Two Men in an Alien Hive


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She types away on her console again and the vagina starts sucking while the penis tube in my ass starts to move. I begin to get an erection despite the pain in my ass and it isn't long after that I ejaculate into the vagina tube. She seems satisfied with this and the sucking stops as does the movement in my ass.

She looks at her console and says, "Healthy sperm and a healthy body. He'll do." She types away on her console and a pink liquid flows down the two penis tubes. This liquid starts to enter me through my ass and mouth and I start to feel faint until I fall unconscious.



I wake up in a very nice, soft, bed. Someone had lovingly tucked me in. Looking around I see that I am in a small room. It's a bedroom inside the spaceship. I can tell because the walls are the same silver with pink streaks in them. The blankets covering me are a bright pink. As I look around it feels like something is off although I can't figure out what. At that moment Kepena and Mae enter the room through what I would've thought was a wall. This "wall" shoots up into the ceiling and falls back down after they've entered. I suppose I'll have to get used to doors being like that.

"I'm so glad you're awake," Kepena says, "I was worried when Mae told me you fainted."

"She continued to worry despite my assurances that you were fine," Mae says in an annoyed tone.

"How are you feeling?" Kepena says, very clearly still worried.

I toss away the blankets covering me and say, "Fine." My voice sounds different. It's much higher pitched. This is when I discover why I feel off. I'm looking down at my naked body and see two large breasts. I reach for my crotch only to find that my dick is gone and a vagina is in its place. I touch my head and find that my short blonde hair has become long and my face feels different. In fact, my entire body has changed. It's become hairless and slender.

"What happened to me?!" I ask, "Why did you change me into a woman?"

Mae answers in a very flat tone, "I did tell you that we would be altering you."

"But I'm female now," I point out, "How am I supposed to save your race like this?"

"I guess I should have explained better," Kepena says, "You are a male. That's what our males look like."

"How could I possibly still be male?!" I shout, "My body is smooth and slender! The hair on my head is long and silky! My voice is high pitched! I have two large tits hanging from my chest! And I have a vagina instead of a penis!"

"As Kepena said you are male," Mae says, "You are now compatible with our species."

Mae pulls her pants down as does Kepnea. My jaw drops as I see that they both have a penis and testicles and no vagina.

"Now I'm just confused," I say.

As they pull their pants back up Mae says, "Our species may be similar, but we evolved quite differently. All our females have penises and the male has the vagina and womb."

"Wait, then why didn't you just grab a human woman?" I ask.

"Because genetically speaking all offspring between two women would always be women," Mae says, "Two beings with xx chromosomes will always result in a being also with xx chromosomes. Without altering a human we would never be able to even have kids and the process of altering you makes it so the kids are always like us. All we would get are more females with penises and our species would barely be better off than it already was."

"I still don't understand how it works," I say.

"The male still has the sperm and the woman the egg," Mae says, "However, as stated previously the only fertile woman is our Queen. Our eggs, which are kept in our testicles, can't mix with sperm to produce offspring since we are drones. In order to counter that, sex between a male and a Queen always results in the male becoming pregnant. Multiple eggs are ejaculated into the male's womb which combine with his sperm to form the embryos."

"I never asked for this," I say, "This isn't what I thought I was signing up for. I didn't think I would be the one becoming pregnant. Can't you change me back?"

Mae says, "The process is irreversible."

"I thought you had said yes regardless of what that entailed," Captain Kepena says, "Do you feel different now just because you'll be pregnant? Half the humans on Earth can become pregnant. I don't understand how this is different."

"It's different because I never thought I would be pregnant," I say, "Women on Earth learn from a young age that it's something they can do. They aren't just dropped into it after spending decades of their lives thinking that they would never be the one."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kepena says, "I think maybe we've been insensitive. We're not that far from Earth. We could always return you."

"But I can't be changed back, right?" I say.

"I'm afraid so," Mae says.

"Then don't," I say, "I'm a man of my word." I look at my body, "Or I was anyways."

"Technically, you are still male, I'll remind you," Mae says. Kepena gives her a nasty look and she shuts up.

