Weather Layover in Hotlanta


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"Too dangerous, Jack," Dave said. "I know somebody in the Atlanta PD who can do it. Just call your cop friend and tell him we work together. You can't go anywhere near Pennsylvania, Jack."

"How do you know it's PA," I asked Dave.

Dave laughed and replied, "That's where your hot little wife grew up! I did the initial investigation on her, remember? And you just told me that piece of shit who assaulted her still lives there."

"Thanks, Dave I said.

"Don't thank me yet," Dave replied. "We still have to get that's prick's history and have to hope there's something you can burn him on."

"Trust me, Dave," I said. "You don't sexually assault and beat just one woman. He's done it multiple times, I'm sure of that."

"You're probably right, Jack," Dave said. "But how are you going to find out his name? You can't exactly ask Sarah, or anyone in her family."

"You let me worry about that part, Dave" I replied.

Dave and I went back into the spa and headed toward the whirlpool. Sarah and Alex were in there, as were Yvette and Phillip.

I said to Yvette, "If I had known you and Phillip were going to be here, I'd have gotten more cognac."

"That's OK, Jack," Yvette said. "I'm not drinking, and Phillip doesn't like cognac."

"What brings you two here," I asked Yvette.

"Dessert," Yvette replied.

Sarah smiled, and held up the small plate I had gotten from the restaurant. It had four pieces of Godiva dark chocolate on it.

"I thought Yvette might enjoy dessert in here, Jack," Sarah replied.

"But there isn't enough for everyone," Dave remarked.

"Oh, there's plenty, Dave," Alex replied smiling. "Why don't you sit down on the edge of the pool, right next to me."

I nodded to Dave and he sat. I then sat next to Sarah, and Yvette told Phillip to sit on the edge next to her. Sarah passed the plate to Alex, who took a chocolate. Yvette and Sarah then took two other pieces.

"It melts fast, Yvette," Alex said to her. "So get going. But make sure you save some of it for the end."

"You're going to love this, Dave," I commented.

The girls then knelt in the whirlpool between our legs, and proceeded to give Dave, Phillip, and I the chocolate treatment that Alex had given me. Phillip didn't last five minutes. Dave climaxed not long after that. Sarah took her time and didn't let me climax for nearly fifteen minutes. After Sarah was done, I sat down in the pool next to her. Phillip and Dave were already in the water.

"Did you like that, Dave," Alex asked him. "I know I did!"

Dave took Alex in his arms and began to kiss her passionately.

"I guess that's a definite yes," Sarah said. "How about you, Phillip?"

Phillip looked at Yvette and told her, "We need to buy a lot of that chocolate!"

Giggling, Yvette replied to Phillip, "Yes we do honey! Your cum tastes so much better mixed with dark chocolate."

"I told you he would taste good, Yvette," Sarah said.

"Thanks for inviting me for dessert, Sarah," Yvette replied. "I now have a new favorite after dinner treat."

"How about before breakfast," Phillip asked.

"OK," Yvette replied. "Thanks for inviting us to dessert, Sarah."

"Thank Alex, Yvette," Sarah responded. "She's the one who showed me."

Alex suddenly broke her kiss with Dave.

"Let's go upstairs, Dave," Alex said in an almost pleading voice. "I want to make love with you."

Alex and Dave thanked us and left quickly.

"Alex is so into Dave," Sarah remarked. "I hope he knows what he's in for, Jack?"

"I warned him, Sarah," I replied. "I told him to enjoy her company, but don't fall in love with her."

"I thinks it's too late for that," Sarah responded. "Did you see the way he was looking at her?"

"Yeah, I saw it," I said. "And I saw how she was looking at him too."

Yvette replied, "Alex was looking at Dave the way Sarah looked at you, Jack. The morning after you made love with her for the first time."

Now laughing, Sarah said, "Great! Now I'm going to have to listen to Alex whining about missing Dave for months after he leaves."

"I can't bear the thought of Dave moping," I replied. "He's terrible when he's heartbroken. Just awful."

Phillip and Yvette then excused themselves and got out of the whirlpool. They thanked us and started to leave.

"Yvett,"" Sarah said, "Did my sister Jackie talk to you?"

"Yes she did, Sarah," Yvette replied. "George is going to be in for quite a surprise when they get back to their room tonight. She already cut off her fingernail. I told her to make sure her finger was very well lubricated too."

"Thanks, Yvette," Sarah said.

Sarah and I were soon alone.

"Shall we call it a night down here my love," I asked Sarah.

"Yes, my love," Sarah replied.

As Sarah and I were walking past the hot tub, we saw Jackie and George. She was very slowly sucking his cock, and fingering herself, as George sat on the edge of the tub. Sarah stopped me and we watched them.

