All Comments on 'Twisted Payback Ch. 04'

by graymangazer

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Weak ending.

To many plot holes to make this effort plausible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Make a alternate ending were he leaves Beth. I think that be just as good as this ending

MaresEatOatsMaresEatOatsover 10 years ago

I'm betting those who were caught up in the suffering of your main character, which went on and on and on in the early chapters, were stunned by the quick resolution with limited or no impact on the two main protagonists. It's a lot of windup for very little payoff. And the relative clarity of the first chapter, which deepened with Steve's involvement, became muddied with successive chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Well that was implausible garbage

I see now why your stories are lowly rated. Lacked originality. Lacked compelling writing. The characters are disgusting and without a decent person to identify with, in the end, I didn't care what happened. And after that ending, I'm not sure what happened. What a mess.

dmhackdmhackover 10 years ago
Pretty sure I've read this before

Same story. Different title.

49greg49gregover 10 years ago
I liked it.

It gave a good explanation of what happened to Beth, why he fucked Gina, and why Beth suddenly went crazy with revenge. No doubt that Beth had been told over and over that her hubby had done her wrong. With constant doses of this (hopefully fake) drug it would be unrealistic for Beth to suddenly want to go back to hubby. I know this is the last in the series but can't help thinking about the future for these characters. I feel sorry for the husband, he's got a long road ahead rehabilitating his wife. Hopefully when she gets nearer normal she'll be a very experienced and knowledgeable lover for him.

I know how hard it sometimes is to find a good way to end a series, I've certainly botched one, and have written and rewritten ends on another two and still haven't come up with a good ending that I want to post. It's hard to do and I think this author did a good job of it for this story.

5 stars. And I hope the author keeps writing more and more.

TornadoTysTornadoTysover 10 years ago
Depraved & Brutal !

A very interesting and brutal story of rape, prostitution, imprisonment, drug addiction, violence etc.

Of course in this story the husband is the one to pick up the pieces and rehabilitate his wife.

Even though she was drugged she will have flash backs !

One course of action not covered in the story was for the husband to adopt the same drug programme on his wife. To infuse her craving and dependance on him the same way Steve used the drug on Beth.

In this case strong / tough love to resolve the train wreck on this marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Story is stupid

Then I read the author was British made perfect sense I'm never read a good British writer yet on the site all are cuckold femboys, explains a lot about the males in England, tsk tsk a country of cuckold writers

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Id 10 T

What is wrong with you ? ? ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
you coward

what a weak ass ending

bobajotbobajotabout 10 years ago
Sick Garbage

Enough said

user110user110about 10 years ago
well, you pulled it off, IMO

i like the fact that there's no epilog. anything past this point would be a disappointment, no matter which way you went with it.

i also like the fact you wrote the wife's story in the third person. my biggest bitch to (male) authors here is trying to write from a woman's perspective. my second biggest is having multiple first person narratives in the same short story.

this story should be promoted in the forums as an example to authors. gj, man.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
So THAT was the end?

It couldn't have been any worse. You leave the asshole Steve running around naked in the country. What happened to him? You give poor Gina some money and send her off without much of an explanation and just expect her to be okay? And what exactly is he going to try and explain to Beth? Who has supposedly been on the drug a long time. Their marriage is in ruins, he has hit his wife so hard she will certainly have visible damage to show the Police. What is he going to tell them? This was a complete clusterfuck. I can't believe I hung in and read the whole thing. At LEAST I found it after it had all been posted and I didn't have to wait the many months it took you to post the 4 chapters. What a complete waste of time.

graymangazergraymangazerabout 10 years agoAuthor
Anonymous: fuck off.

Anonymous, you read the first part and complained. You read the second part and complained.

Need I continue? Why the fuck do you bother reading? more to the point why bother commenting? You serve no purpose, just go away. This is fiction, if you can't tell the difference go see a shrink.

sinsational83sinsational83over 9 years ago

you really could have added another to explain what happened to for one Beth and Gina and how it all turned out and everything else. all-in-all it was a story worth reading. but I think that I'm not the only reader that would like to see you write another chapter to let us know what the hell happened in the end top everyone.

GoodhueGoodhueabout 9 years ago
Slippin' and A Sliddin',Through Knee-Deep Muck!