"I don't think we can ever express our gratitude enough for what you're doing for us and what you have sacrificed," Kepena says. She bows in front of me and after another nasty look to Mae, Mae bows too.

I feel my cheeks flush red. "That's not necessary," I say.

Kepena and Mae stop bowing and Kepena smiles at me, "Stay here. I'll go get you some clothes and you can meet the rest of the crew."

She leaves. Mae stays and, perhaps feeling bad for her early behavior, says, "I too am grateful and I look forward to meeting the thousands of children you will bear."

"Thousands?!" I ask.

"Yes," Mae says, "I explained earlier that you will live for a very long time, thousands of years or more so long as injury or illness don't take you. Our species often bear triplets or more so in that time you will have many children."

"Will I have periods?" I ask.

"That is a human female thing," Mae says, "It is not something that happens in our species."

Kepena returns as I breathe a sigh of relief that I won't have periods in my new body. She is holding some clothing in her arms. First, she hands me a pair of panties. I guess these aliens' clothes aren't different from ours. That makes sense since we are so similar looking. The panties are soft and pink. When I put them on they feel nice and comfortable around my crotch and butt. She hands me a pink bra and helps me put it on.

This is followed by the same type of clothing they are wearing except the colors are reversed. My clothes are pink with gray streaks. The pants are very tight and so is the long sleeved top. It really accentuates my new body and I would be feeling very self-conscious about that if Mae and Kepena weren't wearing the same thing. That's especially so since my top is more like a crop top compared to their shirts which fully cover their stomachs. I bear with it though and am happy that it's at least comfortable.

Then I follow Kepena and Mae out this room, through a hall, and into a large space. There is a large window that looks out into space. Seated not far from this window is a new woman sitting in front of a console. She seems focused on what she is doing. There are 3 other seats in front of smaller consoles and in the center is a large seat by itself. These seats are empty.

"This is the bridge," Kepena says, "And that's our pilot, Atolia." We walk closer to her and Kepena says, "Atolia, this is the male."

"Nice to meet you," I say, "I'm Braden."

Atoila briefly looks away from her console at me and says, "Hi." Then she turns back and continues her work.

"Don't take it personally," Kepena says, "She's like that with everyone. She's also busy navigating us through space so I'll excuse her behavior."

Then, someone jumps on me, hugging me and squeezing me tight. This new woman screams, "It's so nice to meet you, new Daddy!" She stops hugging me, looks at me, and says, "You're so handsome, new Daddy!"

"Daddy? Handsome?" I aks, very confused.

"This is Kinia, our engineer," Kepena says, "I'm sorry if she caught you off guard. She was very close with our father. A few select drones are given higher positions in our society based on their intelligence and skills. Those drones are the only ones who interact with the Queen and her concubine. They are the elite of the elite and not to sound too pretentious, but all four of us fall under that category."

"I don't like being called a concubine," I say.

"Sorry, but you won't have any power," Kepena says, "We'll honor you as our Mother's mate, but you won't be a KIng. I believe that's what you humans call it."

"Don't worry about that, new Daddy, "You're very handsome. I'm certain Mommy will love you."

"That's another thing," I say, "I wouldn't consider myself handsome looking like this. Pretty would make more sense."

Oh, I forgot you humans call people like you pretty," Kinia says, "Well, don't worry. You are very pretty, Daddy."

That doesn't make me feel much better and I say, "I'm not sure I like you calling me Daddy. My name is Brad-" I stop talking because I can see that saying this is upsetting Kinia so I sigh and say, "You can call me Daddy."

"Yay!" she hugs me. We disembrace and she says, 'I have some free time. Atolia is busy, but let's head to the cafeteria, eat, and get to know each other."

