Warcraft: That Makes Two of Us Ch. 02

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Jaina accepts Thrall and Aggra's invitation to their home.
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Aggra and Thrall were waiting outside their hut when they heard the whooshing sound of a magical portal opening nearby. The portal opened up on the pathway leading up to their hut, and Jaina Proudmoore emerged from it a moment later. The white and blond-haired human woman strode out from the portal, staff in hand, taking a moment to look at the beautiful and quaint surroundings of lush Nagrand. Her eyes fell on Thrall and Aggra's hut and her vigilant expression morphed into one of recognition as she made her way over to them.

The Mag'har orcess was a bit nervous, truth be told, and she sensed that her husband felt the same way, though they both had a good way of hiding it. She didn't know what to expect when Jaina Proudmoore arrived, or if she would take well to what they were soon going to propose to her. She was a bit antsy the whole morning on the way to and from the ancestral Mag'har settlement of Garadar, where she was leaving her children for the rest of the day with one of the local orc females who she and Thrall were close friends with. Her first nagging thought during that trip was, would Jaina even show up at all? Seeing the sorceress here though brought a touch of relief to Aggra, knowing that Jaina had at least answered Thrall's message, though it did nothing yet to assuage Aggra's other concerns for what they had planned for Jaina.

Nevertheless, Aggra was once again dazzled by the Alliance's woman's feminine grace and beauty, especially now that the orcess had begun to look at her in a different light following the "mishap" with her husband fantasizing about Jaina. As Jaina walked up to meet them, Aggra tried her hardest not to ogle her, but nonetheless took note of the confidence in the other woman's stride, the way her lord admiral's garb was form-fitting to her slender body and the way her bodice revealed just the perfect bit of Jaina's lovely cleavage for Aggra and Thrall to appreciate, and the way the Nagrand sun accentuated her unique hair pattern, seeming to make the streak of blond stand out. Jaina being dressed more conservatively than both Aggra and Thrall did nothing to downplay Aggra's attraction for this woman; if anything, it made her all the more eager to help her husband strip all that clothing off her to reveal the lovely form hiding underneath, assuming all proceeded as well as they were hoping.

Jaina stepped up to both of them, and she turned first to Thrall. Aggra noted at first that she was not smiling, but rather appeared a bit concerned. "Thrall, I got your message. Are you alright? Is it Sylvanas? Have she and Nathanos been-"

Thrall raised a hand up to politely stop her. "No, no, Jaina, nothing like that. All is well here, and we've seen no sign of Sylvanas since she and Nathanos fled. I apologize if my message was brief and vague. It was not my intention to needlessly give you cause for concern."

Jaina's shoulders slumped as she let out a sigh of relief. "Oh...oh, well, that's good." She gave a gentle smile at the both of them. "I apologize for getting alarmed. I'm quite glad to hear that you are well and have had no trouble."

Thrall smirked at her in a way that accentuated his tusks. "No trouble apart from a rambunctious wife and children." Aggra playfully smacked at arm at that.

Jaina smiled at him before turning to Aggra herself. "Aggralan, it's very good to see you again."

Aggra returned the smile and gave a small bow back at her. "Lord Admiral, welcome to our home. And please, just call me Aggra."

Jaina nodded, looking back at Thrall. "Forgive me for asking, but if there is nothing to be concerned about here in Nagrand, then why did you ask me here?"

To tear your clothes off, eat your cunt and fuck your brains out, Aggra thought with a wry bit of amusement.

Thrall looked back at his wife and then to his old friend. "Truth be told, Jaina, we didn't get much time to talk these past months. And now that the war is over, Aggra and I were thinking that it would be nice to...reconnect in private."

Her husband put it far more diplomatically than Aggra would have. Had Aggra been the one to speak, she likely would've been a little too truthful about their intentions, scaring Jaina off from the idea outright.

"I'm not sure, Thrall. That's very kind of you both, and I don't want to be ungrateful, but there's so much still to do in Boralus, feelers to put out on Sylvanas' whereabouts, refugees to account for..."

"Jaina," Thrall said again, causing her to pause. "Surely some of this can wait for one day, can't it? You are an important leader to your people, I understand this better than anyone, but you are a person of your own too, and you need to take some time away from it all every now and again."

Jaina opened her mouth to protest, before rubbing her arm and sighing. "You may be right. Still, settling down, even briefly, is...difficult, for me. Has been for a while."

