Unbelievable Pt. 10


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"I think you should." Her green eyes watched how Wanda rose from her seat, noting how the other three were watching how Wanda walked over to her. Arching an eyebrow when Wanda took her chin in hand and lightly lifted it up. Hearing Annie taking a sip of her water while feeling the eyes of Ruth and Kathrine on her as Wanda passionately kissed her.

"I want another taste of you," Wanda uttered in want as her lips pulled away from Janus'.


"Mmmhmm, you did like it when I tasted this sweet pussy of yours, didn't you?" Wanda asked, reaching down, running her finger along Janus' covered slit, feeling the heat coming off her pussy as she did. Wondering if Janus was always horny.

"No more than you did," Janus shot back.

"Guilty," Wanda uttered with a smirk. "So, what do you say? Care to have this pussy licked and sucked on?"

"Wanda, we aren't here for that," Kathrine stated, trying not to be aroused by the display.

"Why not, we have time, and Johnny doesn't have school in the morning, and as you can hear, he's still wide awake. So why not have a little fun while the boys watch their show?" Wanda purred, not stopping her rubbing as she peered over at her future mother-in-law. "Yeah, you like how I touch this pussy, don't you?" she purred as Janus started to roll her hips.

"I'm a horny pregnant woman; of course I do," Janus panted.

"I could use some girl bonding time," Ruth uttered, already peeling off her t-shirt.

"You get started; I'll be back," Annie said, getting up from her seat.

"And where are you going?" Kathrine asked as her daughter neared the doorway.

"To get our protector to guard the door for us, so the others don't come rushing in here," Annie answered, seeing the blush rising on Janus' cheeks when she uttered the word protector. Listening to their voices as she walked across the connector, hoping Johnny didn't mind if they had some fun without him before bed that evening. "Johnny?" Her voice was light and sweet as she called out to her brother. Ignoring how her father and two older brothers turned their gaze at her, it was how John turned in his seat and the way he was looking at her that had her enthralled. "Come here for a minute," she cooed, her finger beckoning him to her. "You remember what you saw that day up at the lake in the sun room?" Annie asked low, seeing him nodding along. "Would you mind if we did it again?"

"Who's we?" Johnny asked, confused.

"All of us, including Janus," Annie whispered as low as she could, yet she was sure the other three had heard her given how her father had turned down the volume.

"And she's okay with..." His voice was stilled by a moan, a moan he knew personally he should, given how he's made her release that same moan numerous times. "Okay, and what do you want from me? Obviously, you all have already started." Not seeing how Bill's and Ray's gazes were burning through him just to get a peek at what was happening in his house.

"I was wondering, my white knight," watching how John's ears turned red when she said that, "if you would guard the door so they don't come barging in. You know how Janus is about men seeing her naked," Annie said, her fingers playing along the waist band of John's shorts. Feeling his pubic hair against her nails whenever she slipped them deeper into his shorts.

"So, I'm not a man?" The slap on his left shoulder was loud in the room.

"You know very well what I meant by that, so will you?" Annie asked, noticing how John was trying not to smirk. "Can you do that for me?"

"Of course, I can, but she better save enough for me," Johnny said, repeating Janus' own words she would use whenever his mother or the others sought him out.

"Oh, God, yes?! Lick that pussy; make it all creamy!" John fought himself from getting hard at how alluring Janus' howl was.

"I promise, there will be enough left for you," Annie whispered, leaning in, tasting his lips while her fingers trailed up his semi-hard bulge. Smiling at John from over her shoulder as she walked back over to their house. Showing off her ass as she did, just so that would entice that hard thing of his to rise for her because she was not about to let it go to waste.


"No," Johnny said sternly as he took up his sentry position in the doorway.

"Come on, Johnny, we're not saying we'd go storming in there; just a peek is all we're asking," Bill stated, trying to plead with his brother.


