Voluntary Beauty


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"Well, it's off to the modeling center then. Did you decide on a position yet?" Marigold asked as she whisked him away.

"Yeah, I guess, I'll try the escort thing." Renton replied a bit sheepishly. No matter what she said, he still found it hard to think of her as not always being a woman, especially after last night. It wasn't exactly easy to tell her that he was planning on giving up his manhood to become a sexy call girl.

"Wonderful! I think you'll enjoy it, after the initial adjustment phase. Even with the reconditioning it can take a few days for you to really accept your new body." Marigold explained as they walked into another small room. This one looked more like a doctor's office, and there was an appropriately lab coat wearing woman sitting next to a terminal desk. She was appropriately stunning, but with a firmly professional trim. There wasn't an inch of excess skin showing. If not for her perfect complexion and delicately carved features, he would never have suspected that she was another of the company's transformed women.

"Hello, Renton, I'm doctor Marshal. I'm here to help you select your new body. How are you doing today?" She stood up and shook his hand. "We've found that most men are more comfortable discussing the transformation with a woman, but if you're uncomfortable, we do have male doctors I can call."

Renton blushed a bit at that. He couldn't imagine this being comfortable in any regard, but he agreed it would be easier to do with a woman. "No, I'm fine. It's just all a bit weird, that's all."

"I understand, but please don't think of it as strange. We use the latest in medical technology to help people craft themselves into any body shape they desire. Most of our clients at the transformation clinic are here because they want a new body, but we're always happy to make the experience as enjoyable as we can for our contract holders." Marshal did her best to give him a warm smile. "Do you have any questions, if not, then we can just dive right in."

Renton could sense that she loved her work. It wasn't hard to understand. Body issues were as old as mankind, and with the technology here, people could actually mold themselves into the shape they always wanted. He was sure that most of her patients loved her for helping them.

"I guess I'm ready to get started." Renton nodded.

"Great, now, just take a seat. First, let me say that we have a lot of options here. We have the very latest in nano robotic body modification technology. We can give you any body type you want, with any detail, though, since you'll be under contract I'd recommend we start with one of the base models and work from there. Have you picked out a roll yet?" The doctor seemed eager to help and Renton tried to relax.

"Well, I'm thinking of being an escort." He answered. It was getting easier to say it each time, and he was actually getting used to the idea, at least a little.

"Oh, excellent. That'll give us a good place to start." Marshal pulled up an outline of a naked woman on screen.

Renton settled in as she asked a battery of questions. It seemed like there was no detail too small for him to adjust. He'd never even thought about most of them, from the way his breasts would hang, to the color of his nipples. Did he want prominent labia or a simple groove? Did he want a long pointed nose or a button nose? What color would his hair be? Did he want an innie or an outie for a belly button? Did he want beauty marks? The questions didn't seem to end.

As he worked through the questions he found himself answering as if he was designing his perfect woman, at least until it hit him that he was going to be this woman for at least a year. In the end, he let the doctor set many of the smaller parameters to be randomly generated. The fact was that the nanos weren't perfect either, but they'd get close to the selected design. As they finished, he looked at the almost lifelike image rotating in front of him and just couldn't believe that such a beautiful creature would soon be staring back at him from a mirror.

There wasn't any reason to delay further. Once the selection process was finished, he climbed into a transformation chamber. He'd basically sleep for a couple of weeks as the nanos did their work reprogramming his DNA and reshaping his body. He'd wake up as a stunning young woman, and about to embark on a whole new life.

Marigold stopped by just as he was settling into the chamber. The doctor was busy preparing the IVs and other necessities so he had a bit of time left before things would get going.

"I just wanted to wish you well before you go under." Marigold patted his hand gently. She knew just how nerve wracking this moment could be. It had been harder on her. There had been no one to send her off, except the doctor, and she didn't want Renton to feel that kind of loneliness.

