When in Caesar's Palace


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                         Yeah, I think so.  His little
                         brother was in our class, right?
                         Didn't they move when we were in
                         the sixth grade?

                         Yup, same douchebag.  He sells a
                         little in Manhattan.  He's the guy
                         I know. This is gonna be a good
                         hook up for us.

                         Alright, whatever.  I gotta go.
                         See you at noon.  Try to be there
                         on time.  I wanna be in and out of
                         the city early, because my Mom
                         thinks I'm finishing my science
                         project at your place.

                         Did you tell her we'd be studying

               AJ grins and walks off to his next class as PETEY watches
               him, smiling at AJ'S back.

               INT. HOTEL BEDROOM - DAY

               Two shapes are thrashing on the bed in a darkened bedroom.
               Sounds of groaning can be heard, and the bed is squeaking
               under their combined weight.  A ray of sunshine momentarily
               illuminates the face of VITO SPATAFORE, a made man in the
               Soprano crew. Beneath him is a gorgeous Nigerian prostitute.   

                         Hell yeah, bitch!  You like that?
                         Huh?  You want it harder?

                         You are so very excellent, King

                         You got that right.  I am a fuckin'
                         king.  Just keep callin' me that.
                         You like this king's cock?

                         Yes!  It reminds me of the elephant
                         of my country.  

                         Are you sayin' I'm fat?

                         Fat? No, King!  I am meaning your
                         wonderful penis.

                         You can call it the elephant's
                         trunk.  That's what all my goomahs
                         call it.

                         Goomah?  I no understanding this

                         Shut up.  I'm almost there.

               VITO starts thrusting, concentrating to maximize his pleasure
               in the imminent moment of glory.  His cell phone rings

                                   VITO (CONT'D)
                         No fuckin' way!  Who the fuck is

               The cell phone's ringing has knocked VITO out of his zone.
               He is furious!

                                   VITO (CONT'D)
                         Cocksucker!  I will goddamn kill
                         whoever is on the other end of that

                         Don't stop, King!  I almost

                         Damn it.  I lost my fuckin' focus.

               VITO reaches over to the night stand to see who called.  He
               reads the caller ID and grimaces.

                                   VITO (CONT'D)
                             (to himself)
                         What the fuck does he want now?  

                         You are complete, King?

                         Yeah, yeah.  Just go take a shower.

               The PROSTITUTE gets out of bed and enters the bathroom.  VITO
               waits until he hears the shower running before he makes a

                                   VITO (CONT'D)
                         Yeah, sorry, you kinda caught me
                         with my pants down.  What's wrong?
                         Holy shit!  But it is kinda
                         Stop freakin' out, here!  I'll hook
                         up with you later.  You can trust
                         me, OK?
                         Alright, alright.  Everything will
                         work itself out.  I'll be in touch.

               VITO lays back on the bed smiling, and begins to caress
               himself.  He hears the shower turn off and the PROSTITUTE
               emerges from the bathroom.

                                   VITO (CONT'D)
                         Come over here, my little African
                         Queen.  I gotta banana that needs


               JOHNNY "SACK" SACRAMONI, the de facto leader of the
               Lupertazzi crime family, is holding court in the manager's
               office.  He is joined by CARMINE "LITTLE CARMINE" LUPERTAZZI,
               scion of the family head, and PHIL LEOTARDO, a Lupertazzi
