What Kind of Man I Am Ch. 05


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"Hi Theresa. Lovely to see you."

Kixx stopped throwing and came over. He probably thought he was going to nail me again. She was wearing a bikini top!

"So what are you guys doing tonight? Kixx do you have a girlfriend yet?"

"Uh, No."

He was blushing. I jumped right in.

"No worries. You got the Jameson charm. I'm gonna show him how to work out Saturday.

Oh, I need to teach you the Move! It will be part of my legacy to you."

Theresa looked at me skeptically.

"What exactly is the Move."

"How to pick up girl with one arm."

"Oh really. Let's see this Move."

"Your not dressed for it Theresa."

"Nonsense. Chicken?"

Alright. if your tits fall out, it's not my fault. Who am I kidding, that would be awesome!

"Okay. Theresa, pretend we know each other from school. We're hanging out at a game in the same area. You with your friend and me with my buddy."

"Hi Theresa. How are you doing tonight?"

"Hi Chip. I'm good."

"You must be cold with those shorts on. Although you do have great looking legs."

"Thank you! I'm not too cold though."

"Oh come on. You must be cold. You're in awesome shape, but you probably only weigh 100 lb's. I could pick you up with one arm."

"You can not pick me up with one arm Chip! You're not that strong."

She was smiling and put her hands on her hips.

"Sure I can. How about if I do, you have to go the movies with me. If I don't, then I have to go out with you."

"Very funny. How about if I win, you have to take your shirt off for the rest of the game!"

"Okay. Your on. Are you ready?"

"Let see it tough guy."

"Kixx? You see how I have her attention and she is talking to me. She seems like she is having fun right?"

"Yeah." Kixx said smiling.

Then I walked up close to Theresa. Like 6 inches from her face. She smiled. Oh she smelled great. I squatted and with my right arm I grabbed her around her thighs, just below her butt. I stood up and lifted her at the same time. She ended up putting her hands on my shoulder for support. Most girls ended up kind of falling over my back when I did this cave man pick up. She started giggling just like they did in high school!

"So you see Kixx. I did pick her up with one arm. She's happy and giggling. She basically agreed to go out with me too."

"Okay Chip. You can put me down!"

"Now she's at my mercy. I can just hold her up here for awhile.. I can even tickle her if I wanted to. Girl's love to be tickled. That's how they know you like them."

"Don't you dare Chip."

She was giggling again.

"I find it always good to do the opposite when a girl says don't you dare tickle me and they giggle."

I gave her a quick tickle on her bare hips.

"Chip! Hahahaha. Oh you little shit."

I started to set her down. She made no attempt to push herself off me. I let her slide down into my arms. Her beautiful breasts were right in my face. Cap was pushing me hard.

"Chip! Two words. Wardrobe malfunction! Grab her top with your teeth."

She slid down the rest of the way. The feel of her body on mine made me hard very quickly. Theresa let out a small gasp.

"Oh my goodness," she breathed.

We separated.

"Moment of truth Theresa. The Move. You liked it and it would have worked on you? Am I right?"

"Yes. Kixx? If you do it like your father, you will have no problem getting dates."

"And you liked being tickled?"

"I'm not answering that Chip. You're a brat."

She playfully swatted my shoulder.

Finally the girls came out. I would have been in deep shit if Chel would have seen me doing the Move on Theresa.

We loaded up and then picked up the food. We were back around 6:40 and it looked like Joan was home.

"All right guys. Lets wash hands and eat. Girls, get the plates. Kixx, get the silverware. I got the drinks."

"Mom we're back. Time to eat!" I yelled.

We all settled in to eat. The kids always had an endless amount of things to say. When there was someone sleeping over, it doubled. It was very entertaining. Joan didn't say much and only ate a little. Time to poke the bear again.

"Hey honey. What do you think? Watch a movie and make out tonight?"

The kids giggled.

"Oh, I already told Laurie I would swing by to help her plan her cruise."

Who's cruise? Bullshit. Probably both are going.

"Wow. That's awesome. I always wanted to go on a cruise. The Mediterranean would be spectacular. Get away from these brats!"

"Dad!" said Chel.

"I never knew you wanted to go on a cruise?" said Joan.

"Have we ever talked about it? Raising these chuckle butts takes the priority. But we deserve a break. Tell Laurie I'm very excited for her."

"I will."

"Alright Kixx. me and you and the batting cages. Then DQ! What do you think?"


The girls looked jealous, but they had their plans. We wrapped up dinner and started getting ready to go. Before we could leave, Chel came to me.

"Jessie forgot her pillow. Can you guys swing by and get it."

"Sure. Got it."

Joan left the house during our conversation.

"Buy guys, be back in a little while."

"Buy Mom."

No kiss? You know. I need to figure out something to do to her car and phone when I get the chance.

Me and Kixx had a blast at the batting cages. We of course hit the arcade too.

"Oh shit. Kixx we forgot to get the pillow. Lets get it and then go to DQ."


We jumped out of the Jeep and knocked on the door.

"Hello again," Theresa said.