At the cafeteria I eat Phasmia food for the first time. It looks odd, but so does a lot of food from Earth so I don't complain. In fact, it tastes pretty good. Kinia is very talkative and she takes up most of the conversation. She tells me a lot about herself and the crew, despite Mae and Kepena sitting there with us. They each excel at their given positions, she is one of the foremost engineers on their planet, the same goes for Mae as a biochemist, and Atolia as a pilot. Kepena is great in a command setting, giving orders under pressure, and is great at reacting to emergencies. Apparently, I'll probably see them when they aren't on missions when I'm finally on Phasmia as they have such high ranking positions. After a bit of this I feel tired and excuse myself to my room to sleep. Mae tells me she needs to inspect my new body the next day. When I show surprise at her using the term days she explains that time works the same way on Phasmia as it does on Earth.

I meet Mae in her lab the next day. She has me disrobe and get up on the chair where she straps me in again. I sit there while she types away in her console and this time three of the tubes ending in lifelike dildos descend. Mae positions one in my mouth and the other two at the bases of my vagina and anus.

Mae gently inserts both of the lubed dildos into my vagina and anus. She walks over to her console and types away and then says, "Considering that you will mate with our Queen numerous times I am going to perform a test."

I'm not sure what she means by test until I feel the dildo in my vagina start to move. It is a slow, rhythmic pace that feels wonderful. The pace quickens and the wonderful feeling continues to build and build until it leaves me writhing in place and I scream through the mouth dildo. It is a scream of raw pleasure. I never knew having a vagina could feel so good.

Mae removes the dildos which retreat into the cylinder on the ceiling and she releases me. As I stand up she says, "I suggest you take a shower before putting your clothes back on." She points at my crotch.

I look down to see that there is some kind of liquid all over my crotch. I must have squirted it out when I orgasmed. Despite knowing I probably shouldn't, curiosity wins over reason, and I touch it. It feels sticky and is a whitish, clear color. It's semen. They were telling the truth, I really am still technically male.

I decide to take Mae's advice and walk through one of the nearby "legs" of the centipede which is really just a hall. It leads me to a shower. After I clean myself up I dress back up and head to my room. I've become really tired from the experience and decide to rest. When I wake up I eat with the drones.

I come to learn that the voyage will last three months despite us moving faster than light. During this time the drones try to teach me about their culture. They have large screens with pictures showing their planet and their cities. Their general landscapes are very reminiscent of Earth's while their cities are very different. Strange and unique architecture that also looks far more advanced than our own. The two that teach me the most are Kepena and Kinia. Mae occasionally chimes in about flora or fauna while I hardly ever interact with Atolia. She seems to like keeping to herself and I don't mind. Kinia is the complete opposite and I spend more time with her than anyone.

Kinia tells me that they spent several months in orbit above Earth with a cloaking device while they tried to locate me. During this time they studied whatever Earth culture they could find and Mae studied our wildlife. Kinia is especially fascinated with TV as they don't really have anything equivalent to it. They have stories that are passed down orally and written, but broadcasting them isn't something they thought of. Both she and Mae both seem to be very excited at the prospect of mixing our cultures. Kinia wants to bring Earth entertainment and Mae is heavily interested in our wildlife. Kepena tells me that Mae tried to sneak some species on board, but was heavily reprimanded for the danger they could bring to their planet's ecosystem. I imagine Mae will want to return to Earth to continue to study our animals and plants.

I really enjoy talking with them and the time allows me to get used to my new body. I really don't mind it. I'm still me after all. I also must admit that I've pleasured myself more than once in this body and it is an amazing feeling.

One thing they haven't shown me is what their Queen looks like. They say it's so my impression of her when we first meet can be as genuine as possible. That kind of makes me scared and I hope I live up to their expectations.

One day I wake up and Kepena tells me we have arrived. I head to the bridge to see the beautiful planet, Phasmia. It's blue and green just like Earth though the continents are very different. Mae and Kinia join Kepena, Atolia, and myself on the bridge and we sit down and strap in and prepare for landing. I'm filled with excitement as I look forward to what is next.



I wake up. I look around. It's the same silver looking walls as the spaceship. I'm still here. I'm lying naked on a bed. It seems like someone just dumped me here. I feel fine, but strange. That is when I discover what they've done to my body. I'm a woman now.

I have two large tits, my once short red hair is now long and silky, my body is slender and feminine, and I have two pussy lips where my dick and balls were. These bitches will pay for this. I'll get them to turn me back and then I'll rape each one of them.

