Unintended Attraction Ch. 03

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A man's journey to control a power he's always feared.
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Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/17/2018
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Things had been quiet for me recently; nothing much of note had happened. Personal resolutions aside, there just hadn't been many opportunities to try anything. I had made a lot of headway very quickly with my ability, but after all the progress, I hadn't really attempted much. For a while I had had grand plans to seduce Alexis, to turn her into some sort of sex craved slave ... but I hadn't.

Part of that was the morality of the situation. What gave me the right to willfully destroy her family for my own desires? Things had been improving for her home life lately; Ben seemed more attentive. Their child had grown old enough to leave at daycare for a few hours, freeing up time for them to spend time together, and for Alexis to have a bit of a life outside of home. Even when she was looking after the child, she could now put a kids movie on and do her own thing to some extent.

Ben still went on a business trip once a month, and usually took their kid to stay at his parents. But it no longer seemed a divisive issue. I could tell Alexis was putting more effort in to their relationship; whether it was out of guilt or not, I didn't know.

As for the two of us, we never quite got back to the relationship we had before. Sometimes it would seem as though she would momentarily forgot about what happened between us, teasing and joking like old times. But I always saw the spark of recognition flare when she thought she was getting too close. She would pull away, make some excuse to leave.

As for me, I never forgot what happened. The feel of her straddling my lap, what she looked like on her knees with my cock in her mouth ... It was burned into my brain. So I kept my distance as well, not wanting to tempt myself.

And I was tempted.

But I was good. Oh, I had the occasional encounter here or there, but nothing planned. They were more along the lines of opportunities seized. For all I know, that would have been the track my life took - taking advantage of situations as they came, not taking control.

But that was about to change.

I left work early this day, it being a little before noon by the time I got back home. I usually would have been at work for hours yet, but I had felt a bit off this morning, and had decided to take a sick day.

Alexis was home with her child; she was used to having the day to herself. I had a vague idea we could have coffee and chat for a bit, either that I could just chill in front of the computer by myself. I didn't particularly mind, it was just nice to have the day off.

I didn't try to be quiet as I unlocked the door and let myself in, but at the same time I wasn't unnecessarily noisy either. I stood in the hallway pocketing my keys for a few moments; I could see through to the living room where the kid was in a high chair watching some kind of colourful kids movie. I looked around curiously for Alexis, but couldn't see her anywhere. That was strange.

I was going to call out, but at that moment hey baby started crying. Before I could go to see what was the matter, Alexis came out.

I stared, frozen. My eyes drinking in the sight.

She was completely nude.

She must have taken the opportunity while the movie was on, and jumped in the shower. Her hair was up, wrapped in a white towel. Her creamy white skin was flushed pink from the heat of the shower, beads of water still graced her skin.

"Shh shh, what's the matter sweetie?" Alexis crooned soothingly as she made her way over. She didn't see me - I had quickly moved backwards to the doorway. The way the house was set up she would have to specially look towards me to see me; and she was clearly expecting to have the house to herself.

She leant forward slightly, fussing over her child. I drank in every line of her body greedily. Her legs and thighs were smooth and rounded, moving gracefully upwards to a wide, but perfectly proportioned rear end. Her thighs were pressed together, but I could still see the hint of her pussy between her legs.

I could see the dimples on her lower back, moving up her long and slender torso ... basically the woman that I had been suppressing my desire for ever since our first encounter, was standing completely naked before me and had no idea I was even there.

I was completely entranced by the sheer voyeuristic nature of the moment, only coming back to myself when I saw Alexis about to head back to the bathroom. Thinking quickly, I pressed myself as far into the corner of the entry as I could, and rattled the door as though someone was unlocking it from the outside. I opened the door and moved so it looked like I was just coming in.

"Hello, anyone home?" I pretended to fumble with my back and keys, making more noise than was necessary. I heard a squeak of surprise, then bare feet hitting the tiles as Alexis made a run back to the bathroom.

When she came out she found me by the laughing baby, making faces for her amusement. Alexis was now wrapped in a robe, modesty protected as far as she knew. The robe was quite sheer though; she had gone for speed over getting properly dressed. It was one of those satiny ones, ending just below her mid-thigh. It wasn't see-through, but I could easily see her erect nipples pressed against the fabric, and I was acutely aware that she was only holding it closed with one hand.

"I wasn't expecting you home!" She said, breathless and flushed.

"Yeah, sorry." I smiled at her. "Didn't mean to startle you, I finished early today."

"It's okay. If you'd come home a few minutes earlier though, you would have got an eyeful!" I feigned a look of confused curiosity at her, and she coughed uncomfortably, blushing slightly. "Never mind."

My control was getting a bit frayed at this point. To be honest, I have no idea how I was still holding back my ability, in front of her child or not. And even though I was refraining from a full use, I could tell that small amounts were escaping me. Nothing major, but Alexis was casting furtive looks at me, subconsciously playing with the side of the robe she was holding closed. I had to make a decision here.

"If you want to have a shower or whatever, I can watch her if you like."

"I was just finishing up, but thanks! I wont be long."

