Valerie Ch. 05


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Debbie was quickly dropped down and her gag removed. Valerie could make out her moans of "red light, red light" as she herself slowly recovered from her fifth orgasm. She could hear the various restraints being removed from Debbie, as the woman was gently taken from the state of submission to a state of safety. Charles' voice said, "Sally, Marcia, please take Debbie upstairs and help her clean up and dress."

There was a pause, and then Master spoke to Valerie. "You, however, are not done. I have not fucked you since that first Saturday. I intend to make up for lost time. Are you ready to be raped by your Master?" Valerie's head nodded enthusiastically. She had been wanting this all weekend. She couldn't see it, but Charles had encased his scrotum in a ball binder and put a very tight cock tie on, preventing him from orgasming until he removed them. He stepped up behind her and penetrated her ass with one cruel stroke.

He reached around her and pressed her body to his with his left hand. He thrust in and out with strong slow strokes at first while his right hand reached down and played with her pussy. It wasn't the gentle caresses of a lover, but hard thrusts of fingers in and out, a brutal hand fuck of her cunt. Valerie felt the assault on her body by this powerful man, bent on taking what he wanted from her, by force if necessary. She cried out in pleasure (as much as the gag allowed) at the assault on her cunt and ass that she had been craving for days. She reached the first of the orgasms he was to give her in a matter of minutes. Her body shuddered again under the onslaught of pleasure.

Charles did not allow a climax in his victim to slow him down; he kept up his rape of her ass and molestation of her cunt. He could hear her breathing, fast and shallow, as her body was wracked by the feelings he had created. As she came down, he brought his hand up, covered in her juices and the cum that was already in her and rubbed it under her nose. "Smell yourself! What are you?" She mumbled something in her gag. "What's that? You're a slut?" Her head nodded vigorously. "What are sluts good for?" he asked, each word timed with a thrust into her ass. She cried out incoherently, the sound reduced to moans. "That's right. Sluts are good for fucking. That's what I'm going to do, fuck you until you can't take it anymore. You will be fucked until you drop that ball, begging me to stop. Do you understand?" Her head nodded and she clutched the ball even tighter, not wanting to stop this voluntary rape anytime soon.

His hand went back down to her cunt and he shoved it back in, working it in and out with a force that drove her body to new heights. Valerie was lost in the pleasure, soaking up everything Charles had to offer her. He pulled a second, third, fourth and fifth orgasm out of her over the next hour, each one building on the heels of the previous. Valerie was struggling to draw enough air in, as her strength was sapped by the constant waves of pleasure that radiated from her Master into her. Her body was crying out to drop the ball, call it quits, but her mind and heart wanted more. She promised herself just one more, then quit while the orgasm flowed through her.

Charles could sense a slight change in her composure. He felt that she would last for maybe one more climax until he had pushed her to her limit. His hand left her cunt long enough to release the cage around his balls and the base of his cock, freeing himself for his own cum. With a renewed sense of urgency, he increased his pace, thrusting with a violence that Valerie had never encountered before. His hand groped her pussy, forcing his fingers as deep as they could reach, the thumb rubbing against her clit in a very ungentle way.

Val soared to undreamt of heights, shocked that she could feel this much intensity and still not cum. Her breath was almost a panting, her awareness barely there. Her lungs were barely able to draw enough air in to meet the incredible demand that Charles was putting on her body. Then Charles made one last thrust, plunging and holding as his cock erupted and filled her bowels with gobs of hot cum. This was too much and she went into her final climax, her contortions starting in her belly and radiating through her. She was barely aware of Charles' own cries as his orgasm swept over him, forcing his penis to throb four or five times, each a full spurt, before subsidence began and her ass clenched over and over again, as if to milk every last drop from her.

As the last of the convulsions from her tenth orgasm of the afternoon ended, her body demanded, and got, the dropping of the rubber ball, unable to go on. She felt Charles withdraw and herself being lowered. Her bindings were released and the outfit she had been wearing removed. Working her jaw, she tried to relieve the pain of having her mouth forced open for so long. She was laid down on one of the benches normally used for binding and Surmi held her hand as she recovered. She absentmindedly felt around her cunt, bringing the leaking fluids to her mouth, savoring the tasteful remains of such wonderful sex (Surmi marveled at how she was submitting even after her time of submission was over).

When she could stand, Surmi led her upstairs and gave her a long hot bath, readying her for the drive home. The sundress she had worn was clean and hanging up, waiting for her. Assured that she could do fine on her own, Surmi left, saying, "Charles will want to see you before you go."

She lay down and relaxed some more, sad to know that the weekend was coming to a close. A knock sounded at the door and she called out, "Come in."

Lilly entered, with quite visible trepidation. "Lady Valerie? Are you all right?"

"Yes, Lilly, I'm fine. I'm just relaxing from an extremely vigorous afternoon of fun."