"Knock it off, boys; Janus has her reasons for not being able to be seen naked by other men, don't push your brother," Brandan warned. While he so did want to see Janus naked, yet he wasn't going to break his son's or Janus' trust by storming past his son just to see his wife between Janus' legs. Getting up from his seat, walking into the kitchen, and grabbing one of the chairs that sat against the table. "Here you go, Johnny, no telling how long they'll be," he said in a fatherly voice as he sat the chair down in front of his son. As the hour grew long and their moans grew higher, he could see his son's chin dropping as his medication started to kick in. Seeing that his other sons, too, noticed it, giving them a stern look that they would use the opportunity to sneak past Johnny. His eyes slyly glanced over to his son when John's chin touched his chest, and it didn't jolt him awake like it had done a few times earlier. "Bill, Ray, take your brother to his room," Brandan ordered, noting how his two other sons were not pleased about missing out on what was happening less than a hundred feet away from them. "Johnny, relax; you fell asleep," he uttered, seeing the startled, wild eyes when Ray and Bill touched his upper arms. "They're just going to help you to your bed. Don't worry, I'll stand guard in your place; you have my word none of us will cross that threshold." Watching how John eyed him before he firmly nodded his chin. The chair creaked and groaned as Bill and Ray helped John to his feet. Noting how Ray quickly caught John when his legs gave out due to the drugs in his system.

Brandan's ears perked at the sounds that were carried over from the other house. Listening to their chatter, their laughter, giggles, and, if he wasn't mistaken, a smack on someone's ass. He would be a liar if he said he didn't get aroused listening to it all as he filled in for Johnny. Glancing down when he saw arms running down his chest, he felt the soft lips of someone as she nibbled on the left side of his neck.

"Just what are you doing sitting here, dear?" Katherine cooed into her husband's ear.

"Filling in for Johnny since his medication kicked in well before you all were finished," Brandan stated, patting his wife's arm before getting up from his seat.

"Then we best go check on him, shouldn't we?" Janus asked, peering over at Annie.

"Yes, we should," Annie nodded firmly. She and Janus waved to her brothers as they walked past them and out of the room.

"Brandan?!" Katherine yelped in surprise as he pulled her along out of the room and towards the stairs.

"March that cute little ass up those stairs so I can properly punish you for being such a tease," Brandan growled in lust.

"Oh, did my big, strong, handsome man get aroused listening to me making Janus squeal on my tongue?" Katherine taunted as she walked up the stairs backward. "You know you can still taste her pussy on my lips; why don't you come and see if you can catch me," she giggled as she hurriedly turned around and raced towards their bedroom. Feeling like they were in their twenties again as she heard Brandan racing up the stairs after her. Grinning like mad when she fell back onto their marital bed. Seeing the hunger in her husband's eyes as he stalked towards her along the comforter. Her breath was loud in her ears as Brandan assaulted her lips with a passion. Rolling her hips when she felt his hand between her legs, feeling the radiating heat that her pussy was throwing off as Brandan rolled his tongue within her mouth. Taking him by surprise and pushing him onto his back. "Not today, my sweet man, tonight the Queen rides her stallion," Katherine spoke, lifting her shirt off her shoulders, tossing it across the room, leaning forward, and ravished her husband.

Chapter eight

Janus was kissing John all over, knowing it be a very long week for her as she, along with Annie, Katherine, and John, with all the rest, stood outside of the airport in the unloading section. They had spirited away to their lake house the day after John had dropped out of school so he could relax in peace before he left for Ohio. Where they were oddly visited by the same boat throughout their weekend, yet it never came close enough to their shore to get a good look at who was on it. Granted, she wasn't opposed to the hours of sex they had when they weren't taking care of things around the house.

"I'm going to be so worried about you," Janus said, holding his face in her hands. "You promise you'll call me the moment you land, right?" she asked, peering into those green eyes of his.

"Of course I will," Johnny nodded before pulling her close. Hugging her as tightly as he could without harming their child. Just in case something went terribly wrong.

"The moment you get home, I am so going to baby you?!" Janus stated as she brushed her hand along the back of his head. Feeling her body heating as John gently rubbed her ass, he knew she enjoyed that greatly ever since she became pregnant. Wiping her tears away as she backed away so the others could get their own goodbyes in. A little shocked by what he had whispered to her before she did. How her heart sang when his words of 'I love you' danced in her head. Granted, that phrase was after the fact of what he had said that went something like if he didn't come back, she didn't know if he meant as himself or didn't make it through the operation. Still, that wasn't a possibility she was willing to entertain.

