What Have You Done Amy - The End


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Not a word was spoken as she reached her long thin fingers toward the clasp that held back her breasts. When her bra fell away, she leaned forward to offer the tasty morsels to my mouth. I thought I was in heaven.

The next hour was a combination of discovery and her guiding me to the heaven she wanted. But with that came her exhaustion. She finally gave up control of our coupling, and I was able to take her to new heights. As we lay on what had been a bed of lust and giving, we both held on to each other with the thoughts of never letting go; at least I did.

After some refreshment and a minimum of conversation, she was able with very little effort to get my attention to her needs. That time with her on that bed gave new meaning to the phrase, "Make love to me." When two bodies are locked together as we were. There is no pulling them apart. At least at that moment I felt that was true. Much later when we both were fighting exhaustion, just to stay alive, without warning we both found sleep.

I had always been an early riser. This was going to be a normal day for me. I showered, pretending to scrape some of the stubble from my face with a razor that had been used on a woman's legs or underarms. It was a little painful.

After sliding into the trousers, I wore the night before, I found a beach towel and draped it over my shoulders. The lights were still blue, so I fiddled with the switch to get a normal look at my surroundings. I walked out to a deck outside the living room. Sipped my coffee, and realized this was a world way above my pay grand.

Don't misunderstand. I had made enormous advances within the company I worked. There was always that little carrot that led the way forward. It seemed to be just out of reach. With my age, my children, my near-death experience, I had come to the conclusion that carrot could just go to hell. I just wanted to be left alone and enjoy what remained of my life. No muss .... No fuss .... Just leave me the fuck alone.

I still had occasional contact with my children. They would try to say something about their mother, but I would always shut it down. As far as I was concerned this woman had cheated on me, our children and our marriage. She had destroyed my trust in her. My hopes and the twenty-plus years I dedicated my life to her.

After a time. Sandra asked me to move in with her. At first I was I little stand-offish about the idea. But when I realized I was spending more time in her bed than my own, I decided to make the move.

Our relationship started off like it might resemble some kind of honeymoon. There was sex when I walked in the door, and there was sex in various other rooms in the apartment. Every night ... there was sex, and then more sex.

This constant need was beginning to blur the excitement of the situation. It continued for about a month and a half. When, one night I came home to hear the sound of the shower running.

According to Silvia, my PA, Sandra, had left around lunchtime. And didn't make it back to the office. I didn't think anything about it till I walked into the apartment. There was another man sitting on the couch, leafing through the pages of a magazine. He lifted his face from the pages of the book and just dipped his head to show he knew I was in the room.

The next sound was that of Sandra coming down the hall with the click, click click of her heels against the hardwood floors. I caught her attention and motioned to the young man on the couch. "That's Tommy from the ice rink, he's taking me to dinner." She walked past me as if I were the man picking up the trash or some insignificant lacky of hers. "Come on Tommy," she ordered, like he too was just there for her pleasure; he probably was. Before I could wrap my mind around what had just happened, I heard the door snap shut and the bell from the elevator ring.

I got a drink from the bar and sat on the couch to take in this situation. "We're not married, and she never has said she loved me." I thought. "I must admit, I haven't told her I loved her either. She's been someone to keep me exhausted... or maybe I should say satisfied. Maybe I should just let her entertain all the guys she wants? Afterall this is a really nice pad she has here." My mind was starting to question my motives. "She keeps talking about her lifestyle. Based on what has been going on lately, I think I'm being cuckolded and just didn't know it." I took a sip of my drink. "Now what would I have done, if this was my ex-wife Amy that was doing this?" I turned up the bottom of the glass, savored the burn of this final drink and set the glass on the bar. "Goodbye, blondie goodbye."

I didn't get a call that night. I assume she noticed I wasn't there when she got home. Three in that bed of hers would be a little crowded. For Gods sake, I didn't have to go back to that crummy little Motel, but I did. I think it was just that I knew the way.

The next day, when I walked off the elevator, Sandra was at her desk, and she didn't so much as look up to see if I was still alive. I was so enamored with her beauty, I completely forgot there was a spoiled, self-centered bitch inside all the golden hair and perfect skin.

Just as I walked into my office, My PA told me the boss wanted me upstairs in his office.

"Oh, Fuck," I thought. "Her boyfriend is going to fire me over being mean to his private piece of ass."

