Unbelievable Pt. 10


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"I understand your anger, Johnny. I truly do, but don't you think you're exaggerating the events that took place there?"

"Do you think I exaggerated being raped? Do you think I want the feel of his dick in my ass forever imprinted in my mind?! Do you think I dreamed up being starved for days because they wanted to punish everyone because a few got rowdy?" John hissed as he slid to the edge of his seat. His hands gripped the railing of the witness stand, turning his knuckles white as his fingers tightened on the wood. "Do you think I exaggerated the feel of that sharp metal slicing through my skin when that man enjoyed his pleasure? Do you think I exaggerated the six-hour train they ran on me just for shits and giggles? Do you?!" he growled, his green eyes darkening as his anger continued to rise.

"Well, yes, I do, since we only have your word of what happened there."

"Then you are a fool; you might want to check the police reports of the day of the raid. For they truly saw the horrors we endured as they escorted us out of Raven Dale. But you won't since you allowed James Madicks to cop out just so you can make yourself look good," Johnny spat, finally realizing where he had seen the man before.

"Mr. Madicks isn't on trial here, Johnny..."

"Oh, but he is since that man raped me for two fucking years, and you only gave him four! I remember your words, saying it was good for the victims that he would serve some time. Well, now your face to face with one of his victims, go on, tell me how is it good for me, huh?! Huh!"

"Your honor!" Dr. Copper quickly got to her feet, she noted how close John was to snapping, and the man clearly couldn't see it. "I think it's wise if we take a break so I can console my patient. This has been very stressful for him, and these questions aren't easy for his psyche to handle. I fear the prosecutor is pushing him too hard, and Johnny can't be held responsible for his actions in his altered state. With your permission, I'd like to take him somewhere private to get him calm down enough to fulfill any more questions the prosecutor might have."

"I have no further questions, your honor. I am sorry, Johnny, if I have upset you," the man said, trying to save face.

"You may step down, young man, and I hope you get the help you need," the judge said, peering down at him. Noticing the chagce in him, especially his eyes as he looked at her in contempt.

"Help? Right, you're a little late for that," Johnny uttered darkly as he rose to his feet.

"Go take care of yourself, Johnny," Jared whispered as John glanced over at him as he past him. He had hoped asking John for his help wouldn't put too much of a strain on his fragile mind. He just hoped John could forgive him for putting him under such stress.

"Come. Let's go talk; I promise we'll come back," Dr. Copper said, holding out her arm to him. Seeing Kathrine and Janus quickly following after them as she escorted John out of the courtroom.

Their heads turned as the courtroom doors opened, and out filed those that were in attendance as they were talking softly to get Johnny off that ledge. "What's going on, Brandan?" Kathrine asked as her husband, her other sons, daughter, Ruth, Wanda, and Yasmine, came up to them.

"The judge recessed for lunch. How you doing, Johnny?" Brandan asked in a caring tone.

"You don't want to know," Johnny muttered low. Having an urge to stab someone with sharp pointy things.

"It's okay, honey," Kathrine whispered, lightly laying John's head on her shoulder. Trying not to smile when he actually allowed her to do such a thing. "You did great up there," she reassured him as she lightly rubbed his back.

"You think so?" Johnny asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, you should have seen the jury when you laid into that guy," Yasmin quickly said, trying to cheer John up. She didn't like seeing him in that dark mood. As his friend, it was her job to see that he was lifted out of it. "You should have seen how the women were glaring at that man. I think they thought if he didn't believe you, why would they assume he would believe a woman if she was up there instead of you. I don't think that man will have a chance for DA if he runs if he treats victims of rape like he just did," she said, nodding firmly.

"There's a sandwich shop near here; you up for a sub?" Brandan asked, smiling down at his son. Proud that he went through with it, proud that John didn't let that darkness consume him. That fear he knew his son still felt didn't stop him from speaking the truth.

"I want a meatball sub," John said, getting to his feet, turning, and helping Janus to hers. Returning her affectionate squeeze on his hand, knowing if she and Annie weren't there, he didn't know if he would have had the strength to go through with it. "Doc?" Turning back as his family started to move to the exit.

"Yes, Johnny?" Dr. Copper spoke in a warm tone as she still sat in her seat.

"Thanks for coming; you aren't so bad after all," Johnny said as politely as he could.

