Unexpected Present

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The right present can make all the difference.
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Bryan was a typical engineering geek in his mid 30s. He was highly sought after in his field and had enjoyed financial success. His personal life, on the other hand, wasn't anything to write home about. These days his only interaction with someone of the opposite sex was his phone calls with his mother. The discussion always seemed to come around to any possible paramours. She would always berate him for his lack of a steady girlfriend.

"At this rate, I'll never be a Grandma!" she complained to him over the phone.

"All right, all right Mom, it's not my fault!" Bryan replied. "I guess I'll give the on-line dating site a try. Got to go Mom. I love you. Bye."

"Bye Bryan. Call me when she's pregnant!" Bryan's mom was never very subtle about anything.

His dating status wasn't due to lack of trying. He had a number of love interests over the years. For one reason or another, things just always seem to fizzle out before they really got started. Lately things have gotten even worse. The last time he got past a second date was already a year ago.

Bryan shook his head. He wanted to just forget about his lack of a love life. It was Saturday and early summer. Yard work was beckoning. At least he'd be able to use the work to distract his thoughts. He went to the garage to unearth his lawnmower. This thing had seen better days. It was hard to start and the blades were so dull it would beat the grass into submission rather than just cutting it. He could easily afford a new one, but he couldn't justify it in his mind as long as he could get it to start one more time.

He rolled the lawnmower out to the driveway and filled it with gas. He replaced the cap, primed the gas line and began pulling on the rip cord. Time and again, the mower would cough, sputter and almost barely start before giving up with a hiss. Bryan was getting quite a workout just trying to start this thing. He kept himself relatively fit with his gym membership. He certainly had plenty of time to exercise considering his lack of a social life, but the lawn mower was winning this battle today.

After about 20 or so tries to get the mower started, Bryan gave up and sat on top of the engine. He was thinking about throwing it in the back of his truck to get rid of it and where the closest dumpster might be. He pulled off his cap and wiped his brow. As he sat, he noticed his neighbor, Martha, coming out her front door. She was obviously dressed to do some of her own yard work.

Martha was a widow in her early 60s, she had lived in this neighborhood since she and her husband bought this house back when they married 40 years ago. She had always kept her yard in pristine condition. Bryan had always felt a bit of guilt for being outdone by this little old lady. They had conversed a few times being neighbors, but it was always kept to brief greetings or working out issues on the bordering fence.

Today Martha was going to add some geraniums to the front planter. She slipped on her gardening gloves, picked up a small spade, and lifted a heavy flat of plants from the back of her car. The flat was clumsy to handle, being made of plastic and bending in the middle where she was trying to hold it. She was trying to bring her tools and plants to the front of the planter, but because she couldn't see where she was going, she accidentally stepped on a little garden gnome. She couldn't hold her balance and tripped. She let out a small yelp, dropped the flat of plants and fell face forward into a bush.

Bryan watched the fall unfold. He jumped up and ran over to where Martha had her accident. "Martha, Martha! Are you OK?" he shouted as he reached to help her up from the fall. He held her arm and lifted her out of the bush. She had scratches on her face and was a little disoriented.

"Oh...what happened?" she asked with a weak voice.

"Martha, you tripped and fell," Bryan answered as he propped her up to a sitting position. "Can you tell if you hurt anywhere? Just sit right here for a minute. Don't try to get up until we can tell you're OK."

Martha shook her head. Things started to become clearer. "Oh...I'm so embarrassed," she said.

"Don't be," counseled Bryan. "It can happen to anyone. Those little gnomes are vengeful, always looking to get under your feet!" he said with a grin.

"Is that what it was?" asked Martha. "I couldn't see..."

Used to people not laughing at his jokes, Bryan just stated, "are you hurt anywhere Martha? Tell me if something feels like it's sore."

"You mean more than usual?" Martha quipped back, she was clearly regaining her faculties. "I think I'm OK. Can you help me stand?"

Bryan carefully helped her to her feet, but kept a hold of her in case she might feel light headed. Martha recognized his concern. She felt warm in his light embrace. "I think I can stand OK," she said.

"I'm glad you're OK, Martha," explained Bryan. "That was a nasty fall. You need to be careful. You know, if you have any heavy lifting you need done, I'd be happy to help."