"Thanks, I have to admit I'm a bit nervous." Renton smiled back as best he could. He still couldn't really believe what he was doing, but he was quickly passing the point of no return. He tried to focus on the positive side of things. For one, he'd be a knockout, and for two he'd have a chance to see what life and sex was like from the other side. It wasn't even permanent. All he had to do was suck it up for a year and he'd have a good bankroll and some help finding a new job.

"I know. Just relax, you'll wake up to a whole new adventure and I promise to be here when you do." Marigold squeezed his hand. She didn't have to guess about what was going through his mind, but she knew he'd be okay. As big as the change was, she'd be there to help when she could, and she knew the company was always good at taking care of the contract holders as well.

"Thanks." Renton looked into her eyes, trying to convey the fact that he was ready for it. The doctor came back around and finished prepping him. He felt like he was something of a pincushion, but then it was over.

"Now, just lay back and count to ten. The last injection should put you to sleep. Rest well, and we'll all be eager to see you when you wake up." Marshal patted his shoulder as he felt the medicine hitting him. He barely got to four before everything just kind of fuzzed out and he drifted off to sleep.

Marigold and Marshal double checked the monitors. Everything was working as intended. Now all that was left was to wait.

Part 2 - A New Life

It was sunlight that finally roused Rosalie from her sleep. She'd drifted along with her head full of fuzzy dreams in that timeless state between deep sleep and actually waking up. The bed felt so comfortable, so warm, almost like a womb and she so hated to think of leaving. She tried rolling away from the morning glare, but the room itself seemed to glow far too brightly.

The first full thought in her head was the fact that her apartment faced west. The second was that it was never this bright in the morning. Those were unimportant facts to the warmly bundled Rosalie, but the feeling of her chest jiggling as she rolled over was an entirely different matter.

She bolted up, doing her level best not to scream as she looked down at her bare chest and the rather large breasts poking up at her. Everything came flooding back to her now, including just where she was and what she'd done. She took a couple of deep breaths to calm down. Surprisingly, it didn't take much. It was just that groggy start that left her so easily rattled.

Rosalie opened her eyes again and looked down. She felt her gut clench a little as she took in the sight of her new breasts. She couldn't resist reaching up to grab them. The weight of the twin orbs felt so strange, as did the way they seemed to jiggle if she moved even the slightest bit. When her hands slid around the soft undersides, she had to bite her lip to keep from moaning. Even such a simple thing felt far too good.

That first curiosity led to the next. Having breasts was strange enough, but she could already feel the void in her crotch simply due to the fact that she hadn't needed to adjust her balls so that she could sit like this. She couldn't keep from looking. She pulled the sheets down and spread her legs. She looked down, and then giggled as she realized there really wasn't anything to see this way. She could see the top of her hairless mound and that was it.

That's when she realized she'd just giggled. Giggled like a girl! Then she giggled again at the absurdity of that instinct. She'd just confirmed that she was very much a girl; it certainly wasn't something to get worked up about anymore. She very well couldn't worry about her masculine pride when she had a chest like this and a very feminine mound between her legs. Hell, if she'd been worried about that she'd never have come here in the first place.

Just as she was thinking about hopping out of bed the door popped open and Doctor Marshal walked in. She was smiling widely as she caught sight of Rosalie's naked body sitting on top of her bed.

"Good morning! How do you feel?" The doctor asked pointedly as she opened up a small closet and pulled out a bright pink robe. "You're free to wear this if you like."

Rosalie fought down the urge to giggle again. The moment she saw that robe all she could think was how feminine it was, and just how good it would look on her. She'd never been one to run around topless as a man, but she realized that the only thing really compelling her to put it on was the slight chill in the air.

"Sure, thanks." Rosalie reached to grab the robe and slipped it on as she got out of bed. It was soft, warm and fuzzy in a very comfortable way and somehow she didn't mind the fact that it showed off her cleavage. It took her a moment to even realize that her voice had changed and she let out a little gasp at how high pitched she'd sounded. She knew it wasn't squeaky or anything but after a lifetime of having a deeper male tone, it caught her off guard. Still, there was the doctor's question. "I'm okay, just kind of adjusting. Everything's a little different and I keep kind of rethinking things."

