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Mom finds great sex with her son.
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Chapter 1: Peggy

"Move it!" he snarled. "Come on, shake that ass!"

Peggy DiMarco turned her head on the pillow and gazed back at her husband of twenty years. She was irritated, and frustrated but tried to cover her feelings. She knew from long experience that he became nastier when she was yapping at him, and he made every attempt to piss her off even more. He thought a woman is a better fuck when she's mad.

Except for the first year and the birth of their son, Jason, her entire marriage had been a bust. Oh sure, Fred made a good living and always brought home good money. But he was a clod. A boring clod who thought fucking was for the man's benefit and that the ideal wife was a whore.

She knew she would have to eventually do what he wanted so she slowly rolled over and lay on her belly. "I'm in position, Lover," she said sarcastically.

"Shit, will you look at her!" he snipped. "Get on your knees so I can reach it."

"Reach what?"

"Reach your asshole, my dear!"

Peggy raised her body and stuck her luscious ass up in the air. "You mean like this? Is this what you want? You want to relieve yourself in my butt? Well, go ahead, but don't take too long. I'm tired."

"You're not too tired to spend money at the mall. That uppity bitch calls you every week with --"

"Sally calls me when they have a sale. Last week I got a $1200 Halston evening dress for $300. We ought to have her over for dinner ..."

"Where're you going in an evening dress? My mother gripes every time you buy a new pair of shoes."

"I thought we could go out for our anniversary. It'll be our 25th this August."

"Shit ..."

Fred always considered himself a ladies' man. He had almost forgotten their wedding anniversary. He was close to fifty and he still went to the gym three times a week. Even though he'd lost most of his hair, he had a roving eye and attracted women like flies to honey.

He had his own business as an auto mechanic. The garage was located in Waltham, not too far from Cambridge. Women brought their cars to him because he provided a full service. He had an office over the garage, which included a big sofa, a desk and file cabinets. Always congenial, Fred would invite women up for coffee and he took salacious photos of the women he serviced. These he kept in a brown manila envelope.

Women were typically over 40, and married, although there were some divorced females. They brought in their cars, ostensibly for oil changes, but most cars today do not require oil changes every 1000 miles.

Fred's garage had a lift, and an assortment of tools -- socket wrenches, crow bars, and hammers -- stuff used in rotating tires, doing valve jobs, or replacing spark plugs. But Fred's customers were well-to do and drove late model cars and these cars didn't have carburetors or spark plugs. No matter, the women needed lube jobs and tune-ups on a regular basis.

Robbie worked for Fred, and he was gay. He had no interest in the women so Fred let Robbie handle the real work, while Fred brought the women upstairs for coffee. He had the ladies sit on the sofa while he fixed a cup of instant. The way the women sat, it was easy looking up their legs and they twisted and crossed their legs because the sofa was not very comfortable. He got it for fifty bucks at Goodwill and it was the best fifty bucks Fred ever spent.

The women wore skirts with flesh colored nylons; they wanted to be feminine for Fred. Word got around. You got a better deal with a skirt, never wear pants. Shorts were good in the summer, but you don't want to be slutty. The older gals wore panty briefs because they were pretty hairy and had no intentions of going to the beach in the Boston area. Their stockings were thigh-highs, held up by garters, revealing the lush white flesh below the panty line. Fred's clients were exclusive and those women naïve enough to want a flat tire fixed were directed to the AAA garage a mile away.

After a hard day at the shop -- cunt licking, fucking and buggering -- when Fred reached home he was exhausted and had no tolerance for Peggy's overtures and whining about not getting any action. He'd accept a blow job, and if Peggy could get it hard, she would find herself in the position she was in at the moment.

* * *

Peggy shut her eyes tight and waited for the penetration. She knew there would be no foreplay. Fred thought foreplay was a golf term. He thought when his cock was hard it was time to fuck. Even if her cunt was bone dry.

Still, Peggy was horny and she had high hopes that one of these nights he'd make an effort to lick her between the legs. Like back in the old days. It happened occasionally, it was inevitable, she thought wryly. Her pussy was so hot that once in a while her body did respond, even to his awkward fumbling.

Wiggling her hips in his face, she shivered with anticipation. "Come on Fred," she said. "My ass is open for business ..."

