All Comments on 'When One Door Closes...'

by Hooked1957

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schulz777schulz777about 5 years ago
strange story

really weird fairytale, you can do much better, try next time harder


danoctoberdanoctoberabout 5 years ago
5 stars.

LW's story telling at it's premium . The title hints it all. Also, total karma revenge on the ex-wife. In this story karma plays the long game.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyabout 5 years ago
It was good

Good storytelling, good writing.

Guess LW was partially right category, could have easily and maybe better fit for romance. The divorce etc seemed more backstory than major plot. Him meeting girl and then woman to make new family seemed to be the storyline.

How long did he pay alimony for? Have heard it is set for certain length of time, or until she remarries. You just never mentioned him stopping payments which should have happened.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
On the Right Side

A very good story, a small bit of shaggy dog, but a clear message that decisions all have ramifications, good or bad, or both. In this case, the bite of arrogance hit home for Traci and Alex handled it wisely.

Another example where love is the answer, come hell or high water, or somebody cheating where love was lost.

Tiny Tim

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Best BTB ever

I've read a few BTB stories here but this is the best that has been submitted in quite a while. 5 stars for sure. Hey schultz777, get a life or a brain, right now you don't appear to have either.


Tiger27Tiger27about 5 years ago

Traci sounds like a bitches's bitch! Talk about selfish, narcissistic, and self-centered.

She is in a universe of her own making where Traci makes and breaks her own rules as she see's fit. Seems that lifestyle is working out too well for her.

Great story and well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Good Read

A great story on love will prevail in the end.

Though this story is fictional and so are the characters. Do wifes actual use that nonsense that cheating with someone at work Only once and then everything can get back to normal, just how does a wife make up for this, and how does she believe thinks can be normal again ! ?

Surely wifes in the real world know this is a dangerous game ! ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very nonerotic story

Well written soppy piece of crap. Ya'll know this is an erotica literature site right?

chytownchytownabout 5 years ago
One Well Written Complete Story*****

Very entertaining read. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Just Maddie-licious!

Loved Maddie...and Mr Rogers...and the Cherry topping!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great story but needs more sex

This was a great story. Kept me entertained and I couldn't stop reading. But I was expecting a bit more eroticism. Could have fleshed out a scene or two with Cherry and maybe a scene early on with the bitch Traci.

rvbuilderrvbuilderabout 5 years ago
I can identify...

… with the concept that when one door closes another one opens. That has happened more than once in my life. My ex turned my two children against me as well. I thought it was a great story, not too schmaltzy and with a tiny bit of angst to sweeten the pot.

I also thought his attitude towards his ex was pretty admirable, considering the shit sandwich that she handed him after they divorced.

ewray321ewray321about 5 years ago

Great story. Loved the Maddie and Mr. Rogers story. Don't listen to the anonymous reactions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A very good yarn told by the best in this genre!

5-Stars! I love everything about this story. It is however very similar to your "A promise made, A vow broken". BTB at its softest ... its euphemistic best! He got his revenge when his children realized how their parents got divorced and what it cost their father. His revenge was when both children realized that Dad moved on with his life and he bore NO animosity against their mother. Its true if you dwell on divorce it ultimately destroy you. He was even given EVEN a better revenge when the new husband eventually left her - so true that relationships built on infidelity seldom lasts!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
"Oh yeah, right," she said somewhat embarrassed. "You haven't met the man of my dreams. Mark Westinghouse, meet your other father-in-law, Alex Rogers, my real dad."

Nice to meet you son, I'm curious though

It took her mother nearly two decades to violate her wedding vows and my darling daughter has spent the last half decade making it exceeding clear that marriage vows are meaningless to her - is this one of those "open marriages" you hear about? Because you cant possibly believe that a woman who cut her father out of her life for getting divorced from a cheater is ever going to be faithful to you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

No bitches we're burned in the writing of this story. His kids were assholes to him for years but he accepts them as if nothing happened. Apparently all you need to buy dad off is a bottle of liquor. The ex married the asshole 6 years ago and he didn't know? Wonder if he was still paying alamony all those years. This guy couldn't work up a revenge motive if it dropped out of the sky and wiggled it's ass on his face. The story was as pathetic as this guy.

ojalalalaojalalalaalmost 5 years ago
Enjoyed the story and the resultant rainbows and songbirds for the protagonist, but...

