Weather Layover in Hotlanta


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"The shower is all yours, lover," Sarah finally said.

Then she kissed me, brushed my cheek with the back of her hand, and broke the embrace. As she walked away from me to start getting dressed, she stopped, turned around, and gave me that smile.

"I love you, Jack," Sarah said.

"I love you too, Sarah," I replied.

Sarah then blew me a kiss and giggled. She seemed almost giddy. This was so unlike her. I got into the shower and soon heard Sarah singing again.

I thought to myself, "Did someone substitute my Sarah with an identical looking replacement as we slept,"

I finished showering about fifteen minutes later and left the bathroom. Sarah was at the vanity table, doing her hair, and still singing. I came up behind her and kissed her neck.

"You have beautiful voice, Sarah," I said.

"Was I singing again, Jack," Sarah asked. "I don't even realize I'm doing it sometimes."

"Yes you were," I replied. "How come I've never heard you do that until today?"

"Of course you've heard me, Jack," Sarah said. "I sing all the time when I'm happy, ever since I was a little..."

Sarah stopped mid-sentence, acting like she couldn't catch her breath.

"What is it Sarah," I asked her.

"I haven't sung in years, Jack," Sarah replied smiling, as tears began to stream down her face.

I wrapped my arms around Sarah and held her.

"When was the last time you sang, Sarah? Before today," I asked her.

Sarah thought for a moment and replied, "I don't remember, Jack."

I grabbed the phone and called Jackie's room.

"Hello," George said. "Who is this?"

"It's Jack," I replied. "Put Jackie on the phone please, it's very important."

"Sure thing, Jack," George said.

Jackie picked up the phone a few seconds later.

"Hi, Jack," Jackie said. "What's up?"

I told her, "Please think very carefully, Jackie. When was the last time you heard Sarah singing?"

"Oh, Sarah hasn't sung in years," Jackie replied. "She used to sing all the time. She has a beautiful voice."

"I know that, Jackie," I said. "But when was the last time you remember hearing her sing? It's really important."

"Let me think...," Jackie said. "Oh... wait... when she was in college."

"Can you be more specific, Jackie," I asked her.

I waited for nearly a minute until Jackie responded.

"Thanks, Jackie," I said. "That's a great help. We'll see you and George downstairs for breakfast at nine. Bye."

I hung up the phone and Sarah looked at me.

"What did she say, Jack," Sarah asked.

I told Sarah, "Jackie said the last time she heard you sing, was at Christmas, during your freshman year at college. She said that after you got out of the hospital in January, you never sang again."

"That was right after I was attacked," Sarah replied.

"That's right," I said. "And you weren't twitching in your sleep last night either."

"I wasn't, Jack," Sarah asked.

"No, you weren't," I replied. "So, you're aware that you do that?"

"Yes, Jack," Sarah said. "Shannon always hated when I did that. She said it was kind of creepy, like I was possessed."

I told Sarah, "And you blew me a kiss before I got in the shower. You've never done that until today."

"I used to do that all the time, Jack," Sarah replied. "I always blew kisses to people."

Sarah then started to cry again, and I picked her up off the vanity table chair and held her.

Sarah said, "I guess... I should have... told someone... a lot sooner, huh?"

"I'm just glad you finally said something, Sarah," I replied. ", and I love the real you even more!"

"I love you, Jack," Sarah said as she began to smile again.

I held Sarah for a few minutes until she told me she was hungry.

"No morning sickness, today," I asked her.

"I was a little queasy when I got in the shower," Sarah replied. "But then I threw up a little. That made me feel better."

I got dressed and waited for Sarah to finish. She came out of the bedroom at 8:45. Sarah had her hair up again.

"I like my hair this way, Jack," Sarah said. "I hope you do too."

"Of course I do," I replied. "It leaves your delicious neck totally exposed."

I then realized Sarah was wearing the same thin white tank top and very short tight-fitting stretch knit mini skirt that she wore the day I went to the urologist, and when she picked me up at the airport.

I said to her, "If your mother thought you needed a bra with that dress you wore Friday night, she's going to faint when she sees you in that tank top. I can clearly see that your nipples are noticeably darker."

"I like what pregnancy has done to my nipples, Jack," Sarah said as she giggled, "and I know you do too! Besides, pretty soon, I won't be able to wear this skirt and top for a long time."

Sarah then smiled and pulled a card key out of her purse.

"What's that for," I asked her.

"It's the fire service key for the hotel's elevator, Jack," Sarah said. "It works in our condo building too! Mike told me Friday night, so I had Alex get it for me from Terri yesterday, before the pool party."