"I guess she did learn something, Jack," Sarah whispered.

After about ten minutes, George told her he was going to cum. Jackie inserted her finger into him and he started to immediately climax into her mouth. She kept him climaxing for nearly a minute.

Sarah laughed and said to me, "She didn't waste any time trying that, did she?"

"No she didn't," I replied. "And it sounded like George really enjoyed it too!"

"Oh, Jack," Sarah suddenly said. "We forgot Terri's toy."

"I'll get, Sarah," I replied.

I headed into the massage room, found Terri's dildo. It had already been cleaned. As I walked past the hot tub, George was deeply fucking Jackie from behind. She was yelling how much she loved him. I then left the spa and headed back to the pool. Sarah was talking with Mike and Katie. Karen and her fiancé Steven were making love in the pool, as were Yvette and Phillip. Sarah and I told everyone we were leaving, thanked them for coming, and reminded them about breakfast at the restaurant in the morning.

"Good night you two," Marcy said. "Yvette and I will make sure everything is turned off before we leave."

"You might be here a while, Marcy," I replied. "Jackie and George are still busy in the hot tub."

"What position," Sarah asked.

"Doggy," I replied.

Sarah laughed and said to Marcy, "They'll definitely be a while. Jackie can fuck like that for at least half an hour if she doesn't make George cum, and since he took that pill earlier, he'll stay hard a long while and keep cumming for her."

Marcy saw Terri's dildo in my hand and asked me to leave it with her.

"I'll get this back to Terri in the morning with a new bottle of lubricant," Marcy told me.

Sarah and I found our bathing suits, put our robes on, grabbed our cell phone from the Marcy, and headed back to our room.

As Sarah and I got into the elevator she asked me, "Was that your first orgy, Jack?"

I laughed and replied, "If you don't count that week after you and I first met."

Sarah giggled and said, "That week wasn't an orgy, Jack. We just had a lot of sex, with a lot of different people. An orgy involves a party too."

"Then I guess it was my first" I replied. "How about you?"

"Mine too, Jack," Sarah said.

"It was all your idea," I asked.

"Yeah," Sarah replied. "I wanted an after-reception party that no one would ever forget."

"I'm pretty sure you succeeded," I said. "Good thing you decided not to invite your parents. That would have been terribly awkward."

Sarah began to laugh loudly.

"What's so funny," I asked her.

Sarah told me, "My parents have been fucking in their room all night, Jack. Ever since they got back from dinner. Alex and I heard them when we came upstairs to fix my makeup. God! My mother is so loud when she thinks no one she knows can hear her."

"How about we see how loud I can make her newly married daughter," I ask Sarah.

"You won't have to try very hard, Jack," Sarah replied. "I got so turned-on licking that chocolate from you, I almost made myself climax."

As soon as we got into our room, I hung the Do Not Disturb tag on the outside of the door. Sarah immediately walked over to the arm of the couch, dropped her robe, and bent over. I knew exactly what she wanted. I walked behind her, dropped my robe, penetrated her, and began to rapidly fuck her. She was already incredibly wet. She pulled my hands off of her hips, put them on her breasts, and she squeezed my hands very hard. Her breasts were nowhere near as sore as she had pretended down in the shower. When she started to climax after about two minutes, I began to rub her clitoris with a lot of pressure.


I kept Sarah climaxing for over three minutes. She desperately wanted excessive stimulation, and I was giving it to her.

"OH GOD," Sarah shrieked over and over as I prolonged her orgasm.

Her orgasmic contractions were so strong now, I couldn't avoid climaxing. I pushed my cock all the way into her and started to climax.

"I'M CUMMING SARAH," I yelled.


I finally stopped climaxing after nearly two minutes. I was holding onto Sarah tightly, just to keep myself from falling over. We stood there for several more minutes. Then there was a knock on our door.

"Can't they read the sign," Sarah asked.

"I guess not," I replied. "But don't move. I came a whole lot."

"I know, Jack," Sarah said, "I felt it. That was really nice, honey. I love feeling you cum so much inside me."

Sarah then started to cry.

"Oh God, I love you so much, Jack," Sarah said. "I love my husband so much!"

"I love you, Sarah," I told her. "Just a minute," I yelled toward the door.

I pulled out of Sarah, quickly grabbed my robe from the floor, and put it between her legs.

Sarah kissed me and headed off to the bathroom, holding the robe between her thighs. I grabbed the other robe off of the floor and went to the door.

As I opened the door, I saw Sarah's parents standing in the hall. Sarah's mother immediately gave me a hug.

"Come in you two. What's going on," I asked Rochelle.

Sarah's parents came into the room.

"Please, have a seat," I told them. "Sarah's in the bathroom. She'll be right out. Can I get either of you a drink?"