"You're very welcome, Johnny; I'm always here to lend a hand if you ever need it," Dr. Copper stated, flashing John a warm smile. Knowing he wouldn't need her during the rest of the trial. So she thought it would be best to return to her office. Where she knew other patients needed her help. She knew that was a very big compliment he had given her, given how people in her profession had abused him so badly. Hoping now that she has shown him he could rely on her that, their sessions will go much smoother. "I'll see you at three on Monday," she said, seeing him nod as they went their separate ways.

After their meal, all ten of them hurried back to the courthouse. John nodded to Jared when he shot him a look, asking if he was okay. No matter what happened now, Jared would always be grateful to John for putting himself through that on his behalf. The trial dragged on for another three and a half hours as the prosecutor tried to regain ground he had lost in his cross-examination of Johnny. Although he never did, the women of the jury were dead set against him if he could treat a victim of rape like he had done; there was no telling what he did to all the others he had tried before now. When Jared took the stand, Mrs. Hicks knew it was a gamble. Yet a gamble they needed to take to keep him out of prison for life. That was her main goal; if they charged Jared with the other counts, it still wouldn't be life in prison. She could take solace in that. However, when four o'clock struck, the judge called the court into recess until the following Monday, when they would hear the closing arguments and wait for the jury's verdict on the matter.

Jared got up to his feet, turned around, and hugged John. He didn't care if the court frowned on it. He needed to show his appreciation to him for putting himself through all that. Thanking Brandan and Kathrine for allowing John to miss school for him. Chatting happily with Janus, telling her he was happy their baby was strong and healthy. Waving to them as the bailiffs led him back to his holding cell. It didn't matter to him if he got out or not. His life ended when his baby girl died. He would gladly stay behind bars if he could insure the demons that haunted his daughter and John would never again harm him.

Chapter five

Yasmine was in the Masters' den working in her sketch pad. Drawing what she remembered what had happened at court yesterday so she could use it in the graphic novel she was working on. Listening to the hammering taking place outside as the construction crew built the walls for the connector. Knowing Brandan had lingered outside when they were taking the siding off both houses when they placed the post for the addition's walls against them. Still, her mind was in flux at that moment. Yes, she was happy that she could be there for John in his time of need. That she could support him like he had done when she freaked out a few times when some man accidentally touched her. Yet she didn't know how she was going to tell John that she had accidentally caught his mother sneaking out of Ray's bedroom and Ruth out of the master bedroom, Wanda from Bill's, or the fact that she had noticed how Ruth and Ray had quickly exited the bathroom. Wondering if Bill knew her sister was cheating on him. She knew there was no reason for all three of them to be in rooms not of their own so late at night. She wasn't an idiot. Only a fool wouldn't piece together what they were doing. Only someone blind and with the loss of smell couldn't tell what they had been doing. Wondering if John knew about this, also where Annie was when all of this was taking place Thursday morning. She didn't want to bring it up then when she knew John had so much on his mind right then. Now that his part in the trial was over, she wondered if she should tell him.

"What?" Ruth asked, noting how her sister glanced up at her, then over to Bill. Something about that look in her eyes didn't sit well with her.

"Where's Johnny?"

"Next door, but you knew that. Does my sister have a crush on her future brother-in-law," Ruth teased, getting a chuckle out of Bill.

"N-n-no," Yasmine stated, hearing her voice stammering.

"That so, then why did your voice go up a pitch, I wonder," Ruth mused, tapping her chin. Arching an eyebrow when Yasmine surged to her feet and stomped out of the room. Looking at Bill, who just shrugged when the front door slammed closed as Yasmine left the house with her art supplies.

Her knuckles rasped on John's and Janus' front door, praying that he believed her. Believed what she had seen, she didn't know what she would do if he didn't, nor what she was going to do about the situation she found herself in. She knew he read her work, yet reading about it and doing it were far two different things.

"Oh, hello, Yasmine," Janus answered with a cheery smile on her face. Hearing John and Annie speaking as they moved things about in the living room so the men could remodel the wall for the door. "Something I can help you with?" Not voicing that she could see the distress Yasmine was in.

"Could... could I speak with Johnny for a moment?" Yasmine asked weakly as she peered down at the tops of her feet.

"Sure, come on in; you're always welcomed here," Janus answered, stepping aside as she waved her in. "Any friend of Johnny's always has a place in our homes."