"Will you come back for more abuse?"

"Yes, I plan on coming back. Lilly, what's bothering you?"

The young girl broke into tears, running up and collapsing into Valerie's arms. "I can't stand that they hurt you so much! I don't understand. How can you let them?"

"Lilly, you don't know how much joy it gives me to know that you care about me so much. But, Lilly, this is who I am. I can think of no greater pleasure than to give myself to Charles and take what he has to give me. He's not abusing me; he's giving me what I want. Dear, I just had ten orgasms in one afternoon. How can I not want that?"

"But…But…those marks. They had to hurt. Do you like being hurt?"

"No. I don't like being in pain. But, to me, these are not hurts. Charles would never hurt me, not a real hurt."


"Shhh. I'll try to explain. I noticed that you have a tongue piercing. Do you have any others that are not as visible?"

"Yes. In my naval and one on my left breast."

"Lilly, to me those are hurtful. How were you able to let someone shove a needle through you, drawing blood in the process?"

"But, it wasn't much blood. And, I wanted them. They make me, me."

"Exactly. To you, being pierced is not a hurt, it's a joy, it's being who you are. In the same way, with me and letting the others have their way with me. The whippings, being tied up, those are not hurts to me like a piercing would be. Do you understand?"

"I…I…think so. You're saying that you're different, very different, and being whipped is not wrong to you."

"Almost. I'm saying that being whipped by Charles and his friends is not wrong to me. If some guys were to kidnap me and whip me, even if it was lighter than Charles ever did, that would be a hurt, just like if someone took you and pierced your vagina lips against your will, would make that piercing wrong and hurtful."

"So you don't let just anyone beat you? You'll stand up for yourself?"

"You're damn straight I will! Pain without consent, just like piercing without consent, is hurt, and I'll never stand by and let myself or others be hurt!"

"Oh…I was so afraid that you would let the whole world hurt you. I didn't understand. I…I…still don't think I can stand to be around when you let it happen. I cried the whole time you were downstairs. Can you really get me a job?"

"Lilly, I promise, if there's a job to be had at the firm, I'll give you my strongest recommendation." Writing her office number on a piece of paper, she gave it to Lilly. "Call me tomorrow afternoon. I'll know what's up in personnel by then. Let's see if we can get you out of here before next weekend comes along. Do you know how to use office software?"

"I can use Word and Power Point. I've had some training with Excel, but it's really rusty. I've never used Access before."

Writing a new number on the sheet, Valerie said, "This is the number for a computer training service. They have a wonderful office class that'll get you up to speed on everything in the office suite. Your ability with Word and Power Point will get you hired, but promotions to good jobs will need the others. If you can't afford their tuition, let me know and I'll cover it."

"Oh, I can't take your money. You've already helped me more than I could expect."

"If you want, call it a loan that you can repay when you've earned enough from the job."


It wasn't till now that Valerie realized that the entire conversation had taken place with her naked. "Oh my. I think I need to get used to being dressed again."

"Uh, yeah. The cab driver might not understand. Of course, you're beautiful enough he won't complain."

"Why, thank you. That's very sweet. Though the red marks might cause him to send the police out this way. Can't have that."

Valerie slipped the dress over her head, seeing that it covered as little of her marks as it did when she arrived. Once her shoes were slipped on, she and Lilly headed downstairs. Valerie went to the lounge while Lilly headed off to take care of her regular duties.

Charles and the others were dressed in unremarkable street clothes, eating some crackers and cheese and drinking wine. She walked over and got some for herself, just realizing how hungry she was. Sitting down, she looked at Charles, "Surmi said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Just a few last minute details. This is Dr. Waston's number. I expect you to make an appointment by the end of the week. If you mention that you're my sub, she'll fit you in this week, most likely. Don't worry about Sue, her receptionist. While she's not a player, she knows about her boss's lifestyle and can be trusted to be discreet. I think she has her own kink and understands kinks in general. Next. Were you serious about desiring long distance submission?"

"Yes, I am. I want to see what I can make myself do when there's no one else near to make me."

"In that case, you should check your E-mail before you get dressed and leave the house every day. I'll occasionally send you instructions that way. I'll also leave them on your answering machine while you're at work, so check that immediately when you get home each night. Since you'll be submitting to me at any time I wish, you're to address me as Master or Sir at all times. When referring to me with others who don't know about your lifestyle, you're not to use my first name, only my last, with the appropriate honorific."

"Yes, Master." Master. The word sent thrills through her. Calling him Master outside of the official submission setting made it even more real.

"The first thing I'm going to order you to do is to keep your pussy shaved. Francine can help you with safe ways to accomplish it."

"Yes, Master."

"I may require you to buy equipment or toys. If they're beyond your financial resources, I'll reimburse you, but you are expected to support your lifestyle choice to some extent. I've noticed that Lilly has sought you out on a couple of occasions. Am I to assume that she has become taken with you?"

