Vermillion: Learning


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"I have something worth the information, don't you worry." Areya told him staring blankly into his eyes.

Luna looked at Neimos, tapping her fingers on her thighs impatiently "Well?"

Neimos walked back over to his bench "Casira."

"What about my mother?"

"Did you ever ask her about her family?"

"No, can you get to the point?"

"Well, you definitely have her attitude." Neimos said in an annoyed voice "Casi and I shared the same mother. She was a succubus, very..."

Luna blinked at him "She told me once that her mother was a real bitch, I know. You're really her brother?"

Nick looked absolutely lost as Neimos nodded "My father was a demon like myself, a 'fate holder'. But being that her nature was never committing she hooked up with an incubus, and later Casira was born. It's not surprising."

Neimos explained that, because of his status and power many people came for him whether they were good, bad, human, and beyond. So, his mother cut off contact with him and took Casira with her to get his heat off of their backs. But eventually Casira returned to her elder brother, they talked, he helped her out of a few jams in the past discreetly.

It took him by surprise when he foresaw her relationship with Enn who's crazy ass family was nothing to play with. Neimos had heard of Enn in his circle of spirits and acquaintances. He even met him a few times before.

He discussed the relationship between him and his sister with Enn in private and Casira, warning her that something would rip their love apart. And it did. After Enn's death his sister came to him one last time in cloaking her daughter's powers in case they developed early and Enn's uncle would be able to track Luna.

After that the only thing he ever received from Casira were letters, short letters telling him she was okay, Luna was okay, and if anything seemed suspicious. Of course, after Luna grew up and left on her own, Casira settled in a quaint city where she was relaxing, before a hunter caught scent of her. The hunter or huntress caught her by surprise and that was that. Luna was staring into Neimos eyes, viewing the entirety on the surface of his corneas.

"So, you have two uncles, one evil, one good." Dom categorized.

"Eh, I guess. I wish I was more surprised, but my mother was always a hard person to getting anything from." Luna turned to Nick "Eliza's a lot softer."

Nick made a noise that was half scoff and half 'pfft' noise.

"My king, Eliza's domineering, but she is very open with you." Areya added in Eliza's defense.

Nick didn't really wish to discuss his sister's own personality versus that of Luna's mother, he just wanted to know what they needed to avoid any further conflict with one another.

Luna then gasped "Wait, if you're my uncle then that means-

"My shoulder's better everyone." Alex started walking fast towards the party, he had taken his hand from over his eyes and was squinting until he entered the cool shade of the trees nearby the gazebo.

Once his eyes started to adjust, he stared straight at Neimos who stared back unnerved. He was almost breathless when staring at Alex, his eyes jumped up in utter disbelief. Those eyes that shone like moonlight, hair like his mothers, platinum blonde, and that devilish smile that had just disappeared from his face.

"Shit..." Luna muttered; this was a real shit show. Family drama, long lost something or other, a lover than left for unknown reasons who shows up with a young child that looks a bit like her and a little like him.

Neimos carefully looked at Areya who was clutching the sides of her dress in shame, then back at Alex who looked at the seer intrigued.

"Areya." Neimos called her name so tenderly that she nearly broke down "Is he mine?"

Alex started to feel the pain come back to his shoulder as he turned to his mother, the spirit didn't lie. As much as he wanted to confront her, he wanted to hear her rebuttal.

"Is he?" Neimos repeated this time in a darker voice.

"Yes." Areya breathed out quietly "He's your son."

Nick, Luna, and Dom were drawn to the show unfolding before them and looked at whoever was speaking now.

Alex looked at Neimos who didn't know what to say "You really didn't know?"

Neimos shook his head "I don't understand...Areya-

"I'll explain after you reveal the entire truth. But before why not introduce yourself to your son?"

Neimos was angry, but he was extremely pleased to know he had a son. He always wanted a family, but never found a lasting relationship. There was also the fear of someone coming for those he cared about which led him to his life of lonerdom.

Neimos spoke first, then Luna told Alex what they all had just found out before giving the mike to Alex who told his father about his life, that he loved cats, he disliked rude people, and that too many sweets made him nauseous. It was almost as if he were a little boy rather than a grown man.

