Welldark B1 Epilogue

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Just the Start.
2.6k words

Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 08/01/2023
Created 01/16/2022
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"Can you stop touching each other for, like, three seconds?!" Arlethia groaned.

I thoughtfully stared into the air, as if to consider it, then said, "No," and went back to kissing Esther. The lady of my love happily obliged my advances and soon I tasted the salted butter of the breakfast bread on her lips. My left arm was slung around her waist and glided over the curve of her hips with repetitive but always pleasing movements. How we had managed to actually eat our breakfast in between those make out sessions, I had no idea.

The succubus grumbled something frustrated. Her complaint was slightly hypocritical, as her tail was slung around Willt's arm. My good friend leaned back and concentrated on his cup of black tea. "I almost want to pray to fucking Jesus, as long as someone gets me away from your grope fest," Arlethia continued. "Seriously, you were the same kind of laughably awkward yesterday as you were for the past three months and then you suddenly fuck and now you're just completely attached to each other, what the fuck happened?"

"My beloved Karitas knew what to say," Esther answered when our kiss came to an end. It was replaced with her embracing me and pressing her boobs against my shoulder. "If our behaviour is annoying you, you're advised to leave. I will not stop."

"I think she's just jealous," I noted and looked over to Willt. "How about you give your sex demon some head pats? Maybe that will fix her moodiness."

"Listen here you arrogant- Oh, that's pretty nice actually," the red-skinned succubus trailed off when her warlock boyfriend did as advised and ran his hands over her dark red hair. Soon, she contentedly swayed her head. Arlethia moved her own chair closer to her man to do a bit of cuddling. All conversation was temporarily put on hold as we instead indulged in our chosen partner.

"Good girl," Willt said. Without blushing despite Esther being around, while continuing to pat his future Queen. I was happy that they, after several months, still behaved like I and Esther did after just one night. That our relationship would be just as, if not more, successful was a certainty in my mind. That the warlock no longer behaved overly shy around my raven-haired lady was also a point of joy. Friends getting along with each other was always desirable.

"But seriously though," Arlethia sounded calmer now but, knowing her, the initial tone had been hyperbole anyway, "what happened?"

Willt kissed her on the forehead and answered before I could, "Something like what happened with us, I would say. Often, it just takes one proper conversation to put everything in the right perspective. Remember how your confession shifted my entire image of you and suddenly we were dating?"

"Given that I wanted to die for the first ten minutes of that, I don't think I could ever forget," Arlethia shivered from the past embarrassment. "I said so many stupid things in so little time."

"So you talked slower than normal?" I asked.

"Ha-ha," Arlethia returned a dry, faked laugh. "Let's laugh at the succubus that had trouble confessing. Come on, get it all out, I'll kick you when you least expect it and then I'll laugh!"

"Hey, whenever you want to surrender our verbal war, I'm happy to make peace and not make fun of you at every opportunity."

"Why should I surrender? My victory is at hand!"

Willt looked at the display of his Ashod and finished his tea. "We will be late for class if we don't go now." He pushed up his red-tinged, round glasses and got up. "You coming, Karitas?"

Just like them, I had a class in the second block of the day, while Esther had a few more hours to kill before having to go to the university grounds. Even now that we were officially a couple, an Anomalia even, the flow of time continued as before. The world felt different to us, but it was still the same. Giant burdens were off my shoulders and now I could just continue on without feeling like I was aging at thrice the speed.

"Go ahead, I want to enjoy the morning for a little bit longer," I told them.

"So, you're going to skip out and fuck all day?" Arlethia asked.

"I would not approve of that," Esther shook her head and kissed my neck. "He will act responsibly."

"If I have to," I grinned and took the warning pinch in my side with a happy giggle. Then we kissed again. We forgot the world around us for as long as it took the front door to close behind Willt and Arlethia. "Is there seriously no way I can convince you that we should go back to the bedroom?"

"We already had sex this morning," Esther reprimanded me. "Although I share your desire to repeat the sensation as often as possible, it is just as inadvisable to spend all of our time in coitus as it would be consuming alcohol."