When I got up to the next floor in the building, the big bosses' offices, I was certain I wasn't long for this world. I just sat down when his PA pointed me toward the door. Words like... "relax"... "breathe"... "It's only a job"... race through your mind.

Behind a very large and very impressive desk sat a neat, perfectly dressed old man in his seventies, at least.

"Sir, did you want to see me?"

"Well, if you're Jaxson Fuller, I do. I hear you have been dating my daughter?"

"Holy, shit ... she's his daughter. Not her lover." I thought.

"Well, yes, sir I was dating your daughter, but we broke up."

"Doesn't surprise me a bit, young man." He raised a hand in the air. "Now don't get me wrong. I screw around every chance I get. But when it comes to your own daughter, well ... my wife and I draw the line."

He got up from his chair. "I'll tell you what ... you don't screw around with my daughter, and I'll see to it you keep your job. I might ever move you up here with the big boys...." He laughed and I laughed right along with him. Three minutes later I was able to breathe again.

When I got back to my office floor, I noticed Sandra was not at her desk. It was that cute little girl I met months ago filling in when Sandra missed a day. This time I stopped and properly introduced myself, and she did the same. Her name was Tammy Hall, a bright young lady fresh out of school. This was her first job.

When I got to my office, I was wearing a smile from ear to ear. It didn't last long.

"Your children are waiting for you...." There was a long pause. "..... Daddy."

Suddenly I was being mocked by the one friend I had in the world. Her sarcasm was so pronounced, I had to stop in my tracks and wonder what I had done to deserve this sort of treatment.

"Thank you." I responded, but then I added. "You'll be happy to hear you still have a job.... I think."

I turned from the verbal battle I was having with my PA to see my grown children sitting dutifully in my office. Attempting to put on a 'happy to see you face,' I entered the office to hear the same old story. I was not about to go through this again.

"Before you guys start, I don't want to hear a thing about your mother. You know my reasons, and that's that. I walked around my desk and sat down waiting for some mundane request that I help them out financially with some off the wall project.

My daughter Anna stood and followed me, so she was standing menacingly in front of me. Her finger pointed at my face like a knife. She ordered me to shut the hell up. Then she began. "How many times in the last two and a half years have you let anyone tell you about mom? How many times have we begged you to listen to us? How many times have we bowed to your wishes and never mentioned her? Did you ever... ever wonder about her? Well, buster... those days are over. You are about to get the whole damn story whether you like it or not."

I was caught off guard and I had an idea who put them up to this... my PA Silvia Thompson. I looked up from my desk and could see her sternly staring back at me.

"You are going to listen, or your son Tommy is going to shoot you."

I turned to see the normal blank expression on my son's face.

"I wouldn't kill you dad, just a leg or arm wound."

I could see his hand in his jacket pocket, but there was no gun. He didn't even point his finger like there was a gun.

"Okay," I said. "Tell me all about the woman that tried to kill me, drugged me for years, steal my money, fell for another man, and was plotting an escape to another country."

My daughter with a softer expression on her face, said. "Yes, dad, she did all that. She admitted she did all the things you accused her of doing. Not once have you seen her since that day. The first year she was placed in a home for the, shall we say the mentally incompetent. She was so torn up inside at what she had done, they had her on suicide watch for ages."

I started to question why no one told me.... but it was my own fault. I was the one who insisted that I wasn't interested and anything about Amy. I even went so far as to let everyone know that if they brought up my wife or what happened, it would be the last time they would ever see or hear from me. And now it appears my bullheadedness had come home to roost.

My daughter continued her lecture. "Tommy and I both had to finish our degrees online, just so we could be there for her. But the thing you need to know.... She is fine, whether you like it or not. She's back at work, she's going to the gym, she's taking care of herself. But every time we fix her up with a date, she says, you wouldn't approve." She paused to look at me to see if there was any reaction to what she was saying. When she saw none... "We have taken her to parties, but only after telling her you might be there. You might make an appearance. We're constantly hoping that you might be there or where she might meet a nice guy, she always leaves early and says you wouldn't approve."

Crushed by what I was hearing, guilt was raining down on me like a flood from the heavens. "Oh, Anna, I'm so sorry, I didn't know she took it like this. Please tell me, and I'll do whatever I can to help."

"Dad.... We honestly don't know. We were hoping you had something in mind that could get her out of this funk she lives with every day."

Finally, my overly quiet or introverted son decided to horn in on the conversation. "Why don't you just stop by for Sunday dinner. Mom always puts on a nice meal after mass. And I think this week is roast... Isn't that one of your favorites?"