Her parents sat, and both agreed to some champagne. I poured three and one-half glasses, just in case Sarah wanted some. Sarah came out of our bedroom about a minute later.

"So I guess you two just consummated the marriage," Rochelle said to Sarah. "We heard you from the hall and decided to wait until Sarah quieted down. You're almost as loud as your sister, you know that, Sarah?"

"Oh god... Mom," Sarah groaned as she put her head in her hand. "You heard us... having sex?"

"It sounded like you two were really enjoying yourselves too," Petro responded. "I remember on our wedding night... oh the sounds I got Rochelle to make..."

Cutting her father off, Sarah quickly responded groaning, "Dad," as she started to laugh, "I don't want to hear about your wedding night sex with Mom, OK? I need a drink, Jack... something strong!"

I quickly poured Sarah a Scotch and drank her champagne. Then I served everyone else and sat next to Sarah.

"Mom," Sarah said. "What are you two doing here? It's my wedding night."

"Well," Rochelle replied, "We heard your friend Yvette, and her husband come back... they're in the room next to us... and they started getting physical... if you know what I mean, you know ... fucking. Anyway, when we heard Yvette yelling like Jackie does... are all of you girls today that loud in bed?"

"Mom! Please! Enough with the talk about sex," Sarah implored.

"What are you embarrassed about, Sarah," Rochelle asked. "Everybody fucks. It's natural."

"I know Mom!' Sarah said. "You and Daddy fuck, Jackie and George fuck, Jack and I fuck. Would you please tell me why you two are here?"

"Oh, right... I was getting to that," Rochelle replied. "Anyway, when we heard Yvette enjoying herself fucking Phillip, we figured the orgy downstairs was finally over. So, we decided to come here to tell you about your wedding present."

"Couldn't it wait until morning, Mom," Sarah asked her.

Ignoring Sarah's question, Rochelle said, "You know, Sarah, your father and I aren't exactly prudes. Why didn't you invite us to your orgy?"

Sarah thought a moment and asked, "Who told you there was an orgy, Mom?"

"I heard your sister Jacqueline talking to Alex, your long-lost cousin," she replied. "At the reception. She's very nice, that girl Alex. You two really do look like sisters. You've even got the same boobs. Your father noticed that right away, when I showed him the picture of you and Alex in those skimpy bikinis."

"Dad," Sarah exclaimed. "Why were you looking at my boobs?"

"They were kind of hard to ignore in that picture, honey," Petro replied. "You two were damn near naked."

"What picture, Sarah," I asked her.

"Alex and I took a selfie, of both of us in our bikini's while you were away," Sarah replied. "Alex was supposed to email it to me, so I could send it to you. I forgot all about it. I must have sent it unintentionally to my mother."

"Sorry I missed it," I replied.

"Was it uncomfortable, Sarah," Rochelle asked.

"Was what uncomfortable, Mom," Sarah replied.

"You know... removing everything down there," Rochelle asked, pointing at her own crotch. "You and Alex had to remove everything down there, right? So, you could wear those skimpy bikinis?"

"No, Mom, it wasn't uncomfortable," Sarah replied in an exasperated tone. "There wasn't much to remove if you must know. I had been removing most of it since college. Oh God...! I'm talking about my pubic grooming habits with my mother and in front of my father."

"Doesn't bother me," Petro said. "I saw you when I used to change your diapers. You didn't have any hair then either."

"Is that a thing now, Sarah," Rochelle asked. "You know, removing all of your hair down there? I see lots of young women wearing skimpy bathing suits like the ones you and Alex had on. Which do you think came first... the nearly naked bikinis or the crotch hair removal thing? Personally, I think the bathing suit companies are just making money off a passing fad. Does Jacqueline remove all of her hair off down there too? You must have seen her naked at your orgy. Knowing her, she probably does. I'll bet she was naked right after she got there. She was naked right away, wasn't she? And she fucked every man too, didn't she?"

"Rochelle...," Sarah's father said, "I keep telling you... one of these days you're going to ask a question, and you're not going to like the answer to it."

"Kill me now, Jack... please," Sarah whispered to me.

I couldn't bear to watch Sarah being tortured any longer.

"Rochelle," I said, "Why don't you ask Jackie yourself? I'm sure she'd be more than happy to tell you. In fact, I think you should ask her tomorrow morning, at breakfast."

Sarah tried to contain her laughter, but couldn't as she said to me, "I can't wait for that discussion, Jack!"

