Tyrion's Epilogue Ch. 07 - Finale

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Will Tyrion find his happy ending?
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/25/2019
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Author's Note: Tyrion's joke is not mine. It is paraphrased from the tv show and other GOT followers.

~5 full moons later~

Tyrion lay in bed next to his wife. The sky was just beginning to lighten through the windows and he knew that while Linnea slept peacefully now, she had tossed for most of the night, as she had for the last moon or so as her belly continued to grow to the maximum.

Tyrion propped himself on one arm to admire her. She faced away from him but he saw the curve of her spine through the thin cotton nightgown she wore. Her right hand was tucked up under her cheek and her left subconsciously cradled her swollen belly. She had taken to wearing her hair in a long braid overnight and it had fallen over her shoulder and on to her large breasts. They had always been a good heaping-handful for Tyrion, but they had grown even larger, much to Tyrion's delight.

Linnea had reached the point when the glow of pregnancy lost its luster and the aches and pains made everything a chore.

Tyrion looked down and realized his hand had been at work on himself while he admired his wife's body; his cock was well on it's way to full size. He decided to head to the privy to take care of himself. He slowly moved toward the edge of the bed.

"Tyrion?" He heard Linnea's tired voice call him.

"Yes, my love?"

"Don't leave," she reached her hand back toward him, urging him back to her on the bed.

Tyrion pulled himself up on the bed and pressed his bare chest to her back.

"I thought you were asleep," Tyrion whispered behind her ear.

Linnea sighed, "I don't know if I will ever sleep again." She put a hand lovingly across her belly. "He sleeps all day then dances all night."

"Or she," he added.

"Or she," Linnea conceded. She reached back for Tyrion's hand and pulled it to her stomach. She gingerly placed his hand just left of her navel. Under his hand he felt the kicking feet of his child; it never ceased to take his breath away.

They lay there for a moment but the mood was shifting quickly. Linnea pulling him closer had pulled Tyrion's erect cock against her lower back. Linnea's hand that had been on top of Tyrion's moved back to Tyrion's hip. She ran a finger lightly up his hip then snaked her hand down to his large member and grasped it. Tyrion let out a long breath as she pulsed it firmly in her hand. She ran her thumb around the bulbous tip then brushed her fingers underneath from tip to base and back to the top before taking the hard cock in her hand again and stroking her husband to full girth.

Tyrion's hand moved from his wife's stomach to find the hem of her nightgown. He pulled the cotton up revealing her bare, round ass. He felt the smooth skin there and slipped his fingers down between the cleft of her buttocks to find her wet for him. She moaned lightly at the feeling of his fingers on her wet entrance.

Linnea positioned Tyrion's cock at her entrance and lifted her top leg slightly for better access and he pressed inside her.

Linnea moaned at the pleasure of her husband's long, hard cock entering her.

Tyrion rocked his hips against Linnea's in short, deep thrusts. His hand kneaded her hip while he fucked her. Linnea's hand went to her breasts and she found one hard nipple through the thin cotton of her nightgown.

They rocked together, slowing and intimately, quietly moaning each other's names while they made love. After a half an hour, Tyrion finally began to grunt with exertion, his climax quickly approaching.

"Tyrion," Linnea moaned as he spilled his seed inside her with one final, deep thrust. They both sighed.

Tyrion kissed Linnea's shoulder as he pulled out of her body.

"Try to sleep, my love," he whispered. He lay there behind her until her breathing slowed to a gentle, metered snore.

Moving ever so slowly, Tyrion moved off the bed and dressed. He snuck out of the room and headed for his office.


Linnea woke a few hours later having finally found a good bit of sleep. She rang for Agnetha and waited for her help dressing. It was better to wait for help than waste time attempting to dress herself in this state. No matter what angle she tried she couldn't reach her feet or entirely behind her back.

As she was waiting, she felt a tightness in her abdomen, so tight in fact that it took her breath away, but soon enough it passed. Agnetha appeared and Linnea was dressed and her hair set and she was off to the garden where her lady's maids waited.

The ladies walked among the flowers, gossiping and giggling. Linnea continued to have moments of tightness and knew that her contractions were beginning. She did her best to hide her moments of discomfort until suddenly she was hit with a wall of pain so intense she couldn't speak or move.

