We'll Get Through This Together


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The next hour or so was just sheer, unadulterated beauty as these three lovely girls slowly got it on and the two more experienced ones guided Tal though her first lesbian encounter. I was biting my lip and fighting back tears as I timed my orgasm with Tal's tumultuous climax, her mouth wide open, her slim frame taut as four small hands and two hungry mouths played sweet tunes on her body.

Over the next few months we saw more and more of her in action. It was clear that now she had got it on with the two girls, boys were out of the picture. We agreed that somehow, some way, we were going to have to try and get Tallulah to join our little coterie. If it meant losing a dream dog-sitter, then so be it, but none of us wanted to pass up the chance of making love to such a babe.

We tried to lay out a plan, but somehow it never seemed right. Either the timing was wrong and or the guys were with us or we were away separately. We racked our brains and formulated all sorts of clever ruses to get her into our beds, but they all seemed contrived.

Then lockdown came. For most people, it was the start of all of their problems. For us it was the potential solution to ours. Our husbands were a long way away and we were free to do what we liked.

Lilith came up with it. "Come on Faye, we've seen what she can do. Thanks to circumstances beyond our control, we're going to severely reined in for the foreseeable future and they guys are thousands of miles away. We all would love to get down and dirty with her. So it's simple. Just give her the chance to stay in the annex and look after the dogs while this blows over. Then ask her to take on other, more... pleasurable duties. It's obvious she likes girls -- maybe she'll like three dirty-thirties as well!"

We were always democratic. There were no objections.

I made the call. What happened next was down to Tallulah.

3 - Tallulah

It was a bit of a shock to wake and be reminded of our new situation. I needed a distraction, so I rounded up the hounds and set off, being pulled in all directions by five long leads as they each went about their own thing. When I reached the gate to the vast communal areas, I let four of them off the leash but kept Slinky next to me. His little face seemed to give me a grateful smile, his tongue lolling already as the heat of the day began to build.

I followed the other four as they cavorted across the meadow and through the woodland area, stopping to pick up their little presents every few minutes and depositing them in the ubiquitous doggy bins that dotted the estate.

We walked for what seemed like miles and as we emerged from the woods, I found myself in an area on the far side of the estate I didn't recognise. It looked like a nice place to take some sun and reflect a little, so I parked myself on a bench near the perimeter fence to one of the properties and let Slinky off his lead. I sat, listening to the birdsong and wondered what was in store for me when the gang returned from Cape Cod later in the day.

I was in a nice little daydream when I heard a happy yap from behind me and turned to see Slinky gazing up at the fence. Someone was peering back at him with a big smile on her face. "Well what have we here? Who's this purty little fella?"

She must have been ninety if she was a day. A huge halo of frizzy white hair framed her craggy face and she wore a voluminous chiffon dress that hung from her ample but frail frame like a set of curtains. She leaned heavily on a very ornate, carved cane and looked up as I approached.

Slipping my sunglasses onto the top of my head, I greeted her. "Hi, this is Slinky. One of the Henderson's dogs. I think the rest are somewhere in South Carolina by now!"

She looked at me through pink-tinted glasses. "Good morning, young lady. This little fella may be a cutie, but may I say that you are a sight for sore old eyes. Pretty is not the word, my dear, and I love that this little guy's bandana matches yours!"

I felt myself blushing and touched my own flaming red bandana that kept my hair from flying all over the place. "Oh thanks, nice of you to say. I'm Tallulah. Tallulah Hendricks. I work for the Hendersons. I look after the 'Furious Five' as we call them. I just thought Slinky looked cool in it!"

"He does indeed and looks very proud to wear it!" She looked me up and down, appraising me. "I'm Martha, nice to meet you Miss Hendricks. I'd shake your dainty little hand but I daresay I'd be breaking these cockamamie distancing rules they've imposed upon us. Not that I've been within touching distance with anyone for a while now of course."

Something clicked in my mind. Something Mrs. Henderson had said about one of the residents being an older lady -- much older, and she had once been a stage actress of some repute. I had looked her up on the internet out of interest. Now I had the chance to impress.

"Martha? Oh, you must be Martha Landau then? A pleasure and an honour to meet you Ms. Landau!"

Her mouth flew open. "Oh my, you know of me?"

I nodded. "A little. Long Broadway stints in 'Streetcar' and 'Cat on Hot Tin Roof.' Nominated for a Tony in 1959 and 1966."