"We're going to be here waiting on you to come home, don't forget that, okay?" Ruth said in a reassuring tone as she lightly rubbed his back as they hugged.

"Don't cause Mom and Annie too much trouble while you're there," Bill spoke in a big brotherly tone.

"I'll make sure Janus isn't too distressed; that wouldn't be good for her or the baby," Wanda whispered, placing a warm kiss on his right cheek as John nodded.

"Whatever happens, Johnny, know that we'll be here for you when you get home," Ray said, hoping that this wasn't the last time they saw his little brother. Yet this was brain surgery anything and everything could go wrong.

"Listen to your mother while you are there and your doctors, and remember, no matter what, I am proud of you. It takes great strength to place yourself under the knife," Brandan said as his hand cupped the back of John's neck. "When you get home, we'll binge-read a lot of comics; how does that sound?" he asked, trying to keep his son's mind off the fact of what awaited John once he stepped off that plane.

"Johnny, we better get checked in before our plane departs," Katherine stated in a motherly tone as she lightly rested her hand on John's back.

"Don't worry about a thing; I'm not going to leave your side," Annie uttered in a loving tone as John peered over at her as she held his right hand in both of her hands. To show John that no matter what the world threw at them, she would never leave his side. Waving to her family as she, John, and their mother turned and walked towards the automatic doors. "We'll be safe; we'll call the moment we land," she called back to them before the doors closed behind them.

After two hours of waiting for their flight to board and the four-and-a-half-hour flight to Ohio, Katherine was surprised that John didn't put up much of a fit when the TSA agent touched him a few times when they waved the wand over him. She suspected that was due to his mind on the matter that waited for them in Ohio. Still, though, she was glad John didn't have one of his fits and get them banned from the flight. Looking down when John's hands crushed up the fabric of his jeans when they were waiting for their flight to board. Then looked towards their plane, knowing his claustrophobia was kicking in.

"Shh, it's going to be okay, Johnny; just breathe and remember it's only for a few hours, nothing more," Katherine said in a calming tone.

"Yeah, that's what they said, too," Johnny muttered bitterly.

"I promise, baby, this isn't going to be like that place; no one is going to keep you on the plane, I assure you," Katherine stated, placing her hand over his and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"That's right, if they do, then I'll just beat them senseless with these things?!" Annie said, lifting up her breasts just to get John to smile.

"I don't know, I think they'll kind of like that," Johnny retorted as his eyes dipped low to her heavy-hanging orbs.

"True, they probably would," Annie agreed, "yet these babies are only for you." Teasing her brother as she ran her hands along their curvature. "But I brought my tablet with me, so if you need something to distract you, just ask, okay?" she whispered as they rose from their seats when their flight was called.

Katherine was jolted out of her memory as the pilot announced they were descending for their landing. Rubbing her hand along John's right forearm as he gripped the armrest of his seat. Trying to ease her son's discomfort, knowing John was going out of his way for them. So she, too, had to show him that she could step out of her comfort zone and show him she, too, was willing to face her fears just like her son had been displaying throughout the flight. Her fear? The fear that she would never get the boy she gave birth to back. While she loved her son wholeheartedly, no one could blame her for wanting to return back to the days before John's mind snapped. Once they had picked up their luggage, they made sure to keep themselves between John so no one could accidentally bump up against him. They didn't need John to have one of his episodes in the middle of a crowded airport.

"We are driving back, right?" Johnny asked, looking over at his mother.

"We are," Katherine nodded. She was not about to risk him throwing a clot and having a brain aneurism while serval thousand feet in the air. It didn't matter if it took over a day of driving to get back home; she was not about to endanger his life. Even if she didn't get the boy she remembered back, she was not about to lose her son. Never again!

"Just think about it, Johnny, us three on a day-long road trip. Think of all the places we can see and do things at," Annie spoke with a coy grin on her lips. Noting how her mother's nipples started to harden at that thought.

"Like what?" Johnny asked curiously. Given how he's never been outside his state, he really didn't know, other than the national parks, what there was to do.

"Don't worry, I'll get it all planned out for us," Annie said with a firm nod of her head. "Although, I wonder who gushes more, me or Old faithful," she mused as she tapped her finger against her lips.

