, yes, Leslie, you're completely hot. You're adorable." Delia thrust out her chest. "I mean, you don't want to have big, round breasts like these, do you?"