"You don't have to patronize me young man!" Martha said with a bit of a scowl. "I can handle things quite well myself."

"I'm not trying to patronize you Martha," replied Bryan. "You're my neighbor and I care about your safety. We all need a little help with things from time to time. Me included. It's no big deal to ring me up if there's something that would be a little hard to lift yourself." Bryan began to pick up the spilled pots of geraniums.

Martha softened her gaze at him. She was sensitive to being able to care for her place herself, refusing to acknowledge that it was getting harder to do as the years went by. "I'm sorry if I was short with you Bryan," she said. "Thank you for helping me up. I feel OK now. I'll just get on with my planting."

"Mind if I give you a hand?" asked Bryan. "I'm still a little worried about you."

"Oh, no need, I'm fine," Martha responded. "Besides, you were about to mow your lawn."

"Well, I was, but I can't get the dumb thing to start. I wanted to do some work out here anyway, I might as well help you since I can't do anything with my mower," Bryan explained.

"I wouldn't mind the company," Martha admitted. "Gets a bit lonely over here at times."

"Sure thing!" said Bryan. "Guess I'll dig the holes and you plant. Just point to where you want the holes."

They set into their chore, engaging in light chatter. They talked about the garden and how things were going in their respective lives. The conversation was easy and comfortable. Since Bryan was helping, the planting went much faster for Martha. Once she was happy with the placement of her plants, they cleaned up the tools and finished up the job. "Would you like to come in for some tea, Bryan?" asked Martha. "I need to pay you back somehow for your help today."

"Sure," Bryan accepted. He didn't have any plans this weekend anyway, other than trashing his expired lawnmower.

After cleaning up, Martha put the kettle on and set out a couple of teacups, the sugar bowl, spoons and a few tea cookies. They picked up the conversation that had started out in the yard. "So, no steady girl in your life Bryan? A man like you should have been married off by now!" Martha said with a giggle.

Bryan rolled his eyes. Didn't he just have this conversation with his mother this morning? "No, afraid not," was all he could muster. "How long ago did you lose your husband?" he asked.

"It's been 5 years now," she replied. "My daughter and her family have moved across the country this year, so I don't get to see her very often."

"I can see how that would cause you to be lonely," said Bryan. "Any thoughts on moving out west to live near your daughter?"

"Not really," sighed Martha. "Truth is, I barely got to see her when she lived nearby. Her busy life always seemed to get in the way."

"Well, you probably have better dating prospects than I do," quipped Bryan. "You're a nice looking lady. I bet all those gentlemen at the senior center are knocking down your door!"

"They're knocking, but they aren't gentlemen, I can assure you," Martha whipped back in her reply. "Those old geezers are only interested in one thing. When is the next time they get to use their little blue pills!"

Bryan nearly spit his tea all over the kitchen table. Instead he only managed to snort it, causing him to cough out loud. "Martha! Don't do that to me! You almost had to call the ambulance for me this time!"

Martha laughed and brought her cup of tea to her lips. She was really enjoying his company.

"Martha, in all seriousness," Bryan continued. "Please let me know if you can use a hand from time to time. I'm happy to come over when I can. Especially if I get to enjoy a tea with you afterward! This has been very nice. The art of afternoon tea is lost on this country. Maybe you can single handedly bring it back!"

"I'll let you know if I need any more help, I promise," she answered. Martha really had enjoyed his company and was flattered by his compliment on the tea she had served. "Thank you again for helping me with my clumsiness today and for the help with planting. I did have fun talking to you. Maybe we'll do it again sometime soon."

"Only if you leave out the falling part!" joked Bryan. "Otherwise I'll need to brush up on my first aid skills!" Martha laughed. At least he got one laugh out of her today.

Bryan bid his neighbor goodbye and headed for his own house. He had completely forgotten the lawnmower was still sitting in his driveway. He secretly wished someone would have stolen the crappy thing while it was just sitting there. He kicked the tire. Not really expecting anything to happen, he pulled the ripcord one more time. The mower started right up. Bryan sighed and started to mow his own lawn.


The days and weeks passed. Bryan stayed busy with his work and Martha continued to outshine the entire neighborhood with her gardening skills. They would occasionally wave to each other and Martha did take up Bryan's offer with some of the heavier work. Afternoon teas every couple of weeks kept them entertained. Bryan was keen to learn some of Martha's gardening tips. He even tried to spruce up his yard a little.