The author left a hole in the tale. Wouldn't the former wife be guilty of some kind of crime for keeping the alimony $ her ex-husband sent her and she kept accepting even when she re-married? I don't care that she's alone now, her children gone and now aware of her dirt and how foul she was to turn them from their father, she needs to return those funds asap and with interest or that will be made public as in SUED. If her second husband convinced her to keep those monies, she knew it was as wrong as when her greedy behind wanted to have both men, so she'd better cough up the cash or feel the clink of the cuffs.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Got her right whack

The slut got her right whack. It was good that he kept the moral high ground over the skank.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
"Don't be that way, Dad. I'm not inviting you so you can cause trouble. You won't be giving me away; you won't be sitting up front with the family. I just want you to be there, OK?"

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm not giving you away, I'm not family, havent been for six years, so why do you want me there?"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
He Took The High Road

Under those conditions there is no way I would subject any member of my real family to the indignity of sitting in the back row of my "loving daughter's" wedding. I most likely would have simply hung up when my daughter called to invite me, but he was a better man than me. One of several things I was proud of before and after I had custody of my girls was I never spoke ill of their mother to or around them. Nor did I ever question them about anything their mother did. in these respects I took the high road unlike their mother. I did however do the usual with credit cards and money in the bank, never had to give any back. Seems I had receipts for everything I spent and some I didn't. Eventually it worked out with all but one happy, the other one got just what she deserved just as in this story. Signed: BTW

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderheralmost 5 years ago
I won't rehash the glaring holes in the story that others have covered, but..........

I will talk about my "Pet Peeve" about Characters and Character Development.

You introduced the hubby as a strong man who would not allow himself to be cuckolded even one time and promptly left and divorced her.

But next, we see he is little more than a broken man who essentially didn't fight for anything in the divorce including his relationship with his children???

This made no sense and his actions were counter those of the strong man that left his wife at the cabin. You made his character into too much of a "Victim" who stopped fighting the injustices done to him by his ex and his kids.

As the father, he had many legal options available to him but for whatever reason, you made him not care or attempt any of them. Hell, you didn't even allow him to pursue other "Less Legal" options available to him.

Had my Skill Set been available to him, he would have ended up with the house, custody of the kids, child support, and probably a tidy little sum of money from his ex's lover. No, I am NOT an Attorney, but I was a Private Investigator that specialized in cheating spouses, mainly wives/girlfriends. Once States started changing to "No-Fault" Divorces I saw my clients getting screwed over in the courts horribly. When some of them tried for any sort of Revenge or Justice, they got into even more trouble and a few of them decided to take "Justice" into their own hands by using their Firearms.

I decided I needed to get more intimately involved with my Husband/Father Clients and at the same time, created a new Revenue Stream. I made sure when their cases went to court, they looked like Choir Boys and their Cheating Wives looked like crazed and mentally incompetent fools/criminals. It's amazing what planted drugs on the cheating ex and her lover can do for the Husband/Fathers court case. Even DUI's weighed heavily against the cheating spouse. Child Neglect/Endangerment is something else the Courts and Social Services tend to frown on.

Even the Cheating Wife was very prone to emotional breakdowns during a Divorce, even if they wanted it to happen. It is very easy to mess with their minds to turn the tables on them while embarrassing/humiliating their private and professional lives.

Someday I will write about many of my cases, but some of them still fall under the Statute of Limitation laws and I don't feel like going to Prison. The Husband/Father essentially picked the type of "Revenge" or as I called it, Justice and sat back and let me do all the hard work while they had iron-clad alibi's. It's incredible what some "Street People" and their friends will do for a few bucks lol.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

This is a very good story, do not listen to the crap. Be positive. Thank you

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 5 years ago

Damn... it sounds like you could write one hell of a BtB story!