My daughter's stern looking face turned into a smile and I guess that was all that was needed.

We chit-chatted for a few more minutes before everyone left the impromptu family reunion. I did give my PA a stern glance, because I knew she's the one that set all this hub-bub up. She only smiled in return.

I was actually beginning to like my single room and bath at the crummy motel. I made a deal with the staff I was to use only my sheets on the bed. I bought sheets from the local Khol's and took them to the laundromat myself. So, every night I felt secure in the fact that my sheets were mine.

But now I had another problem. I was going to get up on Sunday morning and wait till the family went home after mass. I was going to have dinner with a woman I hadn't seen or spoke to in a couple years. I started getting a familiar feeling in my gut. It was that little ball that made itself so present a long time ago. That little ball that grew to explode inside me and ruin what I thought was a perfect life.

I parked on the street so I could watch my family.... The family I had abandoned so long ago, leave the church and head home. When I saw my son dive by me, I was surprised to see another young girl sitting next to him. "Oh, my boy has a girlfriend." I thought to myself. "That's nice."

I waited, what I thought was a proper amount of time, and then started my car to head to the house where, God only knows what was going to happen.

My daughter opened the door as I stepped inside. She started to tell me that Amy was in the kitchen, but she could see the look on my face, she didn't have to say a word.

Standing in the kitchen was my ex-wife, Amy. She was wearing the apron I bought her the day we moved into this house. That ball in my gut was gone, and there were tears in my eyes. Every minute in my life, up to this point was meaningless. Every ill feeling about this woman disappeared if by magic. All I could see were the good times. The time when she pushed wedding cake up my nose at our reception. The first time we took the kids to the mountains, the ocean, to the circus. All the happiness came flooding back and the pain and suffering was being washed away in a flood off happy memories.

Before I walked through that door, I was afraid my anger might overtake me and ruin even more lives. But now I was being forced to see all the pain and suffering I had caused... Not what Amy had caused, but me. How I had denied Amy the due process of listening to her and what the evidence would prove to be undeniable.

"You're going to stay for dinner aren't you dad?" My daughter pressed for an answer.

I didn't hear a word. I walked past my daughter. As I entered the kitchen area. Amy dropped whatever was in her hand.

"Jax" ... the only word she spoke. The room went silent except for the crying and kissing and the glorious words of "I'm sorry, I love you." I didn't ever want to let this woman out of my arms.

It took a long time, but things did calm down. Amy and I were like two High School kids all over again. While the kids were clearing up the dishes, Amy and I went out to the patio. We had a long talk. We both kept saying we were sorry, but it didn't mean anything. The most important thing we agreed on was that we were both fools. We could have ended all this mess months and months ago. That's when she smiled and said, "but it wouldn't have been as much fun."

To which I replied. "You're crazy, but I still love you."

I guess that was the way we could erase all the hurt we both had caused. We laughed together. It had been a long time since I had heard that sound. It was pretty nice.

We went back into the house, and we could see the questions written all over the faces of our children. "Tommy, would it be okay with you, if I dated your mother?"

The sigh of relief was astounding. Everyone was hugging everyone; my daughter was bouncing up and down. Amy jabbed my ribs with her elbow. She whispered in my ear. "You asked the wrong question."

I smiled as I recovered from my embarrassment. "What I meant to say was, would it be okay if I slept with your mother."

Everyone laughed and that's when I recognized the girl hanging all over my son. It was Tammy Hall. The new receptionist who replaced Sandra Williams... My bosses' daughter.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 hours ago

I read a lot of comments before making my own. I disagree with most of them in this case. Amy was grugged by a professional and not even aware of jer emotions ehile under his control. Once he was arrested and she was free it took a long time to regain her reality with treatment. He of course was bitter and not too bright so just shut her out, never helping her or himself to understand the truth of it all. He was not a cuckold and it is not going to happen again. Do any of these critics ever read the whole story?

AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Ridiculous! The MC was showing some spune, although he was always dominated by women. And now he happily demands to be cucked again, to be poisoned again, to be stepped on again, to feed his wife's lovers afain. What a cuckold.

StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 2 months ago

A Stand out in the lit passive cuckology meter.

I mean it's too bad she didn't amputate his limbs as well.

