What I Didn't Hear Pt. 02


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I didn't mean for it to come out like that. It just did, but listening to her apologize and be so submissive was a real turn-on, and I was now very hard again.

"Get on my bed, lay on your back with your head at the foot of my bed." I watched as she did what she was told. "Now slide down a little, so your head is off the end of my bed." I continued to speak to her in an even tone.

I wanted to fuck her bad, but I didn't want it to be this way our first time.

"Open your mouth," I asked, still trying to remain calm.

"I'm sorry, Sir," she said in almost a whimper as she opened her mouth wide.

I felt terrible almost immediately when the word "Sir" came out of her mouth. I didn't know if I wanted to do this. Maybe I'm not this kinda guy, I thought, but my cock was telling a different story.

I wanted to ease my way into this, so I placed just the head in her mouth and told her to "suck it." This was a different feeling than I was used to, with her soft tongue sucking the top of my head. I started slowly at first, only sliding a few inches in and out of her mouth. She never made a peep until I grabbed both of her hard, almost rubbery nipples and pulled. Her mouth opened around my shaft, and she moaned softly from the corners of her mouth. I already wanted her, but a moan of approval was all I needed. I pushed deeper until the head of my cock pushed against the back of her mouth. I could feel the hot air from her nose as it heated the bottom side of my shaft.

"So you've been a bad girl?" I finally asked after getting the courage up.

"Ummmm, Hmmm," she hummed as sexy as she could with my cock still stuffed into her mouth.

It made my balls jerk as I listened to her willingness to be punished. It was now or never, or I was liable to chicken out. I pulled hard at her nipples, causing her to stop sucking and moan loudly around my cock. When her mouth opened to let the sound out, I shoved my cock deep into her throat. Her body arched hard upwards, and her throat muscles started to contract forcefully around my shaft. I left it there, trying to allow her muscles to adjust to the sudden stretch. The air in her lungs was now trapped. I could no longer feel the hot air from her nose, not that it would have anywhere to go with balls now blocking the airways of her nose.

"Have you learned your lesson yet?" I asked as I pulled my cock from her throat. I was never going to give her enough time to answer the question. Just enough to take a ragged breath before I shoved my cock back into her throat.

This was a new level of excitement for me, and there was no way I could last more than a few minutes. I wanted to face fuck her hard but thought better of it. I also didn't really know what I was doing and didn't want to hurt her. I had only seen this done to a girl a couple of times on the internet. It had looked cool, and I had always wanted to try it one day. But, watching something on the internet versus doing it wasn't even close to the same. I could actually see the outline of my cock as I worked it in and out of her throat. Something I never saw when I watched it on the internet. I would only pull my cock out of her throat few just a few seconds to allow her to catch a small breath. The more I watched the outline of my cock sliding in her throat, the closer I got to cumming. The last air I had given her had been a while, and the more she struggled for air, the harder I fucked her throat. With her hands now grasping at my legs, I unloaded long streams of cum, that coated the walls of her throat. She pushed hard at my legs as I forced myself as far as I could go before I finally pulled out. She rolled over immediately and started to choke and gasp for air.

The guilt I had last was intense right after, but tonight it was still there but nowhere near as bad. She wanted this, and she had asked for it. The feelings I had were something I had never experienced before. Of course, my sex life was very limited, but I enjoyed these new feelings. I felt satisfied, at ease, and even confident as I looked down at her.

"Now, for your final punishment, I want you to go to your room and think about what you did. You're not allowed to shower, wear any clothes or wipe your face until I tell you, now leave." I said and turned around and headed to the bathroom.

I needed to wipe the insides of my thighs from all the excess drool. That was forced out each time bottomed out in her throat. It was still stuck to the sides of her face when I left the room. I never saw her leave, and when I came back into the room, she was gone. I laid on my bed and tried to process everything that had just happened. The more I thought about it, the guiltier I became. The thoughts of her telling me she wasn't my whore that would suck my dick whenever I wanted didn't help. Her face flashed back to me; abused wasn't the word for how she looked after tonight's escapades. I couldn't think of a worse word, but whatever that word was, that's how she looked. To say I went to bed feeling like shit was an understatement. I wanted to hold her and tell her I was sorry, and I loved her very much. But I didn't and finally succumbed to the fight I was having with myself and passed out.

