Vasanth goes down on his aunt

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For Vasanth, no good deed goes unpunished, naked.
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Vasanth finished his dinner and told his mother that he would be going downstairs to his Aunt's house. They both had decent apartments, them in the second floor and his aunt in the first floor and lived together to help each other after their husbands, Vasanth's father and his brother had passed away ten years ago. His Aunt had two daughters, Naina and Anushka. Once their fathers had passed, it was Anushka who had taken charge of the family. In a way that Vasanth never liked but had to grudgingly accept that it had helped him in a great way. Now, all three were married. Anushka had moved to a separate apartment with her husband and already had two kids. Vasanth's wife, after having conceived, had gone to her hometown for the delivery. He was due to drive there in a month. Naina had also married but her mother was not happy. She had done so in a hurry and was now fighting with her husband a lot.

Vasanth came downstairs to see his Aunt on the phone. She was, as usual, talking about Naina.

"They dominate her so much. It is so annoying." She was telling, to her own sister. Vasanth mentally noted with a chuckle that it was the 37th time he was hearing this. His Aunt, Nireeksha, smiled at him. He picked up a book and was reading while waiting for Aunt Nireeksha to finish talking on the phone. He turned to her to see that she was looking at the door to ensure it was closed. He groaned. No, not now. And yet, Nireeksha, after ensuring the door was closed and the windows were bolted, turned to him. Her eyes had that usual, steely look. With the phone on the right hand, she extended her left hand. Vasanth watched as though it was in slow motion. And yet, those movements were unmistakable as she snapped her fingers and roughly pointed her index finger in a downward manner.

Vasanth groaned. And yet, he did not dare disobey. He got down from the chair, and started taking his shirt off. He still remembered the first time his wife had made him do this in front of his moms. Anushka always dominated him. But, Ashwini, was a completely different story. From day one of their relationship, he was nothing more than a slave to her. On their first date itself, everybody thought they had sex. It was true in a way, in the way that it was oral sex. She had him go down on him for at least five orgasms. And then, she had just gone to sleep and indicated that he would sleep on the floor. Completely naked.

They dated for eight years before getting married. He knew that, she originally intended to limit their relationship with just oral sex to her. But his gigantic penis had changed that game. She longed for it. By the third date, she had him take her with his massive dong through every orifice she could think of. However, that was the only change in the dynamic that he could bring. She dominated him in every other aspect. Two months after he was married, Naina also got married. The moment Naina left the house, Ashwini showed the true colours of their relationship to the whole family. His two moms, instead of protecting him, fully embraced their own dominant side and made him their slave as well. He still marvelled at it, sometimes. He was the only bread winner of the house, and yet he did all the house chores, naked. While his salary went directly to them and he had to ask them for every single penny.

As he brought his pants off, he, against his own better judgment, looked up pleadingly at her. She raised her eyes with such anger that he melted. He brought his underwear down in one quick motion and stepped out of it.

Nireeksha looked at her nephew, no her son, lovingly. She loved him so much, just as though she were his own mother. And yet, paradoxically, she loved punishing him. Punishing him, while he was naked and while she was clad head to toe in her nighty. The nighties that he himself replenished every 5-6 months. She continued talking on the phone and pointed to her feet.

Vasanth went down on all fours. He started kissing her feet and she gave him a small kick. He looked up to see her motioning him to stand up. And so, he stood up, arms firmly by his side.

"Naina called me just yesterday." Nireeksha continued on the phone. " Even yesterday, they did the same thing. They keep saying this how it is in their house, not at all understanding that we have brought her up completely different." She once again ranted to her sister while having her usual fill of her naked nephew.

That thing! Gigantic! A monster. She had an arranged marriage and had sex during marriage only for the purpose of having children. Looking at her naked nephew, she felt a massive tingling down there. She knew it was wrong, and yet, every time she thought about the wrongness of it, her arousal and her wetness only increased. That Anaconda. Who would have guessed that her scrawny, nerdy, stuttering nervous wreck of a nephew packed such a monster. Vasanth, on his part, stood silently waiting for his aunt's next command. One of the things that always grated about his nude slavery was, he couldn't even ask them what was the next thing he had to do. He was punished even for such a thing. Also, they knew how much it annoyed him and many a time, they even did it deliberately.

For example, Nireeksha wanted him to start massaging her feet. And yet, she knew that her sister would talk for some more time. And so, she had told him to stand up.

She always particularly enjoyed this. She would tell him to get naked, and then nothing. Get naked, stand in front of her and then wait for the next command. And she had no intention of giving the next command any time soon. He would have to just stand there, completely naked, bare as board with his hairless body on full display and just wait. She knew it annoyed him and she enjoyed it even further. She continued on the phone and paid no attention to him. Very soon, Vasanth started twitching.