But Neimos listened nonetheless, it didn't bother him if Alex was as happy as a schoolboy, or that he had an obsession with his cat Rumi, he was odd to everyone else, but Neimos.

"So, I'm half demon, Luna's my cousin, my mom's a liar, and you can find Lynx?" Alex asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, your mother may have kept you in the dark, but I'm sure she had her reasons. Hm, Areya?" Neimos raised an eyebrow at her and Areya just shrugged looking to the side of his face.

"I promised that I would explain it if you would tell us the entire truth, didn't I? I never break a promise, that you know well." Areya bristled.

"I do. Fine, what is it that you wish to learn, my son?" Neimos addressed Alex, since he was the one the spirit contacted and the only one who seemed to be willing to actually ask him any questions.

Alex didn't have to think hard on his first question "Is Lynx okay?"

Areya made a funny face with her son's back turned to her, she didn't care much for hearing that Alex was trying to develop something more than friendship with Lynx. Lynx to her was a demon who had no self-control and went on sprees to assuage her boredom.

Neimos closed his eyes, Alex watched as Neimos' eyelids started to glow a bright cyan.

"I've opened the door between here and there." Neimos' voice echoed into the clearing "Lynx is still healing, but the daemon venom is slowly taking affect. She has a fighting chance, but without aid from another she will surely die."

"Oh..." Alex looked off put by the answer he received "Where is she? Maybe I can help."

"Near the border of Vermillion and Casor in the town of Haxir."

"Hm." Nick placed a hand under his chin "That's at least five days away even by car."

"Can't his majesty use his powers?" Luna nudged "Or them?"

"No, Luna." Areya shook her head "There are towns like Haxir that edge around the entrance to Casor, and our king respectfully had a void zone placed around the areas in case anyone paranormal tried entering that kingdom with harm in mind."

"The zone, as Areya puts it is a mist." Nick clarified for Luna "The towns are actually above it on mountain sides. The zone is around the mountain and voids any and everything with a power, making them mortal."

"But if we got to Haxir our powers would be restored." Dominic added.

"Yes, but we'd still feel a dampening effect. I don't know what we can do to rush transport, and clearing the mist is out of the question."

"Is there anything else?" Neimos spoke again, he had more to tell.

"Yes." Alex chirped "Is that Caldric man still after her?"

"With a passion. Yes."

Luna's stomach started to knot up when Neimos answered the question. When he did it his face turned pale for a second, he wrinkled his nose, and the cyan color seemed to turn a darker shade of blue before he continued. It was around the time when Alex said Caldric. Luna placed a hand on her chest, her heart was bouncing around erratically even though she didn't sense immediate danger.

"Luna, you okay?" Dom asked. Nick looked at her body stiffen.

"I'm fine." Luna assured him.

"If you have a question, then ask it." Neimos had directed this at Luna who knew that Caldric seemed upset with not only the king's interference, but Alex's as well. They gave Lynx time to escape, and before Caldric could go another round, Sirus escape too.

"Is Caldric only after Lynx and Sirus?" Luna asked.

"No, he is not. Now ask the question that you really want to ask."

"Is Caldric coming after Nick and Alex?" Areya's attention turned to Neimos after hearing Luna's question.

"Yes. Now. Ask. The. Question." Neimos punctuated with frustration.

Luna swallowed her fear and finally asked him "Is Caldric coming after us? All of us?"

"Yes. He will come after those Nick and Alex love to teach them not to include themselves in his affairs. He will come for you, Nicholas. And Alex, and if he learns of Alex and Lynx's relationship then all bets might as well be off."

Nick made an internal groan, Caldric wasn't from this continent and the few times that he did travel to Vermillion or Casor he left a scar on the earth that gave fear and worry to all those living in the kingdoms. He wouldn't stop until his prey were caught.

"But he's alone." Areya said "He cannot be that powerful."

"He's not alone." Nick crossed his arms and looked up at the sky "He has his men, followers, fellow hunters."

"I remember him well." Dom sniffed "His men stayed in our castle once after my king had to clean up one of Caldric's messes and get to the bottom of the misunderstanding. But that was over a hundred years ago, I'm sure he's rallied more fools with the lust for blood. Handing them weapons made from bone and blood from those he's slayed."