The following morning I woke in a panic. I didn't know what time it was, but I knew I told her she couldn't do anything until I told her otherwise. I rushed around looking for something to throw on after looking at my phone and seeing the time was just after eleven in the morning. Finally, I just grabbed a bathrobe and quickly but quietly padded down the hall towards her door. I didn't even knock and just walked right in. Seeing her sat in the middle of her bed, still naked and looking worse than she did last night, was a shock to my system.

"Sir, may I please go clean up now?" She asked just above a whisper and not looking at me.

"Yes, baby, you may," I said in an even tone. How it had come out like that was beyond me. My heart was racing and beating so hard I thought it would burst out of my chest. Just as quickly as I walked in, I walked back out and towards my room.

I took my time getting ready. I was still in total shock, that I could be so calm upon seeing her like that. I needed this time to get myself ready to face her again. I took a long shower, brushed my teeth for the full three minutes, and finally but slowly got dressed.

"Breakfast is ready." My mother called out from downstairs just as I pulled up my shorts.

"Be down in a minute," I shot back.

It took a little longer than I expected. I tried to get my head together, and I didn't know what to expect when I saw my little sister. Would she even look at me? Did she hate me? I didn't know what to think as those thoughts ran through my mind. My ears were almost ringing when I turned the corner into the kitchen.

"Took you long enough, sleepyhead." My father chuckled, which caused everyone else to laugh at his comment.

"Have a seat, and I'll heat yours a little. How'd ya sleep?" My mother asked.

Looking into my smiling little sister's eyes, I felt relieved, "I slept great. How about you?"

"Like a log, I don't even remember going to bed." She said, giggling.

"Don't forget that we leave for vacation next week, guys. So make sure you slowly start packing this week, so you don't rush around and forget stuff." My father said with a chuckle as he looked at my sister to say the last part.

My sister was the worst at packing. She would wait until the last second every time. My father was completely different. He always took off the week before we went, so he could get everything ready and make sure the house was secure. My mother as well, they were both very organized people.

After breakfast, everyone scattered to do their own things. Katie was going to see her friend Marge. Dad had to run to the store and get a new carry-on and, Mom headed back to bed to get a nap. I texted John to see if he wanted to meet up with me and play golf. Of course, his response was, "hell yea." I wanted to play and see if I had been cured having Katie back into my life. So I gathered my clubs and shoes from the garage, hopped in the truck, and fired it up. Before I could even back out of the driveway, I could feel my phone start to vibrate in my back pocket. "Damn John, I'm coming, dude," I said out loud and pulled it out to reply just that. How he played golf was a mystery to me. He had zero patience and was always in a hurry.

"Love you, hope you have a great golf day. Miss ya, see ya when you get home. XOXO PS, you better delete this after you read it, just in case."

I hadn't had a chance to talk to her privately yet and was still a little worried. She had acted normal and smiled at me throughout breakfast, but I still needed confirmation. Although she acted no differently than any other day, you would have never suspected that she was face fucked last night until she couldn't breathe and was forced to sit in her room covered in drool and cum all night. With her latest text, I realized that she was just excellent at hiding things from other people. I need to look up this whole domination thing if she wanted to continue with it. I was lacking in experience and didn't have a clue what was expected of me.

"Love and miss ya too, hope you're having fun.<3" I texted back and headed to the course.

"My dad wants to play with us if you don't care?" John asked, sitting in the golf cart waiting for me to strap my clubs in. John's father was the club pro and a hell of a golfer.

"Nope sounds good to me. You know I don't care." I shot back as I plopped down in the seat.

