Under the Influence Ch. 04-06


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This was what drove him over the edge. As she groped his scrotum, he felt a rush of blood to his head, better than any sensation he'd ever experienced, and all of a sudden, he was cumming buckets-worth. He aimed his member at her tits, and after 20 seconds of long, thick ropes streaming out of his cock's head, she was left a seed-soaked mess. If the load he'd provided Maxie with the other night was the most substantial of his life, then he must've been breaking records in utter volume now.

He collapsed onto the couch next to Phoebe, exhausted and spent. He watched as his cum slowly leaked down from her chest, towards her belly button. She watched too, curious but not altogether aroused by the sight. That look that she'd had earlier, which had seemed to imply that she customarily avoided anything to do with cum, had returned. This time, it wasn't a shadow, but something more tangible.

Before he could allow her to clean up, he had to capitalise on the remnants of the salacious mood she'd just been in. A few moments more, and the horniness would have completely died, and all she'd want to do is jump in the shower. He ran his finger from her navel up to her left nipple, collecting a sizable string of his seed on the journey. He then moved his finger up to her mouth, offering it as if it were a fine delicacy.

"Have some," he suggested.

She looked at his finger, and then into his eyes, and then back to his cum-laden digit. She hesitated, before sniffing briefly. Whatever she smelt had done enough to convince her; she opened wide, and he deposited his jizz on her tongue.

Once she'd swallowed, he waited a moment, anticipating some kind of sudden change. Phoebe stood up slowly, with a confused expression on her face.

"Sorry; usually guys just cum in me, or on themselves, or in a tissue," she explained. "I'm not much of a fan most of the time. But yours tastes pretty good, so I don't mind. Want to come and shower with me?"

"Yeah, sure," he responded. "You might need some help in there anyway. I'd bet your legs are really weak."

It was as he said this that she took an unstable step, and his suspicions were confirmed. She laughed at the accuracy of his analysis. He stood up, and swung her arm over his shoulder to keep her supported as they wearily made for the bathroom.

It was as he turned on the showerhead but before they'd stepped into the stream that Lewis started to take note of Phoebe's changing demeanour. Her face turned that recognisable shade of red that he'd now seen in multiple women over the past few weeks, and her eyes lost some of the focus that they'd just had. As her hand drifted down automatically towards her pussy, a dribble of saliva escaped her now-open lips. Her eyelids began to flutter as she stroked her clit gently, and within a few seconds of pleasuring herself, she was consumed by an orgasm which took all the power out of her already-frail legs, leaving her clutching onto Lewis's body for assistance.

He ran a face-washer underneath the showerhead, and used it to wipe the cum off Phoebe's chest - he knew he wasn't going to be able to get her to shower properly, with her legs so incapable of bearing weight. Once he'd cleaned her of all his fluids, he carried her to his room, placing her carefully onto his bed, and tucking her in.

"Thank you so much," she repeated over and over again, like a chant.

"It's nothing, Phoebe," he reassured her.

"I feel so good. Everything feels so warm and perfect and clear. Thank you for making me feel this way."

At this, he realised that Maxie's hypothesis had been, to some extent, proven. He had been changed anatomically, though to what extent he could not say. All he knew definitively was that the researchers weren't going to be finding out about this development. Magic body or not, he thought, I'm getting my $6,000.

He kissed Phoebe lightly on the forehead, drawing a satisfied groan from her throat, before making his way to the couch to sleep.

Chapter Five

It was 11:00am and Phoebe had just left the house. She had come out to the living room an hour prior, and gently shook Lewis's arm to wake him.

"Hey, thanks for last night," she'd said warmly. "I don't know what came over me, but that was some of the best sex I've had."

Lewis was pretty confident he knew what had come over her, but he felt it best to keep his theories close to the chest - certainly until he could mull things over with Maxie.

"No problem," he'd replied. "I hope the bed served you well."

"I appreciate you letting me use it. Hopefully things weren't too uncomfortable out here for you."

In truth, he hadn't slept all that well, but that was less the couch itself, and more the contentious voices in his head, bickering amongst themselves, arguing over what had happened.