He rubbed his prick around her cunt. That felt good. She knew he was only doing that to lubricate his shaft, but it didn't matter. She'd take what she could get.

Peggy had always been a hot-blooded woman. Even as a teenager. That was why she'd married so young. Her mother had warned her that eighteen was too young to make a life-time commitment, but she hadn't listened. And had lived to regret it.

But Fred had been so romantic in those days and so sexy. She'd had no way of knowing the honeymoon would last such a short time and the living together would last so long. Kids didn't listen to their mothers. They should hold classes in school about those things. Marry in haste; repent at leisure.

There were compensations of course. She had a terrific kid in Jason and a nice house. As far as she knew, Fred was faithful and in his own way he loved her. She loved him, sort of. So far she hadn't cheated on him and she'd had plenty of opportunities. She was still a good looking woman with big tits that hardly sagged and a nice flat belly from daily exercise. Sure, maybe she'd gained an inch or two around her hips, but she knew she was still built like a brick shit-house. She saw the way men stared at her when she walked through the mall. There was no mistaking the look in their eyes. She was a juicy-looking, fuckable woman in the prime of her life with a clod for a husband.

"Is it going to happen in my lifetime?" she said sweetly, arching her neck and gazing at Fred. "Or are you going to wait until I'm dead and then corn hole me when I'm in the coffin."

"What a mouthy bitch," he said, compressing his cockhead and slowly wedging it into her asshole.

"Don't hurt me!" she warned him.

"Why don't you open the window and tell the neighbors what a bastard you're married to?" he growled.

"They already know," she hissed.


"Save your energy for sticking it in," she said. "You're gonna need it."

He grunted in response. Actually she didn't mind getting buggered. When it was good, it was very good. There was something about having a cock in her rectum that was a terrific turn-on. When it was good, she played with her pussy while he fucked her asshole and she usually managed to have a pretty good orgasm. That is, when he gave her enough time. Please, dear god, she thought as Fred tried without success to force his dick into her butt-hole. Let me come tonight. I'll do anything you say, but let me get off tonight. I really need it.

He lunged forward then and Peggy's face was buried against the pillow. "Jesus, don't kill me!" she cried.

"Stop complaining, bitch," he said. "think about all the shit you can buy at the mall tomorrow."

"Fuck you!"

She knew he liked the view from this angle. She knew her cunt hole was totally exposed and that Fred liked to see her this way. Both fore and aft exposed and open for his pleasure. There was something Peggy liked about it too. The feeling of being mounted like a bitch in heat appealed to her. Maybe it was ages old from prehistoric times. She didn't know, but there was something very exciting about it. Was it because she couldn't see him? Was it the element of danger? God knows I need all the excitement I can find, she thought.

Fred had always loved her body, she'd give him that much. He even liked her thick growth of pussy hair. It grew down her inner thighs and into her asscrack and sometimes Fred licked her vulva that was very nice. Except that she couldn't remember the last time he'd done that. Maybe five or six years ago.

Her pussy was wet with cunt-slime at the moment. Fred brought his prick from her ass to her cunt and to wet down his cockhead with her juices. She was growing impatient, but knew that if she complained he'd slow down on purpose and she'd just remain frustrated longer.

She shivered when he suddenly pushed a finger into her asshole.

"What do you know, you're alive," he snarled, moving a finger in and out and opening up her shitter.

"Take it easy, Romeo," she said. "That's a real live woman you're poking."

"if you don't like the way I fuck, why don't you find yourself a boyfriend?"

"I've been thinking about it."

"Yeah, I'm real worried ..." he said. "Okay, now!"

She held her breath as his cockhead pushed against the tight ring of her sphincter. She forced herself to relax and let the rest of his dick slide in.

"Fuck, you're tight!" he grunted as he shoved his entire cock up her bung. He held her hips tightly, digging his nails into her flesh and swaying back and forth as he reamed her shit-chute.

Peggy moved a hand to her cunt and began masturbating. If he gave her enough time she would definitely make it tonight. She was like a loaded gun. Ready to go off when the trigger was pulled. Only she needed enough time.

There was the usual moment of pain when he began sliding his big dick in and out of her bowels. But it was soon followed by the exquisite sensation of having her asshole packed with his stiff cock and she moaned and frigged her cunt in a frenzy. She breathed rapidly and used her free hand to caress her tits.