Now it was her turn to blush. "Oh sweet girl, that makes me so happy. Yes, I did tread the boards back in the day. Movies too, though I preferred the thrill of the stage. Sorry honey, I forget things easily at my age - what did you say your first name was again?"


She repeated it twice and sighed. "Lovely name. Knew a Tallulah briefly myself, long time back. She was a wild one!" She sighed and stared off into the distance for a moment before she turned back to me and narrowed her eyes. "You have a lovely accent but you're burying it. Why hide it?"

She was direct, I gave her that. "My accent?"

"Uh-huh. There's an northern English accent somewhere under that awful attempt at covering it up with a Southern drawl."

She saw my look of surprise. "Not only Broadway, sweet girl. Spent a lot of time in the West End too. The Aldwych, The Palace, The Savoy. Oh those nights in the American Bar! We made sure post-war London was a little slice of home!"

She narrowed her eyes. "But I also did a season at the Newcastle Theatre Royal, so I know my accents. I didn't only play Blanche DuBois, you know -- I was quite the thespian! You're not a Geordie lassie, but I'm close, am I not?"

The old lady had me bang to rights. I switched to my own accent - one I had tried to cover up for too long. "Aye, ye've got me. I'm originally from Northumberland. Moved over here five years ago when my Mom -- I mean, my Mum married an American guy."

She nodded sagely. "Thought as much. Lovely part of the world. Some lovely rich accents, just like yours. So why hide it?"

"Not sure really. To fit in, I reckon... sorry, I suppose!"

She fixed me with a gimlet eye. "Young lady, care to take some advice from a not-so-wise but very old lady?"

I hate advice, but she seemed well-meaning enough. Against my better judgement, I agreed. "Ok."

She leaned forward over the fence. "Don't try to fit in, Miss Hendricks. Fitting in is for losers. Strive to stand out from the crowd. Talk like you were meant to, young lady. I love a good regional accent, and yours is so characterful! Pretty girl like you should be standing tall and getting yourself noticed, not hiding down among the reeds!" She pointed at me for good measure. "Hear me?"

What she said hit a chord with me. It resonated. Fitting in was all I had tried to do since I was uprooted and dropped into this strange land some five years earlier. "Yes, Ms. Landau, I hear you. Thanks -- I'll bear it in mind."

"Good girl. Oh and it's Martha."

"I usually go by Tal."

"I'll stick with Tallulah if you don't mind. That other Tallulah I mentioned -- brings back fond memories for me."

I had another 'lightbulb' moment. "Surely not... Tallulah Bankhead by any chance?"

Her eyes widened once more behind her tinted lenses. "My, you are a knowledgeable young lady. In one! As I said, she was a wild one. The thing we had was oh-so fleeting, but it left a lasting impression on me." She then fixed her gaze on me. "You a wild one, Miss Hendricks?"

I wasn't expecting that. I shrugged my shoulders a little. "Yes, I suppose I can be at times."

She nodded her head sagely. "With the things I hear about Faye Henderson and her lady-friends and those good looks of yours, I figured as much."

I was intrigued. "Sorry, not with you?"

"Nothing honey, just the ramblings of an old lady."

That piqued my interest, but I let it go. Given my unusual name, the old stage and screen actress Tallulah Bankhead had been mentioned numerous times so I had looked her up as well. She had indeed been a 'wild one' and the thought that this frail old lady had even had a brief dalliance with the outrageous woman so many years before thrilled me. I told her so and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Never judge a book, young lady. I may be ninety-one, but I have a few stories that would curl your lovely blonde locks."

Again, she gave me that look that belied her advanced years. "So, you work for Faye huh? Well, let's just say that her friend Lilith Nobel is a very neighbourly lady. Good friend of mine. She moseys over here every now and then for a glass of gin. I tell her tales of the old days to curl her lovely blonde locks and she tells me things makes me wish I were not so near the grave. She, Faye and Daisy Carter have to do without their menfolk a lot with golf and business, so they... well, let's just say they enjoy each other's company. Lilith also told me 'bout a purdy young lady walkin' the hounds around these parts. Says she's a sight to behold."

Another wink. "I do declare, I may be beholdin' her now. So -- what's the skinny, Missy? You got any tales to tell an old lady?"

It was then it hit me. Faye's comment about helping to lighten the load. For some reason, it didn't scare me half as much as it should. "Not exactly, but I think that may be about to change."