Usually, when I was having a bad day, I would bear down and focus on my game. But, the fight and uncertainty between my sister and me, my game left me, the last couple of weeks. Today I was hoping for a better outcome. Warming up, I felt great and was eager to start the round. With John's father being a superb golfer, he took the game very seriously. He wasn't a real big talker on the course, which I liked about him. I had played with him a few times, and he had helped me in the past with a few things. Mainly to help me shorten my backswing. I always wanted to play well when he played with us, and today was no different. From the moment I struck the first shot until the last putt, I was in the zone. I was making putts from everywhere. Every shot I hit was on the money and right in the middle of the clubface. I was striking the ball so well. I couldn't even feel it come off the clubface. The last putt was no different. It was smooth as left the putter face rolling end over end until it reached the bottom of the cup, for a course record 60, 11 under par. I was so in the zone I hadn't even realized what I had done until Scott, John's father, started clapping.

"Fucking brilliant," he said, shocking me and still clapping very loudly. It was the first time I had ever heard him say a curse word. "Thanks for letting me tag along and witness one of the best rounds I have ever seen. It was definitely the best ball-striking rounds I have even seen in person."

"Thanks, Mr. Smith. That really means a lot to me, especially coming from you."

"That was fucking badass, dude," John exclaimed. "Sorry, dad, but that was awesome to watch," John said, trying to cover his ass for cursing in front of his dad.

"Now's let's head inside and sign that scorecard. I would like to keep the card, frame it, and hang it on the wall. If that's ok with you?" Scott asked.

"It's good with me. I just want to fill out another scorecard and have you sign it as well, so I have a copy." I said. "Of course." he shot back.

I couldn't wait to get home and tell everybody what I had done. It was the lowest score I had ever posted. Having Katie back in my life had made all the difference. I was calm and focused on the course now that my home life was complete again. On the drive home, I had started to worry about how I would do when I left for college and didn't have her with me. Long-distance relationships never worked. This would be another thing I would have to learn on my own, without my sister's help. The thought of that made me not want to leave. Maybe I would just work on my game around here and try to Monday qualify for events close by. I parked at the end of the driveway, very unsure of what I wanted to do now. I hadn't even thought of a backup plan if golf didn't work out. I just assumed it would, and it was up to me if I failed or not. I needed to talk to my sister and tell her my new plans and hopped out to head inside.

Everybody was sitting around the island having drinks, laughing, and having a great time when I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey bud, glad you're home." My father called out, followed by my mother and sister welcoming me home.

"How'd ya play bab..bu bu.. butthead?" My sister asked and not doing a good job to cover up her slip, from almost calling me baby.

"You're not going to believe this guy's!" I exclaimed, trying to draw my parent's attention back towards me and away from my sister.

"Drum roll please?" I asked, causing everyone to do the best job they could do against the kitchen island.

"I shot a course record 60!" I growled happily.

"Holy shit Connor, I mean crap." My sister said, trying to cover up her slip again.

"That's freaking awesome," my mother exclaimed as she got up and came to hug me, clearly proud of me.

"Hell yeah, son, that is badass." My father called out and feeling the effects of his, probably a fourth or fifth glass of wine.

I proceeded to tell them all about it, and even Scott was there to witness the whole round. Also, how he's also going to frame my scorecard to hang in the clubhouse so everyone can see it and know the new course record. Everyone was proud of me and listened intently as I told them all the details.

"Well, it sounds like we need to celebrate. How about a beer, son."

"Sounds good to me," I shot back.

After a few hours of hanging out and enjoying each other's company, I noticed Katie had started to look a little pale.

"Are you ok, Katie? You look like you don't feel good." I asked.

"I don't, and I feel like I'm going to be sick. So I'm going to call it a night and head to bed. Probably got a little too hot today walking around with Marge at the park."

"Oh, sweetie, I hope you feel better. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to text me. I'll keep my phone on." My mother told her as we watched her head upstairs.

"Yea, guys, I'm pretty tired myself and need a shower badly. So I'm going to call it a night as well."

"Ok, honey, see you in the morning." My mother said, causing my father to echo the last part of her statement.

I hurried up and took a quick shower, so I could go and check on my sister. As I exited the bathroom, I heard my mother's voice calling me through the door.

"Connor, are you there?"

"Yea, I just got out of the shower. Give me just a sec, and you can come in."

