When in Caesar's Palace


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                         I guess I can see your point.  Are
                         we here to avenge ourselves?

                         Maybe.  But this is only our first

                             (growing bold)
                         I could eat you all afternoon.
                         Let's forget about the swordfish
                         and veal.

                         Maybe we'll save each other for
                         dessert if lunch goes well.

               With that, the WAITER appears with the food.

                         My friends, lunch is served.

               CARMELA and JEFF are still drilling holes in each other with
               their eyes.  They pay zero attention to the WAITER.

                                   WAITER (CONT'D)

                         Oh, gosh.  I'm sorry.  Please carry

               The WAITER presents the bottle to Jeff.  JEFF nods and the
               WAITER uncorks the bottle and gives the cork to Jeff.  

                                   JEFF (CONT'D)
                         You've indeed surprised me.  This
                         wine is excellent.  Please pour!

               CARMELA continues to steal glances at JEFF.  She is clearly
               aroused, but unsure if she should retreat or allow herself to
               be taken by JEFF.

                                   JEFF (CONT'D)
                         Gina, you will love this wine.  Our
                         waiter is a genius!
                             (smiles at waiter)
                         Let's toast!

                         What shall we toast to?

                         To a new and satisfying friendship!

                         To a new and satisfying friendship!

               The WAITER busies himself with setting the food before
               CARMELA and JEFF.

                         Folks, please call for me if you
                         need anything at all.  I am here to
                         serve you.

               The WAITER gives a formal bow and retreats to the kitchen.

                         Jeff, this looks fantastic.  I'm
                         really more of an Italian and
                         Chinese eater, but I can't wait to
                         try this.  Where did you learn
                         about French food?

                         Oh, didn't I mention it?  The slut
                         I married is from Paris...


               AJ is walking through a corridor with a friend, PETEY

                         Dude, I know where we can really
                         score in the city.  How much do you
                         have to spend?

                         I got about seven hundred bucks and

                         Cool.  We can buy a bunch with
                         that.  I know somebody who knows
                         somebody.  He'll make us a good

                         Yeah, I know the drill.  Are you
                         sure it's safe?

                         Fuck yeah!  Stop being a pussy.
                         Grow a pair, will ya?

                         If my dad finds out, I'm dead.

                         Shit, everybody knows about your
                         dad, AJ.  He probably supplied the
                         guy we're gonna see.  So, I guess
                         us buying from this guy kinda helps
                         your Dad?

                         You don't know shit about my Dad.
                         I'll meet you out by the back gate
                         at noon.  I'm gonna ditch seventh
                         and eight periods.  

                         OK, sorry man.  I didn't mean
                         nothing by it.

                         So who is this friend?

                         Do you remember Carl Mangano?