He had then flicked the blanket off, sat up, and made them both tea. They had sipped at their respective cups, talking over their days-to-come, before Phoebe had looked at the clock, commented on how late in the morning it was, and excused herself. The second she had left the apartment, Lewis was on the phone with Maxie.

Less than twenty minutes later, she knocked on his door and entered his living room, eyes wide with intrigue and speculation. Her pupils were red and dilated, and it looked as if she hadn't slept since they'd finished work.

"Well, you look like shit," Lewis remarked.

"Speak for yourself, sonny," she chided.

They laughed amongst themselves as Lewis made to get her a cup of tea. As they sat down at the kitchen table, Maxie pulled from pocket a pen and pad. Lewis's eyebrow raised.

"You're a regular Sherlock now, huh," he teased.

"Well, we need to keep track of what's going on," she said plainly. "So, what went on last night?"

He ran her through the major points; she hadn't been put off by any of his janky pick-up lines (quite the opposite, in fact); she loved his balls and how big they were; she seemed obsessed with his precum; she was the one who demanded he fuck her from behind; she had seemed okay to go along with essentially whatever he asked for during sex; after consuming his cum, her entire body seemed to slacken, and she made herself orgasm with basically no effort whatsoever.

Once he'd finished recounting the night's happenings in detail, Maxie leaned back into her chair and sat stroking her chin, eyes squinted in concentration. She then bent towards the table to turn the page in her notepad and write a new heading:


She underlined these words twice, before pointing her pen at Lewis.

"We'll start with what you've noticed personally. Biggest physical changes?" she prompted.

"Well, the recoverability for the gym has probably been the most apparent one straight out of the gates," he figured. "I can work out much more frequently. And even when I'm there, I recover from heavy sets quicker. I'll do a set of deadlifts, and whereas I used to take a couple of minutes between sets, I feel good and ready to go again ninety seconds later."

She scribbled this down in her notepad frantically, emphasising certain words. She motioned for him to continue.

"And then, my genitals have been getting bigger."

At this admission, Maxie nodded slightly.

"I thought maybe that was the case. Everything seemed a little bigger the second time I throated you," she considered.

Even whilst they were trying to be rigorous and vaguely academic, Lewis couldn't help himself from hardening in his tracksuit at the way Maxie had described the other night.

"What did you start with?" she asked. "How big were you?"

"My dick was 5.2 inches. Has been for years. When I checked a few days after that first blowjob, I was 5.4 inches."

"What about your balls?" she enquired, scribbling down notes.

"I don't know the exact measurements. I feel like I could use fruit as a point of comparison, if you want?"

She nodded, before pointing to Lewis's fruit bowl on the kitchen bench.

"Pick out a piece that you think best resembles how big your balls used to be."

He approached the bowl, and picked out a gala apple. It was slightly smaller than the circumference of his palm, allowing him to easily close his fingers around the whole fruit. He showed it to Maxie, who pulled from another pocket a measuring tape. When Lewis gave her a questioning look, she shook her hand.

"I figured I might need to measure something," she explained. "I just didn't know it would be this kind of thing."

She wrapped the tape around the widest point of the apple and recorded the measurement in her book. She then placed the fruit on the table, and turned to Lewis with an expectant look.

"Take off your pants," she instructed.

Even though Lewis was slightly shocked, he heeded her directions. He removed his tracksuit, revealing an almost comically large bulge, before taking off his underwear too. Maxie's eyes expanded in astonishment. It was clear she had never seen genitals this large.

She got out of her seat and kneeled in front of his crotch, before taking the measuring tape to the base of his penis. She looked up at him in confusion.

"I thought you said you last measured this thing at 5.4?" she asked him.

"I did," he confirmed. "How much bigger is it?"

"6 inches, on the dot. That's insane."

"And it feels thicker. Heavier."

"Well, it certainly looks like it."

At this, she gripped the shaft, taking in its dimensions within her palm. It was all Lewis could do not to begin thrusting into her grasp.

She then set to measuring his sack, taking the tape and placing it around its width. When she was done, she stood up and jotted down a figure.

"17 inches," she remarked in bewilderment.

"I was thinking they're the size of grapefruits," he told her.

"Bigger, I'd think," she guffawed. "Now, what other things have you noticed?"

