Weather Layover in Hotlanta


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"A few more seconds until what," Alex asked.

"Until the switch dumps its MAC to switch port ID record," I replied. "Those DaisyNet switches refresh every sixty seconds. If it doesn't see a live MAC address on a switch port for a whole minute, it deletes the record. There... times up!"

I quickly reconfigure the hacked switch, changing my wall jack's switch port ID number to the switch port ID number of jack for the computer Alexandra had just crashed, and vice versa. I then applied the new MAC setting to my laptop.

"Let's hope this works, Alex," I said.

My network monitoring program stopped logging new data for about 15 seconds, and then started again.

"We're back online," I exclaimed.

"What just happened," Alex asked.

"The network thinks my laptop is now the computer that Alexandra just crashed in the Business Center," I replied.

"But can't they tell that you did that," Alex asked.

"Nope," I replied. "That exploit that Dave gave me disables all logging on the network switch. That's why it's so dangerous. You can hide any activity."

I opened the web browser on my laptop computer and tried to go to the Atlanta Braves web site. I was immediately redirected to a logon page and prompted for credentials by the hotel's internal network.

I carefully entered the username and password Dave had given me, pressed Enter, and waited.

"Let's hope Dave's logon is as good as the show you two gave him," I said.

After about ten seconds, a message box appeared on the screen, 'Welcome SysAdmin', it read.

"OH FUCKIN' YEAH," I yelled, startling the girls.

"What is it, Jack," Alex asked me.

"God access, Alex... fuckin' God access," I said.

I quickly located the entire hotel personnel directory and HR info; names, addresses, pictures, work schedules, hire dates, education, SSNs, salaries, all sorts of personal stuff.

"Let's see," I said to myself "First Name... Julia," as I began searching.

After a few seconds I had my results, two records returned. I began scrolling through the photos.

"There she is," I said looking at the second picture. "OK, time to download your info Julia."

"You found her," Alex asked.

"Yup, I replied. "I just downloaded her entire file. Now for Yvette..."

"But you don't know what she looks like," Alexandra said.

"Didn't you hear Julia before," Alex replied. "She said Yvette is new here."

"But how does that help," Alexandra asked.

"Because we can see the hire dates Alexandra," Alex responded.

"You're catching on," I said to Alex.

My search results for Yvette came back, five records returned.

"Five Yvettes," Alex exclaimed. "What is this? The god damned French Embassy!"

I continued typing -- 'ORDER BY HIRE_DATE DESC'; Enter.

"There we go," I said.

"But there are two of them who were hired in the last year," Alex replied. "And they both look young... and very pretty... just like Julia..."

"And they both graduated from the same high school, in the same year as Julia," I said. "Seeing a pattern maybe?"

"Oh..., Jack," Alex said enthusiastically, "check the work schedules!"

"Gorgeous AND smart" I said to Alex as I kissed her forehead.

"And she licks pussy pretty well too," Alexandra chimed in.

As I scrolled through the work schedules, Alex suddenly pointed at the screen.

"There, Jack," she said, "Stop right there. The second Yvette... 'Evening shift for Julia on Friday'.

"Got it, Alex," I said. "OK Yvette, time to download your info too. What the hell, both Yvettes."

After I got in info on the Yvettes, I located the network logs with Julia's and Yvettes' logons, cell phone Wi-Fi access records, and web access logs. I saw a directory of daily network log archives and thought, what the hell, those too. There were too many to download, so I started them copying them to an FTP server I recognized immediately, one I had used with Dave when he did an audit on the hotel's computer systems. I restored the network switch to its original settings, disconnected my laptop from the network jack on the wall, reconfigured my laptop's MAC address, and logged onto the hotel Wi-Fi network as a guest user. I opened up a VPN connection to a server in eastern Europe, packaged the data up, encrypted it, and emailed it off to Dave, 'Subject: Total Recon'.

"Almost done ladies," I said, "Now to scrub some pictures."

I searched through the data I had recovered from Julia's cell phone earlier and found her Dropbox logon credentials again. I reconnected to her account, deleted her backup history, and started a file scan.

"This is going to take a while," I said. "How about some of that cognac ladies?"

"Oh yeah, Jack, good idea," Alex said. "I could really use a drink."

As we sat eating Godiva chocolate and sipping cognac for about half an hour, Alex watched lines of numbers and letters fly by on my computer screen.

"What's it doing, Jack," she asked.

"It's putting together a list of all her Dropbox files; types, sizes, creation dates, last modification dates, metadata, and folders," I replied.

"What good is all that," she asked. "Don't we want to get rid of the pictures?"

