Vermillion 02: Connections


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Sirus smiled, much like a deranged Cheshire cat "This arrangement was created by our parents. And it can't be broken, just because of a little rejection. But I do apologize for the mob."

"Screw you." Luna turned up to glare at him.

"I thought you were saving yourself. But I'd eagerly agree to if you'd finally accept the arrangement."

Luna was so sick of hearing about this goddamn arrangement, demons made and broke contracts all the time, why the hell was this one any different?

"Why is this so important to you? Our parents are dead, and I wish you were too. Then maybe I'd have some peace in my life!"

Sirus shook his head "Your mother never told you did she?"

"Bloodlines and all that nonsense for what? What the hell has this been about?" Luna felt his hands wrap around her throat.

"You have so much to unlock." Sirus' voice became shallow which curved Luna's stomach on the inside. "Our kind are classified as common demons, which is true. But we all vary in strength like any other demon."

Sirus pressed his hands together against her throat hearing her cough. "I could hurt you, kill you, violate you in anyway I see fit. But I won't." Sirus released her throat and Luna breathed out with relief.

"It's a match for power, you and I could reign together, climb over the body of those superior daemons, reach the highest points in the world together. Everything without having to deal with all these creatures, beings constantly trying to hurt us for what we are."

Luna leaned her head against the right side of the tub weakly, it was the only body part that she could move "Those sound like excuses, Sirus. Just tell me why you desire me as your bride so badly."

"I desire a place in the world for us without shame or fear. A place that humans can't corrupt, because they are a source of evil in the world. I have killed, manipulated, stolen, and-

"Ruined." Luna knew what he did when his thirst for warm bodies reached it's peak. All the women, some willing and some not, in their dreams, and in the flesh.

"I have, because that too is in my nature." Sirus smoothed a hand against her sleek violet hair "I want my own kingdom, a place where I'm free to do as I please. As we please. Luna, I could give you all, why do you want for naught?"

"Because..." Luna paused thinking back on her years of living, friends, new and old, and memories that filled her with disgust, joy, and anger. Every one of them had or has a goal that they wanted to reach, but they never claimed to try and grasp all. They never needed it to be happy. And Luna never needed that to make her feel happy.

She needed friends, caring, loving, considerate friends who made her laugh, who let her be herself, who could irritate her, but always had her back. And she finally found that in Nick and Dom. A true king didn't need everything to be a king, so Sirus could never achieve that dream, not in a million years.

"I don't need anything, but them to be happy." Luna finished smiling to herself.

Sirus breathed out, Luna shifted her eyes to see him, he was not grinning now. His eyes were the deepest shade of ebony, like two dark abysses of nothingness.

"Forgive me." Sirus closed his eyes for a few seconds, when he opened them again they were ivory. "You're a bit off from most, but I can't say that I understand that."

"Of course you can't, y-

"But I can't force you to understand me either. This arrangement was made based on who your father was."

"My father?" Luna barely knew anything about her father, he was there earlier in her life three months after her birth, but he was later died before she reached the fourth month of life. Her mother barely spoke of him.

"My sweet, naïve, Luna." Sirus leaned over and extended his tongue, licking the side of her neck in one slow stroke upward causing Luna to shudder. "I wish I could stay to taste you, tempt you. But that's all I can say for now. I have other things to take care of. For now this is goodbye."

Luna looked away from him, she was grateful that this was now ending.

"Luna." Luna's eyes met his briefly as his forehead smacked against hers "I'll see you soon." He smiled as she started to drift into the water, drowning. Luna's vision was obscured, fading into a navy darkness that she couldn't escape.

Luna shot up out of the tub, water splashed all over the floor. The dream had ended and someone was pounding on the door, it's rhythm matched her heart beat.

"Y-Yeah?" She called out rubbing her throat.

"You've been in there for three hours." Dom groaned "Are you ever coming out? Eliza's giving me her death stare and my king's still in the study. Help."

If only she could have called for his help earlier. "I'll be down soon." Luna reassured. Shaking, she carefully got up from the tub grabbing her towel, her body was incredibly hot, her energy was lost in her attempts to escape. Luna breathed trying to regain what she had lost and sauntered over to a door, any door to unlock it, maybe find Nick or Dom.