"Uh-huh. And how's that?"

I didn't know why, but I just felt compelled to tell her. "They are due back later this afternoon. Putting two and two together, from what you just said, I think I may be about to be made an offer."

"Then all I can say is, you are a lucky young girl. Things I hear about those ladies and their friends... well, it all makes me wish I were your age again. If I were, I'd ride my old horse Clarrie over there butt-naked and join right on in!"

I was too stunned to answer. Then she hit me with another bombshell.

"You enjoy the company of ladies to gentlemen, am I correct?"

Unable to fathom this amazing lady, I merely sucked in my lips and nodded mutely.

"Thought so. Not often been wrong in these things. Care for some more advice?"

It had been pretty spot on so far. "You seem to be hitting the right spots, so ok - hit me again."

"Ok, young lady. Go for it. Have fun. Those ladies will, I assure you, be fun. When you get to my age, all you have are memories. I have many, many good ones. I hope and pray a beautiful young girl like you gets to my age, and if you do, make sure your memories are golden, Tallulah. Fill your life with golden memories."

She paused for a moment for breath and despite the heat of the day, I felt a chill run through me. How in God's name could such an old lady sum me up so perfectly in such a short space of time? I was about to respond when she went on.

"Give it your all. You are a rare beauty. Rejoice in who you are and shine brightly while the lights are on you. They're a long time dark. As I said, strive to stand out." She turned to go. "Nice talking, Tallulah. Maybe when all this shit has flown by, we can swap a few stories out on the porch over a nice glass of gin? Quite partial to gin, I am. Tanqueray of course - nothing else will do!"

I was utterly stunned, but for some reason, I liked that idea. "Yeah, I guess..." I shook my head. "Sorry, forgetting already!" I stood formally and inclined my head. "Yes, Ms Landau. That sounds like a very appealing proposition. I shall look forward to it immensely!"

Her face split into a wide grin. "Good girl, that's better - be yourself! We wild ones - takes one to know one, hon! Now go and make sweet love to the ladies of Milton's Creek and shine! See ya when the dust settles."

She bent to pat Slinky but gave up and straightened herself, wincing with effort. "Sorry little fella - fucking arthritis. Why ain't there a fucking virus that cures arthritis, huh?"

She looked at me. "Sorry Tallulah. Me running off again. Stay safe, have fun and come back and tell me all about it someday soon, cuz I know it's gonna be worth hearin'."

She turned and began to hobble up the cinder path to her front door. "Bring Springy, he's cute."

I decided not to correct her. "I will. Oh and Martha -- thank you."

She beamed at me. "My pleasure and 'Gan Canny' as they used to say to me up in Newcastle!" She waved her cane above her head. "And stand out, young lady. Stand out!"

I watched her all the way up the path in stunned silence before gathering up Slinky. I sat back on the bench and went over and over the conversation in my mind as I stroked his little ears and tickled his tummy. She was perfectly right. Since coming to America, all I had tried to do was be someone else. It had taken a ninety-one year old lady less than five minutes to make me see it. For the last five years I had tried to become one of the crowd.

It was time to be myself again. I had been Tallulah Hendricks for five years. Hendricks was my step-father's name and although I called myself that, I was still legally known by my birth surname. My step-father was an asshole. No - if I was going to be me again, he wasn't - he was an 'arsehole'. As we said in my native accent, 'a reet little shite'. My Mom wasn't an idiot for marrying him, my Mum was. I didn't 'guess' Martha was right -- I 'knew' she was.

I made a decision there and then. If I was going to stand out, it was going to start today. I snuggled Slinky into me and wiggled his ears. "Right, ye daft little bugger, let's go and find yer pals, eh?" I kissed his wet nose. "Wonder if you'll like the difference in me? I hope so, little fella."

I tugged gently on Slinky's lead and he began to trot happily along beside me. "Well let's see what Faye and her friends make of Tallulah MacAllan then, because she is going to give it everything she's got and she is gonna to be fucking awesome!"

Later as I went to shower, I glanced out of the upstairs window of the annex as a large airport-style shuttle bus drew up outside. Faye Henderson stepped out with her bags, waving her goodbyes.

I watched on as a pretty lady with bubbly, curly hair approached her front door. She dropped her bag and sank to her knees as she was encircled by five elated dogs. If what I suspected was true, she and her friends were about to suggest I have sex with them as well as looking after those five dogs. This was proving to be a strange time and I found myself shivering with anticipation at the thought of what was about to unfold.