"Your highness!" Sofia exclaimed. "I think it best we get you back to the Tower of the Hand!"

Two ladies flanked their mistress urging her toward the gate while Linnea protested.

"Look! Her water has broken!" Shrieked Åsa pointing to the trail of moisture now following behind Linnea as she was shuffled toward home.

By the time they reached the Tower, Linnea was having contractions every other minute. Her brow dripped with sweat. The ladies ran around the room prepping for delivery. Sofia and Golde helped Linnea out of her gown and back into a nightgown. Åsa began to heat water over the fire in the hearth and Katarina ran to find Maester Tarly.

Linnea got up on the makeshift birthing bed and Sofia piled pillows up behind her.

"Go...find...Tyrion," she gasped out, breathing heavily. Sofia nodded and took off down the stairs to the courtyard and on to the palace.

Tyrion and Lord Commander Brianne of Tarth sat in Tyrion's office, both with their feet up on the desk and a goblet of wine in hand.

Tyrion was telling his signature joke:

"I walked into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass. The madame asks 'What can we do for you?' I reply, 'I need a woman to lay with, for mine has left me.' The madame looked confused and asked 'Whatever for? And why do you have the honeycomb and mule?' I answered, 'My woman found a genie in a bottle and he granted her three wishes. The first was for a house fit for a queen, so he gave her the honeycomb. The second wish was to have the best ass in all of Westeros so he gave her the donkey.' 'And what about the third wish?' asked the Madame to which I responded, 'Well...she asked the genie to make my cock hang down past my knee' 'That's not so bad,' she concluded to which I shouted, 'Not so bad! I used to be six foot three!'"

Brianne snorted with laughter, wine threatening to come out of her nose.

"Ser, that joke was worth waiting so long to hear!" Tyrion smiled and raised his glass to her then took another drink. Tyrion lifted the pitcher to refill his and Brianne's goblets when Sofia burst through the door.

She dropped into a deep curtsy but didn't wait for permission to speak, "My Lord, I apologize for my unannounced entrance, but Her Highness has gone into labour."

Tyrion set the pitcher down with a loud thump; some wine spilled onto the desk but he didn't even notice. He immediately took off with Sofia back toward the Tower of the Hand. He heard the screams of his wife as he rushed up the stairs as fast as his little legs would take him. He burst through the door just as another major contraction forced a scream from his wife again.

"Linnea, I'm here!" He rushed to her side, taking her hand.

Linnea looked up with a pained expression, but there was relief there as well that her husband was now at her side.

"Just in time, my Lord!" Came a cheerful voice from the end of the bed. Maester Sam Tarly stood there at Linnea's feet, ready to help deliver the baby. "Your highness, you're fully dilated and ready to start pushing."

Tyrion took Linnea's hand and she squeezed it hard. "I don't...know if I can," she heaved out. Her hair was already plastered down to her head with perspiration.

Tyrion reached up and pushed one soaked lock out of her eyes. "Of course you can." He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. "I'm right here and we will do this together."

Maester Tarly prepped between Linnea's legs. His assistant stood next to him with towels and water.

"Alright, on the next wave, you push! Right...now"

Linnea's body tensed and she squeezed Tyrion's hand so tightly he couldn't feel his fingers.

The contraction subsided and Sam told Linnea to rest for a moment. Linnea collapsed back and Tyrion, taking a damp cloth from Åsa, wiped her brow. The Maester's assistant handed Sam a measuring tool.

"You shouldn't need more than two or three more pushes, Your Highness. The head is ready to appear."

Another round started and Linnea bore down. She screamed as the head of her child made its first appearance.

"There it is! Another small push or two!" Called Sam.

Linnea yelled again, pushing with all her might and felt the wet release of her child from her body as it cleared the birth canal. Sam pulled the child up and the assistant snipped the umbilical cord. Linnea's eyes overflowed with tears as the slime covered baby was gently placed in her arms.

"It's a girl, My Lord," Sam said as he placed the little girl in her mother's arms.

The little baby began to cry as Linnea wiped the goo from her little face.

