Underwear Ch. 04


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Rayne closed his eyes and took a long breath. Kev was stroking his hands again, very lightly as if he was afraid that Rayne might suddenly lash out at him.

"You don't have to tell me this," he said when the Vampire fell silent for a moment.

"I thought you wanted to know?" Rayne blinked again then looked down at him uncomprehendingly. "I thought you wanted to know why he took those pictures of me, doing those things with him and his friends."

"He raped you?" Kev whispered, his face pale. "That night, after your birthday... did he rape you?"

Rayne just nodded his head. He felt as though he should have tears running down his cheeks but instead he was just numb. All he could think was 'Why does Kev have these pictures? What is he doing with them?'

"He got on top of me and pulled the covers over us then he rubbed his cock between my legs and asked me was it nice? I said yes because I just wanted him to go away and leave me alone. I thought if I made him happy he would go but he just kept rubbing it there and after a while he put some more cold stuff in my crack and said that in some countries a boy becomes a man at thirteen."

Kev's fingers tightened around his hands. Rayne smiled at him, a weak unfeeling smile that left his face utterly open and vulnerable for once.

"He put his hand over my mouth then and pushed his cock up me the way he did with his fingers. I was very tight and it hurt. I was crying but he said that if I made a noise or told anyone what he had done he'd kill my Mum and I'd get put in a home because my Dad was too much of a drunk to look after me." Rayne swallowed but his mouth was dry. He looked away. This time the tears were very real. He blinked until they cascaded from his long eyelashes like falling stars.

Kevan's arms moved around him and suddenly he was being held close. Rayne did not fight it. He needed to be embraced. He needed something to take the pain away and wipe out the evil memories. It was beyond his understanding how Kev could look at those pictures and still want to hold him like this, like he mattered.

"Did it...? It must have... happened more than once..." Kev exhaled into his dark hair.

Rayne nodded, too despondent to lie. For years he had managed to steer his thoughts away from Bryan Collinge and the things that had been done to him in that man's house. Now it all came flooding back over him like a wash of hot blood. He shuddered in Kevan's arms, feeling sick to his gut.

"Often?" Kev was whispering curiously.


"Why didn't you tell your Mum?" He stroked his large, warm hands slowly up and down Rayne's back, keeping him close. The words were a hot wind against his neck and ear.

"I did." Rayne swallowed and tried to sit back, to compose himself. Of all the conversations he had prepared for on the way here, this was not one. "I was too scared for a while, then I thought that he would try something with one of my friends and I had to say something."

"Your mum believed you, yeah?" Kev smiled helplessly at him.

"Not at first. She was really mad at me, then after the doctor had looked at me and he said he ought to call the Police..." Rayne gulped down another sobbing breath. "She cried then. I couldn't make her stop. She thought it was her fault, for leaving Dad and for having an affair with Bryan."

"She was fucking him?" Kev's eyebrows rose, furrowing his brow. Clearly he had not expected that twist.

"They had a thing going, years before I was born," Rayne told him atonally. "Then Mum got pregnant and my Nan split them up 'cause Mum was too young. Mum met my Dad afterwards and they got married and Bryan married Mum's twin sister a few years later. When my parents started to fight, Bryan came round sometimes and tried to talk to them. I came home from school one day and my Dad was out but Bryan was there in the front room with my Mum. He had her top undone and her knickers were on the floor. He was fucking her on the couch and she loved it. I could see it in her face."

He wiped his nose on the back of his hand. Kev leaned back and found him a tissue.

"Do you think she was in love with him?" he asked.

"I don't care. She shouldn't have gone with him. I told him that afterwards, when he came upstairs for the bathroom but he just said that we were scum and he could do whatever he liked to any of us." Rayne stared at the crumpled wad of tissue in his hands. "Then he pushed me into the bathroom and molested me."

Something else seemed to have occurred to Kev for he was frowning earnestly.

"You said your Mum had a baby with Bryan..."

"It wasn't me, if that's what you were thinking." Rayne's eyes flickered briefly to his face then away again. "She had it adopted. I didn't find out until years later."

Kevan stroked his hands. He retrieved the tissue and binned it. Rayne bent his head so that his black hair tumbled forward, screening his pale face. After a few moments he felt Kev's gentle fingers stroking through his mane, searching for his face.

"What was his name?" the Vampire asked huskily.

