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"Remember what? What did you do to me?"

"Nothing, yet," he laughed. "You had too much vin and I would not take advantage of that, even of my bride."


"Yes. Last night you said yes. Do you not remember? You were not drunk when you said yes, you were very clear."

"I said yes to wanting to be happy! That is all I remember!"

"Bun married us last night. You said yes."


"Grandfather. Rayne."

"No. No, I didn't say yes! I don't remember this and... no! And you said you could only marry a Romani girl!"

"You won mama over," he said with a gallic shrug as he grinned. "You are unhappy to be my wife? You have not even given me time to see you pleased, little Zana."

"No! Where are my clothes?! I am going home! Let me up!"

"It is tradition that we do not leave the wagon for a day and a night. We cannot leave until morning."

"Not my tradition!"

"I thought you were accepting of other people's ways?"

"I am. You do what you want among yourselves, by my ways are still my ways! Let me up!"

He shrugged a shoulder and rolled out of bed, standing. He wasn't wearing anything at all and his manhood hung as long and slender as he was. She also saw he had more tattoos on his chest as well as his arms.

"I need my clothes!" she insisted, looking away with pink cheeks.

"Another tradition. We have no clothes in here. We will not have any until morning."

"I am not opposed to wearing this sheet out of here!" she hissed angrily. "You call out there and get me my clothes!"

He chuckled. "Zana, hear me out. Spend the day with me here today, let this stand for seven days. If at the end of one week you still wish to revoke your words, then it will be so. I will allow it."

"Allow it?" she asked dangerously.

"Yes," he nodded. "Among our kind, it cannot be dissolved unless I agree. I ask you to give me one week."

"Why should I? You tricked me! You gave me that wine and I couldn't think or see and you made it seem like I was saying yes and agreeing to something I wasn't!"

"You said you wished to be happy. I will make you happy," he said with another gallic shrug.

"I have things I need to do! A store to run! A delivery to pick up on Wednesday!"

"Send another. Surely by now they can deal with the Bill that always takes you. They know him, have seen him. Money spends if it's from your hand or an irish."

"Irishman, not 'an irish'."

"One week, Zana."

"Victoria. Tori. I'm not a pixie."

"Yes, you are my magical little pixie wife. One week, Tori."

"Three days."

"A week is fair."

"I need to get the delivery and open the store."

"I will come with you. You do not have to stay in here for a week, just for the day. I would meet your family."

"Not as my husband. A friend. That is all."

"But I am your husband."

"Not after the week is up!"

"We will see," he said with a grin.

She realized then that she had just agreed to the week. "And you won't touch me! No... touching, or... anything!"

He chuckled again and got back into bed with her, taking her by the shoulder to lay her back down on the bed. "How else will I convince you that I will see you pleased, Zana?" he asked, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

She opened her mouth to respond, but he closed the distance quickly and kissed her, passionate and deep. She forgot her objections immediately as her hands went to his face. There was an instant and immediate overwhelming feeling rising up in her, making her heart race and her mind muddle completely. Even when his hand slid down her hip to her leg, pulling it around his waist, she had no objections, only the passion she was lost in.

He pulled back, breathing heavily as he looked down at her with hooded eyes. "Mmm, my tiny wife, I knew it was you," he rumbled, then bit her chin lightly before moving down quickly to pull her breast and nipple between his lips with a moan.

She blinked, dazed, then closed her eyes, exploring this new pleasure inside of her. It felt good!

When he stopped, she let out a sigh of loss, even as he left a trail of kisses down her belly. Her eyes snapped wide when he kept going and she started to move, but he held her down and pushed her legs wide as he quickly wrapped his lips around her very wet pussy.

"Patr... oh! Ohhhh... oh, that's... that's... nnnn..." she moaned, losing herself.

He licked and sucked and pulled with his lips, shoving his tongue deep inside of her and teasing her, then finally moving up to toy with her clit as she squirmed and mewled for him.

"Patron!" she panted, tossing her head. "That's... I'm... Oh god!" she wailed. "Please! I need you in me!"

He quickly slid two fingers into her and her back arched up and up as she wailed, then she twitched and her hips bucked up into his mouth as her tight pussy clenched his fingers. She came, screaming through clenched teeth and he let out a groan of pleasure as he felt her. Never in his life had he wanted a girl so badly as he wanted her just then. Surrendering herself to him the way she did, her body giving itself over to him. He knew she was his.