"Dom?" Her voice was light "Dom?" Her body was giving out again as she reached out in the hall, and fell. The thud was loud enough to stir Nick. He quickly came to her aid and helped her to her room where she muttered about what had happened.

Luna laid wrapped in the towel for over an hour with Dom arriving with breakfast and Eliza speaking with Nick outside of the room before going back downstairs. Nick nodded at Dom who lingered, but went to resume his duties. The tray was on the end of the bed when Luna came too again.

"Can you sit?"

Luna gave a nod and slowly sat up with assistance from Nick, his eyes zeroed in on the bruises around her neck. "Did he do that?"

Luna suddenly felt how sore she was, the bruises weren't healing at all. "Yeah, to demonstrate that he could have hurt me..I'm okay."

"I can't protect your mind, I can ask Alex's mother-

"It's alright." Luna placed her hand on his "He won't kill me. Nick, I promised you that I would feed and take care of myself. So now you have to promise to let me handle any affairs that happen in the mind realm. My dreams, his, any. Because only I have the power to pull myself back."


"I haven't fed properly, I won't let him run me down. And I won't give in."

Nick sighed giving a half smile "I promise...Not to ruin this moment, but." Nick pulled out another letter.

"It better be from people I like." Luna snatched a piece of bacon of the tray and bit it angrily.

"It's just a festival invite. Romus is having a celebration starting in a few month and lasts for three. It's a great place to relax."

"Will it be relaxing or diplomatic?"

"Relaxing, we can try and dig up info on your father at another time if that is what you want."

"It is." Luna gave Nick a small peck on his cheek "Thank you."

Nick blushed "Just try to be a bit...tactful when speaking."


"It was worth a shot." Nick watched as she gave a bright smile eating. She didn't mind him watching her, but ate happily and chatted with him until it was noon when Nick went into town with Dom to run errands.

Luna came down in a dark blue summer dress. She was about to take a walk around the castle, but she ran into Eliza in the great hall. Eliza was wearing a frilled olive colored blouse, black pencil skirt, and low heeled shoes, her hair tied by a black laced ribbon.

"Luna." Eliza waved to her "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, I was just going to get some fresh air." Luna didn't feel the same distain she felt when first meeting the vampire princess.

"Good, I was just about to go into town. I can walk with you before I go."

"That's nice, but-

"You are still weary." Eliza walked towards her, grey toned eyes beaming into hers "Shall we?"

Luna groaned internally, but went past the double doors with Eliza trailing after her, their feet stamping at the grass and the occasional wind brushing against their skin. Both made their way to the side of the castle towards the cliffside.

"I'm sorry." Eliza told her, she patted Luna on the shoulder as she looked down at the bustling city.

"What do you have to apologize for?" Luna sniffed, besides barking orders Eliza had nothing to say sorry for.

"I'm sorry for the situation that you are in-

"Did Nick tell you?" Luna wondered out loud.

"No, my brother is very compassionate about those he keeps near him. His guests, his servant. If it's not his place to say then he won't at all. Not even to me, his sister." Eliza gave a small smile "Sometimes I can't help myself when pointing things out that cause me strife. But this is his home, not mine."

"Nick's just-

"He just wants me to stop being bossy, to feel at home again. And that is very sweet of him, I love my brother Luna, almost as if he were my own son. And he loves Dominic like a brother. But now with you here I wonder.."

Luna rubbed the side of her neck "The wounds will heal eventually." Eliza reassured her of this "Don't you wonder?"

"Wonder what, Eliza?"

"What you are to my brother, and you don't have to say anything. You liked Ian, but you like Nick too. Deny it if you want, he can too."

Luna looked down at the ground, Nick may have been kind to her, but that didn't mean he had feelings for her.

"Whatever feelings you had for Ian were washed away to the backlash of your past, and like you he is moving past them. I can feel it. My brother is developing a crush on you."

Breathing in the sun dripped air Luna sighed "I'm going to feed on Ian."

"As you must for strength, survival. I say this not to unnerve you, but to prepare you."

"For what?"

Eliza turned to her fiercely "You may have to triumph over your past first. But my brother has a beast inside him, it sleeps when he's full, wakes when he is empty. I've never had an issue with how I feed, but he.."

Luna thought back to her first time seeing Nick feed on Marley, the pressure he gave off, his intentions, a feral creature who tore flesh from limb, crushing the bones, devouring the remainder. It was as if he were possessed.

