The Azra-El Series Ch. 07


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Jie Er helped Blaze put on the other harness before she attached a strong twenty feet long rope between their harnesses.

"We will be gliding at around at two thousand feet. The first thing you need to know about gliding is that it is always best to go with the wind than against it. You may ask what if the wind is blowing in the opposite direction, but there will always be a tail wind. You just need to find it. Wind blows in different directions at different altitudes. You will learn to guess the height as you become more experienced" Jie Er explained.

"For today, you shall try to keep flying for as long as you can. I will let you know when you can take small breaks. We will keep flying until you can no longer keep your wings materialized" Jie Er continued.

"Is this necessary?" Blaze asked a little apprehensive about the seemingly strenuous exercise. He was a lazy chap and did not like to work out unless it was some sort of a game or sport.

"I am worried about sending you off to school by yourself. Becoming a good flyer will at least get you out of trouble. I know you won't be keeping yourself out of it" Jie Er replied.

Blaze grinned sardonically. It was true.

Jie Er quickly picked him up and soared into the air. He couldn't fly too high by himself.

Once they reached the required height, Jie Er gently lowered him by the rope as she flapped her wings to keep steady.

"Alright. Are you ready? We'll head East" Jie Er said as Blaze manifested his wings.

Blaze flapped his wings furiously as he tried to keep up with Jie Er. A steady wind blowing from the west made it a little easier to keep up.

"Don't go easy on yourself. Try to maintain this height. Your job is to not let the tether go taut" Jie Er shouted.

The sky was clear, and Blaze relished the warm heat of the sun against his back as cold air struck his face as he moved through it. He watched the ground from an eagle's view as they passed the specks of trees and animals scattered around in the grasslands.

It was quite wonderful until he started feeling the stress of his wings on his scapula. His wings started to feel heavy and Jie Er gave him no indication of going easy on him.

"Ok. Take a minute break" Jie Er shouted, just when he was ready to shout for a break.

Blaze stopped flapping his wings and the connecting rope went taut as the older angel bore his weight. She gave him a minute to catch his breath before making him fly again.

The scenery soon lost its splendor as Jie Er made him fly continuously, only letting him take short breaks.

They kept flying late into the afternoon when suddenly Blaze's wings fluttered and collapsed out of existence. Jie Er swooped down and caught him in her arms before the rope went taut. Completely drained of energy, Blaze went limp in her arms. His lungs were pounding under his chest and he could feel the growing numbness in the receptacles on his back

Jie Er took him down and found a tree with a good shade.

"Close your eyes and concentrate. Try to absorb the world's energy through your nirn" she told him, making him sit against the tree.

Nirn were the energy receptacles that wings materialized out of.

Blaze focused his mind on his two nirn and he could feel their emptiness like he had never felt before. He grasped at the surrounding energy with his mind and drew it in.

He gasped as the energy rushed in uncontrollably. It felt amazing. Like quenching a thirst after a rigorous workout or taking a breath of air after holding it in, only much better.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Jie Er asked with a smile.

Blaze nodded.

"Some claim that it helps wings grow faster" she added.

Blaze absorbed the energy until he felt full. He tried to manifest his wings, but they only materialized for a moment before flickering out.

"You need to give them some rest. It's like tiring a muscle out. You won't be able to fly for a couple of hours. It will get better with practice. Come, I will fly you back home" Jie Er said with outstretched arms.

Blaze was suddenly reminded of his first meeting with her.

A little red in the face, he wrapped his arms around her neck and rested his head on her neck as she flew him back. Tired, he fell asleep on her shoulder.


Later that night, Blaze heard a knock on the door a few minutes after they headed to bed.

"Come in, Aunty" he said, turning on the bedside lamp.

Jie Er opened the door and stepped in holding a pillow.

"Can I sleep beside you? I can't seem to fall asleep" she asked bashfully. She was wearing an extremely skimpy slingshot bikini.

"Ugh umm" Blaze stuttered as he stared at her body. The silken bikini consisted of lose strips of transparent silk that hung from her neck. They covered her free hanging breasts and travelled down the sides of her stomach to latch on to two golden rings on her silken thong, at her hips. He could clearly see the outline of her nipples and her camel toe.

"It's fine if you don't want to" she said, shifting uncomfortably.

"I guess..." Blaze replied scooting to the right edge of the bed and turning away from her side. He couldn't really say no when she asked him like that.

Jie Er silently closed the door behind her and climbed in to the bed. She got under Blaze's blanket and scooted close to hug him from behind. She drew him close and pressed herself against him as she snuggled his head under her chin.