He pulled up his undergarments and sweatpants, before sitting back down.

"Something that you pointed out when you stayed here the other week," he said, gesturing to Maxie. "I've started smelling really good, apparently. You, Clara, Phoebe; everyone seems to notice my scent. Breathing it in really deeply. So I think my natural odour has improved."

"I can testify to that. You are smelling a lot better," she nodded.

"And obviously, there's something going on with my cum," he started.

She waved her hands, stopping him. She turned to another page, and wrote a different heading:


"This is a different section," she explained. "Let's take a quick step back. How has your scent been affecting your partners?"

"Well, like you said, I just smell better generally. But then when you get close and really breathe it in, I make people... hungry."

"Like, they need to jump you? Fuck you? Suck your cock?"

"Basically, yeah. Their hands become more frantic. Things like that."

Again, Maxie took a moment to ponder, before snapping her fingers in revelation.

"Like an aphrodisiac!" she exclaimed. "Your odour induces desire!"

"Exactly," he said, pointing to her.

"Your precum is an extension of that, I think. When I suck on it, it tastes awesome. That, and it makes my clit throb. It's like, once you get a little bit, you don't want to stop."

"Then what about when I actually orgasm? What about my cum?"

They had arrived at the most significant question. They both knew that everything else was a precursor designed to make Lewis's partners anticipate and bring about his orgasm.

"Speaking from both my experiences, and what you've seen in Clara and Phoebe, a few consistent things happen. First, our faces get dark and our bodies seem to relax. Then the world slows down to a crawl, and we start getting tunnel vision. Everything feels calm and content and beautiful."

"You said 'euphoric' once," Lewis chimed in.

"Exactly; 'euphoric' is the word to describe it. And it's all-consuming. That's why we end up with that glazed expression, where we can still look, but we're not always seeing. And then our pussies seem to vibrate, and it means that it's almost impossible to not touch yourself."

"And when you do, you cum almost instantaneously."

"Exactly. That's also a product of what it does to our clits. I noticed this last time, but my clit started to get--"

"All red and bulbous. Like it was inflamed," he cut in.

"Precisely. So we cum because of that, but also because it feels so safe and warm and perfect, and the only thing that makes sense is to cum. Do you get me?"

He nodded as he fell into a deep train of thought, contemplating. Suddenly, a part of him was scared.

"My cum is, in essence, a drug," he suggested.

"It's like it's become that, yeah," she affirmed.

A shiver rippled down his neck. This notion was a conflicting one. The implications were multiplicitous and far-reaching.

"Every time someone takes this drug, they feel a certain way," he summarised. "It makes them feel good... What if it completely ruins any and every relationship I have from here on out?!"

It was as if Lewis had woken Maxie up from a trance; it was clear that she had been so consumed by analysing and deconstructing the changes occurring within Lewis's body, that she hadn't stopped to consider that the ramifications had the potential to prove disastrous for his personal life. Her features softened empathetically, and she hugged him.

"Don't worry, we'll figure this out," she reassured him as they disentangled from one another.

"I just don't want to be 'the cum guy' for the rest of my life," he lamented.

"Well, that's certainly not how I see you. You're still regular, normal, shy ol' Lewis."

He flashed an appreciative smile so as to acknowledge her words, but it didn't fill the hollow pit in his stomach that was expanding rapidly.

"Let's be realistic: we don't fully understand what your body is doing, and we won't know until we see what happens next," Maxie stated.

"You want to conduct more tests?" he questioned incredulously.

"I think it's best to keep investigating what we've got on our hands here. We're still not fully aware of what your cum allows for once it's been consumed. We know that it makes the swallower fall into some sort of dazed state, but we need to better understand how it affects their senses and their mindfulness."

"Maybe," he suggested, "I should just inform the clinical study group that I've noticed some weird things happening, and the professionals can research what's going on in a controlled environment? That seems like the responsible thing to do."

She gave him a judging, reproachful look. She was very obviously unimpressed by this idea.

"They'll just turn you into a guinea pig. You won't be able to have any fun with this new thing," she said. "And anyway, if you tell them, you don't get paid. You only have, what, two more follow-up visits?"