"Are you afraid you might get addicted?" I teased.

"No, given your proclivity in this area of life, I am certain I will become addicted to it," she returned in her usual, stern fashion. "Which is exactly why I will not set a precedent and allow us to forego our mundane lives in favour of shutting ourselves in. If we cross that line, I find it too likely we're just going to forget everything but each other." She must have read on my face that I didn't think that was the worst fate ever. Sighing, she added, "Do not forget that you have a harem to build for yourself."

"Don't you mean for us, my Queen?" I wanted to know.

"If we do it right, I will enjoy my fellow lovers. It motivates you more than it motivates me, however, and right now I need to stir you into getting up and going to your classes."

I looked down on myself. "It will be rather difficult to stand up while you're still holding onto me."

"If you jog the way, I estimate you still have a few minutes," she asserted and leaned up. Our lips met for a quick peck, then she rested her head on my shoulder. "If you do not mind the question," she whispered into the quiet we shared, "why did you come to Welldark? My path brought me here to avoid people inhabiting the more prestigious Cosmic Universities, but I do not think this limitation applies to you. Was it just to stay with your friends?"

"No, although that helped motivate the decision," I answered and then, careful to make every word as clear as possible, presented my real reason. "In the time between graduation and arriving here, I travelled to a few different worlds. I evaluated whether or not I even wanted to attend one of these places. Torn between multiple paths that opened themselves to me, I decided to try and see what I could read from the world and conjured a vision. It took a fair bit to get all the necessary materials and learn the basics, but that's a different story entirely. What I saw were two things. I saw a girl with a bleeding back under a starless sky and I saw Welldark." I stopped for a moment and looked at her. "I would say that girl was you, dear Esther."

She furrowed her eyebrows, the news seemed to confuse her more than upset her. "It was not a starless night," she let me know. "Regardless of the shifted detail, this is peculiar. Is history already written, perhaps."

"It is not."

"You sound certain of that."

"Because I am sure." I looked deep into her amber eyes. "There is no entity that can control history. Fate is dead and we're all the makers of our own paths. What glimpses of what is likely and what is not we can conjure, they're no guarantees. Our world is not determined from before we are born. Our stories are our own and for the two of us," I smiled, infinitely grateful that we were now each other's partner, "this is just the start."





Before anything else, I want to thank the proofreaders that have accompanied me along this project. My first thanks goes out to Omnius, who has steadily supplied me with feedback all the way through the making of this book. He is closely followed by Dan and Lim, both of whom often gave me advice in terms of planning and a good amount of feedback themselves. Further thanks go out to WolfOfParis, Dawodd, and everyone else who helped with the project in any ways, however little.

A second group that deserves my thanks is YOU, my 'normal' readers. I appreciate that you decided to give these stories of mine your time. Be it for the lewds, the banter, the worldbuilding or whatever else may make you interested in my body of work, I'm glad to supply entertainment. A special thanks to all my Supporters who support me financially and make writing a possible effort, financially.

Now, to start with my actual Author's Note.

In case this is the first of my works you have read, let me introduce myself. I go by Funatic and I write stories of the kind I like to read. Originally, this was limited to some porn on a website I frequented. That site has a branching function that allows people to add their own spin to stories, as long as the owner of that story is fine with it. I used it to add the kind of erotica I liked to read, whether that was in terms of quality, attention to certain details over others, or kinks.

As my skill grew, I got a bit higher aspiration. I wanted to write stories that were good without the lewd bits and just have lewd bits in them for whoever might enjoy them.

Aside from one project, which is deliberately all porn, I think I have succeeded in this. Sure, this very book wears its intention on its sleeve, Karitas is an open pervert, but I would say I have brought to you more than just pornography. If you come to my body of work just to have a quick wank, I think you won't leave satisfied anyway...

Anyway, I write stories with attractive characters and when I feel it's appropriate, I make the attractive characters bang. I have no publisher that stops me, no employer to justify my decisions to, just my own creativity to rely on, on whose basis I may fail or succeed. God bless the Free Market.

