Weather Layover in Hotlanta


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"Oh dear god," Rochelle said under her breath.

"I warned you, Rochelle," Petro told her, "I said one of these days you're going to ask a question, and you're not going to like the answer to it."

"Ten people," Terri replied smiling. "You certainly were a busy young woman last night, Jackie!"

Terri was thoroughly enjoying this, as was Sarah's father, and Sarah.

Jackie put her head back in her hands and groaned, "I want to die."

"Everybody fucks, Mom," Sarah said glibly.

"One last question," Terri said.

"I think I've heard enough already," Rochelle replied quietly.

Petro laughed and said gleefully, "You started this, Rochelle, with all of your damn sex questions."

"Show of hands, everyone," Terri announced loudly, "Who had sex with either Jack or Sarah yesterday?"

There was silence at the table as no hands went up.

"Ahem," Terri muttered. "You two can put your hands up," she said to Sarah and I, "There's no way in hell that you two didn't fuck each other on your wedding day."

Sarah and I raised our hands.

"That's it," Terri asked. "Nobody else had sex with Jack or Sarah? Well, there are your answers, Rochelle. Sarah prefers doggy style with Jack like the rest of us. Neither Sarah nor Jack had sex with anyone else. It's not just young women who shave it all off... and Jackie had sex with ten people. So, you're right. Jackie is definitely a nympho."

Jackie then said to Rochelle, "Sorry, Mom... I like sex... a lot."

As everyone got up from the table to get one last round of drinks from the bar, Sarah and I walked over to her family.

After a moment Sarah asked, "So... Mom, do you still wish I had invited you and Daddy to the orgy last night?"

"I'm sorry I brought it up, honey," Rochelle replied.

Sarah then kissed her mother on the cheek.

"I know you would have loved the orgy Mom," Sarah said to Rochelle. "I saw a video from one of the parties you and Daddy used to have. You accidentally left it in the VCR, the summer after I graduated from high school. I saw you having sex with Daddy and our neighbor Mr. Tucker at the same time... on your old couch."

Rochelle tuned bright red from embarrassment.

"I can explain, honey..." Rochelle stated to say.

"There's nothing to explain, Mom," Sarah enthusiastically assured her. "You and Daddy like to fuck... a lot apparently! With different people. Lots of people do. That's how Jack and I met. But I just couldn't bear the thought of making love with my husband, in front of my parents... especially on my wedding day. I hope you understand." Sarah then started to laugh and said, "And I know you and Daddy would have been fucking like rabbits too if you were there!"

"Yeah... we would have been, honey," Rochelle responded.

"Damn straight we would," Petro replied.

Jackie looked at her parents in total shock.

"Mom," Jackie said loudly a few seconds later. "You and Daddy had sex parties! In our house! And you recorded them!"

"Oh grow up, Jacqueline! Of course, we recorded them," Rochelle replied. "I loved watching your father and Margery Stinton fucking. God did that woman love anal sex! You remember Margery don't you, Jacqueline?"

"Of course I do! She was my best friend's mother," Jackie replied.

"We've still got all of those tapes, Jacqueline," Rochelle replied. "Your father and I watch them every now and then. But unlike you, I didn't fuck ten people in one night. Four was the most for me, and your father too."

"Where do you think your libido comes from, young lady," Petro said to Jackie. "Your mother was always a nymphomaniac. That's why I married her. Well, that, and she gives a great blowjob."

"Ewwww..., Daddy stop," Jackie replied. "I didn't need that visual."

"So does her eldest daughter," I said as I started to laugh.

"And her youngest one too," George added.

"Do you really mean that, George," Jackie asked him.

"I sure do, Jackie," George replied. "Especially after what Yvette taught you."

"Are you still giving your little sister sex tips, Sarah," Rochelle asked.

"She's a slow learner, Mom," Sarah replied. "She always was."

"I'll let you watch some of the tapes if you want, Jacqueline," Rochelle said. "Maybe you'll learn something new?"

"Hell no," Jackie replied. "I'm not watching my parents have sex. No way!"

Rochelle then noticed Sarah's right middle fingernail was very short.

"Oh, honey," Rochelle said to Sarah. "You broke a fingernail? And you just had that beautiful manicure on Friday, for the wedding."

Sarah smiled and whispered to her mother.

"Really," Rochelle replied.

Sarah nodded her head, and whispered to her mother again. Rochelle then went over to speak with Yvette, whispered to her, and the two of them left the room.

"Where'd your mother go, Sarah," Petro asked her.

Jackie started to laugh.