So Mr. author,because you say this is "fiction",it therefore should be thought of differently than the complete and utter trash it is? Give me a fuckin' break! And you had to stretch this crap into 4 separate parts? A good writer could have handled this limited "fantasy" in three pages,total. Don't insult readers' comments when all they're doing is stating the truth.That truth being,they know horseshit when they read it. ~ This story was disgusting,and you stretched artistic license well beyond the realm of acceptable! (It being Fiction being NO EXCUSE!) ~ (And if you're tempted to respond to my comments the way you did to others, I'll just remind you of an appropriate saying that I recall from my youth,"Sticks and stones might break my bones,but you are one big asshole!" - Now there's artist license for you!)

graymangazergraymangazerabout 9 years agoAuthor
thanks goodhue

Hiya goodhue, thanks for your comments. I always think that the sign of a good story is if I'm interested enough to finish it, well it appears that you were eager to finish mine?

The thing about fiction is that you can write anything and nobody can say you're wrong. Who's to say what's real? Anyway thanks for your comments, an old saying is " there's no such thing as bad publicity," so please read and comment on my other stories :))

Btw, you didn't actually say what you thought was wrong, if you like you can comment again or write me direct, I promise I won't bite. But at least I'm thankful that you put a name to what you wrote.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Not finished

Husband should have kicked his wife's ass. Wimp

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
After wading through all these chapters

I felt that the ending really wasn't an ending at all. Steve is running around out in the woods naked with a cage on his cock. What happened to him? Did he leave forever or go back and bury the dumbass? Was Gina able to overcome her fear and live a good life or was she always worried? And did Beth wake up, pack and leave him? It seems she was very angry with him and completely in Steve's control. What makes him think that she would stay with him under any circumstances? Anyway - after all that happened your ending really left most questions up in the air. Maybe a good editor could have helped cut out the unnecessary stuff and helped you write a decent or at least, believable ending. As it sits, this was just awful and a waste of time to read.

LordHimerosLordHimerosalmost 9 years ago
Missed potential

I liked it but you really should have added another chapter. you really phoned in this one. Honestly if you'd just slowed down and more carefully considered the plot it could've been a fetish erotic classic.

I mean the husband seems like a nice guy and he let Steve go to continue taking victims and continuing his trade elsewhere.

In fact if you're still out there you could re-write it and I'll help you edit.

Or maybe just give me permission to re-write it if you really can't be bothered.

GoodhueGoodhuealmost 9 years ago
Total Crap,From Start to Finish!

No fuckin' way after what happened that he can go back to his cunt wife! He should tie every fucking character in this 4-Part piece of literary horseshit up in his house,pour gasoline over everything and everyone,including himself,and fire up a blowtorch! ~ Burn,baby burn!

GoodhueGoodhuealmost 9 years ago
Stinks the 2nd Time Around Too!

PS ~ Even though I'd read and commented on this awhile back,I couldn't resist wading through it again. The fact that it stirs me up with distaste so much gives it that ick appeal.Nothing quite like watching a train-wreck!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A very good first draft -- could be excellent

The "action" was way to over the top for me -- but I'll pass over that as all people have different tastes -- although I will say it can become numbing -- the violence, that is.

Nevertheless, I thought this was very good -- in fact I think with a rewrite it could make a good short movie. I'd ease up on the sex and add more plot development details though.

I write songs -- the easiest thing to do is to start a piece of music. The hardest thing to do is to finish it in a way that makes sense to all that has occurred previously. Wrapping all your strands together in a nice ending is difficult. I think you made a good effort though, I think it needs a bit more and it could be very very good! It's really a nicely executed story!

On a more minor note -- you may want to take out a couple of the British-isms -- I had to look up "taking the piss" for example. But I suppose that was about all I had to look up ("arse" I figured out on my own ;-), so it translated pretty well actually.

Lastly -- ignore rude commenters -- they neither hurt nor help you, they're just an irritation -- like mosquitos.

graymangazergraymangazeralmost 8 years agoAuthor
Thanks anony

Please refer to my comment on chapter two.

So, it was so bad you just had to keep reading. Methinks maybe I touched a nerve somewhere.

Anyway, as they say: any publicity is good publicity.

ejsathomeejsathomealmost 8 years ago
Maddeningly and frighteningly . . .

.... erotic, but the ending was a real disappointment. Still five stars. Would love to see a follow up epilogue.

Tony4168Tony4168almost 8 years ago
Good Story

It was good and I liked the Beth story part really gave an in depth as to what was the real story.

5 Stars

graymangazergraymangazeralmost 8 years agoAuthor
Thank anony

Thanks anony for your insightful comments, yeah okay I'm joking :)) I'm sure you couldn't string a sensible sentence together if your life depended on it.

You obviously didn't enjoy your read? Could it be a little close to home? Whatever, it didn't stop you reading three, yes three more parts.