"Homes?" Yasmine muttered, confused.

"This is our secondary home; once the construction is complete and Johnny gets out of school, we'll only be here a few days a week while we are staying out at our primary house at Lake Hoplite," Janus spoke, seeing Yasmine's mouth 'Wow.' "You should visit us up there some time; I think you'll love it."

"I might," Yasmine said, brushing her dark blonde hair behind her ear. Praying John still saw her as a friend after this. She didn't want to lose him as a friend, but she thought he deserved to know what was happening in his parents' home.

"Hey, Janus?" Johnny's voice filled the air as the two of them stood in the open doorway.

"Yes, love, what is it?"

"You know that rug Ray had put up," Johnny said with his back to them as he set aside one of the smaller tables they would be getting rid of.

"Of course, dear; what of it?"

"What'cha think about using it in here... oh, hey, Yasmine," Johnny said, a little startled that he didn't hear her come in when he turned around.

"Hey, Johnny," Yasmine smiled sweetly at him.

"You know, I think I like that idea; want to bring it down next weekend?" Janus asked, seeing his nod in response. "Do you think those end tables would look good in here too?"

"Mmmhmm," Johnny hummed, knowing she had been thinking of what to do with the items that once were in that room Ray had cleared out.

"Johnny, Yasmine needed to speak with you," Janus stated, gesturing to her.

"Oh? What about?" Johnny asked curiously.

"Would you mind if we went somewhere to speak in private?" Yasmine asked in a bashful tone, not sure why she was. Maybe her sister was right, and she did have a crush on him. She couldn't say. Was it right of her to feel that way when she knew he was attached? What would Janus say if she knew about it? She didn't want to hurt his relationship with her. That would be poor of her as his friend when she knew how difficult it is for him to make them.

"Sure," Johnny muttered, peering at her oddly. Wondering what she could want to talk about. "I'll be back," he whispered before placing a kiss on Janus' cheek as he past her.

"You better, or I'll hunt you down," Janus called after him as he led Yasmine to the only bedroom on the first floor.

"So I hear you have a place up at that lake Ruth told me your family goes to," Yasmine said, making small talk as she followed behind John.

"We do; you should see it; it's quite nice," Johnny answered, peering over his shoulder. Waving her into the room when they got to it. Shutting the door when he stepped in after her. Arching an eyebrow when Yasmine slumped down onto the foot of the full-size bed they had put in there after the sale was final. Wondering what could have gotten her so down.

"I don't know how to say this," Yasmine stated, blowing out a breath. Her eyes followed him as he moved to sit down next to her. It wasn't lost on her that she saw his ring, a ring that wasn't there the last time she had visited. It was the same ring she saw on Janus' and, oddly enough, on Annie's hand as well. She just couldn't understand that.

"Okay, say what you need to say; you know me. I haven't judged you once in our talks. Although, I think you talk to me more than your own sister," Johnny said in a friendly jest. Seeing how that got a small smile out of her as he lightly bumped her shoulder with his own.

"But you don't mind that do you?" Yasmine asked innocently.

"What? No," waving off the question, "just you should see the look on Ruth's face when I bring up something she didn't know about; it's a little amusing," Johnny said, cracking a smile. "So, why the need for privacy? Do you feel it coming on again?" he asked, referencing the fear she felt whenever she was out alone in a crowded place. Seeing how it was at a club, the boy who date raped her had slipped the drug he used in her glass. Since then, Yasmine has constantly avoided places where the crowd would hem her in without a way for her to escape.

"No, nothing like that," Yasmine answered, shaking her head. "Promise me you won't get mad at me; please promise me?!"

"Okay, what do you think I'd get mad about?" Johnny asked, confused.

"I saw your mother leaving Ray's bedroom. I don't mean in the daytime; I mean late at night, and I thought he and Wanda were having sex, but your mother exited his room. Johnny, I think your brother and mother are having an incestuous relationship," Yasmine said, taking hold of his hands, hoping he didn't blow a gasket.

"Oh? And what else did you see?" Johnny asked, knowing there had to be more.

"Ruth leaving your parents' bedroom and Wanda leaving Bill's. Then Ruth and Ray sneaked out of the bathroom yesterday when you and Janus were over here. Please, Johnny, don't be mad, but I thought you should know what they're doing over there," Yasmine stated, peering into his eyes, hoping that she hadn't lost him as a friend.