Blaze who wasn't wearing a top could feel her breasts and bare skin. The flimsy material covering her nipples didn't make for much of a barrier. His member slowly grew under his boyshorts.

Suddenly, Jie Er sneaked a hand under his arm and started gently caressing his stomach. It wasn't entirely sexual, and Blaze wasn't sure if she intended it that way, but he couldn't help getting even more aroused. He shifted uncomfortably trying to make her stop.

Jie Er paused for a moment but continued her slow caress. Blaze gave himself a mental sigh and steeling his will he closed his eyes. Unable to entice a reaction, she continued for a moment before she draped a leg over his hips and slowly fell asleep. Blaze lay awake for a while before sleep finally came to him.


They went flying the next morning as well. Jie Er once again pushed him to his limits before letting him rest and absorb energy. When Blaze came back home that afternoon, he materialized his wings and was pleasantly surprised to see his wings to have grown an inch or two over the weekend.

The rest of the day was spent in doing chores and playing with Sky.

When it was time for bed, Jie Er once again came to Blaze's room with her pillow. She was a wearing a loose gauze shift that hung low off her shoulders from a string around her neck. It was extremely short and barely hid her pussy.

Well at least it's not a bikini. Blaze thought, scooting to the side in silent consent.

Jie Er gave him a happy smile and climbed on to the bed beside him. Blaze turned over as she slid her arm over his stomach and pulled him close. She put a leg over his hip and started gently caressing his stomach again.

Thinking that it was going to be a repeat of the previous night, Blaze closed his eyes. However, Jie Er's palm slowly crept down his abdomen and suddenly pulled the boyshorts off his member.

She wrapped her hand around it and it rose in her grasp. She started slowly stroking it as she deftly ran her fingers along his length. Blaze hissed as her middle finger brushed his tip.

"Aunty..." he protested softly as his arousal started to cloud his mind. He had been curbing his desire for Jie Er over the weekend and it seemed to have compromised his ability to keep his mind together.

Unthinkingly, he turned around trying to get away from her hand. It was a mistake. She wasn't wearing any panties and her shift had ridden up her hips. Blaze had not looked down, but he felt it as his tip brushed along her slit and landed against her bean.

He made another mistake by looking into her eyes to ask her to stop. The desire in her eyes put him over the edge. He brought his hand up and pulled the cloth off her breast, popping it out. He grasped the squishy lump in his hand and took his mouth to the bulging pink nipple.

He kissed it and flicked it with his tongue, before taking her entire areola into his mouth. He sucked on it and used his hand to gently squeeze the breast in sync. He pasted his tongue against her areola and nipple and darted it around like a dancer.

He switched to the other breast and repeated the process before he moved back to the first. Feeling an insatiable hunger, he took it into his mouth again and started sucking with more vigor.

Suddenly, on instinct, he took to the nipple between his teeth and nipped it.

"Aaaaah" Jie Er moaned as she grabbed his butt and pulled him in.

His penis slid between the grasp of her thighs, brushing along the crevice of her slit.

"Aunty..." he murmured, as his willpower let him hang on the edges of consciousness.

In response, Jie Er reached for his boyshorts and pushed them down his hips. She wrapped her hand around his perky butt and pulled him in, making full contact with their stomachs and groins.

"Jie Er..." Blaze said looking up.

She tilted her head down and planted her lips on his.

It was delirious from the start as Jie Er grabbed his lips with hers and reached for his tongue with hers. They snogged on each other hungrily, tasting every bit of their mouths as the passion they had been keeping down burst forth with great vigor.

Their tongues mindlessly intertwined and wrestled with each other as their hips started gyrating on their own. Slick with her fluids, Blaze's member freely slid in and out of the gap between her thighs.

Suddenly, Blaze broke out of their kiss and used his weight to turn Jie Er on her back. He slid down her body to her wet slit and licked along its length. Jie Er gasped.

He took her bean between his lips and licked and flicked it with his tongue. Jie rushed her fingers through his flamey hair and pushed him down as she moaned loudly to his ministrations.

Blaze grabbed her around her thighs and moved down to her crevice, entering it with his tongue. Jie Er, instinctively tightened her thighs around his face as Blaze deftly lapped on her.

Her body moved like a wave and her strawberry smell and taste made his mind go haywire as he sucked on her with abandon.

"Mmmhhmmm Mmmm" Jie Er groaned as her body and mind lost control to the pleasure. She had been craving Blaze's touch ever since they had left Cali and the long wait had made it even more enjoyable.

"Aaaaagh" she finally screamed as she shuddered and flooded Blaze with her strawberry essence.