Welldark originally spawned in March 2019, when I was bored and decided to create a little prologue for a premise I had in mind already. There were a couple of goals: 1. A situation in which harems were logical. 2. Monster girls 3. University setting 4. Dimensional travelling. The shape this took pretty quickly resembled a mixture of Highschool DxD and RWBY. I don't care to hide the parallels, but I don't plan to skirt particularly close to either in terms of actual content. I regard both as rather poor in terms of storytelling. The mechanics are interesting enough though.

As I realized I did want to write this but also knew I would be hard-pressed to make this another weekly release project, I decided to try another approach and actually write a book for once. Usually, I write a chapter, let the proofreaders check it for spelling and logic mistakes and push it out there without really editing a whole lot. I wondered (and still wonder at the time of writing this) how my body of work would change if I finished an entire book first and then took the time to refine the entire thing.

The decision was made, I started writing Welldark and, about a year later, on the third of May 2020, I had the first draft finished. That was also when I wrote this note.

I like the book I wrote and the world attached to it, from what has been shown to what is beyond the current scope of necessary details. I hope you like as well what came of the final draft.

Originally, I had pretty big plans for what would all happen in the first book, but to get to any actual action, I would have needed to rush the romance along and I just didn't want to do that. I have botched a fair bit of romance plots in my days because I wanted to get to something else. At least for this book, I wanted to make the love something that felt like it came about believably.

So, it was basically all about Esther and Karitas, with some structural building blocks of Welldark at the side. Those will be necessary going forwards. I have a good number of ideas where I want to take the story next. More harem/Anomalia members are a given. I don't think it'll surprise anybody if I say that a few have been shown already in this book, be it only for a few paragraphs.

I don't think I will dedicate a book to the addition of any one girl. More likely, a lot of plots will run in parallel and some will resolve whenever it is natural, as life runs its course. That is how I prefer to plot things. For the moment, I will concentrate on what ideas I have for Karitas' university years. Should this world prove to be popular by the end of then, then I will likely continue with my adventures beyond. If not, then I will find an appropriate ending point.

That's talking years into the future though.

What follows is 2021 Funatic. The first round of edits has been completed.

I discovered a couple of things in the process. Mostly just how much I improved between the first and last chapter of the book. Early chapters were almost entirely rewritten, be it due to character inconsistencies, bad speech patterns, or (most frequently) strictly awfully constructed paragraphs.

The increase in quality is undeniable. Perhaps I will make the first draft of this book available along the published version, just for people curious on what changed. I will have to ponder if that is a worthwhile thing to do. (Note: I ultimately decided against this).

As big as the quality increase is, I also discovered that I loathe editing. It is incredibly dull to read what you wrote yourself, knowing every intention and every follow-up sentence. It's the literary equivalent of playing Minecraft with cheats enabled. You may build something grand, but did you really earn it? Similarly, can you enjoy a narrative construction you know inside out already?

I will stick to it, because it is a good thing to do for the final product. It's just boring, is what I am getting at. Not that this, being my job, can and should only consist of things that please me. I just shouldn't hate my life because of it. Ultimately, the goal is to provide the best story I can. This aids in that goal so some suffering is completely bearable.

I'm basically just rambling at this point. I just don't know what much to say, so I guess I will keep to the good old adage that silence is gold and say my goodbyes.

Hope to see you for Welldark Book 2,


Y'ello, 2022 Fun here. Thank you all for reading the public release. If it's not too much to ask, please leave a Review/Comment on this story if you enjoyed it and maybe recommend it to a friend or two. This was a lot of work and I frankly need a lot of eyeballs on it to keep doing this as a job.

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ClearmuseClearmuse2 months ago

One of favorite works on the website I've spent too much time on. Really appreciate the form, having already reached an ending, if not The End. So many stories either never end, for various reasons, or even if they do have few logical breaks and stopping points. As a while body of work is great, and I look forward to catching up on more!