"Mom will tell you all about it later, Daddy," Sarah replied.

"Attention everyone! Please stop by our suite before Jack and I check out today," Sarah said. "We have a little something for each of you. It's our way of saying thanks for helping to make our wedding day as special as it was. The card keys we gave you Friday night still work until we check-out. Just let yourselves in. We'll be up there in about thirty minutes."

Sarah I then left the restaurant.

"Where are we going, Sarah," I asked her, as we walked past the elevators.

"I have a surprise for you, Jack."

We walked over to the spa and went inside. Sarah went over to the linen closet for the massage rooms and retrieved a large pile of modesty drapes. We then left and headed up to our room. Sarah put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door but didn't close the privacy chain. She then turned on some music, and raised the volume so that it was quite loud. As soon as we got into the bedroom on the right, Sarah closed the door, locked it, and began to remove my clothing.

"Why are we in here, and not our bedroom, Sarah," I asked.

"You'll see, Jack," Sarah replied.

After I was naked, she told me to get on the bed, on my back. Sarah then tied my wrists and ankles to the corners of the bed with the modesty drapes.

"I don't want you going anywhere, Jack," Sarah said to me. "This is going to be extremely intense."

Sarah then removed her own clothing and got above me, in a sixty-nine position.

Sarah said to me, "I hope no woman has ever done to you, Jack... what I'm about to do now... and I'm not going to stop, no matter how much you ask. I love you with all my heart, Jack."

Sarah then began to suck my cock, as she lowered her pussy down to my mouth. I immediately started to pleasure her. Sarah was soon sucking on my cock very hard. She had me on the verge of climaxing in less than three minutes, and I told her I was going to cum.

Sarah took my cock out of her mouth and said, "Oh yes you are, Jack."

She quickly lifted her pussy away from my mouth and straddled my legs, facing away from me. As she slid down onto my cock, she immediately began her upward contractions. I started to explosively climax inside her a few seconds later. Sarah kept at me like this for nearly two minutes. I was begging her to stop, but she kept going. It wasn't until my whole body started to uncontrollably shake, that Sarah finally stopped. She let me recover for about two minutes but left my cock inside her. Then Sarah began to rapidly fuck me. I started to climax a second time, about five minutes later. I don't know how long I was cumming, but this orgasm lasted for several minutes. When Sarah finally stopped, my whole body was tingling. She let me rest for a few minutes and began rapidly fucking me again. She made me climax a third time about ten minutes later. I have no idea how long that orgasm lasted. I had clearly stopped ejaculating after a minute or so, but my orgasm continued. Even after Sarah stopped, my cock continued to throb reflexively inside her. Sarah then turned herself around, leaving my cock inside her.

"I love you... so much... Sarah," I said to her, as I tried to catch my breath.

Sarah smiled at me, and she started her upward contractions again, as she rubbed her clitoris hard against me. I began to climax a fourth time, again explosively about fifteen minutes later, I didn't know that I could cum for so long and so much. I was soon delirious as Sarah kept my orgasm going. She started to climax as well, not long after I did. Sarah was screaming with pleasure as she continued to climax. She soon collapsed onto me, while her orgasmic contractions went on. Sarah then began to cry.

"I love you, Jack... I love you.... so much... I love my husband.... so much," she sobbed.

We both laid there on the bed for a least another ten minutes. Sarah started to kiss me as she untied my wrists. As soon as my arms were free, I immediately embraced her tightly. I must have told her fifty times how much I loved her. I was so in love with my Sarah at that moment, that my eyes filled with tears. My whole body was trembling.

Sarah eventually sat up, reached behind herself and untied my ankles.

"Don't try to get up yet, my love," Sarah said.

Even if Sarah were not still on top of me, I couldn't get up at that moment if I wanted to.

"I won't," I told her. "I don't think I can walk yet. I had climaxed so much that my groin hurt."

Sarah leaned over and touched my cheek, then kissed me.

"Are you OK, baby," Sarah asked me.

"Yes," I replied. "When did you learn... to do that?"

Sarah noticed a single tear on my left cheek and she smiled.

"Terri said this would happen," Sarah told me, as she wiped the tear from my cheek, "if I did it right. She said multiple intense orgasms do this to you."

"When did Terri tell you that, Sarah," I asked.

"The night you, Alex, and I went to dinner at the Ticonderoga Club," Sarah replied, "She said that if I did that to you, that you'd forever be mine... like you were once hers years ago. She told me to do it that night."