Bryan's dating life didn't improve however. He had even signed up to the on-line dating site and had matched with a few lovely ladies. Somehow, the dates rarely got past the 'meeting for coffee' or 'drinks at the bar stage'. It didn't bother him much though, not nearly as much as it bothered his mother.

Things continued this way until late fall, until Bryan got a call from Martha. "Bryan, can you do me a favor?" she asked.

"Like what?" replied Bryan.

"Would you pick up about a dozen mums over at the garden center for me?" queried Martha. "I can't fit that many in my little car, and since you have a truck, I was hoping you'd be able to get them all in one trip."

"Do you need to go with me?" asked Bryan. "If not, it would be easier for me to get them on my way home from work."

"That would be just fine Bryan," replied Martha. "Whatever is easiest for you. I appreciate it! Tea will be on me!" They settled on the size and colors she would need and Bryan figured he'd just pick them up on his way home.

That evening, Bryan stopped at the garden center on the way home, selected the plants that Martha wanted and pulled his cart up to the register. "That's a beautiful combination of colors you've picked out there sir! They will look wonderful in your garden!" said the woman behind the counter.

Bryan looked up. He was met with the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen. He could only stammer. "Uh...Uh...Oh yeah, the plants. These aren't even for me, there for my neighbor, she just needs a little help from time to time with her planting."

"Wow, handsome and helpful!" flirted the cashier. "My name is Liz, and I'm happy to check you out!"

Bryan could only stare. He was the one checking her out. "Nice to meet you Liz." he barely got out. His mouth hung open a tad.

Liz blushed and looked down. She looked back in Bryan's eyes and bit her bottom lip. She knew she'd just sealed the deal on this nice looking man. "That will be $135 dollars," she said.

Bryan just stared. He finally realized she was waiting for his response. "Oh. Yeah. Right." he whipped out his credit card. The line behind him was growing.

Liz finished the transaction, pulled out his receipt and scrawled something on the back. "Have a nice day!" she smiled. "There's a few numbers on the back you should check out sometime!"

Bryan quickly checked his receipt. He realized she had scrawled her phone number on the back. He looked back up at her. "Oh...yeah...right...I'll do that!. Thanks!" he stammered once again.

Bryan took his purchase and wheeled the cart to his truck. She was too busy for him to hang around, but he had her number. He was still dazed by his vision of her. It was hard not to daydream as he drove the rest of the way home. He hadn't had anyone make that kind of a first impression on any of his dating matches. He was hopeful this one might go a little better than most.

Once home, he delivered the plants to Martha and agreed to help her put them in the ground this Saturday. He didn't bother telling Martha about the encounter. After all, most of his dates weren't even worth mentioning. He hoped somehow this one would be different.

Bryan gave Liz a call the very next day. She was excited to hear from him. They decided to meet for coffee the Saturday a week after Thanksgiving, since Liz would be busy with her family for the holiday. Although happy for the upcoming date, Bryan resigned himself to having to spend Thanksgiving at his parents house. He knew he'd be spending the holiday explaining to his mother why he was no closer to making her a grandmother than last time they talked.

Bryan rang the bell at his mother's house. The delicious smells of a Thanksgiving feast were wafting out the windows. Bryan figured the home cooked food would be worth getting an earful about his marital status. Bryan enjoyed the food and the time with his mother. "Thanks for making Thanksgiving dinner, Mom!" he said with praise in his voice.

"You're welcome sweetie," replied his mother. "But you'll need to make your own plans for Christmas. I won't be here. I'm going cross country to see my sister! It's been too many years."

"That's fine Mom," Bryan said. "You have fun. You deserve it. I'm sure I can scare up a Christmas dinner for myself somehow."

"Maybe you'll have a hot date by then!" teased his mother. Bryan only rolled his eyes. He didn't bother telling her about the date he had lined up. It was too early anyway.


The next Saturday came and Bryan was nervous about his date with Liz. It was just a cup of coffee, but he wanted to make the right first impression. He wanted to have a real shot at this green eyed beauty. She had already made a big first impression on him. He dressed casually but neat and headed out to his truck.