"Then I assume you've got nothing under that skirt either," I replied.

"Just a place for you, Jack, when I fuck you in the elevator this afternoon," Sarah responded.

Sarah and I left the room and headed down to the restaurant for breakfast. She got into the elevator a few steps ahead of me, as I fumbled with my cell phone. God! Her ass looked great in that skirt. I was tempted to fuck her in the hotel elevator, instead of waiting until we got home.

Sarah and I got to the restaurant before anyone else.

"Would you please get me a Bloody Mary, Jack... without the vodka," Sarah asked.

"I think that's called a Virgin Mary, my love," I replied.

Sarah laughed and said, "Not after it touches my lips!"

I went to get Sarah's drink and ordered a Mimosa for myself. Sarah was standing by the door, waiting for everyone to arrive, when I got back from the bar.

"Are you cold, honey," I asked her.

Sarah looked down and noticed how hard her nipples were.

She smiled and said to me, "I'll be just fine, Jack. I want to make my mother squirm a little... after last night. She's sitting directly across the table from us, so she has to look at my hard nipples the whole time. I had the restaurant set up seating assignments."

Alex and Dave showed up seconds later. Alex looked very happy, and Dave looked tired.

"Good morning, Dave," I said.

"Coffee," was Dave's sole reply.

"How are you this morning, Alex," I asked her.

Alex smiled at me, put her arms around Dave, and replied, "I can't wait to get him back upstairs, Jack! But I need some food first."

Alex then whispered something in Sarah's ear, Sarah giggled, and Alex and Dave sat down.

"What did Alex just tell you," I asked Sarah.

"That she thinks she's in love," Sarah replied.

"Oh... Dave is so screwed," I said.

Sarah laughed and replied, "Yeah... he is Jack, but he looks happy, doesn't he."

"He looks like Alex had him up all night fucking her," I responded.

"That's what I mean, Jack," Sarah said. "You looked pretty damn happy the day I met you, and that was after Alex and Alexandra had fucked you most of the prior night."

"Point taken," I replied. "But I'm so glad things turned out the way they did."

Sarah kissed me and said, "I know, Jack. After we made love the first time, I knew I wanted to be the mother of your babies. That's why I..."

Sarah suddenly stopped speaking.

"That's why you what," I asked her.

"That's why I let myself get pregnant, the day you came home, Jack," Sarah replied.

I hugged Sarah and asked her," So you wanted to get pregnant as soon as I got back?"

"I wasn't sure, Jack," Sarah said. "I knew I wanted to have your children, from the first time we made love, Jack. Then you asked me to marry you, and I decided at that moment that I knew that I had to have you get me get pregnant right away."

"Thank you, Sarah," I said as held her tightly.

"Save the sex for your honeymoon, Jack," Terri said laughing. "If you two get any closer, you'll be fucking standing up."

"Hi, Terri... Tom," Sarah replied. "I'm so glad you both came this morning."

"OH, I wouldn't miss this for anything, Sarah," Terri responded.

"What the hell were you and Terri talking about earlier," I asked Sarah.

"You'll see soon enough, Jack," Sarah replied.

Terri and Tom sat down just as Jackie and George arrived. Mike and Katie had managed to get past us while Sarah and I were talking with Terri and Tom and were already at the bar ordering drinks. Jackie and George had shown up a few minutes later. Jackie was clearly braless and immediately noticed Sarah's exposure in the tank top she was wearing, as did George.

"Sarah," Jackie said loudly. "You are such a slut! Jack already married you. Why are you dressed like that?"

"Watch and learn little sister," Sarah replied.

"I'm getting us drinks, George," Jackie said, as she headed toward the bar.

Sarah went to talk with Terri and Tom.

George then said to me, "Sarah has perfect tits, Jack. God, they're beautiful! But please don't ever tell Jackie I said that."

"Why are you telling me this, George," I asked him as I started to laugh. "Jackie's at least a D-cup, and they're very firm."

George replied, "Bigger isn't always better, Jack."

"Now you're learning, George," I replied.

George said, "I never saw Sarah naked until last night. I always thought she was beautiful; from the first time I met her years ago. Jackie wishes she looked just like Sarah. When I first met Jackie, she told me how beautiful her sister was, but I didn't believe her, until I met Sarah. Then I knew what Jackie meant. You're so lucky that you found her, Jack."

"Thank you, George," I said. "But Jackie is a beautiful woman herself. You're a very lucky young man. She chose you, and don't ever forget that."

"No, Jack," George replied. "She was just the highest bidder in a charity auction. That's how we ended up together."