"Shake it!" Fred grunted.

She speared a finger into her cunt hole and wiggled her butt. "Don't stop yet," she moaned. "Give me a little more time."

"I'm almost there!" he grunted. "Fuck!"

"Oh, no!!!!"

She stopped arguing. It was no use and he would win anyway. She fell forward when he began pounding her shitter. Within a moment he came, dumping his load into her asshole and leaving her limp with frustration.

When he was through, he slumped over on his side of the bed and fell into a sound sleep. She lay there fuming and when she was sure he was asleep, she rose up from the bed and tiptoed down the hall to the bathroom, the robe tied loosely around her waist.

His spunk dribbled out of her asshole and wet her thighs as she walked. She passed Jason's room and noticed her son had forgotten to close his door. Averting her eyes, she continued on her way to the bathroom.

She sat down on the toilet and tinkled. She rubbed her cunt with the toilet paper and automatically tried to bring herself off, but it was no use. Her mind kept returning to Fred's selfishness, but now she thought about something else. Her son, lying naked on his bed with the door to his room part-way open.

She had the feeling Jason left his door open deliberately. It had happened too often lately to be an accident. He had a habit of leaving a light on in his room too, falling asleep while reading a book. Peggy had more than once caught a glimpse of him masturbating.

She rose up from the toilet and washed her hands. She pulled the robe more tightly around her overheated body and padded down the hall back to bed.

When she passed Jason's room, she couldn't resist pausing for just a moment and peering inside. Even though he's nineteen, he is my son, she thought, I have a right to look in and see if he's okay.

College boys didn't need checking on and she knew it. He had become quite the young man with a nice lean belly and a muscular ass. And a big bulge in his crotch that was beginning to make his mother very nervous.

She pressed herself against the wall and peeked inside the room. She smiled, covering her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle. Boys will be boys, she thought. Jason was laying in the middle of his bed jerking off. A typical college boy, she thought.

She told herself she would only watch him far a moment, but after a while she gave up the pretense. She would watch him until he was through because it fascinated her to watch him squirt.

She had watched him climb out of the shower, reaching for a towel, his cock semi-hard from soaping in the shower. They had no secrets from each other because if he was overcome with modesty, she always say, "I'm your mother ..." and he'd calm down. Sometimes he'd actually show it to her to get an approving smile, and she'd nod as if to say 'that's a nice penis' or something motherly.

Although her initial response had been amusement and even excitement, she began to feel hornier than ever at the sight of her boy's prick. She hadn't really had a good look at his cock since he'd entered college, and he'd kicked her out of the bathroom then, telling her he was too old for her to see him naked. She'd agreed with the concept. She knew boys who were too close to their mothers ran into emotional issues. Still, she missed their old closeness. And it thrilled her to watch him jerk off.

He had a good-sized prick too. Almost as big as his father's. There was nothing wrong with Fred's cock. It was long and thick too. The trouble was the slob didn't know how to pace himself and usually left her hanging.

Absorbed in watching Jason, his fingers flew up and down his shaft and his nuts jiggled around on the sheet. Her mouth watered suddenly and she squeezed her thighs together. There was no doubt about it. Her own son was turning her on.

She knew then she should leave. She should go back to her own room and join Fred in bed. But she didn't and knew she wouldn't until Jason had emptied his nuts.

Her heart pounded and she moved a hand to her cunt and rubbed it through the thin material of her kimono robe. She parted her legs and felt a glob of juice gush out of her pussy.

Slipping her hand inside her robe, she rubbed her palm over her hairy snatch while she stared at her son. Jason grunted softly and humped his ass off the bed. She watched his balls tighten up and knew he was close to coming.

She pulled her hand away from her cunt and closed her robe after he climaxed. The show was over. She needed to get back to the bathroom.

This time she removed her robe and rummaged around in the medicine cabinet for some lotion to use on her tits. As unsatisfactory as it was, she had to masturbate and give herself a few orgasms. There was no way she could sleep otherwise.

She placed the lotion on the sink next to the toilet and spread her legs. Then she began to smooth lotion around her labia, enjoyed the cool slippery arousal. She poured some lotion into her hand and rubbed it over her boobs. She used light feathery strokes, handling her tits the way she wanted Fred to handle them. The way he used to, in the old days.