Alexis turned and made her way back up the hallway to the bathroom, moving quickly enough that the back of her robe was flipping up slightly with her stride. The glimpse of her bare thigh, knowing she had nothing on underneath, was somehow almost as erotic as seeing her naked.

I flopped down on the couch, staring sightlessly at the colourful animation on the tv. Fuck. I couldn't keep doing this. I didn't want to keep doing this.

If nothing had happened that night between us, than I wouldn't be in this situation. But it had. And I wanted her. And then getting an eyeful of her naked body ... No one had that much control.

But I had seen what it had done to her the next day, I couldn't imagine a situation where I could engineer us hooking up with no consequence. It would tear her up, and there was no way she could act normally with me afterwards. Added to that, today had made me realise I didn't have the willpower to not act. She was the beginning of my new outlook on my ability. She started me down this path, and I was acutely aware that I hadn't had nearly enough of her.

The experiences I had had since that first night with Alexis, the sexual encounters I had influenced into being ... all had made me realise that the power to have anyone you desired, to FUCK, wasn't something I could give up.

My entire life had taught me the reality of consequences. No matter what I could do, I couldn't act independently of peoples will. I could override it, sure. But they would know. They might not understand what had happened, but they would know it wasn't normal.

In Alexis' case I knew I could seduce her, probably without too much use of my ability. Afterwards however, the reality was that we couldn't continue as before. So that would mean ...

I could move.

The idea took hold, inflaming my thoughts. I didn't have to live here after all, I had only moved in here because it had seemed safe, with nothing to accidentally trigger my ability. But now I could control it, direct it as I wanted. I could hold it in check if need be. I had a decent income, no dependants; I could find new housemates without too much trouble. And if I was moving out, that would mean I could indulge in my desires.

For a moment, guilt at my thoughts took hold of me. The best outcome would be Alexis spent her life wracked with guilt over an affair. I was covered, sure. Could I really be that callous? I never thought that was the kind of person I could be.

But then the image of Alexis, graceful and naked, still dripping from the shower took forefront. Then the sight of her that first night; sprawled on the ground in front of me, breasts exposed, legs spread, panting and flushed from her arousal. And I realised I could be that callous. That selfish.

Alexis came back to the living room, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. She said something to me, smiling all the while. I must have been replying, making small talk, but to be honest I don't even remember what I said. I felt like a predator, stalking a helpless creature sitting there chatting to her. I was going to have her. All that was left to be decided was when.

Something Alexis said caught my attention.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"I said, I'm going to have a girls night the next time Ben is travelling. Well," Alexis amended with a laugh. "Jasmine from work is going to come over that Friday and have some drinks with me anyway."

"Oh." I said, mind racing. "Do you want me to clear out for the night?"

Jasmine was new, and a lot younger than us; only nineteen. I didn't know her very well, but she and Alexis had connected, forming an unlikely friendship considering their age difference. She still lived with her mother, but from what I understood, her home life wasn't great. She had got into trouble of some kind when she was younger, hanging with the wrong crowd. She was making an effort to turn things around for herself though, and Alexis was sort of a surrogate big sister for her.

Jasmine was slender and fit; the result of dance classes for most of her younger years. She had dark brown wavy hair, was lightly tanned, and had tawny gold eyes. She had smooth skin, and baby-faced features that would have her being asked for ID well into her thirties. But now she was young, cute, and unsure, but eager to prove herself. I had considered trying out some experiments with my ability on her, but had rejected the idea as I couldn't really think of a safe way to do it. Ironically she was now coming to my house, but at a time when she would be the third wheel to my plans.

"No, you don't have to leave!" Alexis assured me. "It doesn't have to be a girls night, it can be a workplace catchup too. Or at least, you can join us if you want."

"Sure, sounds fun." I said. Ben was heading out on the road again in just under three weeks. That would barely give me enough time to organise things, but it was possible. "Is Jasmine staying the night?" I asked as casually as possible.

"Depends on how she feels really." Alexis said. "Although she said she'd probably just get a taxi home since she has to work the next day."

"That's not fun." I said. "Hope you don't have to work the next day too."

"No, definitely not!" She laughed. "Ben's getting back the next morning anyway so we're not planning a big night."

"He's back on Saturday?" That was out of character, he usually came back Sunday.

"Yeah, he's not happy about it. He has meeting at lunchtime, so he's getting back here mid-morning and leaving again straight away."

"Drop her off and go eh?" I said, tickling the baby, and making her giggle.

"Basically! But it's alright, we can still have a fun night."

The timing might be tight, but it was possible I could make it work. An evening of relaxed drinking and socialising, hopefully ending with a night of Alexis in my bed. I smiled at her, not really paying attention to the rest of the conversation, lost in my own thoughts.

I found myself studying her face as she spoke. Her eyes were sparkling, enjoying the time with me for once, relaxed and laughing. She really was quite lovely.

It was with a mixture of guilt and anticipation that I resolved my plans. I would do this thing, I would have this night with Alexis. In some twisted way, it would make up for a lifetime of not getting the girl, of never being with someone I liked, or wanted.

This would be the start.

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