"You know." Luna saw the shock in Eliza's eyes, Nick was the good king, but underneath he too held a dark burden. Luna nodded at her "Then please keep in mind, if you stay after whatever ghosts come to haunt you pass, Nick can never lose himself in the blood. He can never starve himself, stress himself on to the point of exhaustion."

"He's never taken an innocent life before, and even though I want to stay I have my own life. Nicholas is a grown man, one with his own priorities. I'm only staying two more days, but could you watch him for me?"

"What about Dom?" Luna asked, he was the loyal, butler-servant-maid-gardener-littlebro-andcook all wrapped up into one. He always had Nick's best interests at heart, always watching near by.

"Dom is sent out at times and is commanded to the castle's upkeep. He is also a human, he has strength, but not enough to bind my brother. You do, that's why whoever's after you is trying to rile you."

Luna bit her lip again "I wouldn't let Nick kill someone."

"Then you'll do it?"

"Yes." Luna only agreed, because Nick and Dom were with her most of the day. She spent most of her time with Nick, sometimes in his study, and she knew how to pick locks without making a sound.

"Thank you, I am in your debt."

"No, you can just lay the boys." Luna gave her a stern look, Dom was running into corners avoiding Eliza and Nick was considering getting glass windows.

"Sure. I should be on my way. It was great talking to you Luna." Eliza gave a curt wave before walking down the hill towards the city.

Luna decided to go to the study, Nick was sitting at his desk reading a book. For once he had taken a small break to read a novel he favored. He was in a gray tee and regular jeans and sneakers. Sometimes he was a king, others he was the every day joe type.

"Hey, Luna. Are you feeling well?" Nick put the book down on the desk as she shut the door "Is something wrong? Did Eliza do something?"

Luna took a seat in front of him unsure about what she was about to ask, but she felt confused and awkward about asking. "Um, okay I'm just going to be upfront about this."

"Alright." Nick sat up breathing in her anxiety, maybe she needed to talk to him about Sirus again.

"How many relationships have you had versus sexual partners?"

Nick blinked "What?" Why the hell was she asking him this now? After what happened this morning.

"How many rel-

"Luna, why are you asking?"

"Because I'm curious and I also wanted to know how far you've gone."

"Did Eliza say something?"

"Mhmm, but she was pretty nice about it. Lets just say I'm interested in knowing, as a succubus." Nick wasn't sure whether to believe her or not, but decided that it wouldn't harm either of them. Luna was opened when it came to speaking about sex or sexual acts, she was also interested in reading tales of erotica and hearing about them. It wouldn't hurt them, they were just friends.

"I've had two true relationships and...I don't know how many relationships with women who had...interests that I had stirring in me at the time."

"You were horny." Luna smiled, it was hard for Nick to speak it without looking away.

"And hungry...a few times. Do you really want to know how far I've gone? That isn't a bit strange to you?" Nick frowned.

"I blew Ian and you bit Marley's boob." And that was where the point had been made.

Nick's face began to flush as he thought about his words "I have traditionally engaged in coitus as well as oral stimulation."

"Ohhh." Luna laughed at Nick's embarrassment, he was rubbing his face. "What about anal?"

Nick gave a small nod as if to answer the question.

"Wait." Luna held a hand out "You've had anal sex?"

"Yes. A few times, why is this relevant again?"

"Besides that I was bored and wanted to see if you'd answer...I was wondering about me and sex in general and you and your uptight-

"I'm not uptight."

"You know what I mean, Nick. Geez." Luna leaned back in her chair "Relationships are hard and complicated. Sex may not be a main component, but-

"Okay, Luna, now you're confusing me. What is this about?"

Luna pouted and started fidgeting with a pen laid out on the desk.

"Enough." Nick placed a hand over hers and felt her warmth flow onto his hand. Both looked at one another sensing some type of friction, maybe something else too. Luna moved her hand away.

"Do you like me?"

Nick could hear her pulse speeding up, even as an undead creature his hastened too. He knew this wasn't a simple question, did he like her as to disliking her? This was more, this was attraction and real feelings that caused them to act squeamish, nervous, happy, lustful, that is what she meant by like.

"I.." Nick bit his tongue and looking into those glimmering eyes, the ones that reminded him of sunlight that shone in from the open windows covering everything in a sunflower glow. "Yes. Do you like me?"