"No, it's ok. Katie is pretty sick. I'm going to stay in her room tonight to help her if she needs it. Get some rest and don't worry about her. She'll be fine in the morning."

"Ok," I called back to her on the other side of the door.

The only problem was, she was not better in the morning. She was still sick as a dog and was going to be for a few days. My mother had taken her to the ER in the middle of the night because she wouldn't stop throwing up. She had eaten something bad and had food poisoning, which I found out later from my dad. My mom stayed in Katie's bedroom to help her as much as she could and only came out to get more water.

The next few days went that way. My father and I fixed our food while my mom helped Katie. It sucked not having my sister around, but hanging out with my dad was fun and made the day go by faster. At night was the worse, and I took to reading to pass the time. I knew now that there was no way I would be able to leave her behind and would have to figure something out. On the third day, my father had even called to see if we could push our vacation out a week just in case. We were both worried about her and didn't care if we had to wait another week for vacation. Luckily we didn't have to do that, and by Friday night, Katie was almost back to her usual self. I had missed her like crazy. I couldn't talk to her, and I definitely couldn't text her with my mom right next to her the whole time.

Friday morning, I rolled out of bed tired. I really just wanted to go back to bed. I had stayed up almost all night reading and was exhausted. I laid in the bottom of the shower and let the water beat on me until it started to go cold. Maybe another twenty minutes might do the trick. I told myself as I crawled back under the covers.

"Were having breakfast if you want to eat with us?" my mother asked through the door, just as I dozed off.

"Yea, I'm kinda hungry," I shot back.

"Good morning, butthead." wasn't what I was expecting when I dragged myself into the kitchen.

"Hi, Good morning," I shot back way too enthusiastically.

"I'm glad somebody can wake you up," my mom said.

"Just glad she's feeling better." I shot back as I tried to defend myself. "Can we just eat now?"

"A couple more minutes grouchy," my father chuckled.

Katie didn't say a lot during breakfast or really throughout the day. Even though she did text me a few times telling me she loved and missed me every day. That night we all helped Katie get as much packed as possible, so she didn't have to spend the whole day Saturday packing. Nobody wanted her to rush around trying to have everything ready to go by Sunday early morning. I didn't mind helping. This was the most I had seen and talked to her all week. We finally got everything done and packed around 4:30 pm the following day. She had taken several naps and went to bed early on Friday. Today was no different, and she was still a little weak and decided to go and take a nap before dinner. She ended up sleeping the rest of the day until my mom woke her up at 4:30 am, so we could get everything loaded and head to the airport.

We didn't always go to the same place, but every year we went somewhere. This year was special. I was going to college, and this would probably be the last year we would be going on vacation as a family. My dad wanted to do something different and asked us not to bring a friend. He had booked us a two-week stay in Jamaica versus the one week we usually took. When they told us about the trip in the spring and his request, we were being brats. We didn't want to share a room while mom and dad got their own room. If we could've brought a friend, it would've gotten us our own rooms. I was so glad we finally agreed on sharing because we wouldn't want it any other way now. It would still have its challenges, but we could sleep together every night and not have to worry. We still had to be extremely careful as my dad always booked joining rooms, and this year would be no different. Or so we thought.


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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Decent story but I'm not really feeling a deep connection between them yet. While the BDSM angle isn't really my thing, I'm curious to see how it goes in this story so will keep reading. Hopefully it doesn't becoming overarching and drown out everything else. The drama caused by a lack of communication (surprise, surprise) and the temporary boyfriend was a bit of a cringe moment for me. It just felt too contrived even though it's actually realistic, which is the really sad part. Well, here's hoping their love blossoms and Katie can still have her kinky needs met.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 1 year ago

Domination is one thing, but abuse isn't cool at all. The role play was fine as well as the no-contact discipline when Katie was 'sent to her room' by Connor. But the rough sex and Katie gagging and choking were very uncool. I was totally disgusted by it all. You can try and justify it by saying that she asked for it like Connor said, but it still doesn't make it right. There's a line that should never be crossed and just because this is a fictional story doesn't give you a license to cross it. I have to totally agree with Wargamer's comments about the BDSM not fitting well into the story anyway. 🙄