He nodded, apprehensively. His resolve to remain objectionable was starting to unravel, if only because he knew that Maxie was right; he wanted the payout, and revealing that he had explicitly disobeyed a number of the study's conditions would jeopardise his compensation.

"Fine, no academics," he relented. "Just us."

A broad smile materialised on Maxie's face, and she grabbed Lewis's hand in a show of appreciation and thankfulness.

"Awesome!" she cheered. "But I don't think it can just be us. I think we need to use study subjects. So that we can analyse what's happening more objectively, both of us."

"Okay, that makes sense... who did you have in mind?" he asked.

And even though it was clear she was trying her hardest to remain impartial and unemotional, an excitable tone entered Maxie's voice as she suggested their mark.

"Phoebe, of course."

Chapter Six

Lewis had been in two minds regarding Maxie's suggestion.

On the one hand, it felt both morally and ethically dubious to continue to seek out and sleep with Phoebe for the express purpose of drugging her. Yes, it was an extremely unorthodox drug, and no, it didn't seem to pose any threat to her health or livelihood, but that didn't change the fact that she would be a passive, unwitting participant in an experiment that saw Maxie and Lewis serving as underqualified coordinators. It was fundamentally exploitative.

At the same time, the devil on his shoulder was making its voice heard, and that voice's message was clear: wouldn't it be exciting to see what effect this has on Phoebe? Despite the pleas from his more moralistic self, the horny, speculative part of his brain wanted to see where further trysts would lead.

Lewis had given in to this more nefarious side. As such, he was standing at the bar, a week on from his discussion with Maxie, waiting for Phoebe to come in again.

From behind, Maxie approached him, looking to talk as he set about idly wiping the countertop.

"Just be natural," she advised. "It sounds like she had a great time last week, so I'm sure she'll want to do it all again."

Despite himself, he couldn't conceal his agitated anticipation. Phoebe was a lovely person, and their sex the previous week had been some of the best Lewis had ever had. He was confident that Maxie was right, but his inherent diffidence meant that his mouth was dry, his palms damp, and his complexion pallid. A patron could be forgiven for confusing him with a reanimated corpse.

"She might not even come in at this rate," he suggested.

He was right; the clock was edging its way towards 1:00am, and both Lewis and Maxie were aware that Phoebe had never arrived at the venue this late before.

"I think it's because she's going to end up coming in alone," Maxie proposed.

"Maybe her friends weren't interested in hanging out tonight. If they were, they would have been here already."

"And what; she's just sitting at home right now trying to work up the courage to come in by herself?"

"Pretty much."

Lewis huffed in disbelief, but hidden underneath his sceptical facade was a giddy, animated sense of suspense. He finished wiping the countertop, and moved towards the gaming room, intent on collecting empty glasses.

At 1:30am, when Lewis's excitement and Maxie's confidence had both waned, their eyes shifted to the door to see Phoebe's familiar figure silhouetted against the lights from outside the pub. She made her way to the pair of bartenders timidly, the lack of her regular group leaving her unusually exposed.

"Howdy there!" Maxie yelled out in greeting.

"Hey! How are you guys?" Phoebe responded, as she arrived at the counter.

"Pretty good, I guess, yeah..." Lewis blundered, looking over to Maxie briefly.

Phoebe chuckled quietly, before speaking in a reassuring tone.

"It's alright if you told her. I figured you would have, honestly."

"Well that's good, cause I now have an extremely intimate knowledge of your lady parts thanks to him," Maxie laughed.

Lewis gritted his teeth, expecting that this would only make things awkward between the three of them, but Phoebe started to giggle.

"As he made any noteworthy comments?" Phoebe asked.

"How did you phrase it?" Maxie indicated to Lewis. "Apparently you can bounce a coin off that ass of yours, it's so good."

Phoebe's quaint giggles turned into proper cackling at this remark, allowing Lewis's galloping heartbeat to mellow out its rhythm. He breathed a sigh of relief and started to smile.

For the next half an hour, wherever Lewis and Maxie went, Phoebe followed. They cleared the gaming room, cleaned tables and benches, turned off projectors, forced a group of older patrons to leave the smoking area (much to the customers' chagrin), and eventually, locked the venue up, all whilst maintaining a full-blooded conversation with Phoebe.