This was no love test.

redboat7redboat75 months ago

Great Story!! Loved it!!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

OH FUCK!!!!!, I just read Whackdoodle's comments. Give me a moment to run outside and see if the sky is filled with flying pigs! I can't believe that I totally agree with the 'doodles assessment.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Let me get this straight, the mc takes the blame for his slut wife poisoning him in conjunction with her lover? His adult children, who were also victims of the cheating cunt threaten him into talking to the architect of the family's destruction? I just came from another of this authors "works" to see of he is just a cum sucking faggot. Intuition confirmed.

King_MacAulayKing_MacAulay6 months ago

I... Why is your writing so messy and confusing??? Did you read this before you posted? It just doesn't flow! Same for last chapter, it's just not spaced out in a narrative cohesive or fluid way. It's not a bad idea, but it felt like a rushed first draft.

I would reread it if it was edited again, but otherwise this is not worth a second read or recommending to anyone else.

Just_WordsJust_Words7 months ago

Sorry. You lost me in part 2.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades7 months ago

Thanks for your writing.

shadrachtshadracht7 months ago

So, of course it's his fault for not rolling over after being betrayed and lied to?


In the immortal words of Mugatu "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"


There are words, and they form sentences. It's just that the plot and the story make fuck all for sense.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapu7 months ago


Why is crazy, disgusting Amy not in jail?

I thought the authorities put the squeeze on her and her lover....

I guess the only thing that got squeezed was the finances.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapu7 months ago

What the --??!

The stupid ex husband has a death wish...

I guess this time he'll gladly take the poison from Amy with a smile.

Whatever trouble he's gonna have he deserve it.

tizwickytizwicky7 months ago

What started out as a good plot suddenly morphed into something that was unrecognizable from Chapter 1. The now ex-wife poisons her husband Jax while caring on a 4+ year affair with a criminal who is brain washing and simultaneously poisoning her while plotting to steal Jax's wealth and dump the zombie STBX wife. Why didn't the DA prosecute Amy? What happened to Bain? Bingo, Bang Go, let's destroy the plot and make this the worlds most implausible reconciliation at all costs (RAAC) story. I recognize that this story is a work of fiction but it's difficult to suspend disbelief when you derail you own plot. The first chapter was original and good enough to deserve a total rewrite of chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I don't know. I read both parts and I'm still trying to figure out what was going on. In the first part she's drugging him. I'm guessing that's why he couldn't get it up. But she's also being drugged to keep seeing the Bains person. For what though? To get her? Or to get his money?

The second part of this story was more about him trying to date other women and feel comfortable about doing it. Then at the end the family has an intervention, to get him to see their mother (his ex-wife), and have dinner with them. He does, and it's suddenly RAAC.

I still haven't figured anything out, other than the office receptionist is his son's fiancee.

LWLover60LWLover607 months ago

The first part was building up to a confrontation with the cheating wife and boyfriend. I kind of expected that at the beginning of this part, but it was skipped leaving a large hole in the story. Keep writing and learning.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This is one huge, disorganized mess. There's a writing technique where the writer writes a stream of consciousness, which chases anything and everything inside the fertile mind of the said writer. Then, after a day or two, the writer goes back through this clutter and follows the storyline. This requires some aggressively merciless editing, which most amateur writers (enthralled with their own brilliance versus a person who pays the bills with their writing). This story here, contains too much navel-gazing, too much introspection without context. The story's first two lines are awfully vague and incomplete sentences, violating every known principle of beginning a story that dates back to Homer. Never did the writer come out and tell or show us anything, deferring instead to this murky, figure-it-out-yourself approach. Weak, weak, weak writing that's so typical of the quantity-over-quality approach of amateur writing. 2 stars. Barely.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The entire story's hard to even think of believing. Starting with his wife being drugged, then drugging her husband. How did this come about? Story doesn't say. Then she's on the boat... At what point did she lose the control over herself?

Of all the women around, he has to try for one in his work area?

The kids were almost as bad, with his daughter saying that his son'd shoot him if he didn't listen to them. What the fuck right? I won't go into the insurmountable amount of disrespect for their father to do/ say anything close to that.

Moreover, after everything, he walks in the kitchen & suddenly wants to go back having sexual relations with his then ex-wife? How's he going to know she won't fall for some scheme down the road? Why is he not taking things very slowly? And from the beginning, how the hell did he not realize something's off? Drugged people can't act the same as normal. IDK.

2 stars for this tragic story- both parts. Tragic in the action & the telling. Sorry I read it. Bob

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