Vacation Getaway

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A bored housewife meets a stranger on the beach.
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Cara gazed out the car window watching the scenery of the east coast fly by. Although she lost track of the time her guess is that the crew in her car – her family – had travelled in total silence for about the past hour or so. Not one word. Her two sons – Nick, her 15 year old rebel, and Mickey, her sweet, intelligent 11 year old, were engrossed in their music and video games. They were consumed and totally unaware of life around them. And then, there was her husband Stuart. As he drove the car blankly staring out the window she wondered what, if anything, was he thinking about. He had that same blank look that she had seen so many times. The same look as he watched tv, the same look shaving and the same blank stare on those rare occasions that they had sex. If Cara didn't love sex so much she would tell dear old Stuart to get lost on those rare times he had agreed to her pressure and nagging.

Cara was hoping that this week away from their Maine home, basking in the sun on the beach in Carolina would help spark something in Stuart. Maybe he needed to relax. Maybe she needed to relax. Cara worked all the time running her up-and-coming web design and consulting company. She loved her job, the pressure, the excitement, the thrill of signing yet another client. Maybe she was substituting her passion and desire for love with the next closest thing – her business.

Finally the silence was broken. After so many hours in the car they were arriving at their vacation resort. The hotel she picked sat on the beach and it had everything. They offered golf, spa, games, food, drink, sauna, pool and all sorts of activities that everyone, including Cara, would love. A week without cooking, cleaning, juggling work, and, best of all, no driving. She smiled just thinking about laying on the beach with a pina colada and either sleeping or reading her latest book of interest.

Once they checked into their rooms, yes 2 rooms, as one room was for the boys and one room for Stuart and Cara. Both rooms faced the beach and had breathtaking views. Going up to the rooms each of one of her boys plus Stuart took turns grunting responses as she asked questions and suggested what they should do. Eventually she gave up, went into her room and unpacked her luggage. She was quick about the unpacking but she left out her bathing suit, flip flops and book. She got naked, which didn't even warrant a second glance by Stuart, as he was busy checking out the mini bar and tv channels. Cara was in her bathing suit, book in hand, and almost ran out of the room headed down to the beach. She found a nice spot, placed her towel nicely on the ground, laid down on her back and immediately felt the warmth soak into every part of her body. It felt so good to feel the sun and hear the ocean pounding the shore and seagulls flying and making noise above. She must have fallen asleep because she woke up when some sand seemed to have been sprinkled above her. Cara quickly sat up and noticed that it was an older gentleman nearby, spreading out his towel and he had accidentally kicked up some sand. He realized what he had done and quickly apologized for his clumsiness. Cara noticed that he was about 15 or 20 years older than she, so he was probably about 50. Although he wasn't a stud like some of the other young muscle heads roaming the beach, there was something about him. He seemed confident and commanding, despite his less-than-chiseled physique. He was handsome, but in a different, pleasing kind of way. As her beach neighbor was laying down on his towel he began to notice Cara staring at him from her towel. He apologized again thinking she was annoyed at him for waking her and he smiled and tipped his baseball cap as a sign of his second apology. She smiled back at him and told him it was no big deal. They were on the beach and sand is part of the scene.

Cara turned over onto her stomach and started to read her book. But she quickly started to day dream about her older gentleman friend. She could feel his eyes staring at her body up and down and she didn't mind a bit. She gave a little wiggle with her ass just for good measure. She closed her eyes and her mind started to wander and she wondered how this older stranger could find her so attractive while her husband was up in the room playing with his remote control.

She was roused from her sleep by a smell that was not part of the beach scene. It was the soft smell of a cigar that jarred memories of good times at home and her dad. She glanced up and there was her beach neighbor lighting up a cigar. He noticed her awake and from a distance asked if it was ok. She said it was fine and began talking to him but the ocean sounds drowned out her words, so she signaled for him to move closer. He understood, picked up his towel and moved directly next to Cara. Closer up he was attractive with his goatee and very personable smile. He introduced himself – Tony – and extended his hand. She shook his hand and, as she did so, felt an energy and excitement as he looked directly into her eyes. She felt like he could read her mind as he smiled his sweet and comforting smile. He asked again if she minded if he smoked and she responded that in fact she loved the smell of a cigar. Tony said he had been looking forward to smoking his Cuban cigar during the whole ride down from New York City. She should have guessed. New York City. With his New "Yawk" accent, confidence and strong personality it was as clear as the sun shining warmly on this beautiful Carolina day.