"A hundred years ago? But he's appears to be in his thirties." Alex rubbed the side of his face "Unless he's taking in the magic, the power, of his kills to add years to his life."

"He claims he wants to cleanse the world of evil, but in reality, he loves to kill anyone who appears dangerous. At least to him. And the people are too afraid or in denial about it all." Dom sighed "What are we to do? We must return to Verdure soon. Lynx is too far away. And do we know where Caldric is?"

"Where is Caldric?" Alex asked Neimos.

"He is under the radar, using a type of cloaking to hide from my watchful eyes. I'm afraid he's lost to us right now."

"Is there anyway that we can save Lynx?"

"Without neglecting the kingdom too!" Dom blurted.

"There is always a way, my son. But you must have the will, the strength of your resolve, and a heart not too heavy with burden."

"I can send a letter to city hall." Nick said volunteering "And another to Elizabeth."

"But lady Elizabeth wants nothing to d-

"Dominic, please calm yourself. The kingdom will not fall, but Caldric may become an issue too large for our own hands. I have faith in my sister, now all I need is the assistance of a magician."

"Ohh! I got it!" Alex jumped "Mind reader paper, pulls what you want to say right out of your head and in print."

"Thank you, Alex." Nick smiled as Alex raised his hand and two pieces of paper and envelopes appeared. Nick placed one sheet to his forehead and back, Luna watched as the words appeared in Nick's handwriting. Then he did it again, folding them into the envelopes he handed them both to Alex who sent them off through the air.

"They should be getting them now. But I have another question." Alex stated.

"Then ask away." Nick told him.

Alex went back to his father who patiently stood there wanting another question.

"How do we help Lynx?"

"By finding the deserter, he had the connections, the way to find her. Your party holds room for another."

"And where do we find him?"

"In a realm beyond this one like many others with hidden links between the two worlds. He lies there."

"Sorry, but can you give us anymore information on him than that?"

"Of course. But you must keep an open mind. Nicholas still has hostility towards him, as do the rest of you, but not as violent as his for what he's done to Luna."

"Sirus. He wants us to find Sirus." Dom muttered "Do you know the hell he's put her through? With the taunts and-

"I know, but without him Lynx will die. You will need her strength and expertise on Caldric."

"What makes Lynx an expert on him?" Dom asked.

"He killed her sister, not on purpose. Sirus was his goal, but he struck the wrong demon and never cared that he did. So, hatred and vengeance weighs deeply upon Lynx's heart."

"That explains her crossing paths with us in Romus." Nick said to himself and then looked up at Neimos' face "Hostility aside, where is Sirus?"

"In the nature realm where nymphs and spirits of the earth run free. A friend of his felt his distress and rescued him as he passed out. She pulled him through a door inside of a tree and has been aiding him ever since."

Luna groaned "Is he okay enough for us to get him to help?"

"Yes, but the wounds he sustained, yours included, have taken a toll. If you were not there on the battlefield, he wouldn't have held himself back, doing so allowed openings for the hunter to strike fatal blows."

"So, he's blaming me?"

"No, Sirus' head is in a tizzy. He has conflicts with himself, and they seem to grow by the hour." Neimos' eyelids stopped glowing and he opened his eyes "We can go now; I know the passageway there. But until a nymph allows us to see her, we'll remain stuck at the gates of this world."

"That could take forever." Alex grunted.

"Time there is different."

"Then let's go!"

"One second." Neimos didn't forget Areya's promise and waited for her to open her mouth "A promise is a promise."

"Fine, I-

"I want to know too, and how you met, and why you left too." Alex interrupted.

"Fine, take a seat." Areya told them and both Alex and Neimos sat on the stone bench as the yellow rays of sun turned amber and the sky was darkening. It was time for a story.

Areya had the past framed in her mind perfectly. She could remember every detail of her life without need of a reminder. She began at the beginning, to give Alex an understanding of where she came from, where her mind was at. She was born Areya Laselle in the city of Vracix, a city in alabaster and seafoam on a small island about a hundred miles off from Vermillion. In Vracix it was a blessing to be born with magic, those with it were chosen to become protectors not only of the city, but of the island itself.

