Village of Lamia

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Two men in modern setting are tribute to a lamia village.
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Disclaimer: There are lots of snake-women. Read at your own peril. This was a real first for me.

Many thanks go to BreakawayRepublic from Touch Fluffy Tails, a long standing friend and colleague.

After The CERN Event called "The Crossing",

2042 A.D

Somewhere south of Luxor, Egypt.


Lamia: Monster girls have the upper torso of a human woman and the lower half of a snake. Known for living with their kind in small villages or living stealthily in human settlements, they are extremely intelligent and individualistic. Due to a strange quirk of fate, it seems that they can only interbreed with human men, producing female Lamia as offspring, and a rare human child with serpentine eyes known as Incubus.

John shut off his smart phone screen, closing the website about the species called "Lamia".

That knowledge would do little to Benny and John, who was sitting sullenly in a pickup truck fitted with a 50. Caliber machinegun platform, and driven at breakneck speed by monstergirls with dark chocolate skin, pure white hair and pointy ears wearing little more than booty shorts and short bikini tops with military patterns. Dark Elves were the desert patrol of the Monstergirl Emirate Forces, and the go-to types when people needed to travel between human-run cities and Monstergirl dwellings.

As part of the agreement between megacorporations and Monstergirl-run countries of Earth, newcomers had to spend some time in settlements with a chronic lack of males for obvious reasons. This is when "reality ensued", megacorporations rarely found volunteers: people were afraid of death or injury or being "permanently assigned" when the monstergirls took a liking to them. Unlike adult fantasy fictions where men eagerly jumped them, monstergirls found themselves at a disadvantage appearing in post-Industrial era Earth when CERN accelerator exploded and miraculously summoned many mythical, beautiful and exotic females to the homeworld of humanity.

And now, Benny and John, two men from a well known American-based corporation, were sent to do business with the Monstergirl Queen of the Emirates. The catch was simple:

They would be shipped first to south Egypt, far south from Luxor with an airplane, and then, by Desert Patrol(A fancy name for Dark Elf raiders that shipped people in and out of towns for a fee), to a Lamia Village for..."Cultural Exchange".

The village was beautiful. Mysterious, dark, and beautiful, inhabited by a race of exotic females hidden amongst the dunes, now it stood proudly before the two young men. They were pushed off the armed truck by dark hands and fae giggles belonging to Dark Elves that turned their desert patrol vehicles into what the United Nations called a "technical truck", promised to be taken back in "a week or so, maybe longer". The technical stopped short before the entrance, the scantily-dressed dark elves dropping off two men and speeding away, toting a 50. caliber machinegun on top of the pickup, its dark elf drivers hooting like owls flooring the gas. Benny took a long gaze at their buttcheeks straining the booty shorts as they drove away.

"Oh man...Benny, man, we are in for a night."

John was shaking in his boots, feet crunching on the sand as the duo landed on the ground to enter the village in front of them. "Diplomatic Initiative" the new Mamono and Human Bureau of United Nations had named it. Amongst men, such activity had less pleasant names.

Time to greet the Lamia guards dressed like Bedouins with pistols on their waist.

"Well, I wonder if this is a reward or punishment..."

"Cultural Exchange program for a week." John dryly noted, clearly knowing how things would turn out to be. They were two men given as tribute to the ruling class of Lamia as playthings for a week; it wasn't a question of if, but when, that they would be violated, if not outright forcibly married to a Lamia as a slave husband. They would be, one way or another, used by the village and kept as guests for sexual purposes.

That didn't mean they wouldn't enjoy it though.

Dropped off at the outskirts of an adobe village, the grinning dark elf promised that their companies would pick them up...Eventually. As two men stared around dumbfounded, the truck bringing them disappeared with a roar if its engines into the dunes, no doubt to pick up lost travelers, male or female and "detaining them with traditional Dark Elf hospitality until they could be safely returned to civilization". Sometimes it would be thrill-seeking tourists, surprisingly of both genders.

The men looked at each other walked to the gate, where two smiling snake women stood as they regarded the men with hungry eyes: one had a white cotton cloak draped over her beautiful human half, silken coverings around her waist for modesty (even though many Lamia preferred nudity, at least in private, it was a point of courtesy for men and their poor boners) with security badges pinned to her chest. She was veiled but her face was quite visible. Her lovely face was blessed with pleasant Arabic features and sported henna adornments on her skin, face, and arms.

