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Mandy clapped her hands and ran over to Darby. She pulled her into a hug and kissed her. Then, she kissed her some more, with a lot of heat. The room was silent except for the sound of their mouths and the brushing of my wife's hand on Darby's skin. All eyes were on them, and speaking for myself, it was hot as hell. We all clearly heard Darby's little moan as Mandy's tongue entered her mouth and our collective breath went out in empathy with her arousal. The two women really got their tongues into it and the floodgates opened. I could see heat between them grow until it was uncontrollable, and I didn't think they'd let up before they had fully satisfied each other. I thought we were in for one hell of a show.

To my complete surprise Mandy managed to pull her mouth away from Darby's. She pulled her hand from Darby's panties and brushed a wet finger across Darby's lips, "Let's put a pin in that for a little bit."

Mandy looked at the men in the room, "I need a little help. Would you guys please make two beds out of those four? We're going to need the room."

I'm surprised that we didn't immediately smack our heads together in our rush to make that happen. We ended up being pretty well coordinated and were highly motivated to move quickly. Within a few minutes we had the beds in an even better configuration. We had to move one couch a few feet, but when we finished the beds were aligned side by side with the mattresses touching. Darby found a roll of clothesline and we used it to tie the legs together so the beds couldn't spread apart. As soon as the last knot was tied, we all turned and looked at Mandy expectantly.

Mandy held up the deck of cards, "I'm gonna split the deck, half for the girls, and half for the boys. We'll draw cards for order. Highest card is number one and so on. Number one girl will be matched up with the number one guy. The fourth guy gets a fun surprise."

It didn't take long for the two genders to figure out their placing. Mandy directed traffic, "OK, it looks like Amy is first and she's matched with Chase. Darby is second and she's matched with Bill. I'm last and I'm matched with Tim, which leaves Hal all by his lonesome.

"We can't have that. Hal you were a bad boy when we met earlier this evening, so we fucked with you in the hope that you would lighten up a little. Your attitude has improved, and I think you should be rewarded, so come over here baby. You can play with me.

"What people? Do I need to draw you a picture? I think you can take it from here. If not, please allow me to demonstrate."

Mandy pulled Tim into a hot kiss. Her hand slid into Hal's boxers and grabbed his cock. Her other hand went into Tim's boxer briefs and began stroking his cock. Mandy pulled back from the kiss and gave the rest of us a look with her eyebrow raised in question, "Get my point? I'm going to be busy for a while. Please entertain yourselves and I'll get back to you. Especially you Darby."

With a wink at Darby, she dropped to her knees and pulled Tim's briefs down and off his feet. She turned to Hal and did the same to him. She wrapped her hand around Hal's cock and licked his glans with her tongue. The rest of us stared for several seconds, then turned to each other.

During the card draw I noticed a few things. I noticed that Bill seemed infatuated with Amy, and she had been watching him with interest as well. While I would dearly love to spend some time on an actual bed with the hot redhead, I really wanted to get my hands on Darby, and I was sure she wanted to get her hands on me. I would have liked to swap partners, but I didn't want to say something that might cause hurt feelings. Amy came to my rescue.

She must have read the situation a lot like I had because she pulled Darby with her as she walked up close to Bill and I. She reached out, took Bill's cock in her hand, and began to slowly stroke him, "Uhm... You guys wanna trade?"

She was answered by grins all around. I took Darby's hand and led her to the middle area of the bed. Mandy was already on the end next to us and was too busy to notice us right away. She had Tim's cock in her mouth and Hal's mouth on her pussy. Her mood had dramatically improved since we arrived at the airport. Part of me wanted to just settle back and watch her, but Darby was right here, right now, and I wasn't about to miss the opportunity.

While Amy had been very exuberant in her love making, Darby was more loving in her approach. That added an intimate dimension to our congress that dramatically increased the intensity. Her soft skin and sweet lips drew me in. Touching her, caressing her, and tasting her was a truly wonderful experience. Her kisses were the perfect combination of affection and lust. Our arousal grew with leaps and bounds, and we were unaware of the people sharing our bed.