And just a little info, no I'm not a sissy, I'm not a cuckold and I have a fair size cock. I write in the hope that others might enjoy my fantasies, I only ask for honest reaction and certain trolls to be brave enough to put a name to their childish remarks.

Anyway, thanks again, as they say "there's no such thing as bad publicity."

graymangazergraymangazeralmost 8 years agoAuthor
Enemies ?

Okay anony, it's pretty obvious that your single brain cell isn't working. I'm nobodies enemy, and as far as I know I don't have any. Clearly you have some social issues, but contrary to what you believe I do know how to deal with "enemies"

Bye bye :))

jenorma2012jenorma2012almost 8 years ago

you were far to easy on steve, if this was my wife and I found out what he did to her, he would have disappeared for good, aside what his wife did to him, I would have beat steve until he could not have walked anymore, but as I have said this is just my opinion

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Did we read the same story?

All the (I assume) men who are angry that the "cunt" cheating-whore wife wasn't punished seem more upset that the wife's vagina was tainted by another man than the fact that she was forced. Steve repeatedly drugged and raped Beth. Just like he did to the husband. Beth's ordeal was much worse, though. When drugs weren't directly used, blackmail and conditioning (using the drugs' influence) kept Beth doing Steve's bidding. Does being forced not matter to them?

Were they so enraged by the "cheating" that they missed the part about the drugs and force? Difficult story to read and I'd like to think that Steve got all he had coming to him, but short of sending him off to an Eastern European sex trafficker with a bullseye tattoed on his ass, he probably got off too easy.

The last few lines about how he only did this to women who wanted to sleep with him was one of those nice little zingers at the end of a story that makes the reader question and wonder about what the truth really is. Just because someone wants to sleep with another person, it doesn't necessarily mean that they ever would. Being attracted to someone is vastly different from acting on it.

Do the complainers not understand this or don't they care?

verbicideverbicidealmost 8 years ago

I really couldn't call any of this erotic. Women drugged, raped and beaten by a sadistic sociopath. It was nice to see Steve get a little of what was coming to him, though I feel he got off lightly. It would've been nice to see Georgia get a bit of payback as well, because she's scarcely less vile than Steve. As for all the "burn the bitch" replies I see here, I have to laugh. What a pathetic bunch of bottom feeders. I guess they're really upset because somehow Beth didn't end up "happy" in her role of plaything to her pimp. Either that or she didn't end up dead because "how dare she let herself be drugged and taken advantage of?" Menawhile John was just as guilty, but because John's a man and these BTB cheerleaders are invariably misogynists, he doesn't inflame their juvenile rage.

Anyway, even if the story itself lacked any eroticism and the treatment of the characters was gruesomely repugnant, I gave it 3 stars because it was well written. Horrible subject matter, but very well written.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 7 years ago
Not enough

Steve had destroyed lives as badly as if he had killed them. He should have been at least damaged in a permanent way. If I were John, Steve would be dead. Letting him go just ensures more women will be destroyed in the future just in a different town.

49greg49gregover 7 years ago
Still good

Just re-read it and it's as good as it was the first time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Nice - satisfying ending

Thank you for ending it this way - great. I rated 4/5.

graymangazergraymangazerabout 7 years agoAuthor
You made it to the end :)

Anony, the story was so bad but you had to read all four chapters...again? And just for the record I am not and never have been a cuckold. And what size has to do with it I fail to understand??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Totally unsatisfactory ending.

Why would he even WANT to stay with Beth? That makes absolutely no sense. Dumping Steve out in a field does nothing for me either. He'll be back. Who knows what will happen to any of them when he returns. The unfinished aspects of this ruined any chance that the story might have had to be entertaining. Neither sexy or erotic and with thoroughly unlikable characters there was just nothing to like about it and it's getting the poor scores it deserves.

1 star

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmabout 7 years ago
One star all through

Totally unjustified. He should have just cut Steve's cock and balls off while he was asleep and fed them to him. And let Beth watch him do it. Then play the tape of what actually happened. Then just disappear. Steve won;t be able to do anything anymore.

graymangazergraymangazerover 6 years agoAuthor

Still a good enough story to get you reading to the end?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Your comments are only distressing!!!

Only if i read the whole crap I comment it!! Thats only fair!!! But crap remains crap believe it or not!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
a slight weak ending

The ending very much depends on Gina appearing & help. I would suggest he can somehow get himself free, & then revenge totally.