"You what?"

Rayne sat back abruptly, running a hand through his ragged forelock. His pale eyes were fixed on the mortal's face.

"What was his name? The guy who had these pictures?"

"I can't tell you that. And he's in custody anyway," Kev said reasonably.

"Okay. Describe him to me." Rayne's eyes narrowed.

"I can't do that," Kev protested, sitting back on his heels. He looked uncomfortable now. "Don't ask me to."

"I just want to know what he looks like. Is he old? Young? Fat? Thin? Blond? Dark?"

"Rayne... don't do this. I can't tell you. Let the cops deal with him."

The Vampire was on his feet. He moved so smoothly that Kev barely saw it happen. Now the mortal tumbled back from him and landed on his backside on the floor of the little office room.

"I've seen how the cops deal with things," Rayne hissed furiously at him. "They look after their own, that's what they do!"

He picked up one of the black and white prints from the floor and waved it in Kevan's face.

"See him?" he demanded, jabbing at the picture with one finger so that it almost punctured the glossy paper. "See that fat bastard with his cock in my mouth? He's a fucking senior copper, isn' he! And they never brung 'im to trial, because all these fuckin' pictures had conveniently vanished by the time Bryan was taken in." He threw the photograph aside and snared another. "This cunt here... the one that likes to lie back and get his cock ridden, the lazy fucker... he was headmaster of a posh boys' school near London. Can you fuckin' believe it? And did they ever fuckin' find him? No!"

Kev was sprawled on the floor, his weight on the heels of his hands. Rayne knelt between his legs, waving pictures in his face like a being demented.

"How long would you say that a pervert like my Uncle Bryan should get in jail for raping children?" he growled huskily. "Look... there he is again. Lovin' it, isn' he? Ramming it in like there's no tomorrow!"

Kev swallowed dryly.

"It... it depends on the conditions."

"Give me a ballpark estimate," Rayne sneered at him. He was staring at another picture, lost in some private hell, his beautiful face bloodless and unreadable. "How long, for getting my mum up the stick when she was fifteen; fucking my sister until she flipped out and ran away; raping me when I was still at school and not even interested in blokes? What's that worth, heh?"

"Fifteen years to Life," Kev said with a shake of his head. "It depends, Ray."

"Eight years," Rayne Wylde corrected him, without looking his way.

"What?" Kev was incredulous. "For violation of a minor? No chance!"

"Eight years." The Vampire nodded slowly and handed him the picture. The face of the boy on the bed showed wide, white-ringed eyes and something else. His head was thrown back, lips parted and he was visibly, impossibly, aroused. "He was out in less than five."

"They let him go?" Kev felt himself get hard and put the picture aside. There was something too dark and too knowing in the face of that young boy on the bed. He saw echoes of the grown man that kid had become. Kevan could almost hear the sound he knew was coming from those full, moist lips, he had heard it often enough when he and Rayne were fucking.

Kev tried to bring his knees together and get off the floor but Rayne had seen the rising bulge in his pants, he knew. The Vampire was watching him now, his eyes unblinking, that lovely face so quiet and still that he was almost unreal.

"Like that one, do you?" he whispered at last as Kev edged back from him and began to pick up the photographs one by one and put them back in the envelope. "Does it get you hot, Kev?"

"You know it's not the photograph, Ray," he said weakly.

"No," the slender creature responded more quietly, shaking his head a little. "I don't know, Kevan. Why don't you tell me? Explain to me why a picture of a scared thirteen year old boy getting spread and fucked by four middle aged men gets you off."

"I told you... it's not the fucking picture!" Kevan exploded, throwing the envelope towards the desk. It landed there like a ticking bomb. Neither man wanted to touch it again but both pairs of eyes were drawn towards it. "Look... take the fucking horrible things and... burn them... or whatever you want to do with them."

Rayne's eyes moved to his face, his brows drawn down like the points of daggers to the bridge of his tip-tilted nose.

"Give me the name," he said coldly. "Give me that and I'll leave you alone. I'll never bother you again."

"What makes you think that's what I want?" Kev protested.

"If I have to look at you again, I'm gonna rip your throat out," Rayne promised him darkly. "Give me the pervert's fucking name, Delaney!"

Kev closed his eyes. He felt a wave of nausea begin to roll deep in his guts.

"Hanson," he said reluctantly, at long last. "Martin Joseph Hanson. That's his name."