Aggra looked at the human woman with sympathy, seeing how hard it was for her to find peace, probably ever since what Garrosh had done to her and to Theramore. "Jaina. It would make Go'el and I very happy if you could give us a few hours of your time. He is eager to speak with you again, not as leaders of your respective people, but as friends, and I would like a chance to get to know you better," Aggra explained with a smile.

The conflict between her many duties and the personal desire to have some time for herself clearly played out in Jaina's head for a few moments, before the latter finally won out. She nodded. "That...sounds quite nice, Aggra, Thrall. I would very much like to stay a while. Thank you both for the hospitality," she said with a small smile.

Aggra's face brightened warmly at this answer. "We are glad to hear it. Please, come inside. We prepared some food and drink, and you are welcome to join us."

Jaina nodded, following Aggra and Thrall into their hut. Looking over her shoulder, Aggra caught a brief glimpse of Jaina's eyes on Thrall's back as she followed them into the hut. Aggra smiled to herself; although this was minor and relatively harmless, it was a good sign of things to come, she hoped. Her husband was shirtless as was normal for him, leaving little to the imagination in terms of his muscular green physique, and this clearly hadn't gone unnoticed by the human woman.

Thrall and Aggra's hut was quite cozy and comfortable, the scent of spices and herbs filling the air from Aggra's cooking earlier. The main area of the hut was adorned with furs to sit on, and a small wooden table to eat at. With the sun going down, Aggra had lit a small selection of candles around the hut to bath the orc dwelling in a serene atmosphere. From a look at Jaina, Aggra was pleased to see that Jaina seemed to appreciate the humble but comfortable-looking home.

"This is a lovely home," Jaina said politely. She looked around, noticing the adjoining rooms. "Where are your children?"

"One of the women in the village is watching them. She has children of her own, so Durak and Rezhe will certainly enjoy being away from us for a while," Thrall chuckled.

Thrall encouraged Jaina to sit down at their small table, and Aggra was pleased to see that Thrall had gently taken Jaina by the hand as he did so. Her husband was making more gentle, gradual physical contact with the human woman as their time with her progressed, and Jaina seemed warm and welcoming of it. Aggra made quick about returning to the table with plates of smoked meat, fruits, vegetables and wine. Jaina's eyes widened from the spread they'd prepared.

"Oh, Thrall, Aggra, there was no need to go to such lengths for me," she said.

Aggra smiled, sitting down beside Jaina. She gently patted the other woman's shoulder. "It was our pleasure, Jaina."

Thrall and Aggra began to dig in, and Jaina followed suit. As they ate, Jaina constantly complimented them on the meal, pleasing the both of them. Thrall took up the bottle of wine and poured each of them a glass. Jaina took a whiff as Thrall handed it to her. "Is this draenic vintage?" she asked.

"It is," Thrall replied. "Given to us by some of the local draenei after we helped them with some aggressive arakkoa who were causing problems for them. Considering the history of the orcs and draenei in this world, I can't say I ever expected being gifted wine from a draenei."

"Or having dinner with a human," Jaina said with a smile.

Thrall reached over and put his hand over hers, with Aggra noting how her tiny peach-skinned hand contrasted with and was dwarfed by his larger green one. "You and I were always different from the norm in that way."

Aggra smiled, giving a wry smile in Thrall's direction that he met discreetly. "Go'el told me about your new obligations. How goes the reconstruction of Boralus?" she asked, endeavoring to shift over to casual conversation.

"It's going well," Jaina replied. "The city is still being renovated from the destruction of Lady Ashvane's attempted coup." She took a moment to take a sip of wine before continuing. "How about your new obligations with the Horde Council?"

Thrall nodded. "Also going well, so far. Given the mishaps that we've had with the role of warchief, having representatives from every Horde race seems to be a good solution for now. Even if it means having to leave my family for a time whenever the council summons me."

"There were almost no mishaps when you were warchief, Thrall," Jaina said.

He gave a small, but sad smile. "You honor me, Jaina. I'm happy with the way things are now though, even if it was a rough road to get here," he said, reaching over and stroking Aggra's shoulder.

Their meal continued in earnest, with their conversation weaving in and out of Jaina and Thrall's history (steering clear of some of the more uncomfortable details), Aggra giving Thrall shaman training and their falling in love, Jaina's almost familial bond with the young Alliance king Anduin Wrynn, their efforts in the aftermath of the Fourth War and so on. Jaina was smiling and laughing more and more during jovial topics, and Aggra was happy to see the other woman becoming so relaxed. Thrall recounting Jaina's history to her had made the Mag'har orcess realize that Jaina probably hadn't had many happy moments in recent years.