Come on! He begged inside. He knew she wanted him to massage her feet and then, go down - or rather, go up from there - for her. Let's get it over with. And yet, he wouldn't dare open his mouth and say any of this. He knew things would only get worse. Nireeksha spoke to her sister for ten more minutes.

Ten minutes! Ten minutes, he stood there.

Naked, completely! Not a stitch on! Bare as board!

And, with regular shavings, not a strand of hair to hide behind.

Hands at his side, helpless as his organ stood in a respectful salute at its full mast. However, he did note, with his usual pride that even if they allowed him to cover himself with his hands, it would be absolutely no use. The reason was his gigantic organ. His hands were nowhere near enough to cover them. Aunt Nireeksha showed no signs of ending her phone call. However, she finally extended her left hand and motion him to turn around.

While he was not exactly thrilled at the next command, it was at least better than just standing around and waitings around. Or, was it? Was it really better to turn around, bend over and display his naked buttocks to his aunt than to stand around naked in front of his aunt. Which was better? In the former, he would be displaying his dong to her. In the new position now, he was displaying his naked derriere. He did suppose, however, it was slightly better than during those times that his wife would be around. She would ensure to keep his butt red with repeated spankings and Aunt Nireeksha loved that even more. Mom, in particular loved caressing his red bottoms and even pinching it from time to time increasing his pain. Now, however, there was no spank marks for Aunt Nireeksha to caress. She finally put the phone down and pointed to her feet.

Thank goodness! It was a mark of his slavery that massaging his aunt's feet, naked, was a relief for him. Well, you had to understand that it was better than just standing around, naked as the day he was born waiting and waiting, not knowing when the next command would come. He lovingly massaged both the feet. He was down on all fours and waited for the inevitable spank that would land on him indicating he had to start the next activity.

"You know, you really are lucky to have such a wife. All things considered. "

"Yes, Aunt Nireeksha. I love her and I am very lucky to have her."

"And we all love you, too." She replied, hard to believe as she landed one with all her strength on his butt. He let out a small shriek before he gave a final press with his hands.

Aunt Nireeksha had just finished her own dinner. She had forgotten to turn the fan on. Before dinner, she had brought out the hung clothes. All this was done by Vasanth until the recent past but with the baby due, they had reduced his work. She knew that, once the baby was back, she would lose her slave. All his attention would be on the baby and his wife. In fact, that was the agreement he and his wife had, that his naked slavery would end the day she got pregnant. However, she and his mother had made no such agreement and frequently deprived him of clothing. In a way, this was even better. Earlier, he had accepted his naked slavery. Now, he had no idea when he would lose his clothing and that was, in some ways, worse.

Today, for example, he had come down because he did not want her to be alone while she pondered the latest set of problems in her youngest daughter's life. He had come there to be there for her and she loved him for it. And yet, out of nowhere, the thought came to her to strip him down. And she didn't even have to say it out loud. All she had to do was snap her fingers and it happened. He stripped naked, and knelt in front of her, waiting for her command and carrying it out. Now, he started sucking her feet. Her sweaty, smelly feet. She saw him grimace as he came in contact with it and yet, it was his purpose in life. He wouldn't dare complain. Very soon, she jerked her toe inside his mouth.

Vasanth lovingly took it into his mouth. She raised her foot and once again, he adjusted his position. Once again, the power differential made him marvel. Him, naked as the day he was born, not a stitch on kneeling on the floor and lovingly sucking her sweaty, smelly toe while she sat regally on the sofa enjoying his services. Fully dressed, although she started pulling her nighty upwards. At 55, her legs started showing the age. The legs started baring and baring more and he knew why. However, he continued to focus on his current task and listened to her moans. He was happy and proud that he could do this to make her as happier as possible so as to distract her from her daughter's marital problems. Naina was the only one woman in his life who was not aware of his position. Ashwini had decreed that, even at 28, Naina still did not have the emotional maturity to handle such a dynamic. While it was another reason why Nireeksha was even more cruel to him, she frequently grudgingly admitted it was true.

Nireeksha eventually started pulling at her panties. Vasanth stopped her. He kissed his way up her feet and slowly latched himself into the panties. Normally, he would have extended the foreplay by removing the panties with his teeth, but today, he knew Nireeksha wanted it faster and he himself was in a hurry to get it over with. And so, after a final couple of kisses around her thighs, he pulled them quickly down. It had now been two weeks since he had gone down on her. Even two weeks ago, there was a small bush but now, it had grown heavily. He groaned at the sight.

"Shall I get the trimmer, Aunt Niri?" He asked her. In a second, he shrieked as Nireeksha reached down and grabbed his hair.

"How dare you?" She bellowed at him. "You think you are too good for this? Too good for me?"