When she collapsed, still panting and shaking her head, he eased his fingers out and watched her sigh in disappointment. He moved over her and pulled her leg high as he leaned in and kissed her. She kissed him back eagerly, even though he knew she must be able to taste her own juices on his lips. It did not bother her. He loved that. He smirked as he moved up and guided his cock into her hot and waiting cunt.

She gasped, her eyes opening in surprise, then moaned in ecstasy as he filled her. "Yes!" she moaned. "That feels so good Patron! You feel good. I need you!"

"I know little Zana," he whispered, then gently made love to her as she relished his arms and the feel of him filling her over again. He loved watching her face, her parted lips, her eyes that rolled and fluttered, her mewls and soft moans. She was lost to him, all of her completely his. This was something he had never known or seen, the way she let herself go so completely. So trusting and unabashed, no self conscious or shame at all. She was pure. He adored it.

"Faster," she breathed.

His lips twitched as he quickened his pace, then he realized she was getting close again. She could come both ways and she was going to. His eyes widened as his own excitement spiked. He wanted to feel her come around his cock!

Victoria was so close, it was right there! His long cock was rubbing that spot over and over again and she was so close! It was just out of reach! "Faster!" she pleaded again. "Harder!"

His growl excited her, making her skin prickle as he took hold of her hair and began thrusting into her hard and fast. She let out a wail of bliss as it sent her over the edge she needed and she came. His hiss, then sudden intake of breath were something she hardly noticed, but when his cock throbbed and he shot her full of his hot cum as she squeezed his cock with her pussy, it made her lose herself completely.

She opened her eyes and blinked at the tan skin and black hair her face was pressed against.

"You are awake?" Patron asked cheerfully.

She lifted her head, moving her face from his neck. She was laying half on him, her arm and leg thrown over him as he lay on his back. His eyes were sparkling joyously. She felt herself smiling back, feeling a little in awe of him. Her body had never reacted like that before... he had done that to her and it was beautiful. Perfect.

"Did I fall asleep?" she asked, confused.

"Yes and no. You may have passed out a bit. It was good though, yes? I liked seeing it. And holding you as you slept. Are you hungry?"

"Famished. How long was I asleep?"

"An hour or so. Not so long. I will send for food."

"Is it really a rule that we can't leave or were you just saying that?"

"Tradition, not rule. Yes. It is bad luck to leave the wagon until morning."

"I see. In that case, can I ask that someone get breakfast from the inn for me? Not that the food your people make isn't good... but I need something less... exotic this morning."

"My love, it is afternoon," he said with his lopsided grin.

"Of course it is," she sighed. "Lunch then."

"I will see it done. A moment," he said softly, easing out from under her, but pausing to kiss her head before going to the door and calling out.

Without a stitch of clothes on.

Victoria was scandalized as she pulled the sheets around her more tightly.

He told someone nearby that they needed food and that they should go to the inn to get a meal for her. He only hid partway behind the door as he hunched down. He closed the door and turned back to her, looking her over with his smile.

"How do you live in this with as tall as you are?" she asked, looking around.

"I grew up this way, I am used to it. We do not stay inside for long or often, it is for traveling, yes? We eat out around a fire, congregate, play music and dance. We live outside and sometimes sleep outside as well. The wagons are to travel and sleep in harsh weather, yes? And carry our things. It is as you might spend your time in your bed. It is not all the time, yes? Just when you need it."

"I understand. So... your people, you don't plan on traveling again? Why not make houses here?"

"We may. We may not."

"I am not going anywhere, Newhaven is my home."

"Then I will be staying as well," he said with another smile. "My people may or may not. It is not known yet."

"You are so sure that your week will convince me?" she asked lightly.

"I do not need a week to know. You are mine now, little Zana. I have felt it in you, seen it in your eyes," he said gently, sitting next to her on the bed. "I wish to be the one to take you for your deliveries now. Let the other man do another thing."

"Bill? He is my brother in law... in law."

"How does that mean?"

