Vermillion 02: Connections


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"Excuse me.." Zane half way raised his hand "But why would you need to go through all of that if you knew where she was. Your friend could have came in person and-

"He will, in his own time." Lynx swirled the wine in her glass "But I'm Luna's watchdog until then."

"Incubus?" Areya guessed.

"Sadly, yes." Luna told her. Lynx looked at Luna "Is that all that you're going to say?"

Luna hesitated with Nick watching her, but instead of grabbing her arm she exhaled and looked down the table "He's the reason I needed protection from Nick."

This got the table to that awkward silent moment "He's calm for no." Lynx shrugged "But when he's off the handle it can be murder to get him to that peaceful place again."

"My king, you have such patience and faith in this girl. Despite what her purpose here, she's trusted by you?"

"I trust her to keep to her word when it comes to Luna and my people." Nick told Fredrick who patted his face with a napkin. Nick knew better, Lynx was up to something else, but at the moment she wasn't a threat.

"Ouch, does that mean you still distrust me?" Lynx really wanted to know, she had took her time into trying to get them comfortable with her.

"Yes. But then again I trust you to be honest about your friend."

Lynx sighed in disgust "He may be a friend, but at times he can be a hinderance. Not everything can be his or about him. I feel that I've honored our deal in speaking on the subject of him. And when he comes I get my favor in return."

"I fear any man who owes you a favor." Alex smirked "I'm sure it's pure hell trying to please you."

Lynx gave a small smile before drinking "It definitely can be. But that is all, is everyone caught up now?"

"Yes." Sable nodded.

Brina looked at Zane who just shrugged and then Dom who told her not to worry about it.

"I think it's exciting." Areya told Nick "Besides, Lynx, Alex says you're mainly bor-

Alex squinted his eyes, it was irritable having a mother who could hear your thoughts, sometimes on accident. "Don't pout, you told me she was bored. I remember it like it was yesterday, because you got Rumi's nails clipped and Sable painted them black."

"Aww, how old is Rumi?" Brina asked.

"Nine, but Midnight's like ten..right?" Alex beamed at Sable, they loved cat-talk.

"Ten and a half." Sable corrected "Her nails are silver."

Dom rubbed the side of his face, why did they have to know the people who overly groomed their pets and treated them better than.

"Does anyone prefer dogs?" Lynx asked.

"Yeah, but pets are a huge responsibility. I don't feel like putting that much effort into something unless it came from me, like a child." Zane explained.

"What about you, Luna?" Sable asked.

"Not a pet person, sorry." Luna shook the question off.

"My king?"

Nick looked down a bit ashamed "Things with wings."

"You like birds?"

"He likes bats." Dom supplied "But he hasn't the time for one with all that he does. And before you ask I'm not a pet person either."

"Do you like anything, Dom?"

"Sable, I don't like pets, that's all. And I like a lot of things."


"Like movies." Brina answered, the tension then shifted towards her "Oh, Uh I just know he has a movie thing.."

"That's sweet, Brianna, how is the shop?" Areya then changed the subject, she likes animals, but this was boring conversation.

"Great." As the table took to general conversations Lynx and Luna ate quietly observing those around them.

"My invitation must have been lost in the mail." At the sight of this new arrival, Nick's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, his glass then broke in his hand. Pieces of glass and wine stabbed at the table lining.

Lynx felt a pit open up in her stomach, but wasn't about to sweat over it.

April was standing there in a cherry-kissed backless dress that had a long V cut exposing the sides of her breasts, there were two sashes that went around her neck and tied at the back. She wore dark blush and eyeshadow as well as bright candy red lip gloss. Her raven hair swept down her back wildly, but still attractive while her caramel eyes searched the room.

"You stole my color, Lynx. Another mark against you."

"The Crimson Witch." Areya sneered

"Enchantress of the Vale, it seems you've landed quite nicely here. Forgive my crashing, your majesty." April moved her middle and forefinger forward and a chair appeared next to Zane.

"Why are you here?" Nick glowered clenching his fists "And I know it's not coincidence, you didn't just happen upon us."

April walked to the chair she placed sitting down "It has to do with my new hunt. My target has snuck over from Casor into Vermillion. I was only able to come here at night, but I wish to make a request of you after the festivities had died down."

"You may make a request of me in the morning, the night is mine." Nick proclaimed.