She tasted sublime. Her neatly trimmed mound bulged slightly from her body and her labia opened to my tongue. She had one of the prettiest pussies I've ever seen, and I was anxious to bury my cock in it. My tongue flicked her clit while my finger gently moved in her, caressing her g-spot. She whimpered and cried out as her sweet pussy flooded my face. I wiped my face on the way up her body and kissed her passionately. Her hand gripped my cock and pulled me to her warm place, "I need you in me Chase. Please fuck me."

If I didn't love my wife so deeply I think in that moment I would have changed my life just to be with Darby. She was beyond beautiful, but the inner woman was my ultimate attraction. The beauty of her soul was openly, and honestly, shared with me. No other lover in my life except my Mandy has ever given me such a gift. She offered it all to me and left herself vulnerable. That's a level of trust I have rarely experienced in life. I wasn't about to waste this opportunity.

Her need was evident and she didn't need to be aroused further. I knew that I certainly didn't need motivation. I wanted inside her with a need I found shocking, and I set out to meet that need. I teased her pussy with my glans and wetted it at the same time. Darby was thrusting her hips at me, trying to get my cock inside. It was time and I slid my cock down that final little bit needed to line up with her opening. I pressed forward and pushed inside to her moan of relief. Inch by inch I slid into her until our groins met and we kissed with deep passion.

I moved my head back enough to look into her eyes and she smiled so sexily at me. I began to move in her and her forehead wrinkled as her hips began to thrust against me. Our pace increased and she looked into my eyes with such want and need I nearly came. I fought off my pending orgasm as best I could until I saw her eyes grow huge and her body stiffen as her orgasm rapidly grew into an explosion of passion. She writhed and moaned as her body stiffened. Her hands flew up and pulled my head down to those wonderfully soft lips. Our kiss was as full of passion, heat, and affection as we could make it. The eroticism of the moment was too much for me and I began to pump jets of cum deep into her. Darby moaned out her joy and another slightly less intense orgasm swept over her.

I stayed buried in her in the aftermath of our coupling while we continued to kiss for long wonderful minutes. I eventually slid from her abused pussy and fell back on the bed. A few minutes later Darby sat up and climbed off the bed. She went to the bathroom while I laid back and watched the activity around me.

Amy and Bill appeared to have made a connection. They were in post coital bliss and were looking into each other's eyes with deep affection while their hands caressed each other. I suspected that those two were going to be spending a lot of time together, exploring their new relationship.

When I looked over at Mandy, she immediately got my undivided attention. She was on top of Tim, and he was buried deep in her pussy. She was leaning over with her left tit hanging over his mouth and his lips around her nipple. Hal was behind her slowly shoving his cock into her ass. Mandy loves sex and is as adventurous as they come in the bedroom, but I never dreamed that she would try something like what I was seeing. When I saw that she was loving every second of it, I relaxed and enjoyed the show.

The two men stroked into her at the perfect pace to build her desire to a point that she had rarely experienced. When she started orgasming it went on and on until she nearly collapsed onto Tim's chest. The two men continued to fuck her, and as she orgasmed again they flooded her with their cum. Hal carefully slipped his cock from her ass and moved up next to her. He kissed the side of her head and whispered something to her. She didn't have the chance to respond because Tim pulled her into a deep kiss that lasted long enough to make me a bit uncomfortable. Sexual and friendly affection are fine, but when things start looking loving, I get nervous.

I mentally slapped myself. I made this happen, so I can't get my panties in a wad just because she's embraced the experience.

It's almost as if she could read my mind. Her lips left Tim's as she lifted her head and turned to look at me. She smiled at me with such love and affection that I felt like a heel for my thoughts of seconds ago. She must have seen something that concerned her because she was off Tim and in my arms a second later. She kissed me with the passion and love that only she can, and I was thrilled to return it with the same deep feelings.