"That's exactly what I'm going to do, Jack," Rochelle replied. "She was having sex with lots of other men, wasn't she, Sarah? I'm sure she was since Jacqueline's a nymphomaniac like you Sarah. Tell me the truth, Sarah. You know your sister; I think she's a total nymphomaniac. Since you're a nymphomaniac too like Jacqueline, I can just imagine what she'd do, after seeing a bunch of other people fucking. You weren't fucking other men... where you Sarah, I bet you were? Did you let your new husband fuck other women too? Does Sarah prefer doggy style or cowgirl, Jack. I've always preferred cowgirl, but Petro..."

Cutting Rochelle off, I said, "You should ask about all that tomorrow. Right now, Sarah and I want to get some sleep. It's been a very long day, and we're both very tired."

Taking the hint, Petro told Rochelle, "Come on, let's go. These two want to be alone on their wedding night."

"But the wedding present," Rochelle replied. "We didn't tell them yet. That was the reason we came here."

"It can wait until morning, dear," Petro said.

"You're right," Rochelle replied. "It's not going anywhere. And don't stay up all night fucking you two... we're meeting for breakfast in the morning."

"Good night, Mom," Sarah said loudly.

We said our goodbyes to Sarah's parents, and I quickly got them out the door. The Do Not Disturb tag was still on the door handle outside. I closed the privacy chain and returned to Sarah on the loveseat.

"Well that was certainly interesting," I told Sarah as I started to laugh.

Hugging me, Sarah said, "Thanks for getting them out of there, Jack. My mother would have gone on like that for at least an hour or four. I think my father actually enjoys watching her torture Jackie and I."

"She's one of a kind," I replied. "Your mother clearly has no filter, huh?"

"No, Jack, she never did," Sarah said. "My mother has always been like that. And if you think she was on a roll tonight, wait until we have to spend Christmas with them. Oh god! I can't bear the thought of it."

"How much worse could she be," I asked Sarah.

"How about this for Christmas dinner conversation, Jack," Sarah replied as she began to imitate her mother's voice, "So, Jack... you never did tell me what Sarah's favorite sexual position is? I'll bet it's doggy style. Or maybe my nymphomaniac daughter is a traditional missionary position girl, but I don't think so. Young women love to fuck doggy style for some reason. But I can't understand why. It's not like you can look at Sarah's tits while you're fucking her that way, or in any position for that matter, because Sarah doesn't really have big tits like Jacqueline does so all you can do is try to play with them a little bit. A least Jacqueline has tits big enough for George to play with, unlike Sarah. It must be all the porn everybody watches these days. Do you and Sarah watch porn together, Jack? I'm sure Jacqueline does with George, probably by herself too. Why else would she be such a nymphomaniac. When Jacqueline was a teenager, she used to masturbate all the time. She thinks I didn't know, but she's so damn loud, she gets that from me you know, according to her father. Do you still masturbate Sarah... now that you can fuck Jack any time you want? I still do, so you must as well since you're such a nymphomaniac like your sister Jacqueline. Honestly, I think all the women in this family are nymphomaniacs."

"OK... OK. I get the picture," I said laughing. "Maybe we'll spend Christmas in Cancun."

"Do you promise, Jack," Sarah asked me in a near pleading voice. "I know my mother is going to ask me what we're doing for Christmas this year at breakfast tomorrow. She tried at the reception today, but I pretended I didn't hear her."

"Cancun it is then," I replied. "Shall we go to bed now?"

"Hell yes," Sarah said. "But I'm not letting you go to sleep yet, Jack. At least not for a couple of hours."

Sarah and I headed into the bedroom. She was so exhausted, that she fell asleep on top of me right after we made love and she had her first and only orgasm in bed that night. I laid awake, holding her, and just listening to her breathe, and feeling her warm body against me, for nearly twenty minutes. She then rolled onto her side next to me, without waking, and clung to me. For the first time since I had known her, Sarah didn't twitch at all as she slept. I had always assumed she was dreaming when she did that. But our wedding night was different. Perhaps she was just so exhausted that she wasn't dreaming. She looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping next to me.


Sarah woke me on Sunday morning, just as she had done so many other mornings. She started making love to me as I slept. Something was different today though. There was a tenderness she expressed that I hadn't felt before, and she seemed so extremely happy and relaxed. I thought maybe she was still enjoying the afterglow of our wedding, or perhaps it was the pregnancy. Sarah told me to stay in bed afterward, and she got into the shower. I was still so tired, I didn't argue, and quickly fell back to sleep. I had been sleeping for perhaps twenty minutes, when I heard singing. It was coming from the shower. I got out of bed to investigate. As I poked my head into the bathroom, I realized that Sarah was the one who was singing. She had an absolutely beautiful voice. I had never heard her sing in the entire time we had known one another. I went back out into the bedroom and waited for her to finish showering. When she came out a few minutes later, she walked over to me and hugged me tightly, saying nothing for nearly a minute.