She had changed her top to a cotton shirt that showed a lot of cleavage. No bra of course. Nothing but the best for Chip!

"What's up guys?"

"You know I completely forgot. Umm."

I looked at Kixx. He was looking at his phone. Some wingman he is. I just blurted out what I could think of.

"We were going to Dairy Queen."

"I love Dairy Queen."

I was thinking about a lot of things, but not what I supposed to remember. She has some power over me. I continued to jabber.

"You want to go to with us?

"Sounds great, let me get a sweater."

She had really had no choice. I did use the Move on her.


We were only gone 45 minutes, but what a fun conversation we had. I think Theresa talked to Kixx more than me. She did tell me she knew I was there for the pillow and just wanted to see me sweat. We got back and I walked her to the door. Jeez. It was like a date. How do I get myself into these situations? Oh right.

"Thanks for the ice cream sir. You were very sweet for inviting me."

She had taken her sweater off and her nipples were very, very hard! I kept glancing.

"Your welcome. We had a great time. Oh Jeez. I almost forgot the pillow!"

"Were you distracted?"

Man. She sure knows how to get to me.

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Let me grab her pillow."

She came back. She playfully shoved it in my chest. Yep, her nipples are still hard.

"Good night Theresa. Stay warm!"

It was 77 degrees outside. She put her hands on her hips again and she jokingly glowered at me. Argh! So fucking sexy!

"Good night Chip. And for your information, it was the ice cream."

"Uh huh. The Move."

I did a finger slash mark in the air. I looked back at her and she was grinning. I jumped in the Jeep.

"Kixx, I have a variation of the Move that works really well too. Remind me to show that to you when you mastered the Move."

He laughed.

"Sure Dad."

It was almost 10pm when we got back. The girls were watching Thor, so we of course sat down and watched the rest of it. I assumed Joan was asleep already. That reminds me, I need to do some sabotage work in the bedroom tomorrow.

"He's a friend from work!"

The movie ended around 11 PM.

"Alright. Goodnight guys."

"Good night dad."

I hit the shower. After I washed my mind drifted till it settled on Joan. What happened to the girl I knew? Last year this time we were still close. Being together and raising our kids was always the priority. Something happened. Was it the job? Mid-life crisis? medical? She has always denied that there is anything wrong when I tried to initiate a serious conversation. There had to be a big trigger for this that I'm not seeing.

You know, she never has mentioned wanting to take a cruise to me before. Where did that come from? Another unanswered question.

Pissing her off has not worked. I was hoping to get some emotion and the truth out of her.


Tiffany's words rang in my head. Tone it down. She was right. I was flirting all day, every day, with every woman that I know.

Jacy's words came next. Keep your hands off each other. Giving hugs and kisses was probably was not a great idea either. I kinda did go crazy. I see that now. I got a phone number and went out on a mini date. Crap!

I had a great time but I'm hopelessly lost.

You know what. Fuck it. She chose her path. I should embrace my future. But what is my future? The kids are my number one priority. Women second. God, I do love women. I always can find something sexy about most women. The women in my life aren't nines or tens. Hell, neither am I. But their all sexy and attractive to me in some way.

Why are they so receptive to the way I've been? I'm married. I would think they like being appreciated and complimented as a sexy woman. Most of them would probably shut me down if I proposition them. Fuck!

Who knows? My mind is all over the place right now.

Monica? There is definitely something there. Is it just sexual? Living beside her and having a hot tub. Oh mama.

Theresa? If Chel told Jessie we're having problems? Jessie tells her mom? That makes sense. I don't know? Why would she flirt with me if she wasn't interested?

Tiffany. Ah! The email from Jacy. That's what I was trying to remember! Did she tell me to go to Macy's? I'll have to look at that. Something is off. I really do like her. Fuck!

The girls at the office are off limits. I have to be careful. If I end up somewhere alone with Carrie? I'm gonna fuck her brains out. She said I had no shot, but she was really saying take me whenever your ready. I think?

What would Cap do?

"Chip. I have a plan. Let's fuck them all and then see who we like the best. Like the cologne testing."

Ha ha. Oh jeez. This sucks. No sex on the horizon. I then thought of the movie Conan the Barbarian. When he was set free from his master.

"Your free!"

He had to run from the wolves and later found Subotai. Are the women in my life the wolves. Matty is Subotai. That big red hair guy is Joan. That's pretty funny. Who's the witch that he fucks after he dealt with wolves. Hmmm. Good question. Back to reality.

My wife is going to end our marriage. So I broke down and went crazy for a week. Fuck it. I'm a good man. I'm the one both our families call when there's shit to be dealt with. I have always been there for Joan and the kids. Always. I still love her and miss her.

She has got to fight for us too! She chooses not to.

I can't say the same about Joan this last year. She we will regret this road she has chosen, at least with the kids. Now i'm depressed.

Oh shit. Were supposed to visit Joan's parents Sunday. That drive sucks balls. Four hours round trip in the car with the silence. I might have a shot at breaking this situation open? Or I could mess with her the whole way. She has got to be on the edge from all the shit I've pulled and said. I need to get out. Of the shower or the trip? Both!