Her scream and her cum brought Blaze out of his stupor. He immediately pulled away and sat upright as feelings of guilt and disgust threatened to resurge.

"Please Blaze Er..." Jie Er said pleadingly with a hand under her chin.

Blaze stared at her sensuous form as she lay on the bed with her legs spread eagled. Her long whitish blonde hair was spread freely underneath her like a blanket and gave a halo to her figure. Her breasts slumped a little to her sides as her pink nipples stood erect.

Her sky-blue eyes had a delirious glaze to them, and both her upper and lower lips were slightly open, as if they were inviting him. How could he say no? Looking at her, Blaze once again began to lose control of his mind.

"Blaze Er..." Jie Er breathed heavily.

Blaze grabbed her thighs and placed his member along her thin pale pink slit. He brushed his prick along her length as he stipulated his options. The warmth and wetness left him with only one choice. It would not be fair for her or his own mental wellness to stop at this point. Besides, he was on the verge of losing control.

He took his member in his hand and spread her lips apart with his tip. And, oh god, he could feel her tightness even before penetration.

Suddenly, he felt her entrance pulsate against his tip as if it wanted him to enter. Blaze looked up to Jie Er's eyes and saw them display her want. He gently pushed in.

Her walls parted, and her crevasse engulfed his tip holding him tight in its warm embrace. However, he also felt a barrier standing in his way. His mind was clouded but he still had enough sense to not shove his way in.

Trying to ease her vaginal muscles, he moved his tip in and out of her, pushing in a little bit more with each entrance. Jie Er's breath became fervent as it became interspersed with light moans.

Suddenly, he felt her membrane stretch and he pushed the width of his tip past the barrier.

"Muughh" Jie Er cried in pleasure. Blaze was sure he did not cause any tears.

Knowing that he had entered her without hurting her, Blaze felt the last barricades of his consciousness crumble. He wrapped his hands around her hips and pushed himself in.


His thighs collided against hers as the entirety of his length got buried within her clamping walls. Blaze's mind was clouded by white hot arousal as he fell on top of her, with his head buried between her breasts.

Their bodies made full contact with each other as Blaze started gyrating against her pussy.

Jie Er felt bliss. She had wanted Blaze inside of her, ever since she had first seen him penetrate Rebecca. Initially, she had waited for Blaze to make the move. And, just when she realized that he might have been expecting her to ask him for it, the incident at Cali happened. She didn't want to coerce him to do something he didn't want to but when Rebecca explained the incident at the forest, Jie Er had decided to take matters into her own hands.

She didn't know how Blaze might react the next morning, but for now she was ecstatic. The fullness she felt from the hot rod in the pit of her stomach was heavenly.

As she relished the gyrating motions of her Blaze, she felt a strange energy enter her body from every inch of their contact. She would've been wary of it but it felt exceptionally refreshing. However, the energy flow slowly started seeping into her head and before she could realize that she was losing control, it took over her.

A white-hot light filled her consciousness as she lost herself in her arousal. She wrapped her arms and legs around Blaze and hugged him tightly onto herself, almost smothering him in her breasts.

The two angels crushed into each other as they mindlessly mashed and gyrated their bodies and groins against each other.

Suddenly, Blaze straddled his thighs around Jie Er's and wrapped his arms under her shoulders. He took one of her breasts into his mouth and raised his hips to bring his prick out of her tight walls.

He held her arrested along her ribs and pushed in with one fluid motion. Her tight walls resisted his entry, but they were no match for his spear.

Jie Er moved her hands to cup his buttcheeks as Blaze started slowly pumping in and out of her. She even used them to give him more momentum.

"Aah Aah Aah Aaah" she screamed as Blaze senselessly pumped into her, almost too forcefully. But Jie Er found it exhilarating. The emptiness she felt every time he exited her, ramped up the pleasure she felt with each rough thrust that made her feel full.

With her mind a blanket of white, she was only half aware of what was happening, but she was sure she would remember the pleasure and ecstasy she was feeling.

Soon, she reached a tipping point as she felt a pulsating heat throughout her body and especially at their connection. She teetered on the edge of climax for a few moments and then she felt her whole body burst with pure ecstasy.

She tightly hugged onto Blaze and shuddered as she released her hotness all over his rod.

As if his member was waiting for her, Blaze burst at the same time. He mashed his hips and groin into her and crudely jutted his hips, as he spurted voluminous jets of jizz into her.

Jie Er felt the hot liquid hit her cervix and fill up her womb as she unconsciously raised her hips, trying to be closer to him.

After a few moments of absolute bliss, which seemed long and fleeting at the same time, the two of them stopped spasming against each other and clarity slowly returned to their minds.