Jaina looked over at Aggra. "How have you been, Aggra? It's been a few years since you and I last spoke," she asked, taking a sip of her second glass of wine.

"Just doing my best to keep my young ones from getting into too much trouble, and this one from getting into even more," Aggra replied with a toothy grin, nudging her husband's shoulder.

Thrall put his hand to his chest in mock offense. "And here I thought she was a difficult teacher when it came to shaman training! If only I knew what I was getting into by marrying her! Hard woman!" Jaina chuckled at that.

"Watch it, Go'el," Aggra said, pointing her fork at him.

"Yes, watch it indeed," Jaina added. "You've got two hard women at your table with you."

Thrall shook his head. "I'm woefully outnumbered here," he grumbled.

Jaina finished her food and pushed aside her plate. She looked back at Aggra. "Do you wish to have a third child at some point?"

Aggra shrugged. "Go'el and I have not discussed it at length, but I think we may be content with the two for now." She took a big swig of wine before continuing. "Not for a lack of trying though, that's for sure," Aggra purred, giving a wink at her husband.

"How do you mean?" Jaina asked.

"Well," Thrall began, "let's just say that Aggra and I are glad that our children are deep sleepers, being only one bedroom away from us."

Jaina's eyes widened when she finally understood what the orc couple were getting at. "Oh...oh!" she said, letting out a small laugh, followed by another quick drink of wine. "Forgive me, I...I feel silly for not realizing at first." She was blushing a bright red.

"No, forgive us for catching you off guard. You are our guest here, after all," Aggra said, patting Jaina's hand. "My husband and I are usually quite open about these things and we don't often have guests."

"No...no, this is your home, and you should feel as open to talk about whatever you'd like to," Jaina said, brushing aside a lock of her snowy white hair. "It's very different with us humans with those topics. Some of the other races probably see us a prudish, and I wouldn't blame them."

She took another drink of wine, her eyes going back to Thrall. Aggra noticed that she was being more and more brazen about ogling Thrall's bare chest and musculature as the night went on, though she was pleasantly surprised to see her give the occasional glance at her own features. While Aggra was dressed a bit more than her husband, her thin shift did little to hide her brownish-red skin and her cleavage.

Jaina opened and closed her mouth several times before she finally continued. "May I ask you a personal question."

Aggra and Thrall both nodded. "Of course you can, Jaina," Aggra responded.

Jaina took a deep breath. "So...you two are still...intimate with each other? The passion is still there for you two?"

Thrall smiled widely, his tusks looking more pronounced as he did. "We are and it is, Jaina. Every night, just about. Well...every night I'm here in Nagrand, anyway."

Aggra bit her lip seductively, winking at her greenskinned husband. "Sometimes multiple times in one night."

Jaina gave a little gasp. "Oh my...oh wow. That is...quite something," Jaina said, sounding impressed.

"And what about you? Has there been a special person to grace the lovely lord admiral's bedsheets?" Aggra asked, leaning her head forward conspiratorially.

"Ah..err...no, I haven't had time for such things, to be honest. I've not...had a lover since Kalec."

Aggra whistled, and she looked at Thrall, who was keenly interested in the conversation. "Spirits, Go'el. A dragon? Lady Proudmoore's beauty is so legendary that even a member of one of the most ancient of races was smitten with her."

Jaina blushed from the other female's unexpected praise. She rubbed the back of her neck. "Thank you, Aggra. That's...that's too kind. Kalec and I, we certainly did our best to make things work, while it lasted..." she said, taking a sip of wine seemingly before her thoughts took a turn toward the melancholy.

Aggra took another drink of wine too before boldly asking, "Did you ever take him for a ride while he was in his true form?"

"Aggra!" Thrall half-heartedly scolded his wife with a boisterous laugh.

Jaina nearly choked on her wine, letting out a laugh as she put a hand to her chest. "Oh Light, no. That would've been anatomically impossible." She paused for a few moments before continuing, emboldened by the openness of the conversation thus far. "In his humanoid form though, we got up to a bit of fun every now and again. We...made love in a broom closet in Dalaran once."

"Well now, and here I thought you said humans were prudes!" Aggra joked. "A broom closet? I guess you needed a little something done quick but you had no time to find a bedchamber, hmm?"