Terri was the only other woman to ever evoke that kind of response from me, but it took a long weekend right after we had started dating. And Terri was right about the effect it would have on me. Terri shared that with Sarah, knowing the intense emotional response it would cause in me. Sarah had nearly gotten that from me the first time we made love.

"Why did you wait until today," I asked Sarah.

"Because I wanted that moment to be with husband," Sarah replied. "With the man who had already vowed to be mine forever. I didn't want to take your heart, Jack, if you hadn't already given it to me... and I hadn't already given you mine. I wasn't going to make the same mistake that Terri did. I wasn't going to steal your heart."

I realized at that moment, that I had only ever truly loved two women in my entire life. Terri was the first one. And now I was married to the second one. Sarah could have ensnared me emotionally, three months ago, but she chose not to. My respect for Sarah grew even larger.

"Thank you, Sarah," I said. "But you stole my heart on the day we met. I saw you, and I knew I was looking at my future wife."

Sarah kissed me and replied, "I know, Jack. I saw it on your face. Alex saw it too, after you came inside me the first time. And she saw how I was looking at you afterward. That's why she wanted us to make love that night."

"I have to be honest, Sarah," I said. "I watched you sleeping that night, after I got out of the shower. I desperately wanted to make love with you... and I wanted to get you pregnant. I actually thought I was making love with Alex that night."

Sarah kissed me and said, "I know you thought it was Alex, Jack. That was the idea. But you never said her name when we made love. Why not?"

"Because I was picturing your face, Sarah," I replied. "I was imagining I was making love with you and impregnating you when I climaxed inside you."

At that moment, Sarah began to cry and I took her in my arms and held her.

"I have to be honest too, Jack," Sarah replied, "Katie told Yvette to get the morning-after pills, not me. I cried for three days after you left... because I wasn't pregnant with your baby."

I put the palm of my right hand on Sarah's lower abdomen.

"I guess we don't need to worry about any of that now, do we," I asked Sarah.

"No, Jack, we don't," Sarah replied as she started to cry again. "We're going to have a baby, Jack. I'm going to have your baby, Jack. God, I love you so much!"

I put my arms around Sarah again and we held each other tightly. My wife, the most passionate woman I had ever known, the absolute love of my life, and the expectant mother of my child, was in my arms. Everything I had ever wanted was in my arms, in one incredible and beautiful woman, in Sarah.

Sarah eventually looked at the clock and said to me, "Jack, I think we're late."

"Late for what?' I asked her. "We have nowhere to go today, except home."

Sarah replied, "Late for people coming up to the room. We've been in here nearly an hour, and I told everyone to come up, thirty minutes ago."

"Oh shit," I said. "They all have keys, and we didn't hook the privacy chain."

Sarah replied, "But I put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door, Jack."

Sarah lifted herself off of me and we quickly headed to the smaller bathroom, since it was the closest. She left a trail of my semen from the bed and into the shower.

(giggling) Sarah said as we started to shower, "Look at all that cum, Jack! Where's Jackie the semen vampire when we need her, huh? Now you know why I took you into the closest bedroom, and not ours!"

I laughed and replied, "The semen vampire is probably milking George dry of his vital fluids right now."

"You know, Jack," Sarah said, "I've heard that vampirism runs in families..."

"At least with you and your sister it does," I replied.

Sarah laughed and said, "You didn't see the tape with my mother, Jack. I lied at breakfast when I told her I saw it after I graduated from high school. I actually saw it right before I started seventh grade. God! Does my mother love to suck cock! I gave my first blowjob, to my boyfriend at the time, two weeks later. He climaxed only a few seconds after I got him in my mouth, and I loved how it tasted!"

Sarah and I finished in the shower, and she went back into the bedroom we had just been in to retrieve the bag for her wedding gown. I turned off the music and immediately heard the sounds of a woman moaning. It was coming from the hot tub. I didn't recognize the moans.

"Somebody is enjoying themselves in the hot tub, Sarah," I said.

Sarah and I quickly put clean robes on.

Sarah then came out of the bedroom and listened for a moment.

"I know those moans, Jack," Sarah commented as I went into our bedroom to see who was in the hot tub.

"OH GOD... OH YES... FUCK ME... FUCK ME," the woman yelled.

I was almost to the bathroom door a few seconds later, when the woman screamed repeatedly, "I'M CUMMING!"

"JACK, NO," Sarah yelled in a panicked voice.

It was too late. I looked into the bathroom and there, in the hot tub, Sarah's mother was getting fucked from behind by her father. I quickly walked out of the bedroom.

"Too late, honey," I said to Sarah.