Luna smirked "I do."

Nick smiled back "So is this why you were grilling me?"

"Eliza said she could feel us."

"My sister's too nosy for her own good." Nick grumbled "I'm s-

"No sorrys. I just want to know how to maintain a friendship if I have these...feelings towards you and I have to feed on..Ian."

That did bother Nick, even before she had broke things off with him. He had a small twinge of jealousy every time they met, something he himself shoved down, because she needed his essence to stay with him.

"Just a friendship?" Nick raised his eyebrow "You want just a friendship?"

"I mean I can't just be with the king. You have your work and I have my drama."

"I'd still want to be with you. Luna, I haven't had feelings for another person in over a century. I made my promise before I had them and I'll keep it. But I was actually interested in trying.."

Luna was a bit surprised, no excuses for working, no backing out because of her or his issues and responsibilities. "Seriously? Just like that?"

"I'd like to try." Nick took her palm in his "Maybe after Eliza leaves you and I can go on a date, just the two of us without Dominic lurking. Just to see if this works, if there's a chance. And I think that is fair to both of us, don't you?"

Luna gulped, her face was heating up from the touch of his strong hand, cool then warm. "Yes. On one condition."


"Do not tell Dom, I call dibs."

Nick gave a low chuckle "No chance in hell. My castle, my dibs."

For once Luna didn't try to rebel or question that, she'd just have to wait until next time.

Dinner was strange that night, at least for Dom. He sat at the table in uniform next to a slick talking succubus who sat across from his count's tempered sister, all were silent eating through their main courses barely glancing at one another until desert was set out.

"My count?" Dom questioned.

"Yes, Dominic?" Nick smiled quite unusually as if he were in a state of bliss, his face had a bit of color, his teal-gray eyes seemed to have lightened, and the tension he had around him from all he did and had to put up with was replaced by a cheerful ambience.

"Are you well?"

Eliza placed her fork down beside her dish, Dominic could be slow when it came to feeling emotions, the tugging of heartstrings, a loving embrace. Luna did the same.


"You seem very upbeat, not that it isn't pleasant seeing you happy..It's unusual. Has something happened?"

"Yes, Luna and I have confessed our feelings for one another."

Dom coughed, nearly spitting out the milk he drinking. Luna just shook her head, he was always drinking milk strangely enough. There was no story behind it, Dom favored milk, oddly he favored it throughout his entire life. It was just one of the weird habits he had.

"Want a drink?" Luna smirked.

Dom wiped his mouth "Feelings? I thought you were going to hash things out with Ian."

Nick looked at Luna expecting some type of solution.

"Ian's past being more than a friend now. We settled that already. This is now terms of me keeping up my strength. Can you stop looking at me like that?" Luna widened her eyes and stared at Nick with Eliza giggling, both brother and sister had talent with intimidating with their eyes and often did so without trying.

"Sorry. But I've been trying to go over this in my head as well. How can we date if you feed from him?"

Dom wished that he placed wine on the table at that moment. First they have feelings, now they're dating and she's blowing to live. It was so incomprehensible.

"This is a bit much for a dinner conversation." Eliza coughed at her brother to drop the subject, but he didn't.

"I'm okay for right now, but yeah I can't see that working if it's turning or goes to the level of um a relationship." Luna took a sip of water, it was awkward. "But we can discuss this in the study, I have an idea."

"Okay." Nick looked back to Dom "Are you well?" He gave a tiny smirk.

"Real mature, count." Dom rolled his eyes and paused "We do have more free time coming soon, the enchantress wishes to host a feast here."

"I'm still thinking on that request, the last time I let a magical being host an event here there were spell pots everywhere, fairy dust sprayed on the stairs, snake eyes in the kitchen sink, and lets not forget that stupendous green ooze that eroded part of the east wing."

"You're too trusting at times." Eliza yawned "But you he grown a bit in the last century. Maybe this will turn out better than expected, you could get married and have children fina-

Luna coughed this time "Not intrude, but this is a date. Not destiny."

"Eliza could you please tone it down?" Nick looked down embarrassed "Lets see how the date goes before you plan the rest of our future out, shall we?"

"Do as you like." Eliza sniffed "Why is there no wine on this table?"

"My king requested water and juice-