Jaina rubbed the back of her neck. "It is a long story," she said sheepishly.

Aggra smiled and picked up the wine bottle on the table, noticing that it was now empty thanks to the three of them. She looked at Thrall. "Go'el, could you get us another bottle?"

Thrall raised up his hands. "Ah, well, I'm not sure that's a good idea, Aggra."

"Oh come now, husband, another bottle isn't going to kill us, is it, Jaina?"

Jaina raised an eyebrow at Aggra with a smile. "No, I don't suppose it will. Thrall?"

Thrall sighed. "Well...if you both insist. Don't say I didn't warn you."

He got up onto his feet, and Aggra realized why he was hesitant to stand up. Thrall was, in that moment, pitching a rather large tent in his pants from all of their sex talk. Worse still, a wet patch formed in his pants from the prodigious flow of precum, which was clearly visible to them. From her left, Aggra heard Jaina just faintly whisper out in a way that was clearly intended for no one else to hear, "by the Light!" Looking quickly at her, Aggra saw that Jaina was gawking at her husband's clear erection tenting his pants, and it didn't take a genius to see that the human woman was taken aback by the size of the erection.

"On second thought, Go'el, you may want to change your pants first, before you get that second bottle," Aggra said with a wink.

Thrall let out a cough, fast-walking from the room. Aggra looked back at Jaina, rolling her eyes in an exaggerated fashion. "Males, yeah?" Jaina simply nodded, not knowing what to say.

After a moment, Jaina looked back at Aggra. "Forgive me, I, erm...I need to relieve myself. Do you mind?"

"Of course not. Around the back of the hut."

Jaina nodded quickly, seeming to be in a hurry. "Thank you. I'll be back in a moment."

The human woman pulled her chair out and hastened from the room, leaving Aggra alone. Looking to their shared room, Aggra saw Thrall stripping off his pants and rummaging through a chest to find another pair. The haste by which Jaina fled from the room was odd to the orcess, and she suddenly had a hunch. Deciding to risk it, she got up from her chair as well, and walked outside their hut. Following the path that Jaina had gone around their hut toward the small outhouse they had around back. A few moments later however, Aggra's hunch proved accurate, and it turns out Jaina had not gone to the outhouse. Instead, she had sought out an entirely different kind of relief.

There, huddled near the small window that peered into Aggra and Thrall's room, was Jaina. The human woman was on her knees, sneaking a peep through the window while she was reaching down and rubbing herself between her legs. She was breathing heavily, but clearly trying to muffle her voice. Given how hard the human woman was rubbing herself, Aggra didn't need to have a clear view of the window to know that her husband was currently nude in their room right now, and that was the reason for Jaina's current arousal.

A tingle rushed through Aggra's body, going down her spine and ending at her loins. This was the kind of obvious sign that Aggra had been waiting for. And she and Thrall would have no better opportunity than this.

"Well...what do we have here?" Aggra asked, emerging from behind the corner of the hut and approaching the human sorceress with her hands on her hips.

Jaina's eyes went wide and she struggled to find purchase on her feet. "Aggra! It's...it's not what it looks like!" she whispered loudly, clearly trying to defend herself while trying not to alert Thrall inside the hut that she'd been peeping on him.

"Oh no? You mean to tell me that you aren't kneeling by our window, looking at my orc husband's erect penis and wondering what it would feel like pushing inside you?" Aggra asked with a purr.

Jaina gaped like a fish. "I- I..."

Aggra approached her, settling down onto her knees beside Jaina. The human woman had fought in countless battles against many foes, and yet the orcess couldn't imagine her looking more terrified than she did right now.

Aggra put a finger gently to Jaina's lips. "Shhh. It's alright, Jaina." She took a deep breath. "Go'el and I...we haven't been entirely honest with you." Jaina looked at her questioningly at this but she let Aggra continue. "You see, a few nights ago, I caught my husband in the yard, stroking that mighty thick cock of his." Aggra paused, looking into the room where Thrall was still in the nude, rummaging through that chest and, Aggra suspected, taking as much time as possible while doing so in order to give Jaina this view.

Aggra looked back at Jaina. "And you know what he said while he was doing it? He said your name." Jaina gasped from this revelation, but Aggra continued. "And after I saw that with my own eyes, Jaina, it didn't take me long to realize what I wanted. I wanted to watch you fuck him. I want you and Go'el to fuck."