I laughed and told him, "Is that what you think, George? Jackie wanted you. She outbid every other girl to get you. She bought you. She called Sarah that night and said she was in love. She gave you a blowjob that day."

"Really, me," George replied.

"Yes," I told him.

George hesitated a moment and said, "I got my first blowjob ever, from Jackie, right after the auction. She said it was in the rules."

"She made that up, George," I told him. "Sarah told me. Jackie was taste testing you."

"Taste testing me," George asked.

I replied to George, "To see if she was going to let you fuck her. If you tasted good, then she'd fuck you. Otherwise, she'd move on."

"Then I'm really happy that Jackie liked the way I tasted," George said as he started to laugh.

"Not as happy as she is," I replied. "Sarah calls her a semen vampire."

George started to laugh hysterically.

"She really is, Jack," George said still laughing. "She can't get enough of my semen in her mouth."

"Sarah's almost as bad," I replied. "I told her it must run in the family."

George said, "And after what Yvette showed Jackie last night, now she can get even more from me. She did that to me twice last night, and again this morning... in the shower."

"Are you complaining, George," I asked him.

"Hell no, Jack," George replied. "I never knew I could climax that much. And it makes Jackie really horny too."

"Yeah... Sarah and I noticed that last night in the spa," I said. "She sounded like she was having a very good time getting fucked by you afterward."

Yvette and Phillip then came in and I went to greet them. Yvette had a huge smile on her face.

Yvette hugged me and whispered in my ear as Jackie talked to Phillip, "Phillip and I had anal sex for the first-time last night, Jack. It was great!"

"Good for you two," I replied. "Did Phillip enjoy it?"

"He loved it, Jack," Yvette told me. "Especially how tight I was. Phillip did it to me again this morning, before we even got out of bed."

"Why the sudden change of heart by Phillip," I asked.

"I told Phillip how much I enjoyed it, when Mike did it to me, especially when he came in my ass." Yvette told me. "I think Phillip got a little jealous. When Jackie and George got back to their room last night, they were fucking doggy style as Phillip and I watched... and out of the blue George said he wanted to cum in Jackie's ass. Jackie told me she had been waiting for so long for him to do that... and he finally did it. Then Phillip fucked my ass as soon as we got back to our room."

I asked Yvette, "When are you going to let him experience your magic finger?"

"As soon as we get home today," Yvette replied, "He'll be covered in chocolate when I do that to him. I like how his cum tastes mixed with dark chocolate."

"Mom... you're finally here," I heard Sarah say.

"Excuse me, Yvette," I told her. "I need to go say hello to Sarah's parents."

As I approached Sarah, I could see that her mother was staring at Sarah's chest. He father was already at the bar getting drinks.

I said to Sarah's mother, "Isn't Sarah beautiful, Rochelle? And now even more so, since she's pregnant."

Sarah quickly kissed me, and whispered, "Thank you, Jack."

"But don't you think you'd be more comfortable with a bra on, honey," Rochelle quietly asked.

"No, Mom, I don't, my boobs hurt." Sarah quickly replied. "And Jack likes to see me without a bra, so I'm not wearing a bra. These are Jack's breasts now."

"But honey..." Rochelle said in a near whisper, "Everyone can see that your nipples are hard."

"That's the idea," Sarah replied. "And my pregnancy nipples are still smaller than Jackie's. Look, I've been insecure about the size of my boobs since I was a teenager. Jack loves my boobs. And if I want to show them off for him, that's my business... so butt out, Mom."

From behind me, I heard Petro.

"Leave the poor girl alone, Rochelle," he said. "They're Sarah's boobs, not yours. Be thankful she didn't walk around the house mostly-naked as a teenager, like her little sister Jacqueline did."

"Thank you, Daddy," Sarah replied as she kissed her father's cheek.

Sarah's father looked shocked.

"You haven't called me Daddy, since you got out of the hospital, Sarah," he said. "You did that once last night too. I thought I had misheard you then."

Sarah hugged her father, then kissed his cheek again.

"I know I haven't," Sarah replied. "But your little girl is back now, Daddy."

I finished my mimosa and went to the bar to get another, and another Virgin Mary for Sarah. Dave was standing at the bar waiting for drinks, with a puzzled look on his face.

"What's going on Dave," I asked him. "You look confused."

"It's the weirdest thing, Jack," Dave replied. "Until Alex and I left the spa yesterday evening, she always made me use a condom when we fucked. But when we got back to my room last night, she told me she didn't want me to use them anymore and to cum inside her."