"Yes ,Master, and the feeling is mutual. She has expressed a need to get out of this environment, partly because she can't stand the thought of what happens to me. I plan on helping her get a job at the firm. I don't know if she's told you of her intentions. She may still be afraid of repercussions from a disgruntled employer if she says how she really feels."

"I see. I take it she has the usual misconceptions about what we do?"

"Yes, Master, though I hope I've cleared some of them up. She believed that I'd let anyone off the street who wanted to hurt me, do so. I made it clear that such a thing would never happen. I'm not so sure my attempt to convince her that you're not hurting me went over. She can't imagine how someone would want to be whipped. I tried to liken it to being pierced. I could never do that, yet she has piercings in multiple places. That's who she is, just as I'm your submissive."

"So she's staying where she doesn't want to be, because she's afraid of dire consequences if she does leave. I think I need to fire her, for her own sake. Of course, she'll need a generous severance package." He buzzed for Herman. "Now, I approve of your actions. Your compassion is one of the things that make you a good sub. I'm assuming you were going to tell me before you left." She nodded as Herman entered.

"Herman. We're letting Lilly go today. Prepare a letter of high recommendation and a severance check equal to two months wages. I'll give them to her myself. And put an ad out for a replacement. She'll be hard to replace. Especially with the added need to screen for tolerances for sexual activity."

"Very good, sir, I'll get right on it. Is two months sufficient, sir? Her job experience will be somewhat limited."

"I believe she has a prospect lined up, or just about so. If you think it best, increase it as you see fit."

"Yes, sir."

Turning back to Valerie, he asked, "Is there anything you need before you head home?"

"Just one thing, Master." She lifted her dress off and slipped out of her shoes. To each one of her fellow subs in turn, she knelt at their feet, kissing them and saying, "Thank you for using me this weekend. I hope I was pleasing." To Marcia and Sally, she added, "Please take payment on my debt to you the next time we meet."

At Charles' feet, she spent extra time kissing his feet, removing his shoes to reach the feet themselves. "Master, thank you for accepting my humble service. Thank you for using me well and for giving me to the others to be used also. I hope I can become a better submissive to you and that I'll never cause you to turn me away." She waited when finished for his reaction.

Gently lifting her by her chin, he looked at her and replied, "You've been an exceptional submissive. I can promise you months of hard and glorious service. I hope that you'll find me a strong enough master that you'll want to continue as my sub past our initial contract. Now get dressed, your cab will be here in ten minutes."

Valerie dressed, slipped her coat on and hugged everyone before she grabbed her purse and left the mansion. The cab was waiting for her and she gave him the address for home. She wondered how Francine was holding up, with the recurrent nightmares. She would find out soon.


It was Sunday morning, 3:00 am and Francine woke to yet another nightmare. Each was progressively worse, the degradations that Harv heaped on her in the dreams more violent and hurtful. Tonight's nightmare crossed a line. This time, Harv was not alone. In the dream, Valerie had tied her up and then invited Harv to do with her as he pleased. The terrified woman sobbed uncontrollably for two hours, the fear going nowhere. She thought of dying and how pleasant that would be compared to the repeated terrors in the night. She found herself thinking about the best way, deciding only that she would not leave her corpse for her friend to find. She spent the rest of the day huddled on the couch, staring at the walls. When Valerie opened her door and called out at 7:00 pm, she nearly jumped out of her skin…

Thanks to Dani for the wonderful proofreading that this story was long in need of.

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Rad'lRad'lover 12 years ago

Thanks for an engrossing read!

XantuXantualmost 16 years ago
Thank you

Again a very good story. The characters are starting to flesh out. I enjoy the little insights into their thinking. xantu

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
I mean no disrespect........

Again, the pts given were for excellent writing ability. IMO, too much girl on girl (I'm straight, so G-on-G bores me). I wish there could be more than one label in these situatiuons. I would label this story BSDM and Lesbian. In fact, I thought there were too many acts of submission required in the time aloted in Valerie's initiation. It was overwhelming for me. There were still boundry issues. Valerie doesn't have any or ....the few she has.....she breaks. I think she's losing herself. Is that what this lifestyle is about?

livingsingllivingsinglabout 17 years ago
Great story

I would love to read more. I hoping for a happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
more Please more

i read the whole story from start to finish today i loved it...please continue it to atleast another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Please keep writing more!!!!

This story is wonderful!!! I agree with the comment about not letting Francine kill herself. You are a VERY talented writer and I look forward to reading many more of your stories!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
great, but...

dont let francine kill herself

dweaver999dweaver999about 17 years agoAuthor
I look forward to your comments

Please tell me what you thnk of my stories. I especially want to hear any critisms you might have. I'm interested in both comments of the writing and on the story, especially the sex scenes. Those critisms will help me improve my writing. Thanks for reading my stories.

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