He picked up Liz at the appointed time. He did all he could to be a real gentleman, holding her hand and opening doors. They decided on a local independent coffee shop. Bryan held the door for Liz as they entered.

"Oh, look!" exclaimed Liz. "They have a special Christmas Coffee tasting flight! How fun! I'd love to try that!

"Sounds good to me!" Bryan replied. "Here, have a seat and I'll go get our drinks." He held the chair for Liz as she sat down. Bryan then ordered two Christmas Coffee Flights specials. He sat down across from Liz as they waited for their order.

"I have to thank you for taking the initiative and giving me your number," said Bryan. "Sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake!"

"I really don't do things like that normally," replied Liz. "But you helping out your neighbor sounded so sweet. I figured I'd take the chance."

"Well, Thanks!" said Bryan. Their number was called and Bryan went up to retrieve the drinks.

The rest of the date went well. They each talked a little about their backgrounds and families. Bryan found out that Liz just worked at the garden center as a seasonal job. He explained how he started helping his neighbor Martha with her garden work after helping her recover from a fall. Liz was impressed that he'd take the time to help like that. After the coffee was consumed, Bryan escorted Liz back to the car and drove her home.

"I had a fun time, Bryan!" Liz said as the date came to a close.

"Me too!" replied Bryan. "It was wonderful to talk to you. I'd like to do this again sometime. Would you be willing to go to dinner?"

"I believe I would!" Liz answered with a smile. They decided on dinner next Saturday. Liz gave Bryan a peck on the cheek and turned to go inside.

'Things are looking up,' Bryan thought to himself as he hopped back into his truck. He revved the engine as he pulled out onto the street. As he pulled into his own driveway, he noticed an older gentleman knocking on Martha's door. He was carrying a bouquet of flowers. He smiled hoping that Martha was also going to have a nice date.

As Christmas approached, Bryan and Liz's dates got closer together and alot more heated. They were definitely moving forward on a fast track. Their last date before Christmas ended with them fogging up the windows in Bryan's truck.

Bryan realized he needed a good Christmas present to convince Liz that he was ready for them to move into the bedroom with their relationship. He jumped on-line to do some shopping. He looked at jewelry, but that didn't give him the right feeling. He wanted something a bit more provocative. That's when he decided that maybe some lingerie would be the way to go. He looked at a few different possibilities in Liz's size and settled on a fire red, see-through, Baby Doll negligee with matching panties. Bryan's vision of Liz in his present was making him salivate. He had to cool down his thoughts.

Since his mother was not going to be around for Christmas, the only other person he had on his list was Martha. He continued his on-line shopping. This time in the garden department. He settled on a pair of gardening gloves. As a special offer, the gloves came with a coupon for a free bag of horse manure. The same kind Martha always used in her garden. Bryan clicked on his cart icon. He decided to get the presents pre-wrapped. He grinned when he realized he could use the same line in both greeting cards. "Hope we get to use these together soon! Don't Open Until Christmas! Bryan.'

Bryan shut off his computer and began to day dream about giving Liz the lingerie and how'd she look wearing it. He fantasized about her coming to him in nothing but his new gift and a Santa hat. How they would lay down on the soft shag rug and make sweet love in front of the Christmas tree. He had to shake his head to come back to reality. He was getting way ahead of himself. He made plans to place the gift at her front door on Christmas eve with instructions to not open it until Christmas day. He began to dream again, about how the sexy phone call on Christmas day would go.

A few days later, Bryan's purchases arrived together in the same box. As he opened the box he noticed that the same wrapping paper was used for both and they even had the same size box. The notes on the attached cards read the same, but he did at least have a different receipt attached to each one. 'Whew,' he thought. 'I wouldn't want to have to unwrap this just to find out whose was whose. He placed the gifts aside and waited to make his Christmas Eve delivery.


When Christmas Eve arrived, Bryan jumped into his truck to make the delivery. He took the scenic route to enjoy the Christmas lights in the neighborhood, passing by blowup Grinch figures and Santa statues. Everything on the drive was looking festive. As he turned a corner his mouth dropped open. Someone had taken a neighbor's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman statues and put them in a 'compromising" position. "Ho..Ho..Hoe!" He laughed out loud.