"No, Aunt Niri. I just, I thought-"

"Thought what? That I don't know how much hair I have. Or that my hair is disgusting?"

By now, Nireeksha had stood up. She was staring at her prey with an angry look. Her left hand was wrapped around his voluminous hair - God, how does he have denser hair than both my daughters. She loosened her hand. Vasanth had, possibly around 3/4th of a second of relief before she grabbed the same set of hair with her right hand. She waited until the pain increased and then, THWACK. The left hand found his buttocks with all her strength. However, at 55, all her strength was not really all that much strength. And yet, Vasanth felt the horror and shame as he, a grown man, married and with a baby on the way was getting spanked naked. After giving 4 hits, however, even the frail hits started showing the impact and Vasanth begged her.

"Please, Aunt Niri, I am sorry. Please, let me continue."

"You know, it looks as though, without your wife around, you are starting to get more cocky. I am calling Anushka this weekend. From here on, you will have maintenance spankings every weekend, fully nude of course, from her."

Vasanth groaned. He had to mouth off like an idiot. However, it was true that he was getting unnecessarily cocky. Without his wife around, his fear of women had lessened. Even when his wife came back, he knew, their dynamic was over. He was no longer her slave. Neither felt it was a good idea to continue that with the baby, whether the baby was going to be aware or not. And, in the last 5 months, his nudity was reduced a lot. Of course, Nireeksha and mom frequently stripped him down like this. In fact, he knew they enjoyed it even more. Instead of him naked in all his glory all the time, they enjoyed having the power that, on a whim they would just snap their fingers and he would strip completely naked and kneel in front of them.

Also, he was naked whenever Anushka was here alone. Most times, her husband, who loved both the moms came with her and they kept their shenanigans a secret. However, Anushka frequently made excuses and came there alone. When she did, she first hugged him so tight, he was nearly crushed. Then, the dreaded snap of the fingers and he would strip off again, get down on all fours and kiss her feet and wait for her next commands.

"Now," Nireeksha roared, shaking him out of his train of thought. "Get back in there and I don't want to hear a peep out of you."

Meghana, his mother, had down to see why Nireeksha was shouting and had seen the final spank. She did not know why he was getting spanked but just enjoyed watching it. She always found that, when she saw her son naked and getting beaten up, it only caused her excitement. And then, when Nireeksha explained the new weekly maintenance spankings, she positively cooed with excitement. She immediately called Anushka and explained her who accepted gleefully.

Vasanth was determined to ensure he would not make any more mistakes. He once again got inside her nighty and jammed his tongue into her sacred area. His shooting mouth had started the new practice of maintenance spankings every weekend and he was determined to keep it to a minimum. 4 spanks from an elderly Aunt Nireeksha itself was starting to singe him. He dreaded getting obviously a higher number from Anushka. Anushka had bullied him ever since their fathers had died and he knew how strong she was. For now, he forced his mind on the task at hand, or rather, the task at his tongue.

The bush got both into his mouth and his nose and it was terrible. He hated pubic hair and it was one of the few concessions Ashwini made for him keeping her downstairs area fully bare. Aunt Nireeksha, obviously had no such intent and it was gagging him to no end. He also wanted to cough and sneeze and after a few minutes, he could not hold it in. And so, he pulled back and was terrified. Yet, Nireeksha smiled and nodded at him to continue. He thanked her for her generosity and plunged back in. This time, he held his breath and plunged with all his will and he slowly got accustomed to it. He licked and licked. However, his actions were not completely unpunished. Nireeksha, apparently wanted to wait until he settled in and then stomped on his gigantic, fully erected organ. She grinded it powerfully while he plunged and plunged with his tongue. He knew that begging for mercy would only make it worse.

Again and again, he plunged. He was an expert in this, thanks to Ashwini's Spanky training and he could have made Aunt Nireeksha come in a minute. But, he decided to repay her generosity and decided her needs were more important than his own. And so, he kept pulling back even though he knew that only increased his cock torture. He also had to admit, it was good to remove himself from the bush from time to time. Finally, after nearly ten minutes, he decided to go for it. Aunt Nireeksha, sensing his change removed her feet. The kneaded cock was still hurting and Vasanth powered through it. Nireeksha tried to pull her nighty even higher and mom helped her hold it. No longer unencumbered by her cock-crushing feet or the nighty, Mahesh grabbed her even tighter and pressed his tongue even further. Nireeksha cried out at his latest plunge. Vasanth now increased his pace to the maximum and Nireeksha was shouting his name at every plunge. For the last ten minutes, she had forgotten all about her daughter's marital problems. She could never, ever thank Vasanth enough for this as he finally brought her to climax. She screamed into the night and once again grabbed his hair as she let loose her whole stream of juices into his face as Vasanth lapped them up like the slave he was.

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