However, the miscommunication leading to the unnecessary drama between Connor and Katie was a great plot device. I've had this happen in real life, but fortunately for me my relationship wasn't illicit in any way, shape, or form so I was able to publicly call out my girlfriend and shame her for misunderstanding my secretive business. I was going behind her back to buy her engagement ring and since we were already living together, I had enlisted the help of a friend from work who happened to be female. I came away smelling like a rose! 🌹 I'm going to have to put this in a story somewhere. Thanks for the inspiration! 4/5

WargamerWargameralmost 2 years ago

Second time around. I still do not understand how the story takes it’s sudden launch into BDSM

It comes out of nowhere. They have their fight, she goes off the rails and suddenly has a boyfriend she brings home. That night whilst Lucas is still there she makes up with her brother and out of the blue slips into a BDSM lifestyle. A weird reaction to say the least. What brought this on?


dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

was a good start. don't care how it is going now

Angel_AzraelAngel_Azraelover 2 years ago


• misuse of "shot back" (that's the aggressive way to respond when someone is angry or during a fight)

Angel_AzraelAngel_Azraelover 2 years ago

Wow, the main character is a real piece of shit: Lazy, selfish, stupid, ignorant, oblivious, abusive... no wonder he's hated by his father. And the sister is no better: Innocent to the point of being dumb and submissive with a love for pain and zero independence. And everything is set up in a way that has no logic or realism, too mechanic and convenient. And just because the sister suddenly grow up curves in one day, he is now 100% interested and in love with her. Nope. Not my cup of tea, unlikeable and childish characters, and everything is too dumb and forced to keep reading. I'll pass on this, but please consider these mistakes I found so far, for your future projects:

• "yea" instead of "yeah" ("yea" is an old way to say "yes/yay" for voting)

• "damnit" instead of "dammit" (when used as a 1-word)

• "laid" instead of "lay" (laid is past tense for "to lay" *an object down*. Google "To Lay vs To Lie")

• "breast" instead of "breasts" (you use the singular word for both singular and plural)

• "smart ass" instead of "smart-ass"

• "awe" instead of "aw" (onomatopoeia for cute sound)

• "nosey" instead of "noisy" (loud)

Take care.

OldUncleAlOldUncleAlover 2 years ago

Second read, and I totally understand the other readers comments. Not putting you down! But constructive criticism is part of becoming a really top notch writer. I don’t think you will disagree that you are not quite in Hemmingway’s class just yet. Truly, some reason for dad’s 180 would help a lot. Sadlyfor Old Al, my dad was an asshole to his last breath.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I like the story for the most part but the most irritating thing in the world is over use of a word or phrase and in this case it is “shot back” to me that seems like a more aggressive response and no one here just replies or responds… it’s always shot back. Crazy annoying but other then that it’s a good story

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

Still building. Are we going to descend into bdsm now. I hope not.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The characters are very hollow. The reason for the fight is unrealistic and just outright lame.

I like the overall story, but it's just a bit cluncky

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great story! Love it.

Mouseman_Mouseman_almost 3 years ago

Great story, although the people in this family sure get sick a lot! I can't wait to read the rest.

OldUncleAlOldUncleAlalmost 3 years ago

Seems to me Katie had initiated the rough stuff, then to,d Connor that was how she wanted it, only rougher next time. Personally, it is NOT Old Al’s cup of tea. But, if it has to do with the story, then i

Will go with it. You are doing a great job of walking us through the development of their relationship., and their own development as well. I can easily recall my own cluelessness after high school, not knowing which way to go. They both seem to need a bit more maturity, but they are still fairly young. Sheesh! I’m talking like they are real people! That says a lot about how effective your writing is.

WillEPounderWillEPounderalmost 3 years ago

Won’t lie, I had to breeze past all the golf talk, but another great one.

Bedroomeyes81Bedroomeyes81about 3 years ago

Good read kinda tripped me up with the bdsm stuff and the quick change in mom and dad. Maybe some kind of back story or little not in your next chapter would be great.

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