"Gråter inte, min lilla ängel," Linnea cooed. Linnea shifted the baby in her arms so Tyrion could look down at her little face which was red and scrunched and she had no hair on her little head.

"She's perfect," Tyrion commented. He felt a lump in his throat that he hadn't expected. His happiness threatened to overflow.

Linnea laughed with pure joy. A chair had been brought over for Tyrion and he sat when Linnea passed their brand new baby girl to him. It was the first newborn he had ever held. When his now deceased nephews and nieces were born, he had been both too drunk and too uninterested to see them. But this child was the most beautiful child he had ever seen.

Linnea lay peacefully for another minute or so gazing at her husband holding their daughter, but suddenly she was wracked with another scream inducing contraction.

Maester Tarly was immediately back at the end of the bed.

"You will need to birth the placenta," he explained. He paused, "However it doesn't usually cause such intense pain." He lifted the thin sheet that had quickly laid over Linnea's legs after birth and did a quick visual examination.

Linnea restarted her labour breathing as the contraction continued. The maester felt her abdomen for confirmation before announcing, "There is a second fetus!"

"What!" Tyrion and Linnea exclaimed simultaneously.

"Aye, there is a second baby but it's not facing the right way at the moment." Sam looked up nervously.

"What does that mean? What do we do?" Linnea asked, feeling the panic rising in her chest.

Tyrion stood and beckoned to Golde and offered her the newborn, "Please take her up to the nursery. You may need to call for a wet nurse." Golde nodded her silent understanding and took the precious newborn from the room.

Tyrion rejoined his wife at her bedside.

"What do we do, Tarly?"

"The first thing is to try to turn the baby," Sam came up next to Linnea and placed his hands on her still large belly. He gently pushed her stomach to feel for the baby's head and feet. "The baby isn't even breech; it's completely sideways at the moment."

Linnea watched as the Maester located the position of the baby and tried to slowly push it to a better birth position.

Linnea cried out in pain. Tyrion held her hand tighter. "Keep breathing, my love."

Sam pushed again eliciting another scream of pain.

"No! No, stop!" Linnea yelled. "It's too much!"

Sam looked concerned.

"Did it do anything?" Tyrion demanded.

"...No," Sam admitted.

Linnea lay back crying in both pain and anguish.

Sam beckoned his assistant over and murmured to him. The assistant's eyes grew wide but he nodded and hurried from the room. Sam came around the bed and Tyrion stepped away with him to the far side of the room. Åsa and Sofia came to Linnea with water and clothes for her head.

"What is going on, Tarly?" Tyrion's voice gave away the panic he was beginning to feel.

"The baby is stuck. It didn't budge when I tried to move it. Trying that again would prove too painful as I'm sure you could tell."

"So what are our options then?"

"There are three things we can try. First we go in through the birth canal and force the child out very potentially injuring the child...which could lead to its death. Second, I could widen the birth canal by incision to allow the baby an easier way out, but that method will cause massive bleeding...and would most likely kill your wife."

"Tarly, your third option had better be better than either of those," Tyrion warned.

Sam nodded quickly, "Yes My Lord, the third option is a new method that I have been researching. I will make an incision in Linnea's abdomen and remove the baby surgically."

Tyrion stared up at him. "What is your success rate with this?"

"Eh, I'd rather not say," Sam admitted. "But it is the only option where you can hope to save both of them."

Tyrion glanced at his wife who was clenching her teeth through another contraction. "Do it."

They walked back to the bed and Tyrion took up Linnea's hand.

"What's going to happen to my baby?" She asked through tears.

"You and the baby are going to be just fine," Tyrion tried to make himself sound as confident as possible. "Sam is going to remove the baby surgically."

"What?!" Linnea looked frightened.

"Linnea, it's the only way," Tyrion explained.

Linnea swallowed hard and nodded. Maester Tarly's assistant reappeared with a leather bag. He began to unpack the bag at the foot of the bed pulling out glass vials and shiny metal instruments each more frightening than the last.

Sam came back up to speak to Linnea, "Your Highness, I'm going to give you something so you can sleep through the entire procedure."

"I won't be awake when my baby is born?"