I dried myself and popped the top off a bottle of beer. I put on my bikini bottoms and went out onto the lounger on the small, secluded patio at the side of the annex to catch some rays and top up my tan. I slid my bikini down around my thighs and inspected my first attempt at shaving. It looked pretty decent to me. It just seemed like something I should do for when I was required, whenever that was.

I had my phone with me just in case. It was all I could do to keep my fingers from roaming around the newly-smooth area. It was still tingling and I loved the look and feel of it. I was very tempted indeed but somehow managed to be a good girl for once.

I had just started my second beer when Faye called me.

4 - Faye

We'd normally be pissed at having to leave the Cape a week early but given the circumstances, it was good to be back home. It was a bummer we would effectively be stranded without our husbands, but there is always an upside to any situation.

I went through the ritual of unpacking then fixed a pitcher of Long Island Iced Tea and sat on the front porch as the dogs showed me just how glad they were to see me. Slinky was extra keen to proudly show me the little red bandana Tal had tied around his neck. He looked so cute that I had a shiver of guilt over what we were about to ask of the sweet kid.

But it was only a momentary shiver as I recalled her on camera with Pro-Shop Luke and her various girlfriends. Any doubts I had were firmly put to bed and I began to work on what I was going to say to Miss Tallulah Hendricks to induct her into our little gang.

Once I had spoken to Brett on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, I called her.

When she walked around the corner a few minutes later, I felt a lurch in my stomach. She wore her orange top and it hung open over a white polka-dotted bikini. Apart from flip-flops and sunglasses on top of her head, that was it. Her hair hung in a thick ponytail over her left shoulder, held back by a red bandana that matched Slinky's. Her tanned skin was lightly oiled and she walked with a natural grace and elegance without a hint of artifice. It was all I could do not to pin her to the wall of the house and go postal on her.

She suddenly looked shy as she sat opposite me. "Hi, welcome back. Sorry it didn't go to plan and thanks for letting me stay."

I filled a glass and pushed it towards her. "No problems, Tallulah. Pleasure to have you around." I paused. "If you are Tallulah, that is. What have you done with our usual dog-walker young lady?"

She sipped her drink. "Ah, you noticed."

I took a drink myself. "Hard not to -- our Tallulah had a southern-American accent. Not a great one, but she tried."

She had the most gorgeous, warm laugh. She still sounded like the Tal I knew, but slightly different.

"I had an upgrade earlier today and it looks like it reverted me back to factory settings. This is my real accent and I've gone back to being Tallulah MacAllan. This is how I should speak; not trying to be a Homecoming Queen from deepest Georgia and failing miserably."

I held out my glass and smiled. "It suits you, Miss... MacAllan, was it? I presume I can still call you Tallulah?"

She touched her glass to mine, now grinning herself. "MacAllan is my birthname. When I arrived here I thought I'd get the piss taken so I tried to change my accent and took my step-dad's name. And yes, you may still call me Tallulah. Given the strange circumstances in which we find ourselves, may I now call you Faye?"

This time I really did laugh. "You may, and may I say it's about time, girl! All this 'Mrs Henderson' business makes a gal feel old!"

Her mouth opened to say something witty and I cut her off. "Don't even go there, young lady. So what happened between yesterday afternoon and now to effect such a dramatic change?"

She sighed deeply. "I really did get an upgrade of sorts." She gazed over her shoulder and pointed to the distant woodland. "I met an old lady when I was walking the dogs. And she is really, really old." She screwed her mouth into a little moue. "Gave me a bit of sage advice."


"Somehow, instead of flipping my middle finger and telling the nosy old bat to stick it, I took it on board. I've been in America five years and in five minutes she had me nailed as an impostor, trying too hard to fit in with my silly faux accent. Made me realise it's not who I really am. I decided I was going to be me again."

"Very glad you did, Tallulah. You sound different, but there's something warm and soothing about that accent. I like it!" I sipped my drink. "So, you finally met the Legend of Milton's Creek, Miss Martha Eloise Landau. Whaddya think of her."

The girl looked pensive. "Strange as it sounds, I really liked her. She's lived, that's for sure. I've never even spoken to anyone that old before, but something about her seemed so... genuine, so alive despite her age and infirmity. Quite honestly, she shook me to the core with her openness and candour -- and the fact she nailed my native accent! She kind of made me reappraise a few decisions I've made over the years."