"Well... she was on the pill when I met her," I replied. "I assume she still is, since she doesn't want kids right now. I wouldn't read too much into it, Dave. You know how women can be. Maybe she was concerned about your prior sexual history. Did you discuss that with her at all?"

"Yeah! That's got to be it, Jack," Dave responded. "We talked about it at dinner last night, down by the pool. While you were away, Terri told me all about the tests you had done, and I told Alex I got the same tests done right after that. That Zika thing scares the hell out of me. Every test came back negative."

"See, nothing to be concerned about Dave," I said. "Alex was just being very careful."

Dave hesitated a moment and then responded, "There was something else Alex said to me last night."

"What was that, Dave," I asked him.

"Right after I came inside her the first time last night, she asked me what I would do if she got pregnant by me," Dave responded. "She said it was strictly hypothetical... I mean I've had other women ask me that... but it was the way Alex asked."

"How did she say it," I asked Dave.

"She was smiling at me and looking into my eyes like a schoolgirl in love," Dave replied.

I laughed and responded, "Alex asked me the same thing. Don't worry about it. She was trying to get a gauge of your character... So, what did you tell her?" I knew Dave was toast. Alex was totally in love with him.

"I told her I'd ask her to marry me," Dave replied. "She seemed very pleased by that."

"Good answer, Dave," I said. "Hey, why don't we sit. Looks like breakfast is being served."

As we sat and began to eat, I quickly realized that every woman at the table, except for Sarah's mother, was braless.

"Was this your idea," I whispered to Sarah, "Braless breakfast."

"No, Jack," Sarah replied. "It was Terri's. I was texting her while you were in the shower. She gave me a few ideas about how to torture my mother. Especially since she interrupted us on our wedding night."

"So that's what you two were talking about earlier," I asked.

"Yes, Jack," Sarah replied. "Terri said she'd handle everything."

"This, should be quite interesting," I said. "Terri is remarkedly twisted. I hope you realize this could go to some extremely strange places, very, very quickly."

"I'm counting on it, Jack," Sarah replied. "Are you worried?"

"Not worried," I said, "But Terri will embarrass your mother... and other people here as well. She relishes making people squirm. It's her one sadistic quality. And she's quite good at it."

As we all had breakfast, I noticed Sarah was eating a lot of bacon, and not much of anything else. We had all pretty much finished when Terri got up and walked over to Sarah's mother.

"So, Rochelle... I heard you asked Jack what Sarah's favorite sex position was," Terri said. "Well, I can tell you for a fact that it's doggy style... same as me. Jack is really good at that too! God, can he fuck, especially doggie style! Don't you agree, Alex?"

"Oh yes," Alex replied.

"Yvette," Terri asked.

"Hell yeah," Yvette added.

"What do you think, Katie," Terri asked.

"Oh hell yes," Katie replied. "I'd have Jack fuck me like that right now if Sarah would let me."

"As would I," Terri said.

Rochelle sat with her mouth slightly open, saying nothing.

"I guess it's unanimous, then," Terri said. "Getting fucked by Jack doggy style is the best, and Sarah knows it."

"OK ladies," Terri said, "Who's bare down there? Show of hands, please."

Every woman at the table, except Rochelle, raised her hand.

Petro then nudged Rochelle.

Rochelle slowly raised her hand.

"Mom," Sarah & Jackie both yelled out simultaneously. As Sarah started to laugh, she said to Rochelle, "you too, Mom?"

"Well your father likes it when I'm bare down there, honey," Rochelle replied softly. "I had it removed years ago. When Jacqueline was still a teenager, during her walking around the house mostly naked phase."

"Oh my god, everyone now knows about that," Jackie said laughing with her face in her hands.

"Oh, I almost forgot about Rochelle's most important question," Terri said. "Who had sex with Jackie last night?"

"Terri," Jackie said loudly. "What the hell are you doing?"

"It's OK, Jackie," Sarah replied. "Mom really wants to know who you had sex with last night... at the orgy. Don't you Mom?"

"Come on, everyone," Terri said. "Show of hands... who had sex with Jackie last night?"

Alex, Dave, Yvette, Phillip, George, Mike, and Katie all raised their hands.

I whispered to Mike, "I thought you told Jackie that she wasn't your type?"

Mike replied quietly, "Katie wanted to fuck Jackie's ass with Terri's toy, so I joined in. Damn... does that girl get loud."

"Don't forget about Marcy," Yvette said. "She had sex with Jackie with the double-dildo in the hot tub, after Sarah and Jack left. And Karen and Steven had sex with her after that!"