"Okay, do you mind a couple of quick questions then?" The doctor asked. Rosalie nodded and Marshal pulled up her tablet. "Okay, are you a boy or a girl?"

"A girl." Rosalie answered reflexively. Sure, it was objectively true now, but what surprised her was that she didn't even have to think about it.

"And your name."

"Rosalie Annette Moore." She answered again without thinking. She blinked as she thought about it. That was the name she'd picked out, but the fact that it wasn't her real name was just a hollow fact in her head. She really thought of herself as Rosalie. It wasn't that she hadn't been Renton, it was simply the fact that she wasn't him now.

"How does that make you feel?" The doctor continued.

"Fine. It's all true, isn't it? I mean I was different before, but now I'm Rosalie and a girl. I guess it's kind of strange but I don't feel like it's weird." Rosalie tried her best to put into words what she was feeling. It wasn't the easiest thing to say, but then it wasn't everyday that this kind of thing happened.

"No, that's a perfect response. Some of the things we try to instill during your reconditioning are basic truths like that. Even when you transform like this willingly, the change can be jarring. The program smoothes over most of the rough edges though, so you don't end up having identity issues. We'll monitor you to make sure that doesn't happen." Marshal smiled and then motioned towards the door. "Now if you don't mind, we have to run you through an examination and make sure everything checks out and then get you settled in."

Rosalie followed along. The examination was a fair bit more personal than she'd have liked, but the doctor remained comfortingly professional. It was equally reassuring that she'd come through the transformation without any issues. She was in all regards a healthy twenty year old woman now. There was only one real caveat to that point. She couldn't get pregnant, or even have a period. As much as it separated her from being a normal woman, she really didn't mind. The thought of having a kid was disturbing enough that she shuddered, and not having to deal with a period was a nice bonus.

After the examination, she had a slew of other things to do. Once the doctor finished, Marigold stopped by just in time to catch Rosalie with her arms behind her back trying in vain to put on a bra.

"Can you help me here? I just can't seem to get this." Rosalie grumbled as she fidgeted. It was strange enough getting herself all strapped in like this, but that final necessity of buckling seemed designed to humiliate her.

"Sure, I can guess you had a lot more experience getting these things off." Marigold laughed as she pulled up behind Rosalie and helped guide her fingers. It took a moment, but then she managed to get it secured.

"Not as much as I'd have liked." Rosalie giggled and then turned around. Her breasts were now firmly encased in white lace. She had to say they almost looked sexier like this than they did naked. Still, she was standing around in her underwear, and that wouldn't do if she was going to get out of here.

"So are you ready for training?" Marigold asked as Rosalie scanned through her wardrobe.

"I guess, they really want me to jump right in, don't they?" She answered. The truth was she didn't really know what else to do. Her recent life had been a desperate mix of job hunting and stretching every penny that didn't leave her much time to really relax. In fact Rosalie was looking forward to having stuff to do that that got beyond figuring out how to make three meals out of a cup of ramen.

"Well, the sooner you can get trained the sooner you can be pleasing clients." Marigold answered. Rosalie hadn't expected to feel excited about that, but she really did. She was still plenty nervous about it, but the idea itself filled her with anxious anticipation.

"Well, then let's get going!" Rosalie laughed as she finished buttoning her blouse. Marigold took her down to the training room. The room was filled with different sets, each one set for a specific occasion. There were bars, and dining table, living rooms and bedrooms. There were even cut away cars and limos as well. It was clear they didn't want to leave much to chance.

For the next week Rosalie virtually lived in that room. To her surprise most of the training was actually in etiquette and form. Even those cut away cars didn't deal with sex, it was about practicing how to get into and out of a car gracefully in all sorts of outfits. Certainly, there were occasional nods to her sexuality, like how to sit in an attractive way as well as how and when to bend over to let a gentleman have a more intimate view of her cleavage or panties without appearing too slutty.