Maybe she ought to find herself a boyfriend. She didn't think Fred would even care. Maybe he had a little action on the side. It was possible. Lots of married men did. At this point in her life she didn't much care. If some other woman could get him to light her fire, more power to her.

Now she spread her thighs wider apart and gazed down at her hairy gulch. Her turgid clit stood up at the top of her slit, throbbing. Her pussy was swollen with need and she plunged two fingers into her hole, massaging her g-spot. Just then she heard the knock on the door and Fred's voice announcing that he had to pee.

"I'll be out in a minute," she whispered, flushing the toilet.

Damn, fuck and piss! She thought as she stood up and adjusted her robe. Not only does he hog the bed and leave me horny, but he's got to pee just when I'm about to get off. Son of a bitch, some days it just doesn't pay to get up!

Chapter 2: Jason

She was nineteen years old, and Debbie Griffith had never fucked a boy, or had her pussy eaten, or even seen a man's naked cock. A lot of other girls in her sorority slept around and gave their boyfriends blow jobs, but Debbie considered herself a good girl. She was saving herself for the man she married.

It was hard to be a good girl when you were very pretty. Debbie was one of the prettiest girls in the freshman class. She had long, thick blonde hair, wide blue eyes, and a soft-cheeked, angelic face that might have belonged to a movie star.

Debbie's best feature was her titties. They were so big that they almost embarrassed her. She had trouble finding a large enough bra, and even the thick Maidenform-type couldn't conceal the size of her huge, red nipples. Even with a bra on, her tits jiggled and swayed under a blouse; it made her blush the way male students gawked at her when she walked to class.

The rest of her body was just as voluptuous. She was small-boned, and her legs were long and shapely, and her ass was full, round and very firm. All her female classmates were jealous of her, and half of the boys thought about fucking her whenever they jacked off.

But Debbie was a good girl, and she never let them touch her. The only boy she made out with at all was her boyfriend, Jason.

Tonight was a special occasion. It was their first anniversary; they'd been going together one whole year. To celebrate, they'd gone to dinner at a French restaurant and that cost him a week's salary.

They were parked along the Charles River, across from the MIT campus. The weather wasn't really very good, looking for submarines in the Charles. It was a joke among the college crowd but if you didn't have an apartment, you could make out and the cops never bothered you. It was drizzling rain, and cold, and the old fashioned blower heater under the dashboard had blanketed all the windows in steam.

Jason didn't mind. He was too busy feeling up Debbie's big tits. Her blouse was open, unbuttoned to her waist. The front clasp of her bra had been unfastened, and the huge cups hung at her sides. Jason's fingers squeezed and kneaded the spongy softness of her left breast, occasionally pulling on the stiff nipples.

Debbie sat with her eyes closed, giving herself up to the tit massage. She allowed Jason to go this far with her, but it worried her. Sometimes, when he fondled her tits, she got so turned on that it was hard to keep herself from giving in.

All of a sudden, Jason dropped his face to her jiggling breasts. Before Debbie could stop him he took the circle of her big nipple deep into his mouth, sucking it hard.

"Stop it, Jason!" Debbie protested. She grimaced and tried to push his head away. "You know you're not supposed to do that!"

Jason said nothing. Instead he only made slurping sounds as he sucked on her tit. His tongue rolled around the stiff tip of her nipple, teasing it, making it exquisitely hard.

"Uhhh ... oh, Jason ... uhh!" Debbie grunted. A wanton blush spread through her cheeks; she felt herself becoming dangerously turned on. "Don't do that to me . You're making me feel funny. Stop it, uhhh ..."

"You ain't gonna give me blue balls anymore," Jason grumbled. "I been waiting a whole year for this!"

Jason kept on sucking her huge white tit, chewing the stiff nipple between his lips. Debbie didn't know what to do. She didn't want to fight with her boyfriend, but he was making her so horny that she was about to lose control. Under her panties, her curly haired pussy slit was a sopping, dripping mess.

Then Jason did something even more unexpected. He thrust his hand under her dress between her soft thighs. Debbie felt his fingers groping under the crotch band of her panties. The next thing she knew he was pumping his finger in and out of her virgin cunt.