"It's Mom and Daddy, isn't it, Jack," Sarah asked.

"OH Yeah," I responded.

"What position, Jack," Sarah asked me.

"Your favorite," I replied.

"Oh dear God! How much did you see, Jack," Sarah asked me.

"A whole lot more than I cared to," I replied. "Full profile view. Your dad could have had a career in the porn business, you know that?"

Sarah started to laugh.

"Yeah," Sarah replied. "Honestly, I think that's why Mom married him. He's got a huge long cock. But you have to admit, Jack, my mother still looks pretty good for a fifty-two year old woman, doesn't she,"

"No comment," I replied as I too started to laugh. "But I could clearly see where Jackie gets her big boobs from."

The door to our Suite then opened, as Jackie and George arrived. Sarah's mother continued to climax very loudly.

"Damn," I said to Sarah. "I think she's louder than Jackie."

"Sarah," Jackie said. "Is that Mom?"

Sarah nodded her head.

"And she and Daddy are...," Jackie started to ask.

"Yes, they're fucking in our hot tub, Jackie," Sarah replied.

"And you let them do that," Jackie asked.

"They must have come in while Jack and I were... busy," Sarah replied.

It was nearly five minutes before things quieted down in the hot tub.

Sarah then yelled into our bedroom, "OK you two, that's enough. There are people out here."

About a minute later, Sarah's parents came out wearing bathrobes.

"Your father still has it, girls," Rochelle said to Sarah and Jackie.

"Stop right there, Mom," Sarah quickly replied. "We don't want to know."

"But your father is still..." Rochelle started to say.

"Not another word, Mom," Sarah interrupted.

I was the first person to realize that Sarah's father was still erect. It wasn't hard to miss. I whispered to Sarah. Sarah then looked over at her father, and quickly turned away.

"Oh god," Sarah said, "Daddy, did you take one on Alex's pills?"

"He sure did," Rochelle replied. "Isn't it great! Alex said he'll be like this all day!"

"Both of you.... sit down," Sarah said. "And Daddy, cross your legs or something. I don't want to see that thing."

Sarah's parents then sat down on the sofa bed as I went to the bar to make Sarah a drink. I knew she was going to need it. I handed her a double Scotch and she thanked me profusely.

"Does anyone else need a drink," I asked.

"We're good," Rochelle replied.

"We're good too," Jackie responded.

I then poured myself a double Scotch, Sarah and I sat on the loveseat, and Jackie and George sat on the other couch.

"Mom," Sarah said, "Without getting into any graphic detail... whose idea was it to have sex in our hot tub, yours or Daddy's?"

"Oh, it was your mother's idea," Petro quickly replied.

"Why does that not surprise me," Sarah remarked. "This is what you have to look forward to in about twenty-five years, George. Like mother... like daughter."

"Hey," Jackie replied. "I'm not that bad!"

Sarah laughed and said, "Jackie, you had sex with ten people yesterday, after my wedding! What are you going to do when you're Mom's age?"

"She'll probably have sex with thirty," Petro replied.

Sarah began to laugh loudly.

"Didn't you two see the Do Not Disturb sign on the door," Sarah asked her parents.

Petro said, "Well... we did, honey... but the door opened like it did last night, and your mother was anxious to see just how good those boner pills worked."

"I made your father climax two...," Rochelle started to say.

"Stop right there, Mom," Sarah demanded. "I told you, NO graphic detail, remember?"

"Well I did," Rochelle said quietly.

"Look, Mom," Sarah said. "I don't mind that you and Daddy were enjoying yourselves, I just wish you had told us ahead of time. Jack walked in there and saw the both of you... naked and fucking!"

"Rochelle's still got great boobs, don't you think, Jack," Petro asked.

"I really didn't notice," I replied. "I was so surprised to see you both, I not sure of exactly what I saw."

"Alright, Sarah said to her parents. "No more sex talk you two. We have some gifts for you. Let me get them from the bedroom."

Sarah went into the other bedroom, retrieved the gifts and handed them out.

As Rochelle opened her gift, she said, "Oh, we almost forgot to tell you, Sarah. Our wedding present for you and, Jack. We're giving you the house in Key West. We hardly ever use it anymore, and it's such a long drive from Pennsylvania. I know you always loved that place."

"Are you sure, Mom," Sarah asked.

"Yes, honey," Petro replied. "Besides, we already told Jacqueline we're giving her the house in Pennsylvania for her wedding gift. We're going to move to Scottsdale in January. We can't stand the cold winters up north anymore."