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot3 months ago

Welldark B1 is easily one of the top5 stories I've read in the past couple of years. It has the potential to become a really good franchise. I encourage FanFunatic to continue developing this story into the potential powerhouse it can become. I think that your abilities are easily up to the task.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Awesome story, love the plot. Very well written and easy to read. Looking forward to reading Book 2 🤗

goo_neiggoo_neig8 months ago

Hello Funatic.

I enjoyed the story.

Thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The start was slow... i wondered if anything worthwhile would happen in this story or no, but i pressed on with the chapters. Eventually i do not know when, I started liking the humane treatment of characters. This story felt like an evolution. Later chapters where the characters showing emotions, was a fest. I breezed through them and often a times self introspected my own life incidences. Still i would suggest that please keep the location description to a brief para or so, maybe only to where the characters would physically interact. Otherwise the story feels sluggish. You can always give more details later and intertwine the description to actual plots as an when necessary. I would urge you to right on as your imagination and storytelling makes me aspire to pen down my own some day.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Amazing creation thank you for sharing it with us :)

bhojobhojo11 months ago

I loved this book. I'm rereading it now in preparation for book 2 but I already see a sexy maid, a catgirl and a dark slime in karitas anomalia. Also some more elaboration of why Esther was so mutilated by her family. I presume Esther is a princess of angels

James_DuncanJames_Duncan12 months ago

I really liked this, the slow build of the relationship with Esther was equal parts torture and equal parts wetting the appetite, which you came through on in the end. The wait was worth it, although possibly I would not drawn it out quite so much.

nemesisofwussesnemesisofwussesabout 1 year ago

I’m so happy this book is continuing!

FanFunaticFanFunaticabout 1 year agoAuthor

Book 2 is completed, public releases will begin on the first of June.

It is available through Patreon and Subscribe Star.

FanFunaticFanFunaticover 1 year agoAuthor


This is a completely original setting, as far as grammar corrections go it is a bit of a pain to correct minor typos on Literotica, but I do post chapters earlier for proofreaders to correct, if you are interested contact me through discord, there's an invite in the biography section in my profile.

And to update you all, the second book's first draft is almost complete, not sure how long it'll take to edit it this time around but you're welcome to lend a hand as a proofreader/feedbacker if you'd like, there's also 3 new art pieces for that book as well.

nthusiasticnthusiasticover 1 year ago

Excellent. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I’m unfamiliar with the source of your characters: book, game, movie, etc.? If I had been a fan of the original, I’m sure I would have enjoyed it even more. Would you like mention of any typos or inconsistencies that may present themselves as one reads? Some might not like to hear about any grammar nitpicking that a card carrying grammar geek might offer. I know how tedious editing can be as one’s eyes glaze over during the umpteenth reading of the same chapter, and still manage to overlook a missing word.

FseriesFseriesover 1 year ago

Like I’ve said before, I like the settings and the world that was created. The only problem is I was figuring we’d be at this addition’s scene in the 3rd addition. Then each addition after that would add a wife to his harem with a growing tension between him and that professor and the Erik harem. Culminating in his harem winning top honors and the first freshman harem to do so.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Loved it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Really liked the story line and was captivated by the characters and how they interacted with each other. When will you continue this story to include all of the others that need to be brought into the hero's Harlem?

pipeliner66pipeliner66almost 2 years ago

I loved this story. 5 stars all the way around. I personally enjoy the character building and well thought out dialog. Instant follow, and I look forward to the release of future chapters/book to come out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What a beautiful story! You set the bar very high. Please continue!

FanFunaticFanFunaticalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Really appreciate all the kind words and the support the story has been getting!

The second book will takes some time to write and edit as I already release about 6 chapters a week to two other stories, each about 2k words each so those take most of my time, in total one of them already has 3.1M words.

I usually write focus on Welldark on the weekends or on vacations, I estimate that it will be done in the latter half of 2023.

Also I am looking for proofreaders/editors so do message me on social media if you want to come onboard

bhojobhojoalmost 2 years ago

This is one of the upper tier of fantasy novels on lit. i would love to advance read anything you can provide and proofread for spelling grammar etc.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Thank you for a very entertaining first book. Looking forward to the next instalments of Karitas and Esther

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