"You will awaken soon after and all will be well," Sam said.

"He promises," Tyrion added with a pointed look at Sam.

Sam took up three of the glass vials that were waiting at the foot of the bed and mixed their contents in a stone mortar blending them with his pestle.

Linnea looked at Tyrion who tried to give his wife a smile, "All is well. I will be here the entire time and I will see you when you wake up."

"Tyrion, if I don't wake up-"

"You will. You will wake up. And we will be here together with our children."

Linnea nodded again, crying. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Maester Tarly appeared with his concoction stirred into a glass of warm water.

"Drink this quickly; it will not taste nice." He held the glass to her lips and she swallowed all of it.

Linnea was surprised at how quickly she felt her eyes growing heavy. She looked once more to her husband who was holding her hand. He smiled down on her and she slipped from consciousness.


Linnea heard a baby crying, a high, piercing cry and she tried to open her eyes but they were still so heavy. She felt warm water being wiped over her face and arms and finally she was able to crack her eyes open enough to see the face of her lady's maid, Sofia above her.

"She's waking up!" Sofia called softly across the room.

Tyrion appeared next to her smiling. Linnea tried to smile.

"Hello, my love," he said, taking her hand. "Would you like to meet your son?"

Gaining more sense of her surroundings Linnea saw Åsa coming toward her holding a little bundle in a blanket. She handed the baby to Tyrion who held the baby up for Linnea to see.

Linnea caressed the baby's little face. Trying to sooth his crying.

"We have a son," she whispered, smiling.

"We do," Tyrion smiled back. "And a daughter. She's being brought back down now."

Linnea tried to sit up, but instantly felt the pain of the incision in her abdomen. Maester Tarly appeared to help her to a reclining position with a tower of pillows behind her back.

Tyrion set the little boy gently on her upper belly so she could hold him. Tyrion climbed up to sit on his wife's bedside. The blanket that was wrapped around the little boy fell open and Linnea saw her little son's body. His torso was long and full, but his limbs were short and chubby. His forehead which had wisps of soft blond hair was elongated and very pronounced; it looked almost swollen.

Tyrion saw his wife's quizzical look, "He's a dwarf, like me," he said gingerly.

Linnea smiled, "He's still absolutely perfect."

Golde approached with their daughter and handed her to Tyrion.

"Here she is," he said holding up the little girl as well.

"Twins," Linnea said smiling.

"They do run in my family," Tyrion admitted.

"What will they be called?" The question came from Maester Tarly who stood holding the Lannister family history. Having already written the description of the birth and of the babies all that was needed were their names.

"I'd like to call the girl JoAnna, for my mother," Tyrion said. He looked to Linnea for her approval and she smiled.

"And I would like him to be called Jaime, for the brother that saved your life."

Tyrion chuckled, "A dwarf named Jaime Lannister?"

"I think it is an excellent name, ser," said Sam Tarly, already writing it down. He finished his writing with a flourish and gathered up his things.

"I will be back in one hour to check on you all," he said with a nod of his head. Linnea's lady's maids finished up their tidying and also left the room leaving Tyrion and Linnea alone with their brand new twins.

"I was afraid I was going to lose you," Tyrion admitted.

"You will never lose me, my love," Linnea placed her hand on his where it cradled their daughter. "The seven have truly blessed us."

"Linnea, you are the greatest gift that I never knew I needed." Tyrion placed a soft kiss on his wife's lips. She smiled and they went back to gazing at their beautiful babies.

The End

Author's Note 2: Thank you so much to the people who have followed this story this past year! It has been such a joy to write and imagine. Special thanks to David for his insight and encouragement and most of all his friendship. I appreciate your ratings and your feedback! I'd love more ideas for classics that could use a sexy spin or sensational sequel!

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Dave1984UKDave1984UKover 2 years ago

The perfect ending to an incredible series. I can hardly believe how much detail and knowledge went into the whole story from start to finish, which is testament to the author and her ability. I would recommend this series to any fan or none fan of Game of Thrones. Simply put... unmatched!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

i had tears in my eyes i only recognized finishing the text

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

How about an erotic rendition of one or more of Jules Verne's stories?

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