"Probably you," Johnny muttered, recounting the wet spot she left on their bed last night.

"How about we do a side-by-side comparison when we get there, hmm?" Annie purred, feeling her pussy throbbing, aching just to be wrapped around his pole once again.

"Look, that must be the person your doctor said would greet us," Katherine said, pointing out the person that was holding a sign with John's given name on it.

"Are you Johnathan Masters?" the young man asked.

"It's Johnny, and yes, I am," he said once he, his mother, and sister drew near to the man.

"Sorry, we weren't told you had any preferences about what to be called," the man said apologetically.

"It's okay," Johnny mumbled, eager to get this all over with.

"Please, if you would, I have a van that will take you to your hotel before heading over to the clinic so the doctors can preform their own workup before the operation," the man stated, waving for them to follow.

"It's going to be okay, baby; I'm going to be with you, so don't you worry about a thing, alright?" Katherine whispered into his ear as they followed the man out of the airport.

Stowing their bags in the rear of the van. John noted how the man eyed him in the rearview mirror as he slid in beside Annie, who pulled him tighter against her as their mother slid in beside John before closing the sliding door. Looking left and right as his mother and sister pointed out things to him as they drove towards their hotel where he would be recuperating in, given the lack of long-term beds at the clinic. While John would stay for a day there for observation, he would mainly be resting in the hotel room for the rest of the week until they were sure he was stable enough to make the trip back home.

"The clinic rented out this side of the hotel for our patients, so you don't need to worry about noisy residents during your recuperation. Only on this floor, though, I can't say about the people above you. Anywho, there will be three nurses on call at all hours of the day in case they're needed and can help to stabilize you until the doctor can get here," the man said, showing them around the east wing of the first floor of the hotel.

"Will there not be a doctor here as well?" Katherine asked in a concerned voice.

"Yes, she will be; her name is Beverly Strom. Since Johnny here will be the only patient in these rooms for the moment, she will pop in every few hours or so. The rest of the work will be done by the nurses. I assure you, they're very good nurses. This will be your room, Johnny," he said, inserting the keycard and waiting for the light to turn green. "I'm sorry to inform you two that you will have to rent your own rooms..."

"Not happening; I am not leaving my son's side for more than a moment while he's here," Katherine said sternly, with Annie humming an 'Mmmhmm' as she nodded along.

"I'll see if the hotel has some cots you two can use while you're here," the man said, not eager to go against that look Katherine was giving him. "I'll just let you all get settled and explore this place while I go see about those cots, and I'll shuttle you all over to the clinic. I know the doctor is very interested in meeting you, Johnny."

"Great, just what I need," Johnny mumbled low, not seeing the perplex look on the man's face when he said that. Unaware of the horrific things John had endured at the hands of a man with an MD behind his name.

"Here, let's get you unpacked before he comes back," Katherine spoke, taking John's bag from him while Annie went to check on the rest room. Slyly noting how John was just gazing down at the hospital bed that sat within the room. She had no idea what had happened to the normal bed that was in there before all this. While she wanted to say everything would be alright, she couldn't know that for sure so many things could go wrong. Shaking the thought from her mind, knowing she couldn't think like that. She had to stay positive. She had to show John she wasn't worried, while deep down, she totally was. How could she not be? This was her son, after all; even if it didn't work in unlocking his memories, she still hoped it would help with his seizures. Stuffing away John's clothes, shutting the drawer, along with her worries within the folds of his clothes. As Annie walked out of the bathroom, a knock came upon the door. "Yes?" Katherine spoke as she inched the door open.

"Just wanted to let you know the hotel does have spare cots, which they will place in this room while we're at the clinic."

"Ah, thank you for that," Katherine said warmly.

"Now, if you three are all sorted, I'll escort you over to the clinic. The doctors have a lot to do and go over before the procedure."

Katherine turned to look at John, silently asking if he was ready. Noticing how Annie was rubbing his shoulders, trying to ease the stress she was sure her son was under, given his past encounters with doctors. Holding out her hand to him, smiling as she did, giving it a squeeze as they left the room. Lightly patting John's hand as they followed after their escort down the hallway, towards the side exit where the man had parked their van.