Blaze fell on her breast as he felt the last stream leave his member.

"Is it always like this?" Jie Er asked Blaze in the afterglow of fading pleasure as her vagina stopped releasing her essence.

"Like what?" Blaze murmured into the pillow of her breast. He felt depleted and satiated like he had never felt before.

"The ecstasy. The loss of control. The obscuring of one's mind by a white light" Jie Er breathed out loud.

"Wait, you lost control too? And you saw that white light?" Blaze asked surprised, raising his head and looking at her.

"Yeah. It felt wonderful, but I was only semi-conscious. My body was moving on its own and following your rhythm" Jie Er replied with dazed eyes.

"Aunty, I wasn't fully conscious either. This doesn't usually happen. It happened only once before with Aunt Becky, but she was conscious the whole time..." Blaze said with worry.

"Wait, aunty! You're glowing" Blaze suddenly noticed a pale white glow seeping out of her naked body.

"I am? Whatever do you mean?"

"You are literally glowing!"

Jie Er raised an arm and looked at the dim light it was emanating.

"Hmm. Oh!" Jie Er's eyes suddenly widened in some sort of a realization.

"Can you get off me for a moment?" she asked, patting on his butt.

Blaze got up on his hands and slowly pulled out of her, unplugging her hole. A dribble of semen trickled down her slit and to her anus.

Jie Er immediately got off the bed and headed to the mirror, not caring about the fluids trickling down her thighs.

She looked at herself in the mirror and materialized her first pair of wings.

The glow around her intensified and her eyes narrowed in concentration as she focused on bringing out her second pair.

Her narrower second pair of wings started sprouting from the dimples on her back. Blaze immediately noticed a difference from the previous time. They looked much brighter and the diseased gray spots seemed smaller.

Jie Er took in a sharp breath.

"What is it?"

"I am healing, Blaze Er! I am not sure how, but I am sure it has to do with what we did" Jie Er replied, as tears started flowing down her cheeks.

"Aunty?" Blaze stepped up to her, confused by her tears.

"Oh, Blaze Er!" she exclaimed, turning around and pulling him into a warm hug, as her wings wrapped around him. "It's been so long. I had almost given up on recovery" she cried as she snuggled against his head.

Blaze held her comfortingly, hoping that whatever happened was permanent.


Author's Comments: I hope the lead up to Jie Er's scene and the scene itseld were satisfying enough. I was going to prolong it for a lot longer but decided against it. I did not want to do that with two characters.

This chapter initially had more story in it, but it was getting too long so I decided to move it to the next chapter. I am sure some of you were getting impatient for a new chapter.

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LooselyhumanLooselyhumanabout 2 years ago

The height thing that was erotic at first is now beyond distracting. Astrid is the only sex scene that's not making me retroactively cringe. Here's hoping for a growth spurt. Soon.

PafMcFapPafMcFapover 3 years ago
Quick note

Thank you for this series. A good read and some very sexy moments.

Small note. You introduced Rin with a "choppy boy cut" in Ch4, but as the more femme twin in this chapter.

oxygen5011oxygen5011about 4 years ago

It's one of the best scenes I've seen

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I still don't see much use in the whole anti-incest-angst-arc he had going on. Honestly, it wasn't interesting, and it just made him come off as super annoying. This is mostly due to him creepily semi-forcing sexy times on her at first and then just backing off and cutting her off when she got addicted to it.

Overall you just made him come off as a douche throughout the entire thing. Like.. literally nothing changed, other than her wanting to call him her son/daughter instead of her nephew/niece. It was such an arbitrary thing to make a big deal out of.

CapDragon121CapDragon121over 4 years agoAuthor
Response to JAFCritic,


Very good extrapolations based on what you’ve read so far. Spot on Rebecca and Jie Er.

Blaze’s mystery will take a long time for it to be fully revealed. It will be as familiar as it is different. The familiar part you've already guessed to a certain extent, but the 'different' part is what I am building a story one :)

Jie Er’s backstory will be fully revealed in the upcoming finale of the first arc (Chapter 19- not yet published). I think you maybe able to figure some of it out by then, if you read closely enough.

Yeah, angels pick societies and it is very hard for most to get out unless one is very powerful (the Ophanim and Chayot are a little more flexible, but to survive, even they have their rules).

But joining one society doesn’t mean that you only care about that virtue. It’s the most important one for them or their ideology.

Yes, the societies are pretty much like political parties.

Why are they still so united? Because they keep each other in check, and there are demons next door. However, everyone still vies for power. You will catch glimpses of politics in the upcoming chapters and understand a bit more about its workings.