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCyclealmost 5 years ago

OK, I see what you're saying, but this guy took the high road, it may have been the hardest one, and may have been a lot less than what he could have got away with, but he did what he thought was the right thing given the cards that he was dealt.

If you can wake up in the morning and know that there are regrets, but know that you did the best that you knew you could in the circumstances, then when you die, you will die without hating yourself.

This is what this character did, and in doing so, he saved the life of a little girl who did nothing to deserve the shit that had been served to her. This action has more meaning than all of the sordid details of his failed former life.... none of it, his fault.

In the light of their own experiences, his children came to know the truth. In the real world, there are many people who compromise real morality to take the easy path. Just because they happened to be related by blood does not mean that it exempts them from this kind of outcome.

Everything else is just a game.

In the end, he was surrounded by people who would never betray him.

That is worth more than everything that you are taking about. I only wish my life has been full of such serendipity. I would become an old, happy man.

The rest just hilights the symptoms of a sick society.

dglnowdglnowalmost 5 years ago
A good story.

I liked it very much. The only thing I would change is putting something in about what happened to Maddie's mother. It needn't be lengthy, maybe just a paragraph about what happened to her.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
I really can't get past this line:

"That's when I saw it ... the fear. The fear of heading into her retirement years alone."

I wonder how many cheaters wind up seeing a dark and lonely future?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good but

His daughter says you won't be giving me away,you won't be sitting with family.I don't think he would have agreed to go to the wedding he wasn't the type to put up with that.If he'd hung up on her he'd have had more credibility.

Still 5 stars but it lacked more detail about here cheating.You should gave gone into that more to build the tension and the readers like of him.Like in the brilliant 'the bridge'.

Shame you missed the option of turning this from a good story to magnificent

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Love this

I love this one. Talk about real revenge being a life well lived. I think he slapped Traci in the face with his life of happiness and her lonely future.

TajfaTajfaover 4 years ago
5 stars

This is one of your best stories. My only slight problem, as with most of your stories, is that the cheater almost always comes out of it better off financially and almost smelling of roses. However, I really like your writing and look forward to reading your next story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
second time...

This is the second time I've read this, and I believe it is one of your top 3 stories.

Thanks for the excellent read. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
And now I get it ... totally. "You were completely right to do what you did ... and she was so totally wrong to not only do what she did, but to pin the blame on you. How can I ever make up for the pain that Ethan and I have caused you?"

Tell you what daughter mine, I call you in ten years from today and let you know, until that time I hope between today and that day we can have the exact same relationship we've had the last ten years

Grimjack01Grimjack01over 4 years ago
Great read

Very nice story, ultimatums tend to backfire eventually, well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Good story. I would have liked to have found out what happened to the mother.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Pretty good, but...

Bob really needed some good old fashioned, Old Testament cumupence or revenge visited upon him so 4stars.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago

Everything but the kids, Maddie is a great kid and he should let her be influenced by his other traders. His kids were 16 and dumped him like trash. They were old enough to know what they were doing. Fuck'em. And Sherry is a great wife and fuck them and Tracy.

MartyMBMartyMBover 4 years ago

I don't get how Traci and Alex got together. Her over-aggressive personality should have shown up when they dated. It wasn't clear why she went nuclear when Alex reacted to her (pre-admitted) adultery. He did the right thing, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

How come he is still paying alimony when Traci married Bob?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You need to get your facts straight about divorces

When the exe wife remarries she if she is getting alimony automatically loses the alimony and when the kids turn 18 the child supports stops too. The exe husband then can make sure the kids get money or in this case Alex was already saving money for his kids university, if they want it, but they refused it cause they were brain washed by the mother against their dad and only when they were old enough and became a ware of their mothers lies about their dad, finally expressed to their dad and understood why he divorced Traci. In the end when good old Bob kicked her to the curb, she realized that she had made a big mistake and ended up alone, but would not admit she was wrong and appologized to her exe.

ranec1ranec1over 4 years ago
Mean As!!