Tony had driven down to Carolina with his family, a wife and young son, and Cara almost laughed when Tony told her that his wife was up in the room probably playing with the remote control or checking out the mini bar. It sounded like she and Tony already had something in common. They began to chat about her business and his job as a banker, then about family and travel and New York city. It was as if they had known each other for years as the comfort level was amazing. It was almost as if they knew each other from a former life, if she actually believed in that kind of stuff. Cara was not only intrigued by his accent and his intelligence, but Tony seemed genuinely interested in her life and business and opinions. As he spoke she focused on this lips, his tongue, his mouth. She couldn't understand why, but he was so kissable and she imagined what it would be like to kiss him. More amazingly was that Tony seemed to soak Cara in with his eyes. Unlike most men in Maine who stared at her ample bust as she talked and paid no attention to whatever she was saying, Tony looked into her eyes all of the time she spoke. He helped her put on some lotion and his touch was magic. His hands were not rough, being the banker, but they were strong and clearly knew what they were doing. Tony rubbed lotion on her back and legs and even her feet. When he touched her feet she felt herself getting excited and wanted to rip off Tony's shorts and fuck him right there on the beach in front of everyone. She chuckled to herself with that thought and just enjoyed Tony's lotion massage.

As the sun began to set, Cara knew it was time to head back up and see what her troops were up to. She thanked Tony for such stimulating conversation and hoped she would see him on the beach during her week stay. He glanced up and said most definitely. Tony told Cara that he was the only one of his family who preferred the beach instead of the pool or other activities offered at the resort. She walked away and could feel his eyes on her the whole way up toward the hotel. She loved every minute of it.

The next morning, after having had a night out with Stuart and the boys eating at a nice family restaurant and playing in the game room, Cara told Stuart that she was headed to the beach. Stuart told her that the "men" were headed out to fish on a party boat and would not be back until later. He didn't ask if it was ok or if she wanted to come too. Typical Stuart. But the truth was she didn't mind one bit. Maybe she would meet up with Tony, but if she didn't she would enjoy lying on the beach, reading and relaxing. All of that was fine with her.

On the beach she did not see Tony. She was somewhat disappointed but she laid out her towel and began to read her new book "How to Get the Client to Say Yes" – a must read. After about an hour Cara decided to take a dip and swim in the water. At first it was cold but as she got used to it she swam out a bit. It was refreshing and cooled her off enough. As she walked back to her towel she noticed Tony headed down the beach. She smiled and waved and he headed right toward her. The best part – he was alone. They exchanged good morning greetings and he explained that his wife was headed out shopping and his son had met up with some boys last night and were at the pool staring at the young 16 year old girls prancing about in their little bikinis. They both laughed but Cara's thought was that the fruit didn't fall far from the tree. Now, she didn't know Tony for even 1 day but some how given his personality and smile that despite his lack of "Brad Pitt" looks, that women would find him very attractive.

Once Tony saw Cara's book he wanted to know all about it. They began to chat about her business and marketing strategy. Tony knew exactly what she was talking about and offered some insightful thoughts and experiences that worked for him. They began to talk for hours. Tony talked right through another one of his amazing sun tan lotion massages. As he talked though Cara noticed that his massage was much more attentive than yesterday. His touch lingered on her side as he reached down and touched the side of her breasts. As he spread lotion on her legs she felt excited and as she laid back she instinctively spread her legs a bit as he worked his way up and down her legs even up to her inner thighs. If she didn't know better she would have thought that Tony's brief and accidental brushing between her legs with his fingers was not so accidental. She almost jumped up off the towel when he did that and she hoped he didn't hear the low groan as he touched her.

Once they afternoon rolled around they started to order drinks. Cara laughed she order her "Sex on the Beach" which prompted a glance and smile from Tony. He ordered a rum drink - a "Dark and Stormy" which he had fallen in love with during his trip to Bermuda a few years earlier. The warmth of the sun, the drinks they consumed and the obvious attraction and relaxing atmosphere eventually steered the conversation to sex. Tony almost choked when she told him it had been 4 months since she and Stuart had had sex. He couldn't believe that a woman as amazingly attractive would ever be ignored for that period of time. He just shook his head and ordered another drink.