"You're right and for that I apologize. But being as I'm in town now and this is a supernatural gathering, wouldn't you say that I'm qualified to be a guest?"

"As long as you remember where you are and that you do not disrupt the evening, then yes. For a few moments you may stay."

"Thank you, your majesty." April gave a small bow before dinner resumed.

After the feast everyone entered the great hall towards a den where lounge chairs were placed about in the most random by in gothic apparel, there were tables at every corner prepared with h'ors deuvres. Areya immediately decided that music was needed and with a swift of her hand small sparkles gleamed in the air for a few seconds and then a small wind with music collided over everyone's heads.

Alex sat by Sable in a dark corner while Zane danced with Areya, Fredrick laid back and listened, Dom danced with Brina laughing, Lynx sat by herself on gray sofa while Luna and Nick talked to one another in the center of the room. The only other person left out was April who was not contempt with Lynx being there.

"How troubling it must be." April walked around near Lynx as she leaned against the wall.

"Go pester someone else."

"But why? Why would I bother when an old friend is this close? I have to say Lynx, the body count is impressive. I thought the Arae punished the wicked, not eat th-

"I punish in different ways."

"Or maybe you're harvesting the energy of the humans by it. Either way it makes no difference. You've been marked for a long time, each time I think we're one step away from meeting again we're really two countries apart." April almost sound sad about it, something Lynx couldn't comprehend.

"You've found me. Now what will you do? Jump me? Maybe you'll have your boy toys set a trap. But you're right, it doesn't matter. I'm here on a matter of...diplomacy I guess you could say."

April glided her hand over the back of the sofa, squeezing it softly "Lord Sirus is it? Well I've known about him too."

Lynx rolled her eyes, April enjoyed studying people down to the most common denominator, and sadly Lynx's was Sirus. But she knew that April's taunts wouldn't get her anywhere, so she just ignored her even as she opened her mouth to speak again.

"Why do you think that I'm here, Lynx? For you?"

Lynx shifted her face upward to look her in the eye "I'm not the best idea for bait."

"Of course not, you're not bait. You're just a source, a very strong source. It was easy really." April took a seat next to her, Lynx scooted to the opposite end, but April grabbed her hand to hold her in place. She had been the second person to ever do this now, it couldn't be Lynx's waning strength that was causing it. Maybe April had just grown in strength. Maybe.

"Dear little Lynx all in a tizzy. I've been power-lining through your dreams, little by little." The ends of April's mouth turned upward into a vicious smile "I've been borrowing some of your power to help me track down your friend. Because you may be bad, but he's worse. And I'd rather have him as my target, my prey."

Lynx pulled away "Sirus will end you, April. In the worst way imaginable."

"I don't think so." April ran her fingers down her dark locks and sighed "I've acquired all I need to handle him. If only you could see, kill him yourself. But you've never come through have you?"

She had been eying Lynx, throughout the years she kept her eyes peeled open and her seeking spells on hand.

"Listen to that, your heartbeat. Steady as a rock." April laughed hitting the couch "But I know what makes your heart quiver just as you know what makes mine cry." For a moment there was a large mass of energy circling around the two, invisible to the eye, but a dense pressure that Sable and Alex detected automatically.

Lynx scowled at the witch, but she knew her threats were true. There had been no time to grab a poison and touch a glass, April didn't drink the entire time being there and she didn't go off alone, she stayed in clear view of everyone.

"I know you're all for loyalty to your friend, but just think about it. How right it would be to balance the scales once more."

"I don't c-

"You do, not like how they care. Not like how the king cares, or how I care. But you do. We all have hearts, you rule with your head. I know that Sirus could die today and you would be just fine with it. If I killed someone here it would result in the same."

April then touched her shoulder "But that's only, because you like to bury things, the more you bury the less there is of you. And I can unbury your darkest truths."

Before Lynx knew it, April had pulled the sides of her face and kissed her. During the violation, images appeared in mind, memories, secrets, but all were true.

Lynx pulled back wide-eyed with a hand on her chest, it was beating erratically without rest. Her skin had an orange glow to it and her body had a feeling of steam coming from it. If her heart didn't slow she could accidently start a fire.

"April." April could hear the anger coming from Nicholas and knew that her time was up.

"All the fun's happening soon, a month from now in Romus." April used her magic to whisper so that no one, but Lynx could hear "On the first night meet me by the elder maple stump. By that time you'll know that I'm more fit to be a friend rather than your foe."