Chur m8 awsum story


lbentonlbentonover 4 years ago

Sad.... Just too sad.

I am sorry every time I see someone doing something stupid and lets there pride and ego stop them form true happiness.

great job putting it in righting. just sorry they both had too much pride.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Bitches must rotten

When bitches Say, "It's Just Sex" It Never Is. They think we are stupid. If they want sex, what about him. Is he not enough. Then be a whore. It will make you money too. Guys whatever said, do a prenup. It will make you stronger. Not a bitch. So be strong. lookout the bitches. If you can enjoy life in a single life. It will make you happy. Like me :D My ex bitch went for a rich guy other than me. But she rotten after that pimp dump her. She is a whore now actually. (I met her on a bar). That was the best time I had. Because I choose her for sex. After that, I throw money to her face. What a face she had. This had happened last year. Now a single happy life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Go clean you wife's swampy cunt bvb and shut up about pride

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I have REALLY enjoyed this story every time I have read it. Definitely not the part about the idiot ex-wife nor the spoiled asinine ex-kids but nor when the spoiled brats figured everything out or the nor when karma hit the ex. BUT REALLY, REALLY WHEN HE GOT THE GIFT OF MADDIE AND THEN WHEN CHERRY BECAME PART OF THE TRIFECTA. THAT REALLY MADE THE STORY!!!

Thank you.

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago
Good story

I really enjoyed this story (5 stars). Glad the bitch, whore, ex-wife got BAD Karma in the end... Really would have liked for something worse happened to the bitch earlier!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
@mighty horny

It is not your story. Oh ya, you don't have any stories, other than the ones you write in comments. And it seems to me those comments are of things that are so nit picky that they seem more like whining than constructive criticism.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Harlequin Romance for men.

A man who can't forgive comes out better than most.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 4 years ago
Second reading still have same problems as a lot of comments

1-wedding don't go she should have realized truth before vows

2-nothing to do with 2 children period until they apologized

3-ex-wife don't even talk to bitch

4-came out ahead child that loves and respects you

5-wife that loves you

Traded up

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Wow. This was a great read. Thank you.

Thank you. This is a great story!

moblanemoblaneabout 4 years ago

This story was a shot in the arm for men in general and one kid in particular. Not language I ever normally use but this was a beautiful and heartwarming story with just enough 'karma' to satisfy justice, well done, great job 5***** Thank You. I have just read this story a second time after coming across it without realizing I had previously read it. It is like a movie that you can watch over and over again, the same emotions manifest themselves in one's brain I loved it all over again, GREAT STORY!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Tough guy, tough times, gets ahead by staying the course and lending more than a helping hand to someone who really really needed it. Well done! Excellent! SF VET

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Except he’s not an asshole!

Sometimes, the men in the stories here allow themselves to be put down, when all they are doing is behaving like the righteous men they were taught to be, or protecting themselves from taking any more crap from the people who were supposed to care about them and didn’t.

But I like your stories. Are they some sort of cathartic payback? It sounds like the real Traci would have done quite a number on you.

Still, if your stories have any elements of truth in them, you must doing quite all right! 👍🏼

oldtwitoldtwitabout 4 years ago
Very good

Oh I thought this was going to be just like a lot of other story’s along the way.

But what a great story, loved how it was written, characters and plot.

Zuzus_PetalsZuzus_Petalsabout 4 years ago

Absolutely loved the "Not my circus. Not my monkeys," line! Don’t know if it original, but it’s original to me! Awesome response.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Not my Circus

Agreed. I love it too. It's been around for a while. I first heard it on a Dear Abby comment board although I think the persons there used "Not my monkeys" first.

According to a Google search it's a Polish proverb: Nie mój cyrk, nie moje malpy

(Me being wary of what is found on the internet, I did run it by Google Translate just to make sure it wasn't something creepy) 🤣

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Take the pain get through it and come out stronger and better on the other side.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 4 years ago
Second time read

I would still give it 5*s. Great story. Traci deserves to be alone since she still doesn't understand what she did wrong. No remorse after all those years. The opposite of love is indifference and that's all she will get. Better be a really good grandma if she wants any one to love.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Very Good Story

My only nit is the daughter’s wedding. I don’t think he should have attended when the result of his sperm “invited” him. Real father, but not walking her down the aisle. Not sitting at a family table. Not being invited to cause any trouble.