After the shower, I went to bed. It was difficult to fall asleep. God, I need to do something constructive instead of being angry or thinking about women all the time. Maybe if I get a stand up punching bag for my office. Stay in the office for lunch and listen to music while I hit the bag. That just may work. After me and Kixx hit the gym, we'll go get one. Maybe two?

Saturday August 19, 2018

I woke some what refreshed at 8am. I went into Kixx's room and gently shook his shoulder.

"Hey buddy. Time to get up. We're hitting the gym in an hour."

"Ah, Okay."

I made sure we ate something and toasted some bagels.

The girls were still asleep when we left. We got into the Jeep and I thought about what I wanted to talk to Kixx about.

"Kixx. Working out is important to do from now on. It will help you in a lot of different ways. Strength. Energy. Esteem. Sports. Avoiding fights. The most important is girls."

Kixx smirked.

"I am going to show you how to work your chest, arms, neck and shoulders today. You run all over the place, so I don't think you need to work on your legs just yet. You should start doing sit ups every day as often as you can as well. We can write a schedule and you could put it in your phone. What do you think?"

"Sounds good."

"What sports do you want to play in school this year?"

"Basketball, baseball, football, and soccer."

"If you ranked them in order of importance to you?"

"Basketball, baseball, football, and soccer."

"Ha-ha. Okay. You can probably do 3 of the 4. You're going to have to choose between baseball and soccer. Football I'm not too crazy about you playing. Would you be okay if we let you play one season in Junior high and see how it goes?"

"Yeah. I could do that. You think Mom will?"

"I have no idea Bud. I would prefer you not play in high school. You should be practicing basketball and baseball all year. Kixx, you're going to be a really good guard and a great infielder. It depends how far you want to take it. If you work out and constantly develop your skills? You could play in college. Follow you dreams and I'll support you 100%."

"Thanks Dad."

I held out my fist and we fist bumped.

Once we were at the Y, I spoke to him in between sets and showing him how to do the lifts.

"In about two months you'll see a noticeable difference in your muscles."

"Make sure you eat lots of protein when you can. Feed your muscles. Don't worry about changing anything else food wise for now. We can read up on it down the road. We can come up with a list of proteins you like and I'll make sure I get them at the grocery store."

"Lets talk about girls. The girls are going to notice your muscles too. You should let Chel and her friends shop clothes for you and tell you how to wear your hair. Get comfortable talking to Jessie and Becky and asking what they think. This will help you immensely in high school being comfortable talking to girls. Trust me."

"I do Dad."

"Thanks Bud. Girls like looks, muscles, confidence, and personality. Depending on the girl, the order can change. This doesn't cover every girl, just most. Some girls like money. Avoid those."

"Everything we just talked about addresses all those except personality. You have to be you. But the Move is always a great way to get things rolling. You know you can always talk to me about anything?"


We had finished working out and headed for the front desk. We bought some waters and I told Kixx about my idea about getting some punching bags.

"Cool. Can I use it?"

"You know it."

It only took us about 15 minutes to find the punching bags at the sporting goods store.

We got back home around 10:30am. Joan was on her computer at the kitchen table.

"Morning Honey!"

She looked up and saw that I had been sweating. I saw an ever so slight grimace.

"Morning. What were you guys doing?"

I walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

I stayed beside her and grabbed my junk to reposition it. Mostly just to fuck with her.

"Dad taught me how to lift weights and we bought a punching bag."


"I'm gonna hit the shower. You should too. Mom hates sweaty boys."

I didn't look at her as I walked away.

No better time than now. I went into our bedroom and closed the door. I carefully looked through her night stand for the vibrator.

Here we go! Kinda small. It was only 5 inches long and looked like a oversized pen. Just use's the vibration to get off?

I opened the battery compartment and broke the spring free on the side for the positive battery connection. I then gave it a sniff. Yep, smells like pussy. I do miss the smell of pussy. I put the boy toy back how I found it.

After I had washed, I started fantasizing about Tiffany. Weird since I was just about to throw Monica over my shoulder Thursday night. But Tiffany's long legs in those boots were embedded in my mind. My cock started to lengthen as I stroked it.

She was sitting in a Lazy boy with one leg hanging over the arm rest. Naked, except for those boots. I was standing in front of her, looking at her. She has a lovely trimmed landing strip directing my eyes to her pink kitty. She has one hand caressing her thigh. She uses her index finger on her other hand to glide it over her glistening center and then brings it her mouth.

"Oh Chip. Come get some baby."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
xhunter4uxhunter4u5 months ago

If the author wanted to make Chip seem like a complete idiot he's succeeded. Honestly, there's a story not being told here and it's a major letdown. Hello! What is Joan doing lately?

oldtwitoldtwit7 months ago

You have kept this going,

nixroxnixrox12 months ago

5 stars - I am 75 and I like this story.

He is only 40 - still wet behind the ears.

Wait until he reaches his maturity at say 55 or 60.

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

Most moronic author ever and the fucking names Chip really?

BSreaderBSreaderabout 2 years ago

Garbage adolescent behavior by a 50 year old

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