She seemed to be the talkative one, revealing beautiful fangs in place of canines.

"Marhaba, visitor! What's your purpose of visit?"

The Lamia's voice was high pitched and sweet with an Arabic accented English, yet she was wearing a taser and a police hat, her lips under her veil moving subtly, gracing a beautiful, albeit scaled humanoid face. The other was silent; she looked like a very conservative monstergirl with a dark black robe around her, almost hissed her own words under a veil that only showed her eyes.

"Salaam Alaikum..." Her Arabic pronunciation was flawless, her veil only showing her amazing eyes, golden yellow and serpentine, beautiful beyond compare and showing signs of "kohl" makeup around them.

"Uh, the Company ... Incorporated sent us." Both mumbled a hurried excuse, swallowing nervously in the sight of two snake ladies. Each man was enamored with the very concept of monster girls. In a weird twist of fate, the day monster girls appeared in the world did not turn out to be a sexual revolution, nor did it turn out to reveal a deep fetish within mankind. Not many men were interested in monster girls and their animalistic features. Benny and John were the lucky few that did...More for them, they thought.

"Ah, yes! We were informed someone was being sent our way."Both Lamia looked at each other, smiling. "Please, enter, and wander to your heart's content. We already prepared rooms for you at the end of the village." Their smiles were worrying as well as exciting, John thought.

All four knew what was going to happen.

John and Benny looked at each other, and walked past, as both guards whispered to each other, the darker veiled one making a gesture of copulation with her hands and giggling.

"I want the one on the right."

"Pfft...take a number, poor things might have heart attacks tonight..." The liberally dressed Lamia chuckled. "Poor idiots don't know it's the full moon."


The village was built in a depression of solid rock, carved from flawless sandstone, the Lamia having used beautiful blocks to form a large, sunlit village where hundreds of snake girls lived, traded, laughed and ate. Colorful shops and beautiful taverns, entertainment venues lit the streets in the evening light. The entire village was powered by solar panels, and beautiful, exotic wind generators set on the buildings, as well as a steam generator set in a ceramic tower lit by countless mirrors on the desert. Rows of clean laundry hung from rooftops, snake girls everywhere crawling to their business and chores. Surrounded by an almost mystical dune mountain range which miraculously never blew sand into the city, the village was invisible to the outside world, considering Benny and John noticed drone wrecks dotting the sands around the dune.

The Snake Queen of Arabia and Egypt protected her daughters well.

After the first step inside the village, all eyes were on them, Lamia faces in various levels of hijab staring the young men down. Almond eyes made-up with kohl, under veils and niqab masks, free or veiled, young and adult, were locked on two men who suddenly felt very, VERY vulnerable.

"Oh boy. I wonder if we'll leave this place alive." Benny mumbled nervously while fighting off an erection. "Stay down you idiot!" He mumbled to himself as if his poor lower extremity had a soul of its own.

"I would sell my soul to Satan to be sent back in time to land here as an 18-year-old virgin boy with a pure mind...Too late for that." John, the darker-skinned Caucasian man next to him patted Benny's shoulder, sighing with melancholy. Life had not been kind to him after he lost his parents. Still, both men were quite excited to meet the village with their ubiquitous problem. They were about to go further, avoiding any hassles when a snake woman cut their path short, slithering before them as the pair regarded the streets full of bustling, slithering and chatter. She had been waiting for them, unveiled and wearing modern attire. Her face had less Oriental but more European features, and from the waist up, she would look just like a cowboy enthusiast with a few scales on her face, her waist sporting a denim skirt much like a blue pair of jeans.

"Marhaba! You are sssent by the company, yesss? I'm Zuleikha, the town guide! I'm told to show you around! Pleassse...Follow..." Her voice was high pitched, with a strange hissing accent when the letter "s" was concerned.

She wore a cowboy hat and a leather vest, her hip set with tranquilizer pistols.

Benny couldn't help but ask. "Liking westerns, are you, ma'am?"

"Yup yup! American cinema is the besssst!" The Lamia smiled, hooking an arm to each man's, slithering them onward. "Let me show you the town!" Both men followed the Lamia, her grip somehow...tight, but gentle and pleasant. They walked arm-in-arm, walking past streets, avoiding gazes from dozens of snake women slithering past them and going about their business.