Eventually Tony needed a dip in the water to cool off as the sun began to bake them both. Cara agreed and headed into the water with him. Immediately the water and the effects from the alcohol began to ignite a playfulness between them. They splashed and swam and tried to dunk each other like they were 16 year old kids. As she brushed up close to Tony at one point she could feel what she thought was his hard penis. Tony was aroused. So Cara decided to tempt him. She rubbed her ass on him and jumped on his back and made sure he felt her breasts up against his back. In a moment of fun Tony turned and kissed her. It was spontaneous and brief and he didn't linger. But it sent electricity through Cara's body. His lips were soft and the kiss was better than her fantasy. When he saw her look after a bit he apologized and said it was just a natural reaction. Instead of saying anything Cara kissed him back. Their tongues explored each others mouths and immediately their hands felt for each other. Tony squeezed and massaged Cara's ass, which sent her even more into hyper drive. Cara was even more bold and reached down Tony's shorts and grabbed his cock. It was hard and perfect. It was big, but not painfully big. She stroked it and played with it and Tony's look was one that he was in heaven. They looked at each other and started laughing and each said "wow" at the same time. Tony held Cara's hand as the headed back to the beach and collapsed on the towels. Tony said exactly what Cara was thinking. It was like they knew each other for years. It was as if they could read each other's minds. Cara simply stood up and grabbed her towel and started to head back to the hotel. About half way there she glanced and saw Tony begin to gather his towel and follow her.

Once in her room she waited. Her breathing was heavy. What the hell was she doing with a total stranger that she had known all of one day? But she couldn't help herself. The lust in her built up and her breathing became heavier and heavier until there was finally a knock on the door. Cara practically jumped out of her skin. She opened the door and there he was. He was so damn fucking confident and sure of himself. He sauntered into the room, shut the door and immediately kissed Cara on the mouth like she had never been kissed. His hands were on her ass and his mouth moved to her neck and ears. He nibbled and licked and kissed and then after what felt like forever he moved his mouth down. As his tongue slid down her neck in the same motion he pulled down the top of her bathing suit. She was absolutely on fire. Tony pushed her up against the wall and started sucking on her nipples. He sucked them so hard it was painful but pleasurable at the same time. She couldn't believe it but just from that she felt her release and had the first intense orgasm. Tony's mouth and tongue slid down from her breasts down her stomach as he continued to take turns licking, kissing and sucking...and also removing her bathing suit. At some point in all of this pleasure her bathing suit was down at her ankles. As Tony's mouth worked its way down she was sure he could feel her heat and wetness. She immediately spread her legs for him up against the wall and as soon as his mouth touched her she came again. WOW. She could not remember the last time she had an orgasm that intense and hard, let alone two of them in the span of 10 minutes. With that she grabbed the back of Tony's head and pushed his face into her. Cara thought that if she remained frozen in time exactly like this, then she figured this is what heaven would be like. She just didn't want him to stop. Tony was sucking and licking her, gently pulling at her clit was his teeth and lips, careful to just give her amazing pleasure and no pain. With that she collapsed on the floor, exhausted but wanting more.

Tony stopped and looked up at her. He still had not said a word. He simply picked Cara up, threw her on the bed and took off his shorts. He was perfect. If she had been asked to describe the perfect cock, she would simply draw Tony's cock and that would be it. Just seeing it and the look on his face, she spread her legs for him. He crawled up onto the bed and moved his cock over her to enter her. He immediately started to move in and out of her so that she naturally cried out in pleasure. With her moans Tony quickened his pace and simply was pounding Cara into a place she had never been. This was no love making session. This was plain and simple a pure, almost animalistic fucking. She loved it. Tony kept going and she did not want him to stop. Amazingly, he didn't stop. Cara lost track of the time, immersed in her pleasure. At some point Tony grabbed Cara's hips and in one motion moved her on top of him without any interruption. On top of him she felt him massaging her aching breasts, tweaking her nipples as she maintained her rocking motion. He felt so good, so perfect inside of her. She was absolutely soaking wet. Cara was sweating as if she had run a marathon and didn't care. As she moved faster and faster Cara felt yet another orgasm building. Tony too seemed ready to cum as his face was intense yet blissful. She rocked faster and he moved his hips with hers until they both yelled out and she could feel him filling her up. They both collapsed in utter exhaustion. It was a happy, content exhaustion. Soon after Tony stood up, gathered his suit and towel, kissed Cara gently on the lips and finally he spoke. After this intense session of pleasure giving Tony asked if he would see her on the beach again tomorrow. She looked up, nodded and said most definitely. Tony turned and walked out of the room, lightly closing the door behind him. As Cara wandered off into sleep she thought to herself what a great start to an incredible vacation. She was sure there was more to come.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I think she gets the divorce she wants and gets rid of her kids. Parents and in-laws all at once... and she doesn't end up with the old man either... nice going wench.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Usually, I am absolutely against this sort of thing but the husband was so indifferent this is what happens. Good for her.

skystylerskystylerover 2 years ago

I thought it was a great story, a neglected wife finds someone who is attracted to her and has excitement in her life.