There was a silence. When he opened his eyes, Rayne was staring at him mistrustfully.

"I don't know who he is," the Vampire said at last. "I don't know that name."

"He isn't one of them?" Kev whispered, feeling a small wash of relief. He had no sympathy with the pornographer's plight but it went against everything he believed in to share classified information with a person he knew was capable of exacting his own revenge. If Rayne was caught... Kev did not want to think about what might happen to both of them.

"How old was he?" Rayne demanded, running his fingers along the edge of the desk, not yet willing to pick up the envelope.

"Dunno. About twenty eight, maybe." Kev shrugged. "I didn't book him in."

Rayne let out a long, shivering sigh. He seemed suddenly dispirited again.

Kevan moved towards him and reached out to cup his face. At first Rayne shied away but at last he held still and allowed the mortal to touch and hold him once more.

"It wasn't the picture, Ray," Kevan whispered to him quietly. "It was just you."

"I don't get it," Rayne whimpered, his words barely audible. "I don't understand."

"I wasn't excited by the picture," Kev tried to explain. His fingers caressed his lover's pale, cold face tenderly now. "I just... I recognised that look you get sometimes... when the sex gets too good and you can't take much more. I could hear that little quivering, gasping noise you make when you're gonna cum hard and there's nothing you can do to stop it. I could feel you tightening up around me, squeezing my cock until I can't take it either..."

Rayne swallowed hard. He had his head bowed slightly, eyes half closed. The long black lashes were wet with tears.

"What is it?" Kev whispered to him, pulling the other man gently into his arms again. "Don't cry, Ray. I can't stand to see you cry."

"If I tell you a secret," the Vampire exhaled, his voice shaking slightly, "do you promise never to repeat it, or to mention it again?"

"You didn't kill them, did you?" Kev asked warily.

His lover shook that dark mane with a small, choked, bitter laugh. "I wish!"

"Then I swear it. My lips are sealed."

Rayne Wylde looked up at him solemnly, the pupils of his eyes wide and black, as dark and bottomless as the gaze of the child in the photograph.

"Sometimes..." he began huskily, then stopped and cleared his throat. "Sometimes... I... I..."

He swallowed again, looking away. Kevan turned his head in both hands, kissing him on the forehead fondly.

"Sometimes...?" he prompted.

"I liked it." Rayne said very quickly and quietly.

Kev's cock pushed hard against the zipper of his pants.

"You said they raped you."

"They did. I didn't want them to do it," Rayne's eyes flew to his again, desperate not to be misunderstood. "I was scared. Every time it happened I was scared of what they would do, even when I 'knew' what they would do." He drew his hands up to his breast, fingers clenched into small, pale fists. His sharp, white teeth clenched behind those too-soft lips. "I used to shut my eyes and pretend it was happening to someone else. I was imagining it all being done to someone else."

"I've heard a lot of rape victims say that," Kev responded with a little nod of his head.

"I hated Bryan, but sometimes when he was inside me and I was someone else..." Rayne broke off, his mouth moving but no sound coming out as if he had just swallowed something particularly nasty.

"You could feel yourself about to cum and there was nothing you could do to stop it," Kevan finished for him. It was what he had seen in the picture, he knew it. That scared, startled, resigned, excited expression was just what Rayne was talking about.

"I'm as sick as them," the Vampire said in a brooding tone.

"No." Kevan shook his head at once. He drew Rayne to his body firmly and kissed him on the mouth. Rayne's slim, cold arms slid up around his neck, pulling the taller, broader man down towards him, hanging off him like a child. His lips moved urgently against Kevan's mouth, that little wet tongue flickering between his teeth like a minnow darting through the rocks of a shallow pool. They did not come apart for quite some time.

When Rayne's soft, boyish lips parted wetly from his own, Kev felt a little sigh of icy breath flow into his head. Rayne's head tilted back, his pale eyes were closed and he was pleasantly limp and unresisting, still hanging around the older man's neck. As he let go and dropped down to stand flat on his own two feet again, Kev led him by the hand into the bedroom next door to his office. They left the photographs on the desk.


© Josh & Sadie Rose 2006

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romanticfaeromanticfaeabout 17 years ago
more please

i love rayne please could u write some more ive missed my monthly dose of wilde (gets down on knees and begs)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Do i need to say anything at all Sadie?


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