To her surprise, Rosalie enjoyed most of it. It was an interesting change of perspective, and her trainers took care to walk her through each lesson patiently. She'd never been a very refined person in her old life, but she'd had decent manners, and most of what they taught were simple extensions along with gender specific things that she'd only truly master after a lot more practice.

Still, the training was really just a crash course, and one thing Rosalie learned was that Voluntary Beauty believed in learning through doing. There was only so much to be learned just practicing; it was applying that knowledge at the right time that truly mattered.

That fact was what led her to this moment, sitting in front of a mirror, primping her hair with an elegant black dress draped over her. The dress was cut just perfectly to accentuate her curves and show off as much skin as possible without looking trashy. Rosalie had spent almost an hour picking it out from the choices her trainer had given her. The truth was, she was doing her best to distract herself from exactly why she was picking out the dress.

"You're looking lovely tonight." Marigold chirped from the door. Rosalie was glad her friend had the chance to stop by. She'd found a strange bond with the curvy blonde. Marigold had made it a point to stop in daily, and they often dined together. Today was the special though, and having some company was exactly what she needed.

"Thanks." Rosalie leaned back towards her reflection and started working on her makeup. The truth was she didn't need much. The transformation had given her nearly perfect skin. All she really needed was a bit of eye shadow and lipstick. Even that was optional, but she was trying for a more mature look.

"You're not too nervous about getting your first client, are you?" Madeline leaned against the counter.

"Yeah, a bit. I mean, it'll be the first time." Rosalie flinched a bit just thinking about it. Honestly, she was more worried about performance than anything. She'd never been the girl before, and despite all the training, and the new instincts she could feel, she really didn't know if she could do it.

"I know just how you feel." Marigold smiled down warmly. That fact that Rosalie knew how true that was really helped. Marigold had walked this same road not so long ago. "But you're really lucky. Mr. Pearson is kind of a special client and he is very good at helping you through your first time out. He's almost an official trainer, and I promise that if you just follow his lead, you'll have a great time."

Rosalie nodded. "Have you ever worked with him?"

"Not exactly like you will. It's a bit complicated, but you don't have anything to worry about." Marigold slid off the counter and gave Rosalie a quick shoulder massage. "Now, let's get you ready and you can get going."

There wasn't a lot left to do, she finished her makeup, and soon, Rosalie was settled into a company limo and sent off to the restaurant where she'd begin the evening. Everything she'd been working on for the last week was coming into focus now. This was the moment she'd been hired for, and yet she couldn't believe she was going to do it. It was as simple and terrifying as dinner and an evening in his apartment. Marigold's reassurance helped, but Rosalie couldn't deny that she was torn between anticipation and trepidation.

The anticipation was almost the strangest thing. Rosalie couldn't deny how curious she was about her new sexuality. She'd had a few moments of awkward fumbling in the shower over the last week, but the training schedule had her hopping so much that by the time she hit the bed she didn't have the energy for anything except sleep. For all the training covered, even including the basics of feminine hygiene, she'd not received any in depth discussion about sex. As thorough as they were about everything else, it left her surprised they didn't cover the topic she'd have thought was the most important.

"M'lady, if I may, Norman Pearson at your disposal." Rosalie nearly jumped when he approached spoke from her side. She'd been so focused on the entrance that she hadn't seen him coming from down the street. She turned to see a rather tall older man standing with an old fashioned fedora in his hand. His black suit was equally anachronistic with its perfect tailoring and set with a long dark tie.

As she recovered from her shock, she extended her hand. It somehow seemed perfect for this out-of-place man to take her hand and kiss it right above her knuckles. It was like something out of an old movie, and yet he totally sold the performance. He looked like he was in his mid forties, somewhat rugged, yet his eyes were kind. Somehow, despite everything, seeing him was actually calming.

"I'm Rosalie." She managed to say without stammering. Her natural nervousness was something that her trainers had found endearing, and had left it intact. If anything they helped her to accentuate it for effect.

"And it is a pleasure to meet you. You look amazing, my dear. Now would you do me the honor of joining me for dinner?" He smiled and nodded towards the entrance.