When we pulled apart and gazed at each other I could tell she needed to talk, and I was more than ready to have the discussion. I stood up and helped her to her feet. We walked to the bathroom and went inside. There were several sinks along the wall and Darby stood in front of one drying her hair. She glanced up at the movement and gave us a huge smile. I was happy to see Mandy return it with genuine affection as we walked to the shower room.

The shower had three walls with eight shower heads and there was plenty of room to move around. We got under the water together and I began to wash her back. When I turned her around to wash her front she looked into my eyes, "I love you Chase, and I always will. This stuff we did was absolutely crazy, beyond anything I ever expected to do with my husband, and I loved doing it. But... It's a onetime thing, isn't it? I really don't want to make a habit out of doing stuff like this. The sex was fun and all, but our love is what makes having sex with you the best there is. I don't want to risk something happening to us."

I kissed her forehead, "Are you afraid you're falling for Tim?"

She shook her head, "He's a sweet and sexy man, not to mention a wonderful kisser, but he's not you. He can have some of my affection, but he'll never have my love. What about you and Darby? It looked to me like you were feeling a lot more than horny."

I chuckled, "In a world where you didn't exist, I would be after her in a hot second. Thank God we don't live in that world. In this world I have you and that is all I need.

"By the way, what did Hal whisper to you?"

She frowned, "He almost managed to ruin the moment. He wants to see me again when we get home. I got busy with Tim and didn't answer him, but there is no way I'll ever see him again if I can avoid it. We had some fun, but now it's time to return to reality and my husband.

" You gave me a gift beyond anything I could have dreamed of, and I love you so much for that. At first, I thought you were falling out of love with me. How else could you give me up so easily? But then I would look at you in certain moments and see the fear on your face, and I realized that it wasn't easy for you at all. You've faced scary shit all your life and never flinched, but the idea of losing me scared the crap out of you. I know that you love me more than life itself. I feel the same about you."

I'm a confident guy and it usually takes a lot to throw me. I will admit that I felt a huge sense of relief after she spoke. I realized that I'd been more concerned than I'd cared to admit when I turned Mandy lose. Her words were the reassurance I needed. The fact that she shouldn't have needed to say them, but said them anyway, further proved her love for me.

I propped open the security door and we wandered over to the bar to have a night cap. While we were there, we gathered up clothes and used a utility cart to carry them back to the alert room. Everyone was in various stages from showering to getting ready for sleep. We distributed the clothes, and Mandy ensured that we kept Darby's until last.

Darby was sitting on a towel on the couch as we walked over. She looked up at us in innocent curiosity and Mandy gave her a huge smile, "You and I have some unfinished business."

With that said, Mandy leaned down and kissed Darby and soon the two women were lying on the couch fully engaged in their mutual affection. I knelt on the floor next to them and waited for the opportunity to join the festivities. I would be waiting for a while. Their obvious affection for each other couldn't be expressed without a lot of passionate kisses and ever expanding touches.

Mandy kissed her way down Darby's body until her tongue began to dance on her clit. Soon Darby was again thrusting her hips, forcing her pussy against a willing mouth. Seeing my opening and got onto the couch behind my wife and slipped my cock into her. I began to fuck her at a pace matched to her manipulations of Darby's pussy. It was more love making than fucking and it was wonderful.

By this point my balls were empty, but that didn't stop the spasms of orgasm to swell my cock and make it pulse within my amazing wife. Her orgasmic moans must have been the perfect vibration needed to finish Darby. Darby's body arched and her hands grabbed the back of Mandy's head, forcing her face hard against Darby's pussy. I moved from behind my wife and knelt on the floor next to the two women.