The Lamia, or snake-woman, or Naga, were monster women with human bodies from the waist up, and a snake body from the waist down. Each was beautiful; there was no concept of ugliness in their faces, all features possessing the most beautiful ones according to their ethnicities. Some were Arabic, and Benny could see a few African ones with Sub-Saharan features like curly hair, big lips and softer bodies. Some were even European-faced and had small wings on their backs. Benny knew they were Melusine, a French sub-species of Lamia.

"Don't want to lossse you boys. Don't wander in dark alleyssss. Ssssorry but some of my sisterssss..ahem...keep the men for a long, long time." She smiled innocently as she led them across the dusky streets. "Unlessss you have no plansss for a few yearsss..." She looked down with a shy blush. "Don't get lossst..."

It was evident she also considered abducting keeping them, poor, pent up snake girl. John's hand wandered on her bare belly and waist, and she made no mention of discomfort, even leaning on his hand and smiling at him. Thirsty poor snek...

Everywhere the eyes were on them. Everywhere, snake eyes gleamed as the snake girls eyes the two men invited to the village, some slowing down in their work. The shops were mostly textiles and strange alchemical bottles, the beautiful Lamia working over the tables and stalls. Cute snake girls shopped and ate small snacks in the corners, there was fun to be had everywhere. A large, white marble building had "Apotechary" written on a sign, with a sign of Caduceus Snake that was a very strange re-interpretation: two naked Lamia wrapped around a male with lascivious winks. They kept walking, visiting in a booth where a Lamia woman, veiled in Niqab and dressed heavily, danced to the tune of music from a reed flute, drums, and cymbals.

The Lamia was belly dancing. Gyrating, twisting and snapping her fingers to the music, she swayed and turned, crawled and hummed to the melody, uncomfortably close to the passing pair. Her dance evoked amused reactions from the onlookers, other lamia humming and snapping their fingers along to the tune.

John's heart leaped when the veiled Lamia winked at him, her face inches away from his own with a sudden surge of her serpentine body.

"I think they like you both!" Zuleikha giggled, pulling them along. "If you stay, she might coil around you. Fareeha issss our resident entertainer and...well, her artssss are...err... ssseducing... of men. Who won't be missssed..."

John kept walking, his mind burned with the image of the winking, kohl-laced eye, the veiled bellydancer Lamia never leaving her eyes from him.

"Ahem! Up there is the clothes store. Our Egyptian cotton is shaped to all sorts of clothes, from human to other speciesss..." Beautiful lamia women weaved cotton to amazing clothes, woven into beauty as lamia children suckled lollypops and watched them.

"We don't see many children around here." Benny noted. Zuleikha giggled.

"It's because we don't have many men. You see, part of your reasssson to be here has an urgent duty to the common good." Zuleikha smiled apologetically. "But we are hossspitable, and I'm sure a lot of our sssisters will be careful in...any attemptsss."

"HALLELUJAH!" Benny stretched his arms to the heavens, eliciting a burst of laughter from the crowd.

"ORE-HA!" John joined him, and the crowd laughed along, returning to their business.

Zuleikha kept dragging both. "Humansss...heh." Giggling, she remembered how profligate copulatory human men were with her kind. "Next, we have the Import Sssstore. Dark Elves and other enterprising mamono bring us a lot we can trade with."

"Can we see the store?" John raised an eyebrow.

"Uh...maybe later?" Zuleikha looked apologetic, biting ler hips and looking at the well guarded, pink building made of magical rocks. Benny could swear that he could see a window half-open where Lamia bought all sorts of sex toys and looked at a computerized screen which showed a catalog of portraits of humans.

"I guess."

They kept walking across the gardens protected by translucent solar panels, housing exotic flowers around them and worked by smiling Lamia girls cutting and replacing flowers in bouquets.

"These are the Firdausss gardens. We set these to cultivate herbs, sssspices, and beauties untold across the world." She gestured to the beautiful gardens worked also by...


Human women?

Human women from many ethnicities worked the gardens, wearing white cotton clothes and looking quite friendly. Often from nationalities like Thai and Philipinnes, the women looked happy working for them.

"Migrant workers. Since we don't...ahem... have business with human femalesss much, we found it very easy to maintain human women who were tired of male advances." Zuleikha explained. "Pay is alright, and they eat and stay as they like."

"Cool." Benny approved.

"Yeah." John nodded. "Women's Paradise, huh?"