"So you know, huh?" Johnny asked, clearly taking Yasmine aback. Seeing how that was not what she had thought he would say.

"What?! You knew about it?!" Yasmine caught herself from shouting so as not to alert the other two of what they were speaking about.

"I do," Johnny nodded.

"How... how did you find out?" Yasmine asked in a mixture of shock and intrigue.

"Found them all in the den going at it one day when I got home from school. It was the day Bill and Ruth announced their engagement," Johnny replied, thinking back to that day.

"You... You mean Annie was in on it, too; what about Janus?"

"Annie, yes, Janus, no, we didn't get together till long after I found out."

"Have... have you been with my sister?" Yasmine asked, eyeing him with a questioning look.

"Want me to answer that?"

"I do," Yasmine nodded vehemently.

"I have," Johnny said truthfully.

"So your whole family is into incest?" Yasmine asked in a whisper. "Wanda, Ruth, and Janus are all okay with it?"

"Well, Janus knew about it long before I did; she seems to be okay with it. Can't say about the other two how they felt about it, seeing how your sister and I didn't get along too well before now."

"But how do you feel about sharing, Janus?"

"She doesn't participate; she's like us; I'm the first man she's been with since then..."

"I'm such an idiot," Yasmine groaned, running her hand down her face. "You and Annie are a couple, along with Janus, aren't you?"

"Yes, we are," Johnny said, not hiding the truth from her.

"Can I ask why the two of them?"

"Janus helps me to keep a clear head, Annie helps me to keep anchored to this reality and not get lost in the delusions of my mind," Johnny stated, noting how Yasmine was listening to every word.

"And they're okay with sharing you?"

"Why don't you ask them?" Johnny spoke, waving to the door, knowing they had been eavesdropping. "You can come in, you know, they're little sneaks," he whispered to her.

"Sorry baby, we didn't mean to, just well..." Janus' face got a bright shade of red.

"We just wanted to make sure you were okay, is all," Annie muttered, red face as she peered down at the floor.

"You do realize that spankings are in order, right?" Johnny retorted in a sinful tone. Noticing how Yasmine's eyes were darting between the three of them as Annie's and Janus' breathing quickened.

"Whatever you want, Johnny," Annie said in a lustful stammer.

"To answer your question, yes, Annie and I are perfectly fine in sharing Johnny between us," Janus said, laying her arm along Annie's shoulders. "Aren't we?" she cooed, turning Annie's chin, letting Johnny watch as they kissed one another.

"Mmmhmm," Annie hummed as Janus' lips pulled away. Wondering if their display got a rise out of their man. Smiling hungrily at him as she saw that bulge in his pants.

"Does this mean I'd have to join in?" Yasmine asked nervously.

"No, if you don't want to, no one is going to force you," Johnny answered in a protective tone. "If you feel like they are, come to me, and I'll speak to them on your behalf."

"I think she means you, Johnny," Annie cut in, with Janus nodding along.


"I sometimes forget you never had the opportunity to learn the little quirks women give off when they're interested. It's okay, I'm not mad," Janus said, flashing Yasmine a smile. "Look at the way she touches you, Johnny. It's obvious to us, but you never saw it. I'm not faulting you, baby. You were being a friend to her when she needed it, and that's very commendable."

"Wait, are what they're saying true?" Johnny asked, looking at Yasmine, who looked away as her cheeks heated like mad.

"Maybe," Yasmine whispered.

"Huh, go figure," Johnny muttered, his hands compressing the mattress as he leaned back. Poking her in the arm, getting Yasmine's attention, "Now that you know, what are you going to do?"

"I... I don't know, I don't know what to think right now," Yasmine said, trying not to notice the bulge in John's pants.

"Annie, go get Ruth," Johnny directed, seeing Yasmine's eyes widened when he said that. "What? You did say you were fascinated with the act. What better way to show you what it's about then with your own sister. Plus, I don't think you're ready to be like that with a guy."

"Maybe not, but," seeing Janus nod when she glanced at her, "you aren't just some guy. You're my very good friend," Yasmine stated, laying her hand over his bulge. Swallowing hard when she felt the heat of it, the continued hardening beneath the palm of her hand. "I know you wouldn't hurt me like that man did. You've shown me that." She couldn't believe it still continued to grow. She's never felt something so... big before in her life.