"Fern was Caius's sister and that made her my sister in law. Bill is married to Fern, so he was Caius's brother in law. So Bill is my brother in law in law, if that is a thing. Anyway, he is a brother to me. He keeps me safe because Fern is so afraid for me."

"Fern, the large one. Your sister."


"Still, he is not needed to keep you safe. I will be here now. I wish to be the one to take you."

"If you wish it. Also... I won't live in a wagon."

"I did not think you would. I would have to build you a house."

She smiled. "I could have one built... but I have another idea. The store needs to be bigger, the building is too small now. I want a bigger store and to build on to the back of it and above it. A home. Let the old store become something else."

"I wish to have it."

"You do? For what?"

"You will have to wait and find out," he said mysteriously, smirking.

"Ok. Do you have a paper and pen, I can start drawing it up now and..."

"Tomorrow is enough time for that, Zana."


"Tomorrow is enough time for that, little wife. Today is for here. For us. Tell me about your family."

Victoria laid back and told him about her family until food arrived. After they ate, she lay her head in his lap as he talked about all the places they had traveled and what he had seen.

He made love to her again that evening while they were waiting on dinner, then again that night. She was smiling as she sighed sleepily into his neck.

They were both woken in the morning to yelling outside.

"...know she's in 'ere somewhere! Folks said they saw 'er 'ere the other nigh an sh'aint been seen since!" Fern was yelling.

Victoria jumped up, wrapping in the sheet and ran to the door. "Fern! Fern, I am here! I... I will be home soon! Give me twenty minutes!"

"Tori? Where've ya been? What're ya doin?"

"Twenty minutes!" she yelled breathlessly before closing the door as Patron tugged her back to bed with a laugh.

She squealed in delight as he tackled her down to the bed and kissed her shoulders.

It was almost an hour before Victoria finally made her way home, Patron following her with amusement lighting his features as he looked around. She led him inside and Fern was there, sitting in her rocking chair with her new babe.

"Tori!" she whispered scoldingly. "Where've ya been? And who's tha? Bill took off looking for ya this morn thinkin ya went to tha bridge alone! Wasn't till I asked round tha I 'eard ya was talking to tha' Rayne an 'is lot."

"Sorry Fern, umm. It wasn't planned. Umm. This is Patron. Patron, this is my sister, Fern."

"It is lovely to meet you, Fern. I am your new brother now, as is your custom of claiming family by marriage."

"Patron!" Victoria hissed. "I TOLD you I wouldn't be telling..."

"It is done, Zana," he chuckled, tilting her chin up and kissing her nose.

"Ya... MARRIED one a them?" Fern asked, shocked.

"Yes. I did," Victoria answered, her voice cold. She didn't like Fern's tone. "It wasn't long ago someone said the same thing to me about your brother, with the same condescension. Stole me away from him, hurt me. But your brother was never the monster, was he?"

Fern blushed and looked away.

"Patron and I were married, though... I was a little tipsy at the time. I am giving him one week to see if we suit before I dissolve it."

"We suit," Patron laughed, stroking her face lovingly. "You wished to wash up, Zana, yes? Then we can see your store and make the plans, yes? Do your drawings?"

"Yes, I will be right out," she said warily, eyeing Fern with a scowl before going back to her room and cleaning up. When she came out with clean clothes and brushed hair, the two were talking.

"...not a surname," he was saying. "A... pet name. She is small. Tiny. Magical. Like a fairy or pixy. A zana is a pixie. She is my Zana."

"What is your surname?" Victoria asked curiously as she tied her hair back.

"Our surname is Cooper, little Zana."

"Tori. Fern, sorry I worried you. It's their custom to spend the day after a wedding locked in together for a full day. We couldn't come out till this morning. Anyway, umm... we are going to go eat and I am going to open the store. And send a rider after Bill I guess."

Fern only nodded, her cheeks still pink.

Victoria left and Patron followed, catching her hand to walk with her. So everyone could see. She smiled shyly at the ground and gripped his hand, happy that he was proud to let the world know.

The day after she drew up the plans for the new store, the town started on it. Patron's people helped, laughing and singing while they worked. Thier happiness was infectious. Patron's happiness was infectious. He had her smiling and laughing constantly, and giggling in private moments when they were alone. They stayed in his wagon until the new store was built, she didn't want any issues with anyone being rude to him. It still hurt her that Fern of all people could be that way to someone else.