In the end he should nearly kill Steve, at least disable him permanently.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
There Is No Hope For Beth

And maybe no hope for Gina either. Do I feel sorry for them? Yes. But they display severe symptoms of PTSD. Nothing can be done for them. Love the person they once were. But thanks to Steve and Georgia...Beth was as good as dead. The jury is still out on Gina. And if there is any justice in this world, Steve will die of a combination of shock, starvation, and dehydration.

timrivtimrivalmost 6 years ago

His revenge on Steve was not enough. Steve would just elsewhere and do thebsame thing again. Should have slit his throat and dumped in a foxhole and filled it in. No one would find for years if ever. He needed to commit Beth to a physiatric hospital for treatment and during that time prepare the divorce. Once she was able to function again help her get resettled and follow through with the divorce. Time then to move on.

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 5 years ago

this story isn't finished.

we don't know what happened to steve, gina or john and beth.

needs one more chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This story really SUCKED!!!

I would have done what i had to to get the cage off. Then i would have got a gun, shot her in both knees, both elbows, and when she finally quit screaming, cut off both of her tits. Then when she quit screaming that time, i would have shot her in the head. Ten times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not Finished

I Hope that this Story gets the ending it needs .. I would have taken care of Steve .. I would also go looking for everyone that had touched Beth .. I am that kind of guy ..I Would not Share with anyone the Fantastic Wife I now have .. Her ex and My Ex had 1 thing in Common .. Both were Cheaters .. But We did send them an invitation to Our Wedding

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I Could Not Feel Anything For Beth

My ex-wife had a craving for black cock. If she can be believed, she had over 50 black lovers while I was away in the military. Now that we are divorced, she seems very sorry for the way she treated me. But she is deathly afraid of me to this day.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Not an ending.

If you go to the trouble of creating characters, they deserve to be fleshed out completely. This story has no plot only action and poor action at that.

The first moment he was free he should have overcome her, restrained her and then tortured her for the keys, control and code to the chastity device.

After that the slow destruction of the pimp would be the hobby.

TrstxxxTrstxxxover 3 years ago

Steve comes back for revenge now. A person with this mindset doesn’t walk away. And a fight would have happened in the woods.

Next chapter there would have been a dead body or severely broken body. I like the premise though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Some periods of excellent writing and story telling that turned lazy at the end in my opinion.

What's most disappointing is the author's petty responses to those readers who dared provide the objective reviews he claimed to desire.

Yes, some people read the whole thing and then trashed it. The author's claims that by reading every word we must in fact love what we read, is naive and delusional.

Maybe we liked the beginning and hoped your form would return. Maybe we like certain aspects of the story. Who knows why? I do know that by rejecting and ridiculing criticism, you'll never get better. Go ahead, rip apart my assessment. All that means is that you read my whole review. That means you loved it. Right? Or did I strike a nerve.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The story was good but the end was a little flat. Could have had a bit more drams in it with Beth Steve and John jealousy and how Beth was initially told and how he could help her subdue John?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hi Jon it's Ken. Just finished this story is absolutely fantastic. Please keep writing. Your stories always strike the perfect balance of content

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just lousy. Not really an ending. And the bulk of the writing was disjointed and confusing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Meh, bland and dull

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well, the ending was too flat and short. We find that Steve drugged Beth and made her do a lot of perverted things. What we don't get is closure. Yeah Steve was taken out but we don't know what kind of struggles he had after getting beaten in the field. How long did he take before the timer went off? Did he find the shocker? How many times did he get shocked? How much time did it take before Beth was clear headed and able to understand what happened to her? Did she recover and recognize her husband? How long did she actually have sex with Steve before all of the crap with Gina happened? A lot of unanswered questions as the ending was too brief that it seems the author lost interest in the story.

redvelvet2906redvelvet2906about 1 year ago

Fkn lame ending. Almost like the husband enjoyed the treatment. But it opens up the door for a sequel i guess where the fkr steve returns

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

For what he did, Steve needs to die.

Me, I'd have taken him to the field in the story, poured some gasoline on him, and lit him up like a torch.

Give him a foretaste of Hell.

As for the wife, dose her up and drop her off in the worst part of town.

If she dies, she dies.

Phatom10Phatom107 months ago

Yes. The ending was a lot left. I would hope you come back with more of what happened after time. I loved the story just lost it at the end.

1Martiniman1Martiniman4 months ago

For what Beth and Steve did to him…this was a horrible ending. Beth quit being his wife in the first of the four stories and the two of them deserved much worse.

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attempting to write, to share my fantasies, hoping someone will enjoy them. I like sports, cooking, computing and travel. My ideal woman? I really love all kinds but especially redheads. I would love to hear from anybody, even if just to chat, I will always reply. In the ...