"In time," I said. "I'm downloading all of her stuff to my laptop as well. I need to replace everything she has with junk files so she won't know anything is wrong until she tries to open them."

"But what if she tries to open them tomorrow," Alexandra asked, "or worse, tonight?"

"I'm going to lock her account when I'm done," I replied," so she can't logon."

"But can't they tell where you connected from," Alex asked, "Just like you got all her connection stuff from the hotel computers?"

"Sure," I replied. "They'll see my connections alright... from Estonia in eastern Europe, which is where it appears I'm connecting from," I said laughing.

"So can't she just get her account unlocked," Alexandra asked.

"Not after I send about a hundred thousand emails from it," I replied. It will take at least a week, maybe a month before they'll let her back into their network. They'll think her account got hacked."

"Remind me not to get on your bad side, Jack," Alex said laughing.

"What exactly do you do, Jack," Alexandra asked me.

"He rescues damsels in distress," Alex said as she kissed me.

"Yes he does... yes he certainly does," Alexandra replied.

I saw my file scan was finished. I quickly compiled all the data, encrypted it, and emailed it off to Dave, 'Subject: Cookout'.

"Cookout," Alex asked.

"Dave's going to create identically sized files, with the same names, extensions, and timestamps, everything but the real data," I replied. "Then Dave will upload them to her account, and back them up. Since I already deleted her existing backups, she'll have nothing real to recover from. Then he'll spam from her account, so they'll block her, thinking she was hacked, and they'll lock her account."

"Oh that's so evil, Jack," Alex said. "But her old files are still there."

"Not for long, Alex," I replied.

I got a text from Dave about fifteen minutes later. It read, 'New files created Jack. Ready whenever you are'.

"That was fast," Alex said.

"Well," I said, "Dave has some unconventional access to certain supercomputers in some places better left unmentioned. He's also done this a few dozen times."

I entered a few commands on my computer and Julia's entire Dropbox folder went empty. I texted Dave back, 'Cook the bitch!' and sent along Julia's Dropbox login info.

"This will take a few minutes ladies," I said.

We watched as new files and folders began to appear in the Dropbox folder.

"That's amazing," Alexandra remarked.

'Uploaded', Dave texted.

"Now we wait for the backup," I said as I logged out of Julia's Dropbox account.

'30K+ pics', Dave texted.

"What's that mean," Alexandra asked.

"Julia had over thirty thousand image files," I replied.

I texted Dave, 'Check Corp. FTP in about two hours. Then download everything there and secure delete wipe it all from the Corp. FTP server.'.

"What's that," Alexandra asked.

"Dave will know," I replied.

Alexandra said, "What will Dave know?"

Alex smiled at me and said, "May I, Jack?"

I nodded to Alex.

"It means don't ask, Alexandra," Alex replied.

"Will do," Alexandra responded

'1K+ vids', Dave texted.

"Does that mean over a thousand videos," Alex asked.

"Yes it does," I told her.

"Busy little girl," Alexandra said.

'117 SS -- 1/dir', Dave texted.

"SS? 1/dir," Alex asked.

"Spreadsheets," I told her," one per directory."

'Backup done', Dave texted.

"No recovery now," I said.

"This is fascinating," Alex said.

"It has its fun moments," I replied, "and I get to do this for a living."

'Spamming full steam ahead. Check Disaster directory, very curious files', Dave texted.

I looked at the files in my copy of the Disaster directory from the Dropbox stuff. Curious indeed I thought. I forwarded all of them to Dave and asked him to analyze them. They looked like encryption keys. We waited for several more minutes and Dave texted back.

'Slammed shut. Call me, yeo/urg', he wrote.

"Is it done," Alexandra asked.

"The pictures, are they all gone now," Alex asked.

"Done, and everything is gone," I replied to the girls. "I have the only copies now."

"What does he mean by yeo/urg," Alex asked.

"It means for your eyes or ears in this case, only, urgent," I replied.

"What could it possibly be," Alexandra asked.

"Not sure," I replied, "But if I know Dave, it's REAL important. Excuse me ladies, I've got to make this call in private."

I logged off of the hotel network, locked my computer screen, grabbed my cell phone and headed into the bathroom. I turned the shower on full and then closed and locked the door behind me.

When I came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, Alex could see the serious look on my face. They both ran to the bathroom door and stood in front of me.

"What is it, Jack," Alex asked, "What did Dave say?

I explained to Alex and Alexandra that Dave had told me the metadata for the image and video files had dates, guest names, room numbers, geo-coordinates and prices. He figures the spreadsheets are financial records. The only way to know for sure is to look at what I downloaded. He told me he scrubbed all the metadata I sent him as soon as he created the new files. He also said no new files had been uploaded since yesterday, according to the Dropbox timestamps.