April then stood up while Lynx lingered in shock smiling at everyone "I only spoke to her, I promised my king. But before I leave, I'd like to make an announcement."

Nick groaned with Luna patting his back, it wouldn't kill him to listen a few more seconds even if she just sent Lynx into a catatonic state (though Luna was kind of okay with that).

"I'm so pleased, especially being that Areya's here. I am officially moving to Verdure, I have a deed or two here and I decided to settle a bit. Isn't it wonderful?"

No one said anything.

"Is that allowed?" Luna whispered.

"If she presents herself as citizen who wants to help the community yes."

"That's kind of stupid."

"My sister thought of that rule, I just ran with it since it established great trust."

"Oh." Luna looked at April who looked back at her.

April then did the strangest thing. She walked up to Luna and gave a deep bow before her "Your majesty."

Luna looked at Nick who was aware that this wasn't mock him, April was hiding more than her lovers tonight. He could feel a repression, anger, sorrow, but nothing else. He didn't possess Eliza's gift of telepathy.

April then took her leave and like that Lynx snapped out of it, she angrily stomped out of the room with Dom, Luna, and Nick tailing her.

"Hey!" Dom called out as they were now in the great hall with Lynx on the stairs.

"What?!" She growled.

"What was that? Did she spell you?" Nick's first instincts were always to check in, the second was to be suspicious.

Lynx eyes were wild and growing redder by the minute "No, it wasn't anything for you to worry about."

"Look, we may have reservations about you, but you're not Sirus." Luna told her "Fuck him, because he's not here and you look like you've had a shitty day."

"Not a shitty day, Luna, just a shitty evening. That creature shouldn't have been allowed in here."

"Well we can't exactly take her out back and put her to sleep." Dom said.

"I could, but I'm not in the mood to be imprisoned in this castle. I'm not in the mood for fighting your count either, so could you trio of heroes do one thing for me? Leave me alone."

"Fine." Dom shrugged, he didn't like being nice to those who could care less about him anyway. But Lynx cared, just a little. Dom could be just as emotionally void as she was. An example, him walking away from her and going back to his date.

"Sorry." Luna mumbled, she couldn't position herself in Lynx's shoes, but found herself wanting to get a bigger picture.

"I apologize for letting this go so far, but if any other problem arises we're down here." The noble king Nicholas, Lynx thought.

"Yeah, I'm good."

After awhile Nick and Luna backed off and went back into the lounge, but someone else was coming out. Sable scurried off, flashing her eyes at Lynx before throwing a half wave and jotting out. Everyone there was weird.

But the wine, it was perfect. Lynx got down to the bottom of the stairs when Alex emerged in his black tux. He saw Lynx and approached.

"Hey, are you okay? I've never met such a legendary witch before, but she seemed...evil." Alex smiled.

"She is. Why are you out here? Your girlfriend just sprinted away."

"Ex-girlfriend." Alex heaved "But that's pretty mundane to you, right?"

"She just broke up with you? Now?" Lynx was trying to connect the dots, because all in all Alex and Sable were a match made in heaven.

"Mhmm, it was out of the blue. But Sable's very.."

"Off from your definition of off?"

"I guess. I thought tonight we'd just feel the air around us with people like us."

"So is that why she dumped you?" Lynx asked.

Alex gave a low chuckle and grinned "She's attracted to someone else. Not that I'm ugly-

"I've seen better."

Alex couldn't help, but belt out again. "Sorry, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just wished I was made of poison."

"Hm, you can't kill all of your problems."

Lynx leveled her eyes with his "Tell me how you know?"

"I would if I knew completely. I just know." Alex shrugged "Trying to drink yourself silly isn't a great idea either."

"And moping about love loss is?"

"Who's moping? It hurts, but I can actually feel it." Alex stared at her "You can't."

"I'm a demon, my emotions are suppressed."

"That sounds like an excuse."

Lynx laughed quietly before giving a half smile "What exactly do you expect from me?"

"Right now...A kiss." Alex said this bluntly without hesitation. He was serious.


"Because it's natural to me, because I find you attractive. You had your mind messed with and I had my feelings messed with."

"So why not mess with one another. That's-

"Stupid?" Alex shook his head "I feel it, but I won't drag you back to my place either."