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Whore just gives herself to first POS she meets.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I thought it was a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
could have grown to multi part story

Was a little choppy to me as not enough build up or set up of the why's and how comes. She jumped to sex too fast and then we don't hear what happens after. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
God damn fucking Brits !!

Adolf should have done a better job of exterminating the varmints !

x_JohnDoe_xx_JohnDoe_xover 12 years ago
Re: the last unstable commentator.

I would gladly meet up with you so you can explain to me your complusive obsessesive behaviour towards me, and then you can explain why you feel the need to air your dirty washing in public instead of contacting me directly, it's not difficult all you have to do is email me and I email you back, now that can't be too difficult for you? can it? So yes I would love to meet you maybe in bar or somewhere public if that is what you prefer, so we can discuss things like two adults.

Of course there is the problem of me living in the UK and you claim you don't so unless you fly to the UK we shall never meet face to face. But I repeat grow up and maybe just maybe you will forget your anger issues and do what you keep telling every body else to do, ENJOY the stories you seem to enjoy and get off on the cuckold stories and I don't that is the fundamental difference between you and me, also you seem obssessed with me and I really don't understand why? you resort to childish name calling and you use other writer comments section to take cheap childish shots at me. I am sure all the writers on this site are sick of you attacking someone that they know nothing about or care about. So I will ask you again use your email and contact me after all you will stay an Anoymous person no one will know who you are.

I will be waiting for your email, but on the other hand you could keep leaving comments that are nothing to do with the story and you can keep attacking me, and I will keep replying to you useing the writers comments section, that is the only way to 'talk' to you. So wouldn't it be more practical if you contacted me by email? it would certainly be the adult thing to do, you are an adult aren't you? you are not still at school? I hope not. So go ahead prove to me you are an adult and use your email account to contact me. I will be waiting for your email.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Grow up you ask me? x_comeoncuckJohn_x let me quote you

YOU are the one that truly needs to get a life. Better yet I have an idea you sound as if you come from the UK? if that is the case why don't we meet up? I am sure we can discuss our differences like two human beings? what do you say? contact me on my pro

You wanna meet up boy??

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

If the husband could get a younger newer woman he would become a better personality. Sometime this is the benefit of a divorce.

Look at this video on YouTube, aA North Carolian Guy find a younger wife after divorce:

(If the paste does not work you must type)

The older son can go freely to the father against the custody decision, the husband could start looking for earlier the newer mate (girlfriend or wife). The wife could go after the cocks freely, she should not hide her affairs from her husband. Everybody will be happier.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Good story

This is an excellent example of what happens when a husband neglects his spouse. Nicely written.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

@ Anon I like the cheating wives stories, but with aftermath where the husband discovers his wife true emotion and there will be some consequence.

I prefer revenge stories, where the unwilling cockolds get their revenge against the cheating wives and sometime against the lover boys, they can earn the children custody and THEY LIVE YOUNGER MORE BEAUTIFUL WIVES OR GIRLFRIEND.......

However I like the belieable reconcilation stories as well.

The revenge story fans start reading every cheating wife story because we hope after the cheating scen the revenge plot or they wait in the next chapter the revenge plot.

Or the revenge story fans imagin a sequel for revenge........

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Liked it

Good start and could lead to more fun stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Why are people so stupid?

If you dislike cheating stories, why are you reading them? This was a good start to a story, especially for a first time author. Get a life.

As for the author, keep up the writing. Ignore the idiots. You have a good start but could use an editor and more dialog. I look forward to reading about the rest of the vacation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
If she is so

bored with life why does she not just shoot herself??????????????????????

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Seems like

she expects everyone to make her life good. What has she really done for stuart. Pathetic woman. Selfish and self-centered. No guilt. Just rationalization. Empty woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
forget the editor

forget the editor get a brain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Stuart got what was coming to him for his neglect?

Bullshit! She's married, neglect is not a justification for cheating. If she wants to fuck around she should get a divorce and then she can fuck all the dildos with legs that she wants.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Why is this woman married? she cares nothing for her husband and cares even less for her kids, so why isn't she free and single and fucking around like a bitch slut in heat instead of a cheating married bitch whore slut in heat, I hope Tony gives her AIDS or some other just as deadly infection.

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