"Do you think she's a hooker," Alex asked.

"No," I said, "and Dave doesn't either. We both believe she's a blackmailer."

"A blackmailer," Alexandra said.

"Yup," I replied. "He said there were three names that showed up in all of the image and video file metadata, Flopsy, Topsy, and Mopsy."

"Who the hell are Flopsy, Topsy, and Mopsy," Alexandra asked.

"Probably the code names they use," I replied.

"Jack, we have to get all those pictures," Alex said.

The two of them started to panic and I put my arms around them both and pulled them to me.

"Calm down you two," I said. "Julia didn't have anything of us uploaded... yet."

"But what about the pictures still on her phone," Alexandra said.

"I think I know a way to get all of those too," I said. "But we have to do it before she finds out her files are all gone, and she's locked out. She'll just open another account then."

"How," Alex asked. "She won't be back at work until Saturday."

"Then I'll get her to come back tomorrow," I said.

"Oh, Jack," Alex said, "That's right, she left her cell number for you on the bottle of lubricant."

"The same bottle she dropped... just before she flashed you her tight, sweet, little twenty-two year old pussy, huh, Jack," Alexandra added.

Alex glared at her, not finding any humor in Alexandra's teasing.

"That's not funny, Alexandra," Alex said.

"I'm only kidding sweetie, you know that," Alexandra said.

"I'm just a little sensitive about it...," Alex replied.

"Maybe a teeny bit jealous," Alexandra said.

"Yeah, Alexandra! I'm jealous! OK! There... I admit it," Alex said. "Julia's been fawning over Jack since she first saw him.

"Told ya," Alexandra replied laughing.

I began dialing on my cell phone when Alex stopped me.

"Who are you calling, Jack," she asked.

"Just connecting through another temporary number, good for a few days," I replied. "I don't want Julia having my real number."

"Good idea, Jack," Alex responded.

I motioned for her to hand me the lubricant bottle. As I read Julia's number, I typed it and began a new text message to her.

'alex&alex wtb swags fri b gone @11 want 2 CUM@12? - jack'. Then I hit send and waited.

"Want to cum at twelve, Jack," Alex said laughing. "That'll sure get her attention."

"It got mine," Alexandra replied.

"Hey, Jack," Alex said. "How did you learn that stupid text talk the kids use?"

"Part of my job, Alex," I replied.

I looked at the girls and said, "It's not Tuesday yet ladies, loose the clothing."

They both laughed and took off their robes. I got Julia's reply as Alex was removing my robe. She then tossed it onto floor by the side of the couch.

'K! wat shud I wear?,' Julia wrote.

"Let me reply, Jack, Pleeeeease..." Alexandra implored.

"OK, Alexandra, but don't scare her off," I replied.

"I won't, Jack," she said, "I promise."

Alexandra responded to Julia's message writing, 'wat u had 2nite, so I can fu w/that skrt on'.

"That's pretty good, Alexandra," I said regarding her cryptic message."

"I have a twelve year old niece," she replied. "It took me months to figure out her texts."

Less than a minute later, Julia texted back, 'K! c u @12'.

"She bought it," I said.

"What do we do when she gets here," Alex asked.

"I'll disable her phone's cell and Wi-Fi connections for starters," I told Alex, "then download everything from it, encrypt the memory, and force a factory wipe."

"You can do that," Alex asked?

"I already got her contact list," I said, "and some of her photos, videos, and saved logins. And that was in less than five minutes. Think about what I can do in half an hour?"

"How are you going to get your hands on her phone for half an hour," Alex asked.

"I don't need to touch it, Alex," I said. "I only need to have it near my computer. She's got no passwords on Bluetooth, or her screen. And she's got it running as an open Wi-Fi hotspot. That phone of hers is ripe for hacking. I just need a little time to drain every bit of data out of it."

(Laughing) "Yeah, Alex," Alexandra said, "While Julia's trying to drain every drop of cum out of Jack!"

"That little slut isn't touching him," Alex shot back.

"I'm sorry, Alex, but she might have to," I said. "You know she'll be trying to record everything. I just need to make sure my laptop is near her cart and phone and keep her busy for about half an hour."

"No, Jack," Alex pleaded. "You can't let her touch you! Please no!"

"Then we're going to have to come up with another plan to get her away from her phone," I replied.

"I got it," Alexandra said. "What if Alex and I were here as well, and we told her she had to have sex with one of us first? That would give you enough time to download everything, right?"

"Do either of you want to risk having videos of yourselves having sex with her on the internet," I asked them?"

"Not me," Alex said, "No way!"

"Well, were totally screwed if we don't try something," Alexandra replied.