Areya's mother was human, her father was a warlock, but Areya herself was born with strong powers that were gifted to her by Vracix's sacred object. It wasn't an object per se, but a thing. The magic that flowed within the land of the island came from an old gray tree, where all the ancestors and spirits from the island were rooted. They sought Areya out as a child who would become a brave and noble knight who'd always protect everyone on the island.

After her birth Areya's mother, Grelai, went to the tree to give her thanks through form of prayer. Her father, Maddox, refused to join her side. He was grateful for his daughter's strength but didn't agree with the ways of Vracix.

One day Areya would be put into a marriage with those who matched her power whether she wanted this or not, the strong match would go and pray for a strong bloodline so that she would bare at least a single child that would one day take the mantle of protector.

Once the child was born, Areya would be sent out to monitor and survey other towns and cities, she and her husband would, and their child would be watched by a mundane with a wide range of knowledge on magics.

Her child would barely know her, be used as a tool for peace. Maddox didn't know from experience, but his father was a sorcerer who went through the process himself. But his father was grateful that he had lesser magic than he did, overjoyed at it. But now Maddox risked the wrath of the spirit tree. When he didn't join his wife that day, the spirits were enraged. They took their vengeance out on Grelai, wrapping her in ashen vines, cursing her health, cutting her years down.

After the experience, Grelai was shunned by her own people, except Maddox who later became inflicted with the curse. Neither one was able to take care of Areya, so she was adopted into another family. Her parents both died before she turned one. Her last name changed from Laselle to Josi, both of her adoptive parents were attentive, they were witch and warlock.

Twelve years passed and Areya had to enter classes for rites (magic classes), elite magical school where she and sorcerers like her would learn everything there was to know about magic and where theirs came from. As to be expected, Areya excelled above her peers, she studied hard, practiced daily, and had time to do chores when she came home. She was obedient and polite, never one to cause trouble.

Areya was weary of what would happen if she got into an altercation or if a problem occurred. There were young girls at sixteen and older who fell pregnant out of wedlock, though they weren't shunned, when their backs were turned the whispers would start. It wasn't a rule, but something frowned upon in Vracix. It also ruined any future prospects and the girls would have to go through a cleansing ritual if they were to even be looked over again for a pairing ceremony.

Over time Areya gained experience and knowledge and was sent out around the age of fifteen for the first time out of the city, she was sent to exorcise a demon from a village up on a hill, then it was to seal an evil spirit, next a werewolf attack, and so on and so on. After three years outside of the city she was called back.

Now eighteen, Areya, was now able to enter marriage. The elders there arranged her engagement to a sorcerer by the name of Dramus, he was a smooth hazelnut color with frosty hair that went down his back, and his eyes were azure. He had a nice muscular frame, handsome face, smart as a whip, and he had incredible powers that he was never selfish with.

It was a good match. But with so many issues and monsters appearing constantly they never saw each other for several years (centuries to be exact). Dramus sometimes went off the island and Areya was too far away, they finally met one another after the dangers settled.

They only exchanged a few words here and there before he was sent out again for a task, the elders informed Areya that her wedding would be the toast of the town and that they would start preparations immediately. To save herself some time to know her future husband and a final task to ensure no issues interrupted the ceremony, the elders sent her on the simple mission to rid a nearby town of a demon who refused to leave. He remained on the roadside offering fortunes for currency.

For Areya it was a small task, she knew her way down the paved road, it took her a few hours, but she made it outside of the town where she met the demon sitting to the side. Her first thought was that he was harmless. No demon was that easy going. He waved her over with the glint of his silver eye and coaxed her with the midnight one.

Neimos introduced himself and explained why he was there; he was on a mission of his own. He was trying to draw in a stranger whose fate had been decided and it was his task as a demon of fate to end his life before anyone that he crossed paths with ended up dead. The world was full of people like that, but certain ones stood out, they were inhumane or crazed, but they were all nonhuman.

Areya bit at first and allowed Neimos to explain himself before trying to cast him off. He set up camp in the nearby woods and they sat and talked carelessly. A day became a week, and after a week Areya sent a letter to the elders saying that the problem was a bit more extensive and that she may need to remain for a few more weeks.

Weeks became months and she and Neimos found themselves in love.