Lynx wanted to scream, she needed a little normalcy, relaxation, time away from the crazy and bizarre. A night with Alex might just wash it all away for her.

"Come on." Lynx grabbed Alex by the wrist (firmly) and dragged him to her room. She slammed the door closed and a small flickering of the lights happened before she got out of her shoes "What was that?"

"Sound proofing spell." Alex launched himself at her, feverishly kissing down her neck and shoulder while she pulled down his pants. Lynx hurriedly slid off her gown, underneath she wore black. Alex pulled off his jacket, then unbuttoned his shirt. The last thing to come off was his boxers.

Lynx nodded, his size was appreciated. She snapped off her bra and let her double ds free. Alex was aroused by how small her light brown nipples were, she slid off her underwear and sat down on the bed ushering Alex to come near.

Spellbound he approached. Alex pushed her down and explored her with his mouth, kissing the center of her chest and tasting her torso. Lynx wasn't squeamish about sex and only felt a small rise as Alex teased her.

"This isn't pity sex." Lynx said.

"Good, because I don't want your pity." Alex licked against one nipple only to flick the other, it wasn't a terrible feeling. Warm lips enveloped her mound while a hand seized it's twin, squeezing tightly. Alex's tongue then wrapped around her entire nipple and pulled at it.

Lynx closed her eyes feeling her body heat up, something long and slender began rubbing between her labia, making her salivate inside. "Don't toy with me, just fuck me."

This was a command from her to Alex, but it seemed rude to him so he clenched his index finger and thumb down on her clit and turned it, causing both of Lynx's legs with twitch.

Lynx opened her eyes, it did hurt a little, but added to her arousal. "Alex-

Alex moved his head away from her chest and looked at her seriously "If you want me to fuck you, can you not demand it?" He had heard demands from his mother all his life and they were always a bother to him.

Lynx nodded. Alex picked her up by her waist and turned her over. Lining his penis with her entrance was easier that way. Lynx of course held her breath, she had her ass up, knees bent down, and hands down on the bed staring at her pillow. Alex was giving off a aura that was dark and carnivorous, something she never sensed from a witch before.

Alex held onto her hips before pushing inside her sweltering swatch, it was intense. Alex felt as if the skin of his dick was about to melt off, but he continued on his descent until he reached a wall.

At that point no words were spoken, Alex thrusted through Lynx who gripped the sheet of her bed. Whatever force that was flowing through him was flowing into her constantly as he pounded against the tender walls, his fingers dug into the side of her ass. He spread her cheeks further apart to get a deeper penetration which only seemed to create a worse heat.

Her juices were like hot magma that he was swimming through, and when she tightened against him he really felt that his member was burning. Alex flipped her over pulling her knees up and far apart, pumping further towards her puffy core.

"Hah.." Lynx let it slip, but she really wanted this, one night, one where she could be filled with great desire.

He was already stiff, but seemed to become harder with every stroke. When Alex thrusted, he thrusted hard and sometimes fast, repeating the motion until her flesh was beaten to a pulp. His muscles coiled and her body clutched down as if frustrated.

Alex leaned down, his hands gripped her sides, her breasts squashed by his muscular chest, he then kissed her ear "Did you say something?" He then quickly pushed into her again feeling her walls try to pull him deeper.

" too much." Lynx pulled his face down on his and kissed him, one reason was to cover her noises, the other reason was to get that stupid grin off his face.

Over and over Alex filled Lynx, whether she was on her back, stomach, side, or sitting up. Alex enjoyed sitting up, Lynx's legs wrapped around him with ease as her wet orifice invited him inside once more. Alex pulled her down against his scrotum as he gave small jabs upward. He nibbled at her neck as she leaned her head back in pure pleasure.

Eventually Lynx tackled Alex to the bed and took control while mounting his head. Alex felt completely in sync with her body. She grinded against him as she felt around her hips, her thighs, watching her pink hole devour his dick and spit him back out. Her clit got hard after he played around with her breasts all while she fucked him.

After awhile they ended up with Lynx on her back and Alex in between her legs for the last position. Their tongues mingled as they felt the clanging in their loins as their bodies collided once more, they came.

Lynx curled her legs up as a reaction, cumming inside wasn't a big deal to demons, beings who couldn't be affected by diseases or on the purposely rare chance get pregnant (not unless they chose to, they were in control of their bodily functions).