"Indeed." Zuleika smiled. "Next are our Paradise Hotels. Mostly monster girls, but humans get a discount...assuming they can reach here. Males...even more...discounted..." She winked. "Sometimesss compensated..."

"For common good." John grinned.

"Of course." Zuleikha laughed, "We have rooms prepared for you and the reception is really friendly. Don't worry. We will...negotiate rates...later. Please, the television has exssscelent recception, and we have the best organic foods in all the world. Enjoy yourselvess..."

The lobby was made of whitest marble, its interior a comfortable haven for resting and eating. Several Lamia women lounged on divans and giant pillows, Filipino and Thai women served them food and sherbets, food often being small meat cuts as Lamia were profligate carnivores save for the kids who loved candy.

Both Benny and John entered the wide-set interior of the building and were waved by a friendly, smiling Lamia girl to a long, u-shaped divan. Both men raising eyebrows, they sat before the widescreen TV set, to watch beautiful Lamia women regard them with smiles under their veils and of course, Snake Queen approved Mamono News speaking of weather (always sunny) and the "affairs of social importance" (How many men could be culled from the post-war world and assigned loving mamono wives). Beings of erotic myths, one would expect men to jump at the opportunity to mate with monster women and settle with them: Reality Ensued, as a certain website had put it. Not many men were keen on losing everything and being kept like cattle by women, and those who were sometimes even unpalatable for monster women.

The TV showed a beautiful, veiled Lamia seated on an elaborate chair wearing oriental robes decked with gold coins, speaking in a very sweet, melodic Arabic voice with English subtitles.

The table before both men were decked with fruits, two bottles of what seemed to be "Lamia Tea". Neither young man knew its true power: It was an exotic cocktail made from black tea, demon energy, and rare herbs growing around mamono settlements. Served in elaborate teacups with erotic engravings, it would turn even the most erectile-handicapped asexual man into a wild stallion in heat. Benny's interested stare at the bottle was noticed by the Lamia waitress refilling the plates with fruits and dates, who slowly slithered close to the sitting duo with a sweet smile under her pink veil. The waitress, a beautiful snake-mamo had skin like dark latte, almond eyes beautifully adorned with kohl, with elaborate, gold-dust infused henna patterns all over her cheeks, neck and arms. She leaned to fill a glass of Lamia tea

Benny accepted the glass full of bright red tea with an expression of gratitude, John less so with a wary glance. The plate before them, filled with small sweetmeats and cold cuts looked appealing, a fresh repast after a long trek being sat on by cute, dark chocolate skinned dark elves. Not that either gentleman minded that time either. A few cautionary sips later, both men simply decided to snack and drink while the waitress slipped back behind the counter across the hall, arranging strangely erotic looking bottles full of glowing wines and cocktails. A careful observer would notice her whisper to an intercom, her beautiful mouth contorting in joy.

"Well, what happens now? Is it like a speed date or a..."

"Gang rape?" John smirked, sipping the tea, which had a spicy, heady flavor. "We'll see. But one thing is certain, it's going to be very...err-fun."

"Well these lamia know what they want, and they are going to get it. At least they treat us ok for it. I heard some dark elves still engage in illegal things like trafficking men."

"Not that the men will mind..." John shook his head at Benny's comment and his clear fascination with dark elves. "So we just...go to sleep upstairs I guess... When it's nighttime and the lil' snakes are fast asleep." He smiled at a tiny lamia girl clutching her mother's waist as she slithered past. She looked like a 8 year old girl from waist up, wearing a fancy t-shirt with childish cartoon characters and a long skirt from the waist down sucking on an ice cream stick.

The minutes gave way to hours... They ate and chatted about their future job, taking part in the Lamia's hospitality. Occasionally, the waitress Lamia came over and amiably chatted with them, listening to their story:

Benny and John were dispatched to Middle East for enticing the local Lamia queen to buy train engines and solar panels for her growing Emirate. However, the Lamia Queen who ruled over what was once known as United Arab Emirates was not just a strict ruler, but also demanding of potential foreign traders who wanted to do business in the country.

Even in a world where men once were the keepers of overt power, it was evident that not everyone could stand up to her. Anyone that wanted in, had to do so in...service. Whether this was marrying a mamono citizen or living in an isolated Lamia village, used by all the female monstergirls as a communal husband, was up to her.