(Though the angels can also be ‘human’ i.e negative emotions, irrationality and selfishness, on a whole they are more humane.)

The nobility of Aranya rotate – which works for the Aranyans as the societies don’t have as much influence in Aranya as some of the others – so the nobles are kept in check by themselves. Each country in the HU is a little different from the other. Just like countries on Earth. (Check out the latest Azra-El map in my artwork section.)

Then, there is the Holy Caledonian Empire, which is pretty much under the influence of the Malakim society and its nobles.

The Xian country has a powerful Empress.

The Lanoan are mostly Chayot (enlightenment) – monks

The northern countries are heavily influenced by Seraphim (Justice).

Ophanim (Wisdom) society is widespread among the intellectuals.

The Kamikoku is an isolationist country.

The Elohim and Erelim (Courage and Valor) have a strong say in the armed forces.

So, on…

Hope that answers some of your musings.

Have fun,


JAFCriticJAFCriticover 4 years ago
Good cliff hanger!

You leave me wanting more! Now for the questions. If this white light is healing Jie Er, what has it done to Blaze? There’s not enough to go on yet to make a guess as to what’s happening so all I can do is theorize. I can’t rule out that this thing, for lack of a better word, is external to Blaze. Meaning it may be some uncontrolled power in him. If that’s the case, then does that mean that Blaze is not a entirely an angel? His IS an unnatural birth. However, if this thing is some outside influence, that opens several other possibilities from a higher or lower (demon goddess) power instigating this to natural phenomenon manifested through Blaze to some biology component (since Blaze is male perhaps this is a reaction from sex?) to anything at all. But it’s interesting.

Jie Er‘s history is another mystery that’s peaked my interest. What is it? Rebecca seems pretty straight forward. Her character, I presume, will become more interesting as the story progresses, but won’t be based on her history. But back to Jie Er, who is she? There’s not a lot to go on other that she is from another nation, is wounded, lonely until Blaze came into her life, and now appears she wants to rediscover herself while avoiding her past. Or at least that’s my take on it.

The various schools are different than what I thought they would be. They are directly related to a virtue/society/political base? So once you join one, you can’t change it and go to a different school? If that’s the case, then I’m surprised that they (angels) are as united as they seem to be. Or is that because the nobility rotate around as often as they do? If one noble stirs up ire, the next one can quell it or use it for their own purposes. But back to my point, if everyone gets only one choice of school and they have to stay with it (unless they are powerful enough to be accepted by another), well wouldn’t it be like political parties arguing against each other? Just saying...

Anyway, thank you again for your work and sharing with us here on literotica.

Sincerely and respectfully,

Just Another Fucking Critic

ShadowRose18ShadowRose18almost 5 years ago

Loving the story so far! I was really looking forward to blaze and Jie Er having sex! My only complaint so far is how quick some of the scenes are, I would try to add more detail to your sex scenes or a comment on how long they went for and have your readers imagination do the rest for you. Great chapter! Keep up the good work!

Birdstheword1Birdstheword1over 5 years ago
Definitely Poor Rebecca

She is definitely my favorite character.

She is a breath of fresh ait and tries to keep situations light when things get heavy.

She's awesome!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I am looking forward to the next chapter

ReaderReaderficReaderReaderficover 5 years ago

Alright I've been reading this since its release it is amazing and I love how blaze is now starting to show that he's special (not that he hadn't before) but I also really like the pet aspect and I was curious if you could many give Elyssa or preferably rebecca a pet river otter they are my absolute favorite animals and I think it would be amazing

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
3 thumbs up

I absolutely LOVE this story series. Waiting for Elyssa's turn ;-)

DrasticExplorerDrasticExplorerover 5 years ago
Another great chapter!

The pace at which the new chapters come out is good. I really enjoyed the finale with Jie Er and blaze. I hope we get more info about Jie and what happened to her wings. More anal, please! Looking forward to the next one!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Well, if you get enough responses for it, and decide to make one, I'll donate a couple dollars a month via patreon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Amazing job.

This was an excellent chapter. Very well written and thought out. The whole thing was well worth the wait. Then the sex scene was really hot with great detail and build up through it all. Then at the end somehow buy a miracle she ended up starting to heal from what they had done. That was a very touching and beautiful moment and a fantastic way to end this chapter.

wankr65wankr65over 5 years ago
Wait was worth it

I really love this story, the attention to detail, the depth of the characters and the world itself is truly amazing. It makes me actually believe such a world exists and sometimes for hours on end after i finished read the story my mind still thinks i am in that world.

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