The room appears to have no exits. So I just sit on the bed and contemplate my options. That's when one of the walls just goes into the ceiling. Walking through this new entrance is the same woman who attacked me when I was first abducted.

I know I can't beat her so I get up and try to run past her. She effortlessly grabs me and pins me to the ground. I knew I was weaker now, but this really hammered that fact home. It made me feel so frustrated and so I just started to scream in anger.

The woman above me just laughs and says, "A feisty one are you?"

"Change me back, you Bitch!" I scream.

"Impossible," she says, "The procedure was irreversible. Besides, you are needed to propagate our species."

"Propagate?" I ask. I'm not exactly sure what the word means, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with pregnancy. They aren't going to bring me back to their world for their men to fuck me are they?

"Yes," she says, "And I want to sample the goods." She is holding me with two arms and she lets go with one arm. I think that this might be my chance, and try to break free. She easily continues holding me down with just one arm.

I hear her pulling her pants down and manage to turn my head and look at her as she lets loose her cock. Holy shit! It's big. Is she a transvestite? What's going on?

"You must be so confused, pathetic Earthling male," she says, "On our world females have a penis and males have a vagina. And right now I'm going to test out yours."

"NO! Wait! Stop!" I scream.

"It's been so, so long since I had a male," she says. I try to struggle, but she just laughs some more, "Struggle all you like. This will happen." Those words sound familiar. Oh, right. I remember once saying that to one of my victims right before I raped her.

She roughly shoves her dick into my pussy. It hurts so bad. She pounds into me over and over, clearly focused only on her own pleasure. Is this karma? She is acting just as I had with my many victims. At this point I try to just lie there and bear it. When she cums I let out an involuntary moan.

She pulls out and says, "See. You liked it after all." She leaves the room after that. I just lie on the floor. What I just experienced was too much. After a while I manage to get up. My crotch is sticky with cum, but there is nothing I can do about it. At this point the woman returns. She roughly grabs my hand and practically drags me out of the room.

We walk through this hall into a big open space. We walk through this open space to another open space that reminds me of a cafeteria. There are two other women in this room eating and when we walk in they stop and stare at me. I don't like the lust in their eyes as they look at me. It feels like they are practically raping me with their eyes.

They are all clothed and I ask the woman with me, "Can I have some clothes?"

She turns around and slaps me across the face. It really stings, once again reminding me of how weak I am now. Then she says, "Know your place. An inferior male such as yourself could never wear garb meant for a woman. Nor should you talk so casually with a superior female. You'll stay naked and not complain. If you're lucky we'll find some male appropriate garb for you to wear."

I've learned my lesson so I refrain from speaking as she gives me food. She and I eat in silence. She returns me to my room afterwards. I continue trying to think of a way to escape when a new woman enters the room.

"I have some clothes for you to wear," she says, "But first lie on your stomach on the bed."

"What? No," I say.

"Hm, I thought the Captain explained to you to not talk so casually with women," she says, "I suppose a punishment is in order."

She drops the clothes she was holding on the ground and rushes me. She turns me around and bends me over the bed. Just like the Captain she is much stronger than me so I give up on struggling and prepare myself for her entering my vagina. That's when I feel her dick at the base of my asshole. I try to scream for her to stop, but it's too late. She shoves her dick in and fucks my ass. I just have to stay there and take it. It's awful and the pain is almost unbearable. The only saving grace is that she cums fast. The feeling of her cum inside my asshole is disgusting. Somehow being fucked in the ass feels worse, like it's something only a gay man would do. I'm straight so it was terrible.

She gets up and leaves. After I've recovered I inspect the clothes she's given me. All they are are a crop top with holes cut out where the breasts are and crotchless panties. They are both hot pink colors and I don't put them on.

A little while the Captain returns and says, "I thought you were given clothes."

"You call those clothes?" I ask her.

"We were gracious enough to find you something to wear," she says, 'You will put them on or I will put them on you."

I know she could do it so I listen. Somehow the clothes feel worse than if I was just naked. I look like a slut who is asking for sex.