Fine former daughter.....fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I have a previous engagement that day. I have to do something clean the gutters. Same with the son. Eat shit and die boy.

dthakerdthakeralmost 4 years ago

Whoa....damn beautiful

You definitely got me 'hooked'

Wonderfully written...loved it.

Thank you for sharing Sirs, thank you.

AthranAthranalmost 4 years ago
Probably none of my business

But you knew a Traci didnt you and got burned pretty bad by the looks of it or Traci is just a really convient name that appears in your story at the all the time, also totally unrelated about the french I dont know about anything about their culture but french men being in these LW stories like some of yours and that weird story of another love (it was a total cuck ending with a threesome relationship with the french man's wife and being played but that wasnt what the story was about at all or so they say, idk to be honest it was really weird) are french men really that fucking convincing?

nzzynzzyalmost 4 years ago

it was all right maybe

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Maddie's mother???

Since this is a work of fiction, you could have come up with something plausible. Otherwise great story.

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 4 years ago

As has been said in variations by others...

Why go to her wedding...?

Just because she *says* "Dad" doesn't mean she thinks of him as her dad...

Isn't paying, isn't family, isn't giving her away, doesn't see her... Sounds more like strangers...

Let her try to explain to her husband why she's crying so hard when she gives her vows because she knows the father she fucked over because *he* believed in fidelity didn't attend her wedding in *any* capacity...

And for his son to think a bottle of booze makes up for, what, a decade plus of "fuck you, Dad"...?

The kid understands guilt as well as he does fidelity...

tazz317tazz317almost 4 years ago

and at the least possible moment of vulnerability. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
What father would go to Haley's wedding undeer those circumstances

"You won't be sitting with the family or giving me away." I think 99% of fathers would say "fuck you", but a little more politely than that.

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 4 years ago
Now this was a well written story

and it proved my point. That everyone seems to walk away from dad like he's always a piece of shit. Everyone blames his pride. And the only issue I had with the dad is he didn't take a film or show kids the truth. That walking away and leaving mom to prove how fucked up she is, it's plain stupid. If your going to hate, I'll give them something to hate.

RimmerdalRimmerdalalmost 4 years ago

Other than saving Maddie. Boring.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

he married another cheater. once a cheater always a cheater...

secretsalsecretsalalmost 4 years ago

This is like a feelgood alt version of 'A Promise Made, A Vow Broken', where the guy walks away after his wife's ultimatum, instead of hanging around for the kids' sake. Maddie's inclusion makes it more heartwarming, too. Much easier to read as a result, I could never fully wrap my head around the sacrifices the guy had to make in the other story, and his moving on was a little rushed in comparison. This is great, though. And the kids eventually get past their conditioning, and turn out alright in the end.

dgfergiedgfergiealmost 4 years ago
Don't alienate the kids

This was a great feel good story aptly named. Sometimes the new door is good sometimes not. As for the kids being alienated by the mother against father I think most of the time doing that in real life results in the opposite results. Kids are not dumb and one parent attacking the other usually results in some back lash against the one doing the attacking. Of course if the kids didn't know about the mother's cheating it was a different story and the mother played on the abandonment theme.

Overall a very good story, I'm working on the others. Keep writing.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 4 years ago
I read it again!

I love this story! While improbably regarding the motherless child, every bit of it is a gem.