When the new store was done, she was excited to fill it with all of the things Newhaven was making. She stopped the deliveries at the bridge and made people come to her at the store if there was something they wanted. The stagecoach began coming through.

Patron kept his new little project very quiet as he made her a list of things he would need after covering all the windows with curtains you couldn't see through.

She looked at the list in confusion. "Clay? Sand? Stock metals? An anvil? Bricks? Are you trying to become a blacksmith? You know you can't do that indoors, right?"

He chuckled and put his finger alongside his nose and winked at her. She knew it meant she was close but not quite right.

She got him everything on his list, but every time she or someone else tried to peek in, he shooed them away. Asking Lavinia or Rayne only got chuckles. Lavinia came over often for meals. She liked to cook on the stove, thinking it a marvel. Rayne came over sometimes as well and they all ate in the dining room behind the store.

Fern came over less and less. Victoria still saw her at the sewing circle and Fern would smile and chat with her about the kids, but she never asked about Patron or his family.

Winter began coming on and Bill stepped into the store. "Man here askin' for ya," he said softly.

She blinked, confused. She couldn't imagine who would be asking for her, unless Bill meant it was just someone who wouldn't deal with him. Usually he said so though. She stepped out and saw Bill knocking on Patron's door to his secret project. That alarmed her, if he thought she might need her husband with her.

She turned to the men and the wagons, then spied one among them

"Willie," she offered coldly.

"Hello Mrs O'Dowd."

"It's Mrs Cooper now."

"Heard you might have remarried. That him? Is he... is that a gypsy??"

"What did you want, Willie?" she asked, losing her patience quickly as Patron stopped next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I... have a letter for you and some news. You remember Tuck? He came and saw you I guess and told him you never forgave us. Never forgave Lane. It was eating away at him. He got pretty miserable about it and went and saw Glory last week. Spent some time with her, you know, then told her he'd meet her downstairs. Used her bed sheets to hang himself. When we cleaned out his house, we found this letter to you in amongst other letters. I thought I should deliver it to you myself and offer you an apology as well. You don't have to forgive me, I don't deserve it. Millie read the letter and she ain't hardly spoke to me since. I know... I know I..."

"Is that all you needed?" she asked, letting Patron step up and take the letter.

"I brought your delivery along. Bart asked me to ask after you, him and Beth both. Wanted to know if you would come see them. If you had any kids yet."

"Have your men unload and my men will see to it," she snapped, then turned and left, going back into the store.

Patron followed her and stood behind her as she opened the letter, reading over her shoulder.


Ever since you told me how much you was hurting over what we did, it's been eatin at me. You never did forgive Lane either, even though you seemed like it. He said you had, that you loved him and he made you happy. You let us come over and you served us dinner. That whole time, you was still hurting inside and not one of us knew. Lane said he made it up to you, made it all better.

I need to say I am sorry for my part.

Us boys were never good for each other, my ma always said that. We liked to see who could be the worst when we was all together. It was like a game. Dares. Something.

Thing is, we all knew it was wrong, but it didn't matter. No one liked them O'Dowds and no one wanted them around. We thought we could do what we wanted. We was awful to them. To you. Worse to you and you were one of our own.

I wished we had walked away that day.

I always thought that big man must be the biggest coward in the world, but he wasn't was he? He was braver than all of us, cause he could just walk away and not have nothin to prove. I didn't understand that then. We was the cowards, bein mean to folks who couldn't do nothing back.

I learned that too late.

My wife never did come. When I went to see you and you was still so angry, it made me start thinkin. Seein things how you saw them.

I'm an awful man and I hope you forgive me. You and mama. She won't understand this and I can't tell her why. I'm a coward in that way too.

I'm glad you got away from Lane. Glad you never got with child from all his raping. I have nightmares now, about what we did to you, the way you screamed and cried for help. What kind of man hurts a girl that way and thinks she can just forget it? I deserve the nightmares and worse. Sorry I can't confess my sins before I go, but I hope this punishment I give myself will help you forgive me.

-Tucker Ford'

Victoria sat down and Patron hugged her from behind. "A man struggling with guilt. Both men. It is a terrible thing that they did. If you wish it, little Zana, I will end the other as well."