"Besides, Alexandra," Alex said. "How do we know she even likes girls?"

"It's not about the gender of person she's having sex with," I said to Alex. "She's looking for blackmail images and videos. Men, women, doesn't make any difference."

"He's right, Alex," Alexandra replied.

"But that's speculation on the part of you and Dave," Alex replied. "We're not positive she's a blackmailer."

"Then let's go look at her files on my computer," I told Alex.

As the three off us browsed through Julia's image files it was immediately apparent that most were of one of the blonde Yvette as well as Julia and the red-headed Yvette engaged in various sex acts with men and women. The rest were of other unknown people involved in similar sex acts. We started viewing some of the videos and saw the same things. In one, Julia was performing oral sex on a very well-endowed man.

"God," Alex remarked, "His cock has to be at about nine inches long, and thick!"

"Yeah," Alexandra said, "and she taking every inch of it down her throat too! Look at her go! She'd have no problem with you, Jack."

"Hey," Alex snapped. "She's not doing that to Jack."

"Knock it off you two," I said laughing. "What else do we have here?"

"What's that file, Jack," Alex asked. "See... that one there... it's called 2_FU_SWALLOW."

"Let's have a look," I replied, as I double-clicked the video file.

We watched for a few seconds and saw a middle-aged man fucking both Yvettes. They were on their backs, lying near each other on a bed and he was taking turns with them. He would fuck one for about a minute, then the other. His back was to the camera so we couldn't see his face. He did this for a few minutes, and then turned almost completely toward the camera, with his head down, and took off his condom. The redheaded Yvette then got on her knees in front of him and sucked his cock until he climaxed into her mouth. As he did so, he looked up.

"I know him," Alex and Alexandra both said together.

"You do," I replied.

"He works with us," Alexandra said.

"Not for much longer if this gets out," Alex replied. "His wife will kill him."

"They do insist on using condoms," Alexandra said.

"Yeah," Alex replied, "until the guys finish in their mouth,"

"Let me see the file timestamp," I said. "Ah... the day before yesterday... at 1:12 PM."

"He said he had a late lunch on Tuesday," Alex said under her breath.

"Well if he didn't, then the red-headed Yvette certainly did," Alexandra said laughing.

I checked the metadata on the video file, $5,000 was entered in one of the fields.

"Yikes," Alex said. "He doesn't have that kind spare money, and he'll get fired for sure if the station finds out."

"Yeah, he's totally screwed," Alexandra added.

"Let me check the spreadsheet in this directory," I replied.

As I scrolled through, everything was listed by image and video filenames.

"There it is, 2_FU_SWALLOW," I noted. "There's a column here labeled 1ST_PAY_REQUEST, and it's blank. I guess they haven't had a chance to contact him yet. There's a column labeled PERFORMER, it has the entry, 'Mopsy &Topsy'."

"You were right, Jack," Alex replied, "Those are code names."

"I guess we now know that Julia must be Flopsy," Alexandra said.

"Well from what I see," I started, "It looks like the three of them keep one master collection. Probably a pretty safe bet that there is no other stuff out there, except what may be on their individual phones."

"But, Jack," Alex said, "Doesn't that mean that any one of them may try to get into the Dropbox account?"

"Yes it does, Alex," I replied. "I've need to call Dave right now."

Just then, my phone rang. It was Dave.

"Go, Dave, I got you on speaker. The girls are listening too," I said.

"What, Jack? No secret passphrases all of a sudden," he replied.

"No time, talk to me, Dave. The girls already know everything," I responded.

"I have to say ladies... that was quite a performance before," Dave said.

"You're welcome, Dave," they both responded as they laughed.

"Enough small talk, Dave," I butted in. "What do you have on the recon request?"

"Seems your three little ladies have some rather interesting backgrounds," Dave said. "They all went to the same very exclusive all-girls boarding school... and got tossed out in the middle of their senior year. Some big sex scandal involving the faculty, both men and women! Real hush-hush. I had to call in a few markers to get that tidbit. They ended up graduating from the same public high school though. It gets even better, Jack old boy, all of their Daddies are very wealthy and extremely connected politicos in Georgia. And Julia, her old man is next in line for State Legislature majority leader. A real family values anti-porn douchebag. Rumor is he's got a thing for effeminate young men too. As for the two Yvettes, their fathers are bigwigs in a couple of those fire and brimstone tele-evangelical foundations. Julia got busted in Puerto Rico the summer a year after they graduated, for using a stolen credit card at some quasi-legal sterilization clinic in San Juan. Seems she racked up 15K in medical expenses for tubal ligations. The cardholder agreed to pay the bill and not press charges, so Julia eventually walked."