I love the line, "You'd have thought I brought a trophy wife to the party." Well yes, yes he did! And then introducing the 2nd husband as the man who made his family possible? Fantastic moment! This is what real revenge looks like - getting on with your life and finding happiness without thinking about the person who made it happen. I hope all spouses who get cheated on find their happiness this way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Traci shot herself in the foot and has no one to blame but herself. Ain't it beautiful?

cdowdmacdowdmaover 3 years ago
hart warming

a wonderful story from the man's point of view. I love the new family and the way the older kids find a way back through there own life marriages. I have gone through the big 'D' and the kids took her side but have come back some as they have grown and gotten married there will always be issues but for the most part we all get along just as you have here. I am still single, the job helped make that stay that way [trucker]

Keep writing love it

012Say012Sayover 3 years ago
Great story

I read many of the comments and find them fascinating. People worried about whether alimony should continue, etc. What they say is accurate and without importance, to me. The story is about moving on and that struggle. The young girl’s mother disappears, it could be she was killed, or won the lottery, or the author didn’t need her anymore and she just vaporized! To the story, it only matters she is gone. The story is about emerging well, and everything supports that conclusion, well done!

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

This story gets better with a second reading... 5 stars again!!!

SELSTIMSELSTIMover 3 years ago
I Liked The Story

Reminds me of a similar story of yours, "A Promise Made, A Vow Broken", except the husband chose option #1, kind of. It's nice to see the flip side of the choices we make. Thank you

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 3 years ago

Thanks for a great story. The development of the relationship between Alex and Maddie was beautiful. He made out so much better with Cherry than Traci even after going through what she did to him.

SouthdownSouthdownover 3 years ago
My second reading

I loved it all over again... Thank You 5*****

I acknowledge MarkT63 and echo his comment in the 'sincerest form of flattery'

This story gets better with a second reading... 5 stars again!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
My second

Reading too and it was better the second time around. Living well is the best retribution!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Some commenters want to know what happened to Maddie's mother -- one, even to the point of suggesting inventing an explanation (since its fiction).

This would take away the point and dilute the mystery.

I searched "number persons who disappear" on the Internet. The results on just the selection page were enlightening.

A 20/07/04 article by the New York Post is titled, "Why hundreds of people vanish into the American wilderness."

Wikipedia has "Lists of people who disappeared."

From another site: "An 11-year-girl vanished while waiting for the ice cream truck and is still missing 18 years later."

All the wishing and the government agencies do not change the way it is -- whether in reality, or in this story.

Alex cannot relate what he does not know.

And the story is better for it.

5 stars.

Paul in Oklahoma

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

One of your best, complete stories. Thanks for the ride! 5*

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

I was just looking at this again, and one thing that struck me that I don't think has been mentioned before, was when Cherry met her brother for dinner, SHE immediately told Alex about it, not like the usual where it's only after she's been confronted that the excuse comes out. She didn't try to hide it, which is what would have happened if she WAS cheating.


While I like happy endings, I think his ungrateful spawn got off too easy. How wonderful when THEY were in a position to consider fidelity that they could now see his position. It's not so much that they took their mother's side, it was their total disrespect and even hatred towards their father. They were 13 and 15, old enough to know better. Alex had raised her for 15 years, to not even be treated as family, let alone walk her down the aisle was unconscionable. Ethan was 16, so Haley was 18 when they last saw each other six years ago, so after being at least somewhat in her life for 18 years, she can dump him for six years and expects to be welcomed back with open arms when it becomes convenient for her? I guess he's a better man than I am, I would have told her fiance about her flexible standards about fidelity.

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 3 years ago
I don't believe

I left a comment when I first read this story. If I did good, if not it is about time.

An excellent piece of work I truly enjoyed both times,. or is it three times, I've read it; I'm a sucker for a happy ending. I hope to more from you. Thanks for your hard work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A wonderful read - almost a Hallmark moment. Well crafted characters, story and one to read over and over. Thank you for a true gift.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Self respect is necessary. We only go round this place once.

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

Good story,question though,if he was paying alimony how come he didn't know Traci had got remarried.When she got remarried the alimony should have stopped.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 3 years ago
not very believable

she cheats and he doesn't even fight for his kids. I never understand not letting the kids know that mom's a slut. People are always talking about, I could never do that to the mother of my children. Let me clue you in on something, come closer....SHE'S DOING IT TO YOU! So while your taking the high road, she's got the kids daily and let me tell you. She's talking about you like your a pile of shit. This dumb ass daughter ask her dad to come to her wedding that Bob throwing and you go...NOT, clearly she isn't you daughter, you took the high road while the slut played dirty. And now all that time you missed is gone. The truth would have set you free.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The story flows...

but it goes from a promising beginning to being cutesy...saccharine...schmaltzy. The entire part with Haley was hard to believe. Effectively, her invitation to him treated him as a schmuck and was equivalent to giving "Bob" a "victory lap". In reality, a normal man would decline her toxic invitation. Traci getting dumped was too formulaic.

I wish talented authors like this one would think more about their plots. This one was riveting until "Cherry" shows up. Then it becomes just another "Hallmark" story.

Helen1899Helen1899over 3 years ago

After the initial getting together of Maddie an Alex, nothing could have ruined the story. I read it all with tear in my eye. What a lovely story. 5* isn't enough. The warm feeling that it must give everyone who reads it, makes it worthy of 10. Knowing how happy he made Maddie, was just wonderful, hopefully the authors other stories will give me the same warm feeling. The insight of making the perfect trio black, Hispanic and white was a master stroke

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15over 3 years ago

No children with Cherry. She had obviously wanted some.

I agree about telling the children what Mom did and the judge.

Going to the wedding was the right thing to do. Haley didn't mean it as a slap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
interracial story

nothing more 1 star

moralcompassmoralcompassover 3 years ago

I have read this story a couple of time and found it totally enjoyable. I'd love to give it 4.5 stars but that's not possible. Many thanks to the author please continue to write more stories there are not enough authors of your quality here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I have to agree great story just up my street. Please write more. Thanks

TalonsreachTalonsreachover 3 years ago
Why did Lit comment reviewers allow racist comment?

To Anonymous 12/02/20, you can stick your racism up you ass. There should be no place in this site for a comment that has not been acceptable for decades now. To site owners and comment reviewers who now review comments before allowing them to be posted, is this the direction you want this site to be going now? I have enjoyed your site for a long time but find the comment from Anonymous 12/02/20 and your letting it post more than disturbing. I have no problem with you deleting this fact would encourage you to do long as the one from Anonymous 12/02/20 also is deleted. If you choose to let Anonymous' comment still stand I ask that you let this stand as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

you got baited or 12/02 is an idiot. either way, let it go. Ive been as angry as Ive ever with this current crap- growing up in the Deep south, 64yo w/m, terminal degreed professional. I am now told I'm a racist by birth, my interracial relationships, some of which are deeply important to me, are not "genuine" because somebody else, with no knowledge of me or them, gets to decide what determines relational legitimacy. This story was well done, struck a chord. Screw 12/02 and people that shallow.

JonDoe315JonDoe315over 3 years ago

ive read this story a few times now and the only part i didnt like was when the daughter haley said the other guy was going to walk her down the aisle. yes theyve been out of touch but he was there for the 1st part of her life and that is pretty much a slap to his face.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Usually not a fan of this category

I must admit, even cringing at the knowledge there was a coming 'cuck' tale, I was drawn into the story from the get - go. I liked your writing style, and thought it was refreshing to not be struck over the head with the multi - racial aspects of the cast of characters. It made me feel warm that your leading man was so tactful with his generosity towards Maddie, and not too demonstrably judgemental towards her mom. Heart rending, and never really knowing what happened to her seemed real for some reason. I really enjoyed every bit of it. Too bad his ex got dumped by the 'UPGRADE' (heavy sarcasm) but loved the come - back! Never thought of using that anywhere but WORK!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
.just a fling, it's just sex

Fuck off. If I got that type of discussion, she would be sorry to have that talk. Nice one. But revenge is not enough for the asshole. The ex had the best. Because to make her suffer is the best revenge. You should kiss the girl in front of her. Show what she has thrown away. Girls are like weather. We can't say when do they change.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Another great one from Hooked. There are so many great ones that he has written. This is one favorites because of the great ending.

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