Mandy laid down face to face with Darby and the two women kissed with such affection that I wished there was a way to bottle that stuff and sell it. We'd retire the next day. Their lips eventually parted and I could see that they were both ready to sleep. I leaned over and kissed them both on the cheek, "Mandy, I'm not ready to sleep yet. I'm going to walk around for a while."

A mumbled, "Ok honey. I love you," was about the best response I could expect. I left them and went on a walkabout.

Several hours and numerous laps around the airport later, I heard noise and walked to the front of the terminal. Looking out the glass wall I saw the grader making its way along the access road. The sky was clear, and it looked like the airport would be re-opened before long. I made my way back to the alert room.

I woke Darby and Mandy and let them know what was happening. Darby spent a few minutes in the bathroom and returned with bright eyes, "I need to prepare for the airport to re-open. I'll wake up Lisa and Bill so they can get things organized for people showing up this morning. I'll let you know as soon as I can whatever I find out."

She moved into Mandy's arms and they kissed with deep affection. When she released Mandy, she walked to me, and I pulled her into my arms. We shared a kiss full of heat, passion, and promise. She finally stepped back and left the room.

I woke up the guys and let them know what was happening, then Mandy and I went to the kitchen to see what we could do to help Bill prepare for breakfast. By the time the airport re-opened and the passengers for the morning flight started ordering breakfast, we had the kitchen ready to go.

Two hours later our flight was announced and we boarded our plane. We settled into our seats and a short while later we were in the air. Mandy and I were hunkered in our seats, touching each other as much as we could get away with barring a stern warning from the flight crew. I caressed her cheek, "How's your mood now babe?"

She chuckled, "Pretty damn good I have to say. I'll be glad to get home though. My husband is going to fuck my brains out when we get there, so I'm naturally a bit excited."

I smiled and nibbled her neck, "Anything else from Hal?"

She shook her head, "Yeh, he gave it a shot. Then I shot him down. I let him know that I wasn't looking for a lover and wasn't interested in anything more than what had already happened. He took it better than I thought he would. It probably didn't hurt that he did in fact get laid. Darby is the one that surprised me."

"Darby? What happened with Darby?"

Mandy maintained a look of detached seriousness, "Well, the two of us were talking after you went on your walk, and she asked me if she could be with us again."

I nodded, "OK, and what did you tell her? I'm assuming you said it was a onetime thing and so on?"

She grinned, "Not exactly."

Now I was confused, "What did you tell her?"

Her hand fell to my crotch and she gave my cock a squeeze, "I told her that her presence was required at our home next weekend. I bought her ticket before we boarded. I assumed that you wouldn't have a problem with that."

"A reasonable assumption if I've ever heard one dear."

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DrkmanDrkmanabout 1 year ago

Really enjoyed this story. Maybe another chapter is in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One of the best group story I read! Thanks

herrhookherrhookover 1 year ago

Aside from the name glitches, this was a very entertaining story. Good buildup and slow raising of the sexual temperature among 6 couples. Didn't see the ending coming, but I thought you handled the final matchups well - even the swaps worked. Of course, the focus was on Mandy, but her husband was her anchor and everything came out well in the end.

I find myself wondering if you will write about the next weekend at home...?

djripdjripover 1 year ago

What a wholesome little orgy!

Heybuddy65Heybuddy65over 1 year ago

I liked your story very much. Thank you for sharing it. While I agree with some of the criticisms, you took the time to write something and the leap of faith to put it out there. Good for you. My stories are not perfect either but I appreciate the effort you made.

QuestionableFun87QuestionableFun87over 1 year ago

I really enjoyed it. Great story!

JimDiamondJimDiamondover 1 year ago

That was about as hot as literotica gets. More than a five! Of course it helped knowing someone hot was sleeping and tomorrow morning I will have to tell her about it as I also show her. Best praise possible for an erotic piece of storytelling

MedicalpeteMedicalpeteover 1 year ago

I like that! Good sexy fun!

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